Kat - Oh no you didn't turn me off breastfeeding at all. I am just glad to know what to expect. They don't tell you all this stuff before you get pregnant! I'm so glad to hear that Alexander's latest results are good! And I really hope the feeding every 3-4 hours is going to be better for all of you.
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your DH are fighting.

I often wonder if men think they are being helpful and don't realize how unhelpful they are sometimes being.

Maybe you can ask him specific things at specific times? Like "would you mind changing him" or "could you please...." but for a specific item you want done rathe than a general request for more help? I don't know how he'd respond but it could be that he thinks he's being helpful and involved but just isn't sure what to do specifically to help?

Just an idea. Not sure if that would be remotely helpful to you.