Kat - eesh, sorry to hear about the ongoing problems with DH. It does sound like we're both having issues on kind of opposite ends of the spectrum. DH and I have always argued over tidying and chores; it's our main area of conflict, so I guess he's worried it'll get worse. He does do a lot more of it than I do, but you're right he will need to put his resentment aside when baby comes. I can see him assuming I'm just bf-ing and sleeping all day too. I will say that he seems to really look forward to connecting with Matilda. He went and got a book called Why Love Matters and read it from cover to cover (I only got halfway through coz I got busy with school) -
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0415870...m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_r=0AN3YW7Q6WB2DHMP6W3D Do you think your DH would be open to reading this? It hammers home the importance of affection and patience on brain development and emotional security/regulation, and how reacting negatively even to tiny babies can really impact them. As for your friend with the Mexican wife... honestly.. I hate saying the whole, "Argh, MEN" thing but *sometimes* it really is like they're another species.
Star - my goodness, I strongly suspect I never said congratulations...? CONGRATULATIONS! When is your scan? You're going to grow your own bump soon, so make the most of the lack of discomfort

As for MS, I think I had it from around 6 weeks till about 13/14 weeks, but it was getting better as of 12 weeks. I never puked but I hated it since I have a mild phobia of vomiting. I had no appetite for anything but fruit and it was really poobags. So glad it went away. Now I want to eat everything in sight. As for epidural and all that... I'm probably not that much more knowledgable than you! They can technically give it at any time but it shouldn't be too early since it can slow down labour. I think sometime after 5cm is ideal but maybe even later if I can handle the pain with my awesome relaxation, visualization and breathing techniques, heh heh. Are you going to find out the sex?
Angel - you're lucky DH seems to be all around supportive. I definitely hope it stays that way for yyou! And I hope my DH sees for himself what dealing with a newborn entails and has some compassion.
sorry, no proofreading, gotta get to sleep. I'm so sleep deprived already, but i guess that's good practice.