Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

star I started feeling nausea around week 6 and throwing up (2-3 times a week) around week 8 which first completely stopped around week 15-16. Some lucky people don't get MS. My MIL didn't have it with any of her 3 kids:shrug:
I hope it's that I'm lucky and not that something is wrong. I go in for a scan tomorrow and will ask doc. I mean if everything on scan looks good I guess it just means I'm not sensitive to the hormones? I don't know. So glad I have a scan tomorrow.
I hope it's that I'm lucky and not that something is wrong. I go in for a scan tomorrow and will ask doc. I mean if everything on scan looks good I guess it just means I'm not sensitive to the hormones? I don't know. So glad I have a scan tomorrow.

That's probably it, I'm sure everything is fine. I know I was a bit nervous about not having much MS then on the way back home from my 8 week scan where everything looked great, I got really sick on the train and nearly threw up:wacko: Just a few days after, I started throwing up and wished I hadn't been hoping for MS, total "be careful what you wish for":haha:

BTW everyone our friend that married a Mexican woman was happy to hear about Alexander's birth and could share good news of his own: his wife is 3 months pregnant and due end of May :happydance: So glad they didn't have the problems we did with conceiving:thumbup: Although I found his email a bit off putting as he wrote that he can guess we now have to take Alexander's needs into consideration but "It's good that Kat doesn't have a job or anything to think about because she can devote all her time taking care of him" and that DH must be happy after 3 weeks paternity leave to be going back to work :growlmad: I find it funny though that he's talking to DH about going to a 3 day heavy metal festival as it'll be about 1 month after his wife's EDD so guess they'll be leaving the wives behind to take care of the babies while they go out and have fun for 3 days. Ugh!
Kat & Jezika - Wow, I am really glad that my DH is a little less.... I don't even know what word to use. He's fairly happy to come home and do most of the cooking most of the time and since I've been pregnant he'll do a lot of the cleaning but I have to be specific about asking for things to get done (other than dishes which he'll do automatically) or he just doesn't seem to notice them. When it comes to babies, his ex had an infant when he dated her and he was essentially a stay at home care taker for the baby because she had a regular job and he didn't. So he's very used to doing all the diapers/clothes/etc for baby. He's not quite aware I think of how much a newborn may not sleep (he keeps saying how once she's here she'll basically just sleep all the time and I keep laughing at him) but otherwise I think he'll be fairly involved. I'm fairly certain if he tried to act like dressing the baby or doing something for baby was my job and not his I'd flip my sh*t, and he knows it. :rofl: We have our own issues too, I'm just surprised your DH's aren't more helpful. I guess I forget sometimes that not all guys are as okay/open/comfortable with helping out with kids and household. I'm feeling very lucky. Though....I'll see how well that holds up when the baby is actually here keeping us both awake all the time :haha:

Jezika - I LOVE YOUR BUMP! So cute!!

Star - FX your scan goes well! :) As for MS - I didn't have much. I had a few days where I was nauseous for an hour here and there (between 6-8 weeks) but it was light enough that sucking on mints got me through, and it was very rare. Never threw up either. I had tons of exhaustion, and I had a weird symptom that instead of increased hunger I couldn't eat because absolutely nothing was remotely sounding good and I felt no hunger feelings ever. Every pregnancy is different so if you don't have MS count your blessings and enjoy it. ;)

Kat - thats great about your friend, but I agree that email sounds a little frustrating! However after teaching in Texas, and having worked with a lot of people from Mexico (and a lot of students/families who were from Mexico), that is a common attitude in the Mexican culture (the men work, women stay home with the babies). Not everyone does this, of course, but it's common of the culture. It is interesting to see how they're planning to take off a month after his kid is born and just leave the babies and wives at home. I think I might kick DH's @$$ if he did that. :rofl: LoL!
Kat - thats great about your friend, but I agree that email sounds a little frustrating! However after teaching in Texas, and having worked with a lot of people from Mexico (and a lot of students/families who were from Mexico), that is a common attitude in the Mexican culture (the men work, women stay home with the babies). Not everyone does this, of course, but it's common of the culture. It is interesting to see how they're planning to take off a month after his kid is born and just leave the babies and wives at home. I think I might kick DH's @$$ if he did that. :rofl: LoL!

But he isn't Mexican himself, he's born and raised in Denmark (Danish father and Sri Lankan mother)! He moved to Mexico some years ago as he'd met a Mexican woman online and very quickly married her (he proposed to her on her first trip to Denmark). It didn't last but he ended up staying in Mexico and then met his current wife there. They now live in Spain though.

The heavy metal festival is in Denmark and I'm sure the friend is planning on bringing his wife and baby with to Denmark (so his family can see the baby) but probably will have them stay at his parents' or sister's house since I'm sure he knows there's no way they can bring a newborn with to a festival. His wife doesn't like that type of music anyway so she probably wouldn't want to go either way. But I find it crappy of both men to just abandon us for 3 days, it's not like me or the wife have that option (I definitely can't since I'm bf'ing). As if DH needs to get away, he gets away by going to work every day (and the occasional concert), I don't have that option so if anyone needs to get away by then, it'd be me:growlmad:
But he isn't Mexican himself, he's born and raised in Denmark (Danish father and Sri Lankan mother)! He moved to Mexico some years ago as he'd met a Mexican woman online and very quickly married her (he proposed to her on her first trip to Denmark). It didn't last but he ended up staying in Mexico and then met his current wife there. They now live in Spain though.

Oh!!! :dohh: I completely misread that originally! Well, in that case, I don't know what the heck he's thinking! I agree, it is really crappy for both men to just abandon you two for 3 days, especially since you get no break ever anyway. :growlmad: This is where I insert an exasperated "MEN" comment. :dohh:
But he isn't Mexican himself, he's born and raised in Denmark (Danish father and Sri Lankan mother)! He moved to Mexico some years ago as he'd met a Mexican woman online and very quickly married her (he proposed to her on her first trip to Denmark). It didn't last but he ended up staying in Mexico and then met his current wife there. They now live in Spain though.

Oh!!! :dohh: I completely misread that originally! Well, in that case, I don't know what the heck he's thinking! I agree, it is really crappy for both men to just abandon you two for 3 days, especially since you get no break ever anyway. :growlmad: This is where I insert an exasperated "MEN" comment. :dohh:

No problem:flower: Nope I don't know either but I feel for his wife:shrug: And yep, so true! Makes me sometimes regret bf'ing and not doing bottle feeding because then it'd be easier for me to leave Alexander with DH and get away. Honestly though don't know why these men want a baby and then do nothing but try to get away as much as they can:nope: I've been trying to encourage DH to spend time with his son when he's home from work though and hope that it'll help him bond more - plus gives me some much needed "me time" in the evening, especially if Alexander has been a handful that day :thumbup:
No problem:flower: Nope I don't know either but I feel for his wife:shrug: And yep, so true! Makes me sometimes regret bf'ing and not doing bottle feeding because then it'd be easier for me to leave Alexander with DH and get away. Honestly though don't know why these men want a baby and then do nothing but try to get away as much as they can:nope: I've been trying to encourage DH to spend time with his son when he's home from work though and hope that it'll help him bond more - plus gives me some much needed "me time" in the evening, especially if Alexander has been a handful that day :thumbup:

I can definitely see where that is the allure of bottle instead of BF. Makes me realize why a couple of my friends chose to bottle instead of BF. I still want to BF but I am definitely afraid I'll want the ability to just say "take her I'm done!" :P :dohh:
No problem:flower: Nope I don't know either but I feel for his wife:shrug: And yep, so true! Makes me sometimes regret bf'ing and not doing bottle feeding because then it'd be easier for me to leave Alexander with DH and get away. Honestly though don't know why these men want a baby and then do nothing but try to get away as much as they can:nope: I've been trying to encourage DH to spend time with his son when he's home from work though and hope that it'll help him bond more - plus gives me some much needed "me time" in the evening, especially if Alexander has been a handful that day :thumbup:

I can definitely see where that is the allure of bottle instead of BF. Makes me realize why a couple of my friends chose to bottle instead of BF. I still want to BF but I am definitely afraid I'll want the ability to just say "take her I'm done!" :P :dohh:

You could look into pumping milk and building up a stash. I personally am not much into pumping so very rarely do it. If you want to pump numerous times daily it'd be worth investing in an electric pump, preferably a double (I have a single electric one, a Philips Avent). But yeah, it's still easier with formula!

AFM DH got on my last nerves with his tempermental outbursts so going to limit handing Alexander over as much as possible. Oh and this morning he didn't feel like getting up a half hour early to prepare formula for Alexander so has left it to me - again:nope::growlmad: Ugh he knows it's a pain for me because it'd involve Alexander falling asleep after bf'ing and I'd have to wake him up once the formula is warmed up (as I can't bf and warm up formula at the same time), potentially making him overtired if I can't get him to sleep again. To add insult to injury he said to me being tired that I can just sleep after feeding Alexander - yeah like that's always possible :dohh: I swear he doesn't think I do much else all day then bf and sleep:dohh:
AFM DH got on my last nerves with his tempermental outbursts so going to limit handing Alexander over as much as possible. Oh and this morning he didn't feel like getting up a half hour early to prepare formula for Alexander so has left it to me - again:nope::growlmad: Ugh he knows it's a pain for me because it'd involve Alexander falling asleep after bf'ing and I'd have to wake him up once the formula is warmed up (as I can't bf and warm up formula at the same time), potentially making him overtired if I can't get him to sleep again. To add insult to injury he said to me being tired that I can just sleep after feeding Alexander - yeah like that's always possible :dohh: I swear he doesn't think I do much else all day then bf and sleep:dohh:

:growlmad: OMG that makes me so angry. I really want to slap your DH. :blush: :wacko:
AFM DH got on my last nerves with his tempermental outbursts so going to limit handing Alexander over as much as possible. Oh and this morning he didn't feel like getting up a half hour early to prepare formula for Alexander so has left it to me - again:nope::growlmad: Ugh he knows it's a pain for me because it'd involve Alexander falling asleep after bf'ing and I'd have to wake him up once the formula is warmed up (as I can't bf and warm up formula at the same time), potentially making him overtired if I can't get him to sleep again. To add insult to injury he said to me being tired that I can just sleep after feeding Alexander - yeah like that's always possible :dohh: I swear he doesn't think I do much else all day then bf and sleep:dohh:

:growlmad: OMG that makes me so angry. I really want to slap your DH. :blush: :wacko:

You're welcome to do so :winkwink: Still hoping it's a phase and it'll soon be over. I'm tempted to mention the formula incident to my MIL and see if she can get him to do that at least since she thinks DH should do it so Alexander only connects me with breastmilk. We're down to giving him formula 2 times a day and next week hopefully to 1 a day so it's not like he'll be doing it for very long

Going to the ILs tomorrow but I'm sure DH will act like he's "Father of the Year" :nope:
Ugh I thought DH would be at least helpful Friday and Saturday nights in getting Alexander to sleep if he's fussy after a feeding but nope, DH's response to Alexander's crying was "Can't you get him to stop that??!!" before turning his back to me and continue sleeping:growlmad: Just wow! He didn't care when I told him I feel like a single parent :nope:

If this keeps up, I'm tempted to deny sex once I can do it again on the grounds of total exhaustion because I'm up so many hours taking care of our son. It'd be interesting to see if that'd wake him up!
Kat - eesh, sorry to hear about the ongoing problems with DH. It does sound like we're both having issues on kind of opposite ends of the spectrum. DH and I have always argued over tidying and chores; it's our main area of conflict, so I guess he's worried it'll get worse. He does do a lot more of it than I do, but you're right he will need to put his resentment aside when baby comes. I can see him assuming I'm just bf-ing and sleeping all day too. I will say that he seems to really look forward to connecting with Matilda. He went and got a book called Why Love Matters and read it from cover to cover (I only got halfway through coz I got busy with school) - Do you think your DH would be open to reading this? It hammers home the importance of affection and patience on brain development and emotional security/regulation, and how reacting negatively even to tiny babies can really impact them. As for your friend with the Mexican wife... honestly.. I hate saying the whole, "Argh, MEN" thing but *sometimes* it really is like they're another species.

Star - my goodness, I strongly suspect I never said congratulations...? CONGRATULATIONS! When is your scan? You're going to grow your own bump soon, so make the most of the lack of discomfort ;) As for MS, I think I had it from around 6 weeks till about 13/14 weeks, but it was getting better as of 12 weeks. I never puked but I hated it since I have a mild phobia of vomiting. I had no appetite for anything but fruit and it was really poobags. So glad it went away. Now I want to eat everything in sight. As for epidural and all that... I'm probably not that much more knowledgable than you! They can technically give it at any time but it shouldn't be too early since it can slow down labour. I think sometime after 5cm is ideal but maybe even later if I can handle the pain with my awesome relaxation, visualization and breathing techniques, heh heh. Are you going to find out the sex?

Angel - you're lucky DH seems to be all around supportive. I definitely hope it stays that way for yyou! And I hope my DH sees for himself what dealing with a newborn entails and has some compassion.

sorry, no proofreading, gotta get to sleep. I'm so sleep deprived already, but i guess that's good practice.
Jezika sounds similiar as my DH does a lot of the chores as well, especially now as I'm not allowed to e.g. vacuum until my scar is healed and my GP has given the green light at my 8 week appointment. Sounds promising your DH is looking forward to connecting with your DD, here's hoping he'll be more helpful than my DH. Probably can't get him to read anything as he's in full swing reading "Game of Thrones" so...... Yeah that's too true:winkwink:
Ugh my toxic mother (she's a malignant narcissist) called DH while we were at his parents' house and said we "don't have to give Alexander 'Serge' as a middle name to make (her) happy" :dohh: Yeah because it couldn't possibly have nothing to do with her - typical, she makes everything about her :nope:
Kat - Oh wow. I'm so sorry that he isn't even helping on Friday and Saturday's. :growlmad: I've never been a fan of the "deny sex" treatment but at this point i'd be right there with you. If he can't help you out, he doesn't need sex ..... and where are you supposed to get the energy for that if you're working this hard to take care of baby and he isn't doing anything to help.

Jezika - thanks. I think he'll continue to be fairly supportive and helpful, if for no other reason than he knows what to expect because he's been with an infant before. It wasn't his kid but he helped raise his ex's daughter from a few months old. I know it's not quite the same as brand new infant, but similar. They were only together about 6-8 months, but he was out of work for a lot of that so he was a "stay at home dad" who did all the care for the baby. I think it just makes him a little more aware of what I'll be dealing with (minus the breast feeding part). I am beginning to think all men should have to do it before they can have babies, just to make them more appreciative! :)
Kat - Oh wow. I'm so sorry that he isn't even helping on Friday and Saturday's. :growlmad: I've never been a fan of the "deny sex" treatment but at this point i'd be right there with you. If he can't help you out, he doesn't need sex ..... and where are you supposed to get the energy for that if you're working this hard to take care of baby and he isn't doing anything to help.

Yep I was thinking I could use that as my "excuse", too tired because I'm practically taking care of Alexander alone :winkwink::haha:

Oh good news to share: the health care provider was here today and Alexander put on around 280 g since last time so he's now around 4.8 kg:happydance: So she says we can give him formula once a day for the next couple of days and then drop it completely:thumbup: So glad I'll be only giving him breast milk now! Got the all clear to give him a pacifier now and then and to let him sleep outside in his baby carriage for a couple of hours if the sun is out.
Kat so sorry your DH is being unsupportive. You must be so exhausted. I wish he could understand you need his help. I hope that he does at some point, hopefully soon. Fx. So glad to hear you can go to exclusive bf. That's great news.

jezika - has the discomfort been bad lately? Hopefully not. But so cute that your dd will be in your arms soon.

Angel - how are you doing?

Afm - graduated from fertility clinic last week. All is well so far with the LO. Tomorrow I have my first OB appointment. Hoping that goes well too.
Thanks star :flower: Yeah I'm pretty exhausted and will often fall asleep sitting up:wacko: Did that a few times yesterday and even while I had Alexander in my arms because I was trying to get him to sleep.

Congrats and FXed your appointment goes well, looking forward to hearing about it :thumbup:
Kat - Yay!! So good to hear!

Star - Congrats! :D That's great!

AFM - nothing new. Same as before. :haha: Just counting down the days until I can have my LO. :)

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