Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Angel - That's a good idea for a training course. And good for him for being such a great caregiver to a kid that wasn't his.

Kat - Glad to hear Alexander put on weight and you can do exclusive BFing soon! Also, question: I'm a little worried about falling asleep during feedings and somehow harming the baby. I don't know how mothers can NOT fall asleep during feeds when they're so sleep deprived and it happens to regularly. What are you thoughts? Am I just overly anxious?

Star - Yay for getting to take the next step! And yes, I am soooo uncomfortable still. I thought at least it was levelling off and I'd gotten used to it, but now I have even more back and hip pain any time I move, as well as a pain on the left side of my pelvic bone, it seems. It's basically a struggle to do anything but sit, and even that becomes uncomfortable since my maternity pants and underwear cut right into me. Tough times, man. Tough times. I just need to remind myself it's worth it for this little wriggler and that she will be out soon. Bless her... it's not her fault.
Jezika I do all feedings sitting up but it does occasionaly happen, especially during night feedings, that I dose off so don't really sleep as it's super light. Nothing has happened yet! Although I was and am naughty and fall asleep with Alexander in my arms after a feeding when I need him to sleep extra well which is in my arms (using pillows to support my arm under his head). It's not intentional but happens sometimes. Haven't had a mishap yet but think I know in my subconscious he's there so my body stays put. It was the same when our cat would sleep at the foot of my bed, I knew she was there so never kicked her off. I would be more cautious in your case though if you don't know. Normally I'd think maybe your DH could keep an eye on you but would he do that the first weeks? Otherwise maybe try to find ways to stay awake during bf'ing? Oh and nap as much as you can during the day, it'll help.

Found this article that has suggestions:

Also maybe don't sit in a super comfy chair. I sit up in bed at night and the couch during the day without any support to my back. Seems to for the most part discourage falling asleep other than those rare super, super light sleeps during the night. The article suggests doing something on your mobile which I also sometimes do, mostly surfing the net in my case though.
I'm having some pretty bad hip and pelvic pain. It's progressively gotten worse over the last week and now any sort of walking (or anything that requires moving my legs) is very painful. Mostly centered in my hips and pelvic bone (think near bikini line). I'm not sure how I'm going to go another 2 months if this doesn't stop.... sleeping last night could only happen with my body pillow folded between my legs, which was fine until I went to roll over and the pain of rolling over woke me up. A lot. :cry:
Angel I think you should contact your GP or midwife as your pain sounds a bit extreme to me. Hopefully they can offer some treatment or relief for you!

AFM DH is at some dinner his boss is holding so he'll be late home. Hoping I can find time to make a quick dinner for myself.

Oh and my childish friend was pregnant but lost it at around 12 weeks back in August. Going to see her soon as she feels better able to meet my son now. Still hurt that before and during her pregnancy (which she first told us about after her m/c) she had almost 0 interest in my pregnancy. I hope she'll show more interest in Alexander than she did in my pregnancy. Her and her 12 year younger boyfriend are going to try again, can't help but feel they should wait until they've finished their educations. Plus my friend has huge emotional issues so don't think she should have kids until she's gotten help.
I'm going to talk to my dr on Tuesday at my appointment. If I stay fairly still (sitting/laying) I don't have any pain. It's worse first thing in the morning after I get up or if I stand on only one leg (like trying to put on pants!), or if I spend a lot of time walking. A few coworkers of mine said they had the exact same thing during their pregnancies, and nothing fixes it except avoiding moving too much. :dohh: but I'll definitely talk to doctor on Tuesday.

Good luck seeing your friend. I hope that things go okay for you at the visit. :hugs:
Angel - that sounds EXACTLY like the experience I've had, and I wondered how I'd make it another 2.5 months at the time. It was pretty distressing and I've developed a lot of sympathy for people living with chronic pain. The only good news on my end is that I've simply gotten used to it (and now take cabs to school rather than walking) and know it will be over soon. Midwives suggested acupuncture, massage or physic, but I'm too lazy to book appts for those.

Kat - let us know how it goes with your friend. I imagined she was far too wrapped up in her own pregnancy and TTC to give much attention to other people's pregnancies, though you'd think she'd at least feign interest. Hope she falls in love with Alexander. And that you managed to make yourself dinner!
Jezika yeah she didn't show the slightest interest when we'd tell her results from appointments. I still remember texting her after my 1st midwife appointment and telling her I heard baby's heartbeat for the 1st time - no response. Then when she was here in June she wanted to know what happens at scans and midwife appointments but showed 0 interest when we told her any results and she never once asked how I was doing. She's always been pretty self-absorbed:nope: Anyway she seemed to think he was cute and kept telling her boyfriend how she wants one. She asked me later about assisted conception as they've been trying for almost 1 year but unfortunately due to her m/c, I think the doctor will make them try a bit longer before referring them (then you get 6 free IUIs and 3 free IVF tries; if you don't wait at least 1 year then you pay for it yourself) as she did get pregnant during the year of TTC.
Hey ladies. I had to step away a bit for some emotional reasons Audrey my cp.. But this past Thursday I got a bfp. I had a bit of brown spotting on Friday so my doc sent me for beta testing. My initial beta on Friday which is two days past missed period and around 12-14dpo was 120. I go back today around noon for my second beta and will report what that is when it pops up on my electronic medical record.
We got our floors in this weekend! :happydance: Now that I see how lovely they are I wish I had done the bedrooms too! :haha: That's on our list for a year or so from now. We didn't have the money to swing the whole house, nor did we want to have to shuffle that much furniture around all at once. I already feel like I Feel a difference in my asthma though when we're in the main part of the house. It was really gross when they pulled up the carpet tos ee how much dirt and dust was under the carpet, and then they pulled up the carpet padding and I could see how much nasty crap had got below the pad onto the subfloor and, seriously, I can't believe all that hair, dirt, and dust was just sitting there! Yuck.

On another note -we went to the roller skating rink yesterday for my niece's birthday. I obviously did not get on roller skates, but was watching and a lady asked me when I was due. I told her January and her eyes got wide and she said "Oh my, I'm SO sorry. You look like you should be due any day now!" :rofl: Yeah, lady, tell me about it! :haha:

Jezika - glad to hear I'm not alone, but I don't know how I'll make it another 2 months! I already see a massage therapist once a month, but if it helps I may up that to more regularly. I am willing to try just about anything, mostly because I hate being unable to get around my classroom easily.

Gagrl - :happydance: Congrats!! I can't wait to hear your update! :)
Kat-- Sorry it seems you can't really expect much from your support system (family, self absorbed friend, DH struggling to adjust). I hope you're taking care of yourself as much as possible.

Jezika and Angel-- Ayayaye, I'm having that same tail bone and hip pain and I'm so early on. It doesn't give me much hope knowing you both have it too, much later in pregnancy. I was hoping it was go away but I guess I need to get used to it. I'm trying to restart exercising in hopes that activity will gradually help it loosen/feel better, but it's pretty darned hard when it feels like my pelvis is cracking and grinding in some weird and terribly painful way. I sure hope you both feel better soon and it resolves before your little girls get here!

GaGrl-- Oh my gosh! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is such happy news. I will be crossing my fingers that this little one stays stuck like super glue. Those first few weeks of knowing are so exciting and terrifying, I imagine much worse so after a CP. You and your little bean are in my thoughts!

AFM, we announced broadly this weekend, so now it's out there in the world. Right afterwards I started feeling nervous, like, oh no, what if I just jinxed things. Even though that is utterly silly. So I just console myself with listening in on his little heartbeat with my home doppler and I feel content again. Next appt is this Thursday, but it should be pretty boring as no scan... just a check in. Yesterday starting exercise again, and it felt awful because of the back/pelvic pain, but I think it'll be good for me. I also made the jump to maternity pants, even though I don't have a bump (just bloat!), and man elastic waist pants are the best. Haha! I might never go back. :-P
Miss Doc - what an exciting milestone! Honestly, I bet the rest of it breezes by like it did for me, even despite pain.

Kat - Hmm, well I'm glad your friend seemed a little more interested this time. And thanks for the BFing tips. I think sitting up in bed will have to do, and maybe trying to keep myself occupied.

Angel - Like I said in the other thread, hopefully the pain CAN still improve. It's only just now I realized that it's been objectively less painful, and not just me getting used to it.

Gag - congrats, lady!!!! Any news on the betas? I honestly know how scary a BFP can be after a CP. It made me so scared during first tri, but it's true that CPs are so common that you really do have a great chance of it being super sticky next time around :)
Congrats Gagrl, H&H 9 months to you:happydance:

Angel wow annoying lady, so sorry:dohh: I was thankfully spared for the most part from those types of comments.

MissDoc yeah it sucks but I'm doing what I can. Getting enough sleep is probably my biggest problem but I nap whenever I can. Can't wait til these most difficult first 3 months are over and hopefully by then DH will have improved. AS for feeling nervous after the announcement I get that, I felt the same when we announced after our NT scan at around 13 weeks. I'm sure you haven't jinxed things and everything will be fine:hugs:

Jezika, no problem!

AFM Alexander was at his doctor's appointment today and everything is looking good. The doctor checked my scar and says it's looking good as well. DH's parents helped me get to the doctor today and had to tell me about all the Alexanders they've run into lately, most of them adults though:dohh: Think it was a poor attempt to tell us how many have the name although as said, it's mostly adults as Alexander is #16 on the popular boy names this year so not many are getting that name this year. I do know they're not happy with the name since it "doesn't fit with Hansen" in their estimation:nope: I'd love to know if DH's older brother also got punked for the names he chose for his kids as DH and I feel him and his ex-wife chose pretty ugly names for them. Just ignoring it and biting my tongue from telling them that it's not like the names they chose for their kids are any better and one of the names was apparently very popular at the time!
MissDoc - a friend of mine said her hip pain started at 6 weeks and never let up. :( She already had hip issues, but still..... I am hoping that you don't end up in the same situation! I jumped to maternity clothes pretty quickly due to bloat. BEST. DECISION. EVER. So much more comfortable!

Congrats on the announcement! I know how you feel about worrying that you jinxed it, even though we know logically that doesn't make sense. I was the same way. Just keep using your doppler to reassure you that LO is still snuggled away in there. :hugs:
Thank you all so much.. Beta#2 was 269.. So doubled like it should. I have beta #3 tomorrow. My doctor wants to follow the hcg for a bit because he understands I've delt with some pretty bad anxiety in the past and he wants to keep my stress down. At six weeks he wants to schedule an ultrasound.. Little does he know I'll be down in Tampa visiting my parents next week for Thanksgiving and my step dad is an Obgyn. He's going to try and get one of the techs to do a quick scan on me while I'm there.. Hopefully we see something!!
Thanks, Jezika and Kat! *hugs* While it's a little uncomfortable to put the news out there, it's also really exciting. :-)

Angel, that's about when it started for me. :-( I sure hope I don't follow in your friend's footsteps, but it hasn't let up for almost 8 weeks so I'm not too hopeful. I may go to a chiropractor or something to see if there's anything to be done about it. And yes, maternity clothes are oh so awesome. I can imagine them being great for shortly after baby is born too, as I'm sure it'll take our midsections awhile to go back down to a "normal" place, and the idea of regular jeans on a post pregnancy belly sounds really uncomfortable!

GaGrl, that is great news about your HCG. And even better that you'll get a scan next week. Because of my issues I had weekly scans starting at 5ish weeks, and it's so nice to check in early when you feel like you've had reasons to worry. I would hate hate hate to have to wait a month or so like a lot of people do. So yay for seeing the little bean soon!
Oh my I've missed sooo much.

Gagrl- congrats!!!!! I am so so happy for you'!!!! My ftx that everything keeps progressing! Can't wait for thrnnext update.

Miss doc - congrats on getting the news out there. I will probably share the news around the same time you did and expect to have some of the same feelings you do but all in all I think it's just wonderful to be able to share the news.

Angel and jezika - the pain sounds so uncomfortable. I'm hoping something comes up some type of solution to manage it will work. Angel mentioned massages, jezika is there anything you do to manage it?

Kat - you picked a great name. Wish they would keep their comments moments to themselves. The name is beautiful.

Afm - had an appointment last week. It was my first OB appointment and I really love the doctor and everything went well. I think I'm sorry I actually can't remember if I updated you all but I got to hear the heartbeat I'm not sure if I told you all that. Now that I'm at 10 weeks two days I'm thinking I can go out and get a home Doppler, correct? Is this around the time where I would be able to hear it. And which ones do you all have? is there a brand you recommend? and where did you purchase it?

Also next week I'm doing the genetic counseling so that I could get some tests done and the counseling has to be done in order to get the insurance to cover it. I'm also doing the NT sequential scan. I'm assuming that they will draw blood at that genetic counseling session and I am told that I will be able to know the baby's gender from that. I was wondering when you all did these tests how many days did it take to get the results back?
Also I've gained 5 pounds already and that's okay, but I'm so so hungry. Even after I eat a full meal I still feel hungry. Were you all super hungry first tri? I really feel like I'm eating too much but don't know what to do bc of the nagging hunger. I also feel better nausea wise when I'm eating.
Kat - you picked a great name. Wish they would keep their comments moments to themselves. The name is beautiful.

Afm - had an appointment last week. It was my first OB appointment and I really love the doctor and everything went well. I think I'm sorry I actually can't remember if I updated you all but I got to hear the heartbeat I'm not sure if I told you all that. Now that I'm at 10 weeks two days I'm thinking I can go out and get a home Doppler, correct? Is this around the time where I would be able to hear it. And which ones do you all have? is there a brand you recommend? and where did you purchase it?

Also next week I'm doing the genetic counseling so that I could get some tests done and the counseling has to be done in order to get the insurance to cover it. I'm also doing the NT sequential scan. I'm assuming that they will draw blood at that genetic counseling session and I am told that I will be able to know the baby's gender from that. I was wondering when you all did these tests how many days did it take to get the results back?

Thanks star! Yes here's hoping they won't say another word on the matter, otherwise I may have to tell them politely to keep their comments to themselves.

So exciting you heard the hb! Still remember my 1st time. I don't know much about Dopplers so can't help you there. I never bought one because A) I was afraid I'd obssess over it and it could cause unecessary worrying and B) they're crazy expensive because of the insane taxes here.

Never did any genetic testing, just a NT scan (+ blood test used in conjunction with it) at 13 weeks and an anomaly scan at 20 weeks. With the NT scan they said they'd call within a day or two (I Think!) if the chances of Downs was high and otherwise to expect a letter if the news was good. Got the letter saying chances were at around 1:4300:thumbup: But I live in Denmark so things are probably different here.

As for 1st tri hunger I never had that:shrug: Just aversions to junk food already some days after my ET (embryo transfer) which was super unusual for me as I love my chips and chocolate:winkwink: My hunger levels are insane right now though as I'm bf'ing:wacko:
Star, yay for your awesome progress! I have the sonoline b pink doppler and love it. I couldn't find my little one's heart beat until about 11 weeks though, so at first it drove me nuts. But now I can find it within 10 or seconds, each and every time. It's wonderful and helps me to not feel neurotic or worried. If I ever get in a panic, I can just check in and listen to his hb for a quick minute and I feel fine again. :-) I also had (have!) the hunger and gained 5 lbs in the first tri. Trying to reign it in right now though.

Oh, and it sounds like you're doing NIPT testing (Panorama, MaterniT, etc.) if you'll find out baby's gender. That's awesome. I had mine at 10 weeks 0 days, and it took 8 calendar days for the results to come back. They told me risk of down's syndrome, edwards syndrome, patau syndrome, turner's, triploidy, vanishing twin, and digeorge syndrome (all were 1 in 10,000 or better) and the gender. It was really heartening to have that info. But man oh man did I hate waiting those 8 days to get the results back. TTC and pregnancy is just waiting, waiting, and more waiting. LOL.
Doctor said today that the pain is normal and has to do with the widening of the pelvic bone and the stretching of ligaments. She showed me some stretches to do, recommended getting massage every other week and if the massage doesn't help then she will give me a referral for physical therapy.

Gagrl - Can't wait to hear how beta #3 goes! That's great that your doctor is following your hcg for a bit. I felt so much better knowing my doctor was following min for a couple weeks. How far along will you be at Thanksgiving? My first US was 4w+6, and at that point they could just see a little black dot (the gestational sac). The doctor monitored my HCG and as soon as it was above a certain point (I don't remember maybe 1200??) they did the first US.

MissDoc - I hope your pain lets up!! The chiropractor might be able to help! Maybe try massage too? That's what my doctor recommended. Especially if your insurance will pay for it.

Star - That's great you heard HB! You should be able to get a home doppler at this point. You might not pick up right away, you'll have to be patient looking for HB, and it might take some time to get used to what is your HB (or the placenta) versus what is the baby, but youl'l catch on. I got the Sonoline B. I can't remember what website I used. I'll try to remember and let you know. I paid about $30ish for mine.

We did genetic counseling testing before we got pregnant, that was part of our 1 year work up. That took a couple weeks for us to get back. I didn't do the NT testing. Our insurance didn't cover it and I didn't want to pay for it. Since we already knew that we weren't carriers for anything major we decided to wait for the anatomy scan and if there were any indicators then we would have the 2nd Tri blood work done.

I never had the ravenous hunger people talk about. I lost my appetite shortly after I got pregnant and I gained a few lbs the first few weeks and then didn't gain hardly anything after that because of the lack of hunger.

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