Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I am sorry he is being difficult Kat , have you considered trying to carve out some free time where you and he can go on a date or something to have some grown up time and reconnect just the 2 of you? I know that might be the last thing on your mind with him being a huge butthead towards you , but it might help . Or maybe find a couples counselor the 2 of you can talk to(offering that as a gentle suggestion , please don't be sour with me for it : / )

On a happier note , did you figure out what day you were going to christen Alexander on?

Thanks Ele:hugs::flower: Haven't really and like you said with the way he's been acting, I haven't had much desire to do so. I think last time we went out was December 29th when we took his big brother's 11 year old son in to see "Star Wars: Rogue One" for his Christmas present (my ILs watched Alexander for the 8 hours we were gone). But yeah, not the same thing. I've thought about counselling as well but think it'd be hard as DH all too often has a hard time admitting when he's wrong, I think he knows it but just hates admitting it out loud sometimes. Which I think is what happens when he acts like nothing happened, it's his way of saying he acted badly without saying it directly. Don't even know if I have the energy for either since I'd have to do a lot of pumping every time we'd need to go out and I hate pumping:nope: It just stinks because we never had any issues really before Alexander (no more than your average couple that's been married for a little over 7½ years and together for about 12 years) but I do know that a baby always adds a certain strain plus the fact we went through a number of assisted conception events to have him so that's probably playing in it as well as another user mentioned.

Thanks for letting me vent everyone, I have almost no one else to talk to about all this:hugs:

As for the Christening, I think we'll go with the 4th which is the day especially for christenings if there's still an opening (otherwise we'll take the 5th). Think we're hoping more people can come since it's a Saturday. DH is supposed to call the church today but he'll probably forget, may have to text him a reminder:dohh::roll:
Baby is one week old today :) she's doing so well BF, I finally don't have any pain and she's latching correctly first go almost every time now :) her growth check is Monday so I'm just hoping she's gained back what she lost. Last Monday she had dropped from 7lb2oz to 6lb9oz (still in normal loss range). The goal is that she's back up to birth weight by 10-14 days old.

Jo - yes I'm ecstatic. And exhausted. Lol. But do very happy to have my rainbow.

Kat - when they gave me the epidural I was just barely 5cm. They checked me right before and right after the epidural and I had been 4 for a little after my water broke and then went to 5 right before Epi and after epi they checked again and I was at 6. It should have taken effect fairly quickly - my left leg from the hip down went numb almost immediately. by 15 minutes they expected me to be fairly numb but all I got was numb in my left side :(

I was thinking bout Alexander actually during this jaundice thing. I'm kinda surprised at the difference in treatment. If her scores had been any worse or had not shown the slight improvement the next day they were going to put her into light therapy immediately. So I was wondering what the difference between the two was with such different treatment. I still had to wake hr every 3 hours to feed. They said I needed her to pee and poop as much as possible because it helps remove the built up stuff (can't remember the name) that was in her system. I was just glad we got to skip the light therapy, that would have sucked.

MisDoc - I'm doing ok. A little sore still but mostly good. She's taking to BF really well. Latches on great from day 1. She's a natural, thankfully. The difficult part is the during the day she's happy to eat every 3-4 hours and sleep for 2-3 of the hours between feeding s. At night from 9pm-5am she wants to feed nonstop. Partially comfort feeding partially cluster feeding. I get maybe 20 minutes of sleep. A couple nights ago I finally just switched to side lying BF so I could rest and that helped some.
I was thinking bout Alexander actually during this jaundice thing. I'm kinda surprised at the difference in treatment. If her scores had been any worse or had not shown the slight improvement the next day they were going to put her into light therapy immediately. So I was wondering what the difference between the two was with such different treatment. I still had to wake hr every 3 hours to feed. They said I needed her to pee and poop as much as possible because it helps remove the built up stuff (can't remember the name) that was in her system. I was just glad we got to skip the light therapy, that would have sucked.

That's pretty much the same, they didn't think his was bad enough to require treatment since his numbers weren't increasing much (think it went a tad up bestween his first and second result) so they thought it would be gone within the 1-3 week time frame. I think his first result was 200-something and he had to be about 300-something to be put under light treatment. I also had to wake him every few hours, think it was every 2 during the day and every 3 during the night. I think it's called bilirubin and yes, that helps when it's physiological jaundice. However Alexander had breast milk jaundice, here's the difference:

Physiologic Jaundice

Physiologic Jaundice is the most common and normal type of jaundice in babies. It can affect up to 60% of full term babies in the first week of life, and it is caused by elevated bilirubin levels. Bilirubin is a substance created by the normal breakdown of red blood cells. It is processed and removed by the liver. Jaundice will develop when a baby’s liver is not efficient enough to remove the bilirubin from the bloodstream. Once the baby begins to mature and the red blood cell amounts diminish, the jaundice will subside with no lasting effects on the baby. This usually happens about 1-2 weeks after birth.

Breast Milk Jaundice

Breast Milk Jaundice is jaundice that persists after physiologic jaundice subsides. It is seen in otherwise healthy, full-term, breastfed babies. There is no known cause for this type of jaundice, although speculation is that it may be linked to a substance in the breast milk that is blocking the breakdown of bilirubin. Breast milk jaundice tends to run in families.
This form of jaundice, however, does not mean that something is wrong with the mother’s milk and that breastfeeding should be stopped. Most babies who present with true breast milk jaundice (only 0.5% to 2.4% of all newborns) may see another rise in bilirubin levels at about 14 days. The bilirubin levels will eventually decrease. Breast milk jaundice can last for 3-12 weeks after birth, but as long as the baby is feeding well and bilirubin levels are monitored, it rarely leads to serious complications.
Breast milk jaundice must also be differentiated from breastfeeding jaundice, which is jaundice resulting from an insufficient intake of milk.
Kat - Oh that makes more sense! I read your last post incorrectly and had thought you had said that she (Melody) had the breastmilk type (I'm sleep deprived :haha: ) and I got confused. I didn't realize there was a breastmilk type because I had remembered them saying it had to do with the liver not removing the bilirubin.

I don't know how you woke him every 2 hours, I had a hard time with every 3! Mostly because she would feed for almost an hour at a time at the beginning before my milk came in and since they say to count the time from start of a feeding I only had maybe an hour and a half before the next one had to start. I'm still making sure I feed her every 3ish hours during the day right now but that's because I'm trying to transition her day and nights a little more.

Little rant about sleeping:
Melody will sleep up to 4 hours during the day if we let her, but at night it's more like 20-30 minutes if she's not physically touching us - if she's touching one of us she'll sleep 2 hours or so. But wants to feed every hour or two (and each feeding she'll feed 30 minutes). Cluster feedings will be the death of me. I was hysterical the other night at 6am because she had literally been feeding from 9pm - 6am with only 20 minute breaks in between unless I held her and then she would sleep in my arms for up to an hour, but not in her bassinet at all (and she wouldn't sleep in DH's arms at all, she literally had to be touching my boob at all times - she's obsessed :haha: ) . I Finally gave up and we co-slept the last 2 nights. :( I feel horrible because everyone says not to do it, but my sanity was at stake (literally, I was starting to having waking dreams where I thought things had happened that hadn't because I was seeing things.... and then I was hysterically crying). I took every precaution they say to take, and it makes me a little nervous but the last 2 nights as long as she can put her hand on me (on my breast, literally it has to be touching my breast), she's slept 2-3 hours at a time.

We decided to do this for a few days and then try bassinet again. Because she'll sleep in it during the day so something about night time is making her clingy.
Kat - Oh that makes more sense! I read your last post incorrectly and had thought you had said that she (Melody) had the breastmilk type (I'm sleep deprived :haha: ) and I got confused. I didn't realize there was a breastmilk type because I had remembered them saying it had to do with the liver not removing the bilirubin.

I don't know how you woke him every 2 hours, I had a hard time with every 3! Mostly because she would feed for almost an hour at a time at the beginning before my milk came in and since they say to count the time from start of a feeding I only had maybe an hour and a half before the next one had to start. I'm still making sure I feed her every 3ish hours during the day right now but that's because I'm trying to transition her day and nights a little more.

Little rant about sleeping:
Melody will sleep up to 4 hours during the day if we let her, but at night it's more like 20-30 minutes if she's not physically touching us - if she's touching one of us she'll sleep 2 hours or so. But wants to feed every hour or two (and each feeding she'll feed 30 minutes). Cluster feedings will be the death of me. I was hysterical the other night at 6am because she had literally been feeding from 9pm - 6am with only 20 minute breaks in between unless I held her and then she would sleep in my arms for up to an hour, but not in her bassinet at all (and she wouldn't sleep in DH's arms at all, she literally had to be touching my boob at all times - she's obsessed :haha: ) . I Finally gave up and we co-slept the last 2 nights. :( I feel horrible because everyone says not to do it, but my sanity was at stake (literally, I was starting to having waking dreams where I thought things had happened that hadn't because I was seeing things.... and then I was hysterically crying). I took every precaution they say to take, and it makes me a little nervous but the last 2 nights as long as she can put her hand on me (on my breast, literally it has to be touching my breast), she's slept 2-3 hours at a time.

We decided to do this for a few days and then try bassinet again. Because she'll sleep in it during the day so something about night time is making her clingy.

Hi everyone. Angel I saw this and my heart went out to you. My dd had both types of jaundice... Apparently it's quite common. As for co sleeping I've been doing it since day one. For me I lost almost half my blood volume due to my hemorrhage after delivery so it was hard to get up quickly much less bend over and since it was winter we stayed with my parents for a while and my dad and dh both had to leave early for work so it was the easiest least stressful thing for us. I will say once we started co sleeping it was and is impossible to break it. As for the night clusters I would guess she needs the feedings cause she sleeps a lot in the day. For my dd now that she can do whole milk water and solids and is teething I thought she would sleep better but she still wakes several times at night to drink and sooth. It's totally normal and your lucky she and you are naturals

Kat I'm not sure how to advise you or really what to say. Ttc and babies are different for guys than girls and maybe the struggle you had combined with your stress about his lack of involvement has made him a bit resentful.... The only thing I can say is maybe you need to have your in laws watch him for a few hours and have it out with him. I know that for my dh he wasn't ever intentionally cruel he just didn't know how to help and my hormones were all over the place.
Afm just watching my daughter enjoy her dog and kitty shows and wtt
Kat - feel free to vent! I'm so sorry things are complicated with DH right now. I bet things get better when Alexander is older and starts sleeping more but it sucks bc you deserve him to be there during the difficult times. Wish he was there for you. So sorry things are hard.

Angel - please share your sleep stories. It's all helpful. I would imagine wanting to cosleep too if you are that tired. It gets to a point where you just need sleep. I don't know how large bassinets are but could you put that in the bed too? Or does she need to be lying on you? And what is cluster feeding? just feeding very frequently? I hope you can switch her days and nights up soon so you can get some more rest at night.
Just a super quick reply yet again because I'm just finishing a night feed and need to get back to sleep, but CONGRATULATIONS ANGEL! Also, I went through the exact same thing re: not sleeping in bassinet (which was an in-bed one) and then ending up bedsharing (which, like with cutestuff, was much easier for me following my haemorrhage). I really hated feeling unsafe bedsharing, but I was also at my wit's end and hysterical at times when she just wouldn't sleep. Ended up buying a Dockatot to use in my bed, which she definitely prefers to the bassinet but when she's fussy and takes hours to settle, the feeding while lying down is the ONLY thing that does the trick. The midwife showed me safe ways to do that, and since then I've spoken to many women who safely bedshare and who totally swear by it. Not sure how often I can pop in on this thread but feel free to PM if you happen to be facebook and want to connect and I'll give you my name to find me on there (that goes for anyone ). I'm a little more responsive on messenger on there. But even though parenting is the hardest thing ever, IMO, you've got this mama!

Love to everyone else!
Kat - Oh that makes more sense! I read your last post incorrectly and had thought you had said that she (Melody) had the breastmilk type (I'm sleep deprived :haha: ) and I got confused. I didn't realize there was a breastmilk type because I had remembered them saying it had to do with the liver not removing the bilirubin.

I don't know how you woke him every 2 hours, I had a hard time with every 3! Mostly because she would feed for almost an hour at a time at the beginning before my milk came in and since they say to count the time from start of a feeding I only had maybe an hour and a half before the next one had to start. I'm still making sure I feed her every 3ish hours during the day right now but that's because I'm trying to transition her day and nights a little more.

We always had to change his diaper to wake him up a bit. If that failed, we'd remove all his clothes (except the diaper!) and do skin-to-skin (so I'd remove my top although I'd keep my nursing bra on) with his belly on mine since that's supposed to wake them up and encourage them to feed. If he would start dosing off, I'd tickle his feet. It worked 99% of the time, think we only had problems once and that was the 1st day home where we'd let him sleep too long:dohh:

As for the clinginess yep Alexander was like that as well, some call it the 4th trimester those first 2-3 months. If you think about it, it's only natural as she's been inside you the first 9 months of her life and has been suddenly brought into this world full of new sights and sounds when her previous world was your dark womb and listening to muffled sounds and anything inside you e.g. the sound of your heart. This article explains it pretty well:
I'd say go with it as much as you can since they're only little babies for so long, it goes by so fast! Maybe invest in a baby carrier if you don't have one? That way Melody gets to be close to you and you still have your hands free to do other things during the day. Maybe that'll also help with her being extra clingy at night?
Wow it's gotten a bit quiet on here:wacko: Hope everyone is doing well!

AFM Alexander got overtired again last night:dohh: I kept telling DH we should take a drive with me holding Alexander in his carrycot so we don't have a problem with transferring him from car seat to carrycot (I know it's illegal but was getting desperate:cry:). DH kept saying he wanted to keep trying to get him to sleep and would take the night watch as I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. Well that went to hell as I woke up to Alexander chatting away in his carrycot, with him it means he's overtired:nope: So insisted on taking him for a drive even though it was 4-4:30 AM. Got him ready and DH kept asking me "Should I go with you, tell me what to do?" I kept telling him "You're almost 40 years old, surely you can make a decision?" He ended up not going and I drove for about 2 hours keeping mostly to the highway as there aren't any red lights which means no stops with the risk of Alexander waking up. When I got home I rocked him in his car seat and he first woke up at 8:30 AM. Fed him and played with him before putting him down for a nap outside in his carriage only for some stupid woman who could clearly see I was trying to get him to sleep to start shouting commands to her dog so she woke him up on her way out and her way back:growlmad: Needless to say he got very little sleep and was still tired but I couldn't get him to sleep:wacko: Made the mistake of playing with him and he got overexcited so had a hell of a time getting him to sleep for his next nap. Luckily DH showed up and took over so I could finally get something to eat and get some sleep:thumbup:

Oh and yesterday at the Mommy meeting one of the ladies acted like she was a baby genius because her son is super easy to get to sleep. Alexander was clearly tired so fed him before trying to put him down for a nap and the youngest mother (23 years old and on baby #2) also commented that he was tired which confirmed what I knew. The one with the easy baby started saying after seeing me fight to get him to sleep without his carriage "Well maybe he isn't tired! Let him play until he gets sleepy":dohh::growlmad: Maybe she can do that with hers but with mine he just gets overexcited and overtired from it. She refused to get it and on her FB profile she made a big deal out of her son sleeping 5½ hours in his carriage saying it was pretty normal for him and making herself out to be super mom:dohh: It pissed me off because she just has a son that's super easy to get to sleep, it has nothing to do with her mothering skills:growlmad: It's a shame that she's being annoying because she lives super close to me so was hoping we'd become friends and have play dates for our sons :nope: Oh well, might have to concentrate more on the 23 year old as she's super nice and not annoying:winkwink:
You are right it is quiet. It's hard to find people you get along well with and also have your same values.
Afm dd went to the doc for a belated one year check up. She has officially quadrupled her birth weight so she weighs just over 20 pounds. And we have sleep training homework. I am told I need to chart her sleeping and waking breastfeeding habits at night so I can start stretching it out and get her sleeping through the night. I like this cause it doesn't involve her crying it out or not cosleeping anymore and this will be our last bad habit as she doesn't do bottles anymore and never really had a pacifier habit.
Once she's done with night feedings I'm told I will be more fertile so I'm looking forward to that to add to my family. Hope everyone's good it's definitely harder to participate with Los around
You are right it is quiet. It's hard to find people you get along well with and also have your same values.
Afm dd went to the doc for a belated one year check up. She has officially quadrupled her birth weight so she weighs just over 20 pounds. And we have sleep training homework. I am told I need to chart her sleeping and waking breastfeeding habits at night so I can start stretching it out and get her sleeping through the night. I like this cause it doesn't involve her crying it out or not cosleeping anymore and this will be our last bad habit as she doesn't do bottles anymore and never really had a pacifier habit.
Once she's done with night feedings I'm told I will be more fertile so I'm looking forward to that to add to my family. Hope everyone's good it's definitely harder to participate with Los around

So true! Although in this case it isn't so much about values, I just don't like her making me feel like an idiot and less of a mom for having a tough time getting Alexander to sleep when he is difficult in that respect - even my MIL that had 3 kids says he's pretty difficult. DH had a talk with a co-worker and both of his sons where difficult to get to sleep as well, especially the first one. He also thinks the mothers in my group are fibbing about how their babies are sleeping through the night already and how perfect everything seems to be. Apparently I'm the only one telling the truth about how it's going at home without sugar coating things:wacko:

Sounds good with the weight gain although I don't know much about how much babies are supposed to weigh at that age. Do they still follow a curve at that age? Because of Alexander's huge weight loss at the beginning (due to issues with breastfeeding) he's following the curve for babies that started off with a birth weight of about 3500 g (instead of the 4000 g he actually was). I feel you on the CIO thing, I want to avoid doing that with my son when the time comes as well although I'm sure a certain amount of crying is impossible to avoid:nope: Not really co-sleeping and will be moving him into his own room at around 5 months (once he can't use his cradle and carrycot anymore) so hoping it'll be easier with getting him to sleep for longer periods. Yep Alexander won't be getting a pacifier habit either, he refuses to use them 98% of the time:wacko: Sounds like you'll have something to look forward to once the night feedings stop:winkwink:
Kat it might be different in the us than Denmark. Here they put babies in a growth chart and provide you a percentile of where baby falls among other babies the same age. I think I was told that by 6 months birth weight should be tripled and by about a year quadrupled. Dd falls in the average weight and height range I think it's about 2.2 kg to one pound conversion but I might be wrong. Dd didn't gain weight till almost one month old then it's been an average of a one pound per month gain so she's on track. Either way as long as babies are gaining appropriately and growing well I think they just let them be. Totally looking forward to hopefully sleeping more before doing this all again and just fielded my first when you gonna have more question. So funny
Sorry I've been a little Mia for a bit. I'm under a lot of stress with the house and with everything else going on.. I'm just stuck lately...
Kat - it's so suckie when other people go on about how their babies do this and that and make out like it means they're parenting experts. A friend recently told me about a friend of hers whose child slept perfectly from the start and rarely cried. She'd concluded it meant she was an amazing mother. And then she had her second child who was the complete opposite, and that's when she realized it was nothing to do with her parenting at all. It's already so hard fighting guilt without others making us feel like it's our fault. As for sugar coating things, I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what the other mothers were doing. I find that it's especially hard to be honest when someone else in the group is claiming something is easy/amazing, because then it makes you feel like the odd one out who isn't 100% ecstatic all the time about parenting.

Cutestuff - glad your little one is on track with weight gain and that you can get some sleep training that avoids CIO.

Gag - you're at 14 weeks, wow! Sorry to hear you're dealing with a lot. I hope it gets easier soon.

AFM, I'm finally getting used to life with a baby, being at home on my own with her during the day and the unpredictability around sleep and how much I can get done in a day. I am exclusively bedsharing now because that's how we get the most sleep. Reusable diaper service is going well, though we use disposables at night because they're more comfortable (we think) and less leaky. I've finally been out a few times with Tilly, once on my own, once with my mum and once with DH, which has really helped. I've finally cooked some meals. I've tried babywearing around the house several times and am finally confident in using my wrap. We have a first birthday to go to on Sunday so I'm hoping the wrap will come in handy then.

I'm still scared of taking longer trips out and what will happen if she starts crying but there's nowhere convenient to nurse or change her. When I went out with her and DH for a brief shopping trip last week, she started crying in a store so we hurried to a washroom to see if she needed changing but the change table in the women's washroom was being used so DH changed her in the men's. He said he got some interesting looks...
Jezika one month olds are hard cause they totally require a lot of gear. When my dd was that small I remember feeding her in bathroom stalls as well as fitting rooms. Most places in the us anyway are really understanding and provide what they can. Bed sharing is the best. I get a lot more sleep and I know I'm right there if she needs me. Makes her a bit more clingy but I think provides a lot more comfort and support.
I just looked up grams to pounds for my own info and dd was 2625 ish grams at birth how crazy is that? I can't believe she's already over one year old
I bet that time has flown, huh? Are women legally allowed to nurse in public where you are? They are in Canada, but I'm still not sure I feel comfortable doing it in full view of a lot of people, even though I'm a huge advocate. Hopefully it just takes getting used to. I did end up nursing in a quiet seating area and was fairly covered up, and only a few people walked past.
Jezika- I know right? This has gone so fast I'm so nervous about the next six months...

I'm so glad your starting to get used to having the little one around and slowly getting into a routine. I've heard it's always hard at the beginning...
I've been mia cause the move has been a bit overwhelming. And I've been feeling sick and exhausted. Have so much to do. Was supposed to book an endocrinologist appointment like two weeks ago but the move made me forget about figuring that out. So will try to work on that tomorrow. been thinking about the birthing process. I'm very sensitive to pain and not resistant to medications. Especially if I'm in pain. But today I read about how an epidural could lead to paralysis and I know that's rare but made me have anxiety. Actually reading about the process in general made me very scared. I guess any medical procedure has its risks though and I prob just need to think of it like that. I don't know. Prob need to read more about it and get comfortable with what to expect.

Kat - your lack of sleep and driving in the wee hours of the morning really made me want to give you a gigantic hug. it seems so difficult. And exhausting. And as far as the other mothers go. I hear you. People do sugar coat and it can be isolating. I have always felt that way bc I don't sugar coat either and then I feel like I don't fit in. But it's cool that the 23 year old is nice. At least that's someone. Hope things go better for you with sleeping tonight.

Jezika - so great things are getting more comfortable with your LO and that you found a way to get more sleep with the bed sharing and that it's working for you. That's super helpful.

Cute stuff - glad the weight for your LO is on track and that things are going well for you.

Gagrl -how you doing? I know you've been busy. Hope things settle for you soon.

Angel - any updates?

Good luck to everyone else and hope you are doing well.
cutestuff I think it's pretty much the same here, they see if the baby follows a growth curve that goes by weight and age. I hear you on the questioning, I already got asked when I was about 32 weeks pregnant with Alexander which I thought was super early to start asking :wacko:

Gagrlinpitt hope you soon feel less stressed and that everything is going well with your pregnancy!

Jezika glad things are going well with your Tilly and I feel you on the problems with nursing. I think the only times I've done it in public where at the hospital when Alexander was getting a last check because of his jaundice and more recently in the car in the parking basement of a shopping mall. I don't know about where you live but I think in Denmark you can pretty much nurse anywhere although I've been afraid of trying to in case someone complains or if they try to push for me to do it somewhere else. It's crazy though because tehre's nothing indecent about nursing yet people tend to sexualise it because breasts have been sexualised even though there purpose is for feeding a baby (that many choose not to is another matter!). And yeah that's so true about people acting like experts, especially if they only have one child and it's an easy one! And love that the friend of your friend learned her lesson:haha: I'm almost hoping that that's what happens to the the mother that tried to make me feel bad, that her next kid is a total nightmare when it comes to sleep. That or her current child becomes a nightmare of a toddler. I find the sugar coating fake plus it's defeating the whole purpose of the group which is to find support. Especially as it feels like they're all doing it to one degree or another. And if I'm the only one not doing it, I do wonder if it'll make them isolate me in the end? I felt bad by the looks I was getting when I told them I couldn't get Alexander to sleep in his carrycot or cradle during the day, like I was a total failure for not having found a way to do it:nope: Yet no one came with any suggestions (which I thought they would), just that one mother saying he's probably not tired when he clearly was:dohh:

star I'm sure you'll be fine :hugs: Have you signed up for a birthing class? I found it super helpful and reassuring although in my case I ended up not needing it since I needed to have a c-section. I was taught all kinds of techniques and massages that help and the woman teaching it has I think 4 kids herself, one very recently that she gave birth to, a little boy, around the same time as her daughter (the eldest) was having a baby as well. I hope your baby isn't so difficult to get to sleep, I think Alexander is pretty high on the difficulty scale in that area. As for the sugar coating that's very true, I felt a bit isolated because I could tell that it wasn't the thing to do. I was hoping that someone would offer suggestions but no one did:nope: As for sleep it should be better as DH takes over Friday and Saturday nights with getting Alexander to sleep. I think I'll put him on diaper duty as well since I hate giving Alexander a diaper before feeding him as he gets pretty mad and sometimes will end up peeing on his clothes:wacko: We change the diaper before as it's often easier to get him to sleep that way, changing the diaper after just wakes him up:nope:

AFM forgot to mention I've now told my siblings when Alexander's Christening is (March 4th). My toxic sister can't come as her kids are in school (no surprise!), my cousin says she needs to see if she can switch working that weekend when we get closer to March (not sure why she can't ask now?) while my brother and his wife haven't responded at all! They're probably not coming either as their daughter is in school but I find the lack of any response a bit weird. Plus I added a video of Alexander rolling over onto his back on my FB but only my sister has commented, neither my brother or his wife have responded to it, not even liking it.
Thank you ladies!

Star- I'm sure everything will go great for you.. But I understand the feeling. I am probably going to have to schedule a C section and I'm terrified of that.

Afm, im trying to keep stress low but it's kind of hard. Cliff notes version when my father in law passed last year in August we decided to take over his house and move in. We had the local inspector come over and a lot needed done before we could get an occupancy permit. So we had a contractor who my husband come do the work.. He left things unfinished and we stupidly paid him entirely.. Now he refuses to return calls and it looks like a construction zone inside the house and we cannot move in, so we called the attorney general's office.. We want to move in and start getting things together and that will help us make the decision if I can be a sahm which I desperately want.. But until that happens we are in limbo...

On another note, Because I'm overweight my doctor made me do my glucose test early. I failed the 1 hour last Saturday so I have to do the three hour tomorrow. At first I felt like such a failure of a mom.. But I really have been watching my diet and I'm finding a bunch of people fail the one hour and pass the three hour which I'm praying for.

Other then that my pregnancy has been going really well. I'm always anxious when I go to the bathroom and wipe as I've been very wet feeling down there.. But I'm trying to keep that at bay too.

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