Kat - Oh that makes more sense! I read your last post incorrectly and had thought you had said that she (Melody) had the breastmilk type (I'm sleep deprived

) and I got confused. I didn't realize there was a breastmilk type because I had remembered them saying it had to do with the liver not removing the bilirubin.
I don't know how you woke him every 2 hours, I had a hard time with every 3! Mostly because she would feed for almost an hour at a time at the beginning before my milk came in and since they say to count the time from start of a feeding I only had maybe an hour and a half before the next one had to start. I'm still making sure I feed her every 3ish hours during the day right now but that's because I'm trying to transition her day and nights a little more.
Little rant about sleeping:
Melody will sleep up to 4 hours during the day if we let her, but at night it's more like 20-30 minutes if she's not physically touching us - if she's touching one of us she'll sleep 2 hours or so. But wants to feed every hour or two (and each feeding she'll feed 30 minutes). Cluster feedings will be the death of me. I was hysterical the other night at 6am because she had literally been feeding from 9pm - 6am with only 20 minute breaks in between unless I held her and then she would sleep in my arms for up to an hour, but not in her bassinet at all (and she wouldn't sleep in DH's arms at all, she literally had to be touching my boob at all times - she's obsessed

) . I Finally gave up and we co-slept the last 2 nights.

I feel horrible because everyone says not to do it, but my sanity was at stake (literally, I was starting to having waking dreams where I thought things had happened that hadn't because I was seeing things.... and then I was hysterically crying). I took every precaution they say to take, and it makes me a little nervous but the last 2 nights as long as she can put her hand on me (on my breast, literally it has to be touching my breast), she's slept 2-3 hours at a time.
We decided to do this for a few days and then try bassinet again. Because she'll sleep in it during the day so something about night time is making her clingy.