Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Kat - sorry about your family's lack of response on FB and that they might not show for the christening. Well no one can say you didn't reach out and try. Do they live far from you?

Also when you change the diaper how does the LO pee on the clothes? I'm trying to visualize. Do the clothes stay on while the diaper is changed? I have no clue bc I've never changed a diaper or even seen someone change a diaper. None of my friends or close relatives have kids. I'm going to be having a boy as well and am curious if the peeing on clothes is more common with boys bc of the angle? I'm so nervous about every aspect of being a parent bc I know nothing. I am enrolled in a birthing class at the hospital but it doesn't start until April. It's once a week for four weeks. There was another course that was 12 weeks I think it was called the Bradley method but I didn't enroll in that one because I read up about it and it seemed like the purpose of the class was for people who wanted an unmedicated birth. Having done very little research at that time, that didn't sound good to me because I believe I will want medication because I know myself very well and I am not tolerant of pain. So I didn't think I'd fit into that class. However, like I said in my last post, the paralysis thing really freaks me out as well as a host of other things I finally read about. Part of me tells myself should I consider unmedicated options...but I know myself so well... I have an extremely low tolerance to pain and am the type to reach for relief as quick as I can. Just don't like the scary stories I've read about. Not feeling well about any of this.

Gagrl - the moving in stresses you are having sound awful. I can relate in some way as I have been dealing with my previous landlord about the mold and all the damages to our property due to the mold. Not to mention i'm pretty sure that my sickness that I've had for a month is related to the mold. Then moving into the new place was a nightmare as well as it was not cleaned at all and there were no lights – no ceiling lights at all. So for a time before we hired a electrician to help us install lights it was basically dark at night because we had very few lamps. Every single thing has been a problem lately. I really hope you can resolve your issue. It sucks that man left it undone. That is so frustrating. And he won't come back. Ugggg. These things take so long to get resolved too. Sending you a big hug.
Gagrlinpitt so sorry about that dishonest contractor:wacko: I hope you soon resolve things. Can't you sue him or complain or something????

star I live in Denmark while those 2 siblings live in the USA, the cousin lives in Denmark. When I take his diaper off, he still has his clothes on as I only open the bottom part of his bodystocking. While I'm changing the inserts in his cloth diaper (have to remove it completely to do that), he'll sometimes choose at that moment to pee so it ends up everywhere, some directly on his clothes but some ending up on his changing mat that has a protective plastic covering so it pools and gets soaked up by the clothes:dohh: Boys are notorious for doing this:dohh::haha: If you're using disposeable diapers, I'd suggest not taking them off right away, maybe open it and let the front rest on him until you're ready to quickly change it. That or have a cloth ready to put on top while you're changing to avoid him peeing and it ending up everywhere because it sucks big time to have to change baby's clothes and clean up after the mess:dohh: Ah ok that course doesn't sound like anything for me either and good for you for not doing it! My original plan was to try to do it unmedicated and try natural pain relief first but if I still couldn't handle it go for an epidural. I don't think the chances of an epidural doing that are very high, think you actually have a higher chance of dying in a car accident in reality. Not to make you fear driving in a car, just trying to put it in perspective:winkwink: Plus you almost always more often hear about the scary stories than the ones that went well. I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about:hugs:

AFM thought I'd update with a couple of newer pics of Alexander:cloud9:



Awww Kat!!! Look at that sweet lil face! I'm sure watching him grow makes up for all the sleep troubles. :hugs:

Sucks that new mothers can be so mean, well as you said, they will learn a lesson at some point.

Star - All the moving hassle sounds awful. I hope things get resolved soon and you relax in your new home. I know moving in itself can be horrible. I'm dreading the upcoming move to Canada - probably by end of March as I start work in the 1st week of April.

Also, did the doctor give you any travel advice? traveling while being pregnant, scares the crap out of me! Mainly because my sis in law lost her son at 7 months and both my twin cousin's wives lost their baby at 10 weeks right after some travel. It may as well just be co-incidence, but still, it's scary. I'm not preggers yet, but I do have some travel coming up in Feb and March and then the move itself in late March.

Gagrlinpitt - that's horrible what the contractor did. I hope the attorney is able to sort things out in you favor soon. And it's so great that you are working on a healthy diet. Also is this glucose test the same as checking for gestational diabetes?

Jezika - Tilly is such a cute name (nickname?)! I enjoy reading all your stories of birthing/feeding/sleeping. It will surely be useful for when I finally get my BFP! :haha:

As for me - I'm in the TWW (5dpo) of cycle 5. No symptoms so far, which also means I've sorta stopped obsessing as much! :D This cycle has been good so far and I'm hoping for that BFP. But one part of me is wondering if now is a good time for the BFP with all the upcoming travel. :shrug: Just throwing all my trust in God and going with the flow! :)
PSamuel - Tilly is a nickname for Matilda but we have so many other nicknames for her, like Tilly Bean, Beanie, Pushkin and Tillson McGee.

Kat - Alexander is soooo cute in those pics!! And that's weird about fam going quiet. Do you think something is up?

Gag - pls don't feel like a failure! Most women have something going on in i pregnancy or after it and even when baby comes its impossible to be perfect. I'm only now realizing there's no need for guilt. We are all doing our best.

star - I hear you on the epidural worry. I usually freak myself out about stuff like that too and the more I read about it the more freaked out I get, so I read about the risks early and then never again. After that I was definitely willing to take the risk, because it's small. And then when it came to labour, it was the best decision I ever made. It was magical!'

Thanks PS:flower: Yep, pretty cute but I'm biased:winkwink: FXed for you this cycle :dust:

Jezika thanks and yeah it's slightly odd but I'm not going to ask them if they're coming, that'll just lead to my brother being an a**hole and I just don't need that:nope: If we don't hear anything at latest 2 weeks before the christening, we'll just assume they're not coming and buy food and drinks enough for the guests coming. We're having everyone over at our house afterwards so luckily don't need to reserve anything.

Btw another thing I noticed my brother and his wife haven't put a pic up of Alexander announcing him like they've done for their daughter's other little cousins :nope:

And I forgot to mention something my toxic mother told me. I casually asked her last time I saw her if I was breastfed or not and she said not as she had a c-section so no milk. Now I know that's BS, that a c-section doesn't automatically means you won't make milk, but she just claimed well she didn't make enough so they went to using formula. Then she added "I've always wondered if that's why you hate me":wacko::dohh: I didn't bother to comment, no point, just another cry for attention :roll: And don't get me started on how she's yet again putting the blame on me for our strained relationship, even back to something I have no way of remembering :dohh:
Yes that's what the test is for. I just got done with my three hour.

We called the attorney general and are letting them handle things and if that doesn't go as planned then we are going with a lawyer.. Near sucks it's going to cost more money to do that..
Gagrl- I failed my one hour but passed the three hour (barely!). Good luck!
Woo thank you for the positive vibes ladies.. I passed my 3 hour!!!
Great news gagrl! Must be a huge relief. Good luck with sorting the moving in stuff out. Fx.

Kat - those pics are the cutest!!!!

And thanks kat and jezika for making me feel more comfortable about the risks w the epidural. I've spoken to people about it and everyone says I'll be fine. So hopefully all goes well.
I turned 30 a fortnight ago, been with partner for 4years and decided to try for our first baby,after me being on the pill for just over 15years I came off it at the beginning of December. Can't help but symptom spot all of the time. I'm feeling disheartened ATM as I really thought this could be the month (nausea, abdominal cramps,lower back ache,sore nipples,shooting pain in nipples) but unfortunately for me Aunt Flo arrived yesterday.. 5 days early!!!
Hi Moomi! Sorry to hear AF came. You're still so early in the game so hopefully it won't be long till you get your BFP. Are you temping or using OPKs or anything?

Also, if AF is early, are you sure it's not implantation bleeding?
Thanks star!

Moomi I think going off birth control can make you feel lots of extra things you didn't feel before going on them. I remember when I stopped taking p-pills when we started TTCing in October 2013, those first 3-4 months I felt a lot of the same that you're feeling now and never once was it because of a BFP. I never looked into why but I'm guessing it's the body trying to get back into the swing of things with your own hormones after having been controlled by the hormones in the pills for a number of years. I would therefore drop symptom spotting all together and just see what happens. I've also heard it can take up to a year for your body to regain it's fertility but here's hoping that's not the case for you and your body is quicker. Mine took less, my cycles were regular from the get go and I was Oing as I tried using OPKs from the beginning. Also remember it can take up to 1 year to conceive as you only have a 15-20% chance each month depending on your age.

AFM I think Alexander is going through a 4 month sleep regression, he's a bit of an early bloomer I guess:wacko: He's been waking up every 2 hours starting from around 3 AM and it first stops somewhat when I get up around 7 AM and get him in his baby carriage to get him to sleep for longer. Been going on for about 1 week now so getting much less sleep than usual:wacko: I've convinced DH he needs to help me at night if it's indeed a regression as it'll last for a while and because I can't keep doing this alone so now he says we need to go to bed earlier so we both get some sleep and can better handle getting Alexander to sleep again when he starts doing it.
Psamuel - I forgot to answer your question earlier. My doctor did not give me travel advice when I moved. So I didn't do anything special in terms of the move. I will recommend, however, if you do get your BFP soon, which I have my fingers crossed that you do, that you set up an appointment with a doctor, at the hospital you want to give birth at, as soon as you can bc they fill up very quickly. I was surprised that when I was calling in November to get an appointment with an OB for a birth in June, at the hospital that is my first choice, that almost everyone was booked. I was extremely lucky to get an appointment. Some offices even chuckled when I asked if they had availability for June – they would say oh no we've been booked for June for a long time.

Moomi - sorry AF showed. I wish you the best of luck for the next cycle.

Kat - do you think going to bed earlier as your DH suggested will help? I hope it does help so you can get more rest!
Hi there, ladies! Whew, there are a few pages to catch up on here! How fun.

Kat, oh my goodness those are the sweetest little pics. What a cutie you have on your hands! It helps ease the frustration of lack of sleep. Lol. Oh, and as I was reading your tale of driving around in the middle of the night (my heart goes out to you) I have to say, your DH was TRYING that night. So many other times he hasn't tried. This time he really was. Yes, he was ineffective, but he was looking to you to tell him how he could be helpful because he felt clueless. It's hard to do, but if you can reinforce that when he does it (Thanks so much for trying so hard to help, sorry I snapped at you but I had my hands full at the moment, let's set aside some time where we can come up with a way to tag-team when that situation happens again, etc.), it'll make him more likely to try rather than shut down, blame you, and be a jerk. In reading that story, I actually felt some sympathy for him for the first time (normally I just feel irritated at him for you, lol). I'm sorry your moms group is sort of sucking right now. Hopefully as they each hit their own challenges with their babies they'll be more sympathetic.

Gagrl, so glad your pregnancy is progressing well and just know you're doing what you can with the eating and health stuff. Especially with all of the stress you're having with the home stuff right now. So sorry about that. It's hard to be dealing with these big things when you really only want to focus on pregnancy.

Star, I'm sorry for your worries hon. It's so easy to worry about everything when pregnant! But the most likely scenario is everything will be okay. Oh, and with the boy diaper changing, a colleague mentioned that when you put on a new diaper, be sure to "point it down" (haha!), because if the little penis is left pointing up and the diaper is loose or you change them at just the wrong time, you have a fire hose going straight up into your face, baby's face, etc. Oh these boys will be fun, won't they? Lol.

Jezika, So thrilled to hear that you're easing into mama hood and are finding a routine. That's awesome! How old is little Tilly now? I too hope to have our little one sleep on his own in a bassinet next to our bed, but if the only way to get sleep is to have him in the bed with us, you can bet I'll be doing that too. I'm all for whatever works.

Psam and Moomi-- I really hope each of you gets your BFPs very very very soon!

Angel-- Missing you on here, and hope you and little Melody are doing well!

Cutestuff-- Yay for a nice healthy little one and the plan of increasing sleep independence and decreasing night time feeds so you can get to work on a little sibling. ;-)

As for me, doing alright here! Had a level 2 ultrasound last thursday. Baby boy doesn't have a single problem or marker of concern, other than being a big boy! He is in a major growth spurt right now and is at the 97th percentile for size/development (that better chill out by the time delivery rolls around, lol). Fluid level is great, cervix is long, and placenta is posterior and high so totally out of the way, which is great and probably why I feel every little thing he does so well.

What I'm not loving is I'm having BH contractions any time I take a walk. My uterus feels like it seizes up and if I don't stop walking it just gets worse. The doctor said it's fine and not a danger, just to stop what I'm doing and let it calm down when it happens. Which means every time I try to go on a walk I have to stop like a minute or two in. It's frustrating. And doesn't help with trying to chill out my weight gain a bit. But overall, I'm feeling good. Each month we are slowly getting what we need for baby. These past months we set up the crib, dresser, glider, changing table, and curtains in his room. Next month, we're buying the co-sleeping bassinet, stroller, car seat, rock n play, changing pads, bottle warmer for expressed milk, diaper bag, and diaper trash can. That will feel exciting to get all the big baby gear completed. February will also be our last month of pre-payments for our ObGyn's fees and hospital bill for delivery, so man oh man am I looking forward to March when we can finally save some money!

Hope everyone is doing well!!!!
star I think if we go to bed right after Alexander starts sleeping around 9-10 PM, then we'll be sleeping during his 4 hour sleeping stretch which results in more sleep. Up until now we've for the most part been missing out on it because we'd be up watching one of the 3-4 TV series we're following (nope can't record them as our Blu Ray player isn't able to). I just hope that this extra lack of sleep and rest doesn't mess up my milk supply:wacko:

MissDoc I just felt like he should know that he should come and not leave it all to me while he just gets his sleep and I get even less sleep than normal. I'd know to go with in that situation. Plus I felt like he was acting helpless instead of taking charge and I guess I'm sick of it mostly being me that's taking charge in those crisis situations. As for the Mommy Group I suspect that it's not because they don't have problems, they're just fibbing and making everything seem more wonderful than it really is. No one I've talked to that has kids believes that none of them are experiencing any problems. I just seem to be the only one keeping it real and telling the whole truth:nope: If it keeps up I don't see the point in the group really as I thought it was also about supporting each other during the rough patches and offering advice if you can - none of that is happening:nope: Glad that everything is looking good and you soon have everything in order! I know I couldn't rest until we had everything we needed ready for my LO:winkwink:
Star I remember bh it totally felt like my stomach was seizing up. It would get all hard and I would have to kind of massage it till it felt better. You're just getting ready for the real thing.
Congrats garl it's a good thing your progressing well.
Welcome moomi and ps. Feel free to ask questions.
Kat my dd has gone through sleep regressions but I haven't noticed any correlation to a decreases milk supply. You will have changes based on your babies development and him eating solids and such. If you do notice a decrease I've heard good things about mothers milk tea it's meant for breastfeeding moms to increase or stabilize milk production. I've had it a couple times and did notice a change but it's a bit expensive.
Afm my non CIO method is turning out to be a crock of poo. I can barely get five minutes of delay without dd turning into a banshee. I would totally recommend starting sleep training at 9-10 months so it's not as hard. This blows. Not much else is new though like Kat dh can be a bit of a dick when dd is not happy but I've started realizing he just doesn't get it and me feeding into it isn't helping so I just tell him to shove it up his butt and if he can't handle it to not let the door hit his butt on the way out and then he calms down....boys
Oh and thanks miss doc. Sounds like you will have a big baby but boys are supposed to be bigger.........maybe
Kat my dd has gone through sleep regressions but I haven't noticed any correlation to a decreases milk supply.

My health care provider is concerned when I'm not getting a certain amount of rest/sleep as she says it can mean my milk supply will decrease. I believe that it e.g. naturally decreases during the day so in the evening/night is when you're producing the least amount due to having been active during the day. If I'm not getting some rest, she says my supply could take a complete nosedive which could mean Alexander won't be getting enough milk. So when Alexander is being even more impossible to get to sleep due to a regression, I'm in danger of my supply becoming a problem. Which is also is what's getting DH to help me out extra now as we don't want that to happen.

Sorry your non CIO method sucks, I hope you find something that's a better fit to your DD and you:hugs:

Btw I've been speculating that maybe my brother is waiting for me to ask him to be Godfather before answering if he'll come or not. Although he can't be Godfather if he isn't coming since you have to be at the ceremony for that!
MissDoc - Tilly will be six weeks old on Thursday. Sounds like you're well on your way to being ready for baby! I don't think I'd even really started preparing much at that point! Congrats for hitting the viability timepoint. Exciting! Oh, and I had the same thing with BH from very early on, which sucked because my commute to school was walking 40 mins each way, so it was painful and took so much longer.

Kat - gosh, I feel for you and your sleep issues. Does it stress you out much? I know it stresses me out big time, esp that I can't predict whether it'll be a good sleep night or a bad sleep night. DH is so much more calm and patient with it all than I am. I ultimately get enough sleep by staying in bed till midday, but I feel guilty about it. I also hear about people going to bed at like 9 and getting up early, but I don't see myself being able to do that, which makes me feel guilty too. Is it okay for me and Tilly to stay in bed till midday? When will that change, coz all the slightly older kids I know apparently get up at 7am?! There's barely enough time for us to get Tilly and ourselves fed and ready for bed by 10pm once DH gets home from work (and then it can take up to two hours to get her to sleep properly) and sometimes it's nice to watch some Netflix. It would be hard to bring bedtime forward. Parenting is haaaard and I often find myself thinking I give the impression that I hate it when people ask me how it's going and I'm honest with my response. And I love my Tilly to bits, it's just not all a walk in the park. This article made me feel better:

Also, would want your brother to be Godfather?

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