Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Kat have you looked into mothers milk tea? I know sells it and it's supposed to help with supply and is safe. I've tried it a few times and totally noticed a difference.
Jezika totally let Tilly sleep when she wants for now. When my dd was younger my day consisted of feeding baby every few hours and sleeping whenever I could when she did. I was living in a small studio at the time so I never got up or dressed unless we had plans to go somewhere. No guilt. You just went through a trauma and it will take time to adjust. Tilly will gradually start spending more time up then down and you will hit those marks but for now just take her cues
Jezika, nora sleeps from around 1030 or 11pm til 930 or 1030am. She's not an early riser (and neither am i!). Let your baby sleep in if she wants and enjoy it. :)
Jezika I very recently found this chart that's super helpful:
So bedtime should be between 8-11 PM depending on if Tilly's sleeping a long stretch yet or not. As for getting up, that depends a bit on baby as you can't make a baby sleep if it's not tired! Alexander is getting up at around 7 AM and being put to bed around 7:30-8 PM (he's only awake for feeds after that). His awake time is 1-1½ hours max as he otherwise increases the risk of getting overtired which you don't want, been there too many times and it sucks big time getting them to sleep when they're like that:wacko: Don't know if that's the norm with his bedtime and getting up time but he's set the schedule a bit himself. His naps range from 1-3 hours btw, most outdoors in his baby carriage. If she's taking 2 hours to get to sleep, she may possibly not be getting enough sleep and/or becoming overtired. I know Alexander is a real handful when he's overtired but even then it doesn't take over 1 hour. According to the chart she shouldn't be awake for more than 1-2 hours although I read somewhere else it could be closer to 45 minutes for newborns. You need to look for her tired signs and act quickly. I try getting Alexander ready for a nap when his eyes get droopy and he's moving slower.

As for my brother, no I wouldn't want it and I'm definitely not making him even a secondary godparent just to get him to come (assuming he can) - either he wants to come or he doesn't:shrug:
Ugh so had a talk with my health care provider and she hadn't heard the expression "4 month sleep regression" (she didn't say what the Danish expression is but maybe there isn't one:shrug:) so had to read about it but said she agrees that that is what's going on. She says it has nothing to do with my milk production and she's sure I'm making enough but that it may not fill him up enough anymore and we may have to start supplementing at night with some formula (that or he starts learning to eat e.g. porridges but she wasn't much for it before age 6 months unless absoultely necessary). Another health care provider tied to the Mommy Group is coming to our meeting next week to weigh the babies so my provider is going to ask her to evaluate if Alexander needs to be supplemented at night with a bottle of formula. Oh and she says I should start getting him to sleep in his cradle since he's been refusing the carrycot lately, just to put him in his Voksi sleeping bag in just a bodystocking to help ease the transition since he's very used to his sleeping bag now and sleeps well in it.
Miss doc - so awesome you've already set a lot of stuff up. I have been stressing about trying to get a list started for what I need and it's very confusing for me to make the decisions bc there are so many choices and considerations.

Jezika - I don't think you should feel guilty about sleeping in bc your night is not restful like it was before baby. So you need that time and I'd take it. Do what you can to get rested.

Kat - have you tried going to sleep earlier? Is it working?

Afm - have some questions. For those of you who do co sleeping do you have a co sleeping bassinet? If so which one?

Also generally - and if anyone has a must have baby gear or product please let me know. It will be helpful in making my list.
Kat, thanks for the chart - super helpful. When I thought about it I realized that she doesn't stay awake longer than 1.5 to 2 hours, other than on a couple of particularly memorable nights where I think she was definitely overtired.

Star - I tried the Summer By Your Side sleeper but she wouldn't stay in it longer before she woke up and cried, despite it being in bed with us. Then I bought the expensive Dockatot. Definitely an improvement but she still sleeps WAY better right next to me in bed, so I'm sticking with that for now. Can also nurse while lying down and let her fall asleep while nursing, which is nice. The summer sleeper thing is still handy though to have a safe place to put her all around the house when I can't hold her but want to see her, like when I'm in the shower. As for essentials there are probably tonnes, but one off the top of my head is the Nose Frida to suck snot and boogers. It's awesome.
Jezika no problem and yeah you tend to remember those overtired moments real well:wacko::nope:

AFM DH was a tool again numerous times. Last night we started transitioning Alexander to his cradle using his Voksi sleeping bag as instructed by my health care provider. DH tried rocking him as little as possible since we want to start teaching him to sleep on his own. I could tell from Alexander's crying pattern that DH was close to getting him to sleep. Yet he chose at that moment to stop and go out into our hallway to bitch about me not cleaning up so things can be spotless for his parents' visit:dohh::growlmad: I told him what an idiotic thing to do and he got pissed off. Then this morning I was trying to get Alexander to sleep after bf'ing him and my DH got up and then turned on the bathroom light which hit Alexander in the face so he woke more up :growlmad: I thought the stupidity and thought less ess would stop there but even after leaving he created chaos. He'd turned the washing machine on and at one point it makes a lot of noise which woke Alexander up barely 10 minutes after I'd finally got him to sleep. Ended up first getting him to sleep in his carriage about 3.5 hours after he was already tired :wacko: Yep Alexander had a great intro to his cradle :dohh: I'm so close to moving myself and Alexander upstairs so DH doesn't screw up his sleep anymore with his selfish behavior!

It's a battle to the end! Which will win next cycle!?!

Cycle 1 for me:

Witch score 1 V Spermy score 0
Well ladies.. I took my 3 hour GTT and passed with flying colors which I'm totally excited about.. My 15 week appointment is later today and then I'll have to schedule my anatomy scan.

I've been having vivid dreams I'm having a boy so I'm assuming that's what we'll we having... Thankfully in 3/5 weeks we will finally know.
Welcome jojazie and congrats garl. I was convinced I was having a boy and ended up with a dd so you never know.
Star I bought a pack play that came with a changing table and a bassinet as well as two levels in the bottom. Used it more for changing diapers than anything. I would focus on a stroller with interlocking car seat. I wish I had one when dd was tiny ....
Jezika thanks for the recomendations i really appreciate it. I didn't realize making the list would have me so confused and stressed. It's hard to determine what I'll need. I've read several stories of people saying they have to do cosleeping bc that's the only way the baby sleeps. So maybe getting something in advance will be helpful for me. ill check out your other recommendation too. Quick question- when you nurse in bed I see the advantage of that but I'm wondering do you still have to get up to change the diaper? Just trying to visualize. Does the diaper get changed pretty much everytime the baby feeds?

Kat - I feel for you bc conflict of any sort is stressful and exhausting. And you are tired. I'm not sure why it's your responsibility to clean right now. You have your hands full. I think DH should clean up for his parents when he comes home. and the lights thing sucks. Did he not realize that turning on the light was a bad idea. In the past what works to get through to DH?

Jojazie - I'm team spermy! Go get em!

Gagrl - congrats on passing the test. That's awesome.
Great news Garglinpitt:thumbup:

JoJazie that's so cute, go :spermy::happydance:

Kat - I feel for you bc conflict of any sort is stressful and exhausting. And you are tired. I'm not sure why it's your responsibility to clean right now. You have your hands full. I think DH should clean up for his parents when he comes home. and the lights thing sucks. Did he not realize that turning on the light was a bad idea. In the past what works to get through to DH?

My DH unfortunately is super cleaning obsessed when we're expecting guests, he goes into a cleaning frenzy because he feels we can't have people over if the house isn't almost spotless. It gets annoying, I know I've been borderline cancelling having people over for my birthday because he goes so crazy the days before. That was also before baby though.

As for the lights he knew but didn't think. I called him to complain about the light and the washing machine but he just gave me his old standard "Oh I wasn't thinking...." which made me see red because I've heard it way too many times:gun::trouble::grr:

To be honest I sometimes find him hard to get through to. I unfortunately will have to go to extremes occasionally because talking doesn't always work so I have to really put my foot down in a very unpleasant way. Sometimes it's the only thing that somewhat gets through to him when talking it out in a reasonable manner doesn't make enough of an impact:dohh:
This will be a bit of a long post, mostly because its been awhile since I checked in! I am surprised at how much time I DON'T have during the day! by the time Melody eats, and then gets back to sleep I have just enough time to eat something myself and maybe a shower or a few moments of peace before she's ready to eat again. I am not even doing much housework because DH is really insistent that I try to rest as much as possible when M is sleeping.

She's starting to hit the 3-week growth spurt I Think because she's eating a lot more often all of a sudden and not sleeping as well. I realized yesterday she's basically worked herself into a state of being overtired because she's eating often but not a lot because she'll fall asleep while eating, then wake up 30 minutes later and eat more and fall asleep and repeat. So she's not getting enough sleep. Then at night if I keep her in bed with me she sleeps a little better but that's because if she's hungry she'll just wake up and attach herself, take what she wants, and go back to sleep. lol. So I am working on getting her to stay awake at feeding times, which is helping her get more sleep.

I've also started pumping once a day to create a stash. I read a book called Work Pump Repeat. If you have to go back to work and want to keep BF, I really recommend it! It's a great book full of PRACTICAL advise from a professional woman who had to find ways to pump in all sorts of awkward situations. It's also completely NON-judgemental so there's no making you feel guilty for a) working b) pumping or c) possibly having to supplement, or stop BF. She keeps reiterating that you do what you need to do and good job for trying for as long as you did! It made me feel so much better about hte whole going back to work thing.

Right now the storage I'm putting away is not so much for when I go back to work as it is for if I need to go get a haircut or go to an appointment and I can have DH or someone else feed M with breastmilk and a bottle. We're going to introduce bottle end of this week or early next week I think.

In another couple weeks I'm going to slowly start transitioning toward getting her a little more on a sleep schedule, but we're going to take it slowly. My goal right now is just to get her to sleep in her bassinet! Last night we managed a whole hour before she woke up and I fed her, tried again, but then she was fussing in 30 minutes so I just took her into our bed. But, an hour is better than nothing. I have had several friends (and my doctor) recommend a book "Babywise" to check out. They all said ti can be a little rigid for some people, but taking bits and pieces of it can help. Plus, all my friends who used the advice in that book reported that even their fussy, not-sleeping babies, started sleeping 5-6+ hours a night by somewhere between 6-10 weeks of age. And they are all exclusively breastfeeding moms. One of my mom friends has two older kids (19 and 17 years old), and was doing a similar schedule with them when they ewre little. She also has two littles that are under 2 right now (a 1.5 year old and a 3-4 month old - very accidental they were TTA but can't use contraceptive because they are fairly strict catholics, and as she started going through pre-menopause her cycles got all wonky and she ended up pregnant....twice!). She said the same thing worked for her two littles, the only one that took a long time to get sleeping was the youngest but that's because she was really relaxed about putting her on a schedule because her husband got a 3 month Paternity leave (paid) from his company and hew as taking care of the other kids which let her just "go with the flow" with baby.

Anyway... I'm going to try some of the things in that book and see what happens., but the book itself says not to even start until after 4 weeks because at this point baby needs to eat basically on demand. Even my doctor said to take some bits and do what works for me, she said she couldn't do it herself because it felt too rigid for her twins but that she knew a lot of people that it worked for as long as you used common sense (for example: don't force baby to wait 3 hours to eat, if baby is hungry feed baby and then readjust schedule, some parents try to take it too far and that is bad).

Right now she's napping in her swing, and while I didn't want to let her start getting into the habit of sleeping in swings and only sleeping with the rocking sensation I'm taking advantage of the fact she's been asleep for 45 minutes and is still asleep! She needs the rest and so do I! :)

Okay, that's enoguh of my rambling! :haha:

Jezika - Tha'ts great that you'er getting out with baby. I have only been out once with her to my sister's house and then DH and I took a walk the other day with her. I think I'll try to get out a little more in a week, I'm just so nervous about going out to do errands when I never know if she's going to decide she wants to feed, or needs to be changed, etc. It's very intimidating to me.

As for nursing in public - in the US each state has it's own laws. I live in Washington state, and we have a law that protects women's right to BF in public, but that doesn't make me any less nervous about it. I'm not actually shy about it in terms of my own body, I'm more worried about stares and comments. I shouldn't be, because it is my right, but I just don't want to have to deal with ignorant people.

Star - THe epidural can be scary, but the chances of paralysis are really really low. Honestly, the biggest side effect you'd probably have to deal with is the possibility of the bad headache afterwards if they go in a little too far. My anesthesiologist had told me she'd be able to know immediately if they went too far and would be able to tell me to expect the headache, but she said it didn't happen often, and that didn't happen. I say go in with an open mind, tell them you are considering the epidural but want to see how the process goes. That's what I did. and when the contractions after my water broke got really bad, I said "F this, get me an epidural" :p Of cousre in my case it didn't take so I still felt most of everything....but that also isn't common. I do know that I tend to be resistant to pain meds that are meant to numb you (my dentist always has to use 2-3x as much numbing stuff as they expect).

The birthing class we took was great. We didn't use a lot of what we learned in terms of the breathing and pain management stuff because of how quickly I progressed after my water broke, but it made me so much more aware of what to expect, and they included a whole day on newborn care and things to expect, which was great. I think the birth class will be a great option for you. Take all the classes you can and do research. But if you know you don't tolerate pain well then accept that it's OK! :)

As for thinsg to buy - a bunch of my friends said a wipe warmer was stupid, but one of my friends recommended strongly that I buy one and so I got one and it has saved us so many times! It really depends on the baby but Melody SCREAMS bloody murder with cold wipes, the wipe warmer saves us so much hassle because she isn't nearly as fussy about it and so middle of the night changes don't wake her up as much. And, the warm wipes don't trigger random pee! Also, I would look into Halo Swaddle Sacks. They recommend swaddling to hep baby sleep, especially with the moro reflex, and I suck at getting a good swaddle in a blanket to hold ,but the Halo swaddle sack makes it SO MUCH EASIER.

A few other things: if breastfeeding, invest in a good BF pillow. At night I just use a regular pillow under my arm while leaning back in bed or side-lying. But during the day, especially if we're on the couch I use my BF pillow. I have the BrestFriend and it's amazing. Saves me a lot of work and tired arms. Look for a good carrier that you can carry baby during the day while doing things around the house. Either a good sling or a carrier. We have a carrier and I have a Moby Wrap. If you buy a swing, try to find one that does BOTH front/back and side/side (cradle) swinging. Some babies only like one version. My niece screamed bloody murder in the front-back swing but would sleep for hours in the side-to-side swing. So I made sure to get one that can do both so I didn't have to worry about wasting money if she didn't like one of them. I also really recommend getting a carseat/stroller set that does the lock-in. It makes it really easy to transfer from car to stroller. A lot of people consider getting the convertible car seat right away to save money, and that's a good option BUT that version doesn't come out of the car (not easily anyway, it's designed tos tay in the car) so also consider whether you want to have to move baby if she's sleeping out of carseat. We opted to buy a "rear face only" that isn't convertible that snaps into a base, and buy an extra base for the other car. So it's super easy to put her in the carseat and then snap it into place in the car, and it also goes into our stroller. Oh and GAS DROPS! They have saved us so many times! Get them early and don't be afraid to use them often (they can be used at every feeding if you need to).

Gagrl - I'm so sorry about the contractor bit! That's awful! A friend of mine had something similar happen to her. It's awful! I hope you can get something done to take care of it! As for the glucose test, I failed the 1 hour too, and I'm not overweight and I watch what I eat. Its' really common to fail the 1-hour. The 3 hour sucks but it's more common to pass it. Congrats on passing!!!

Kat - Alexander is so cute!! What a doll! I'm glad your DH seems to be willing to help you out at night now. That's a big improvement! But I'm so sorry he's being selfish lately. :(

Star & kat - I wanted to comment on the peeing on clothes - it's super common with baby boys, but happens with girls a lot too. M has peed on her clothes a few times. It happens most often with her if we use cold wipes, the cold triggers her to pee! So if I'm in the process of switching out the old diaper to the new one and am not fast enough she may pee and then gets on clothes. We leave clothes on while changing but what happens most often is it goes on the changing pad, which doesn't absorb and then pools. We actually started to put a receiving blanket down on the changing pd (we were gifted a whole bunch of used receiving blankets from friends) and so then 1) the pad isn't cold on baby and 2) if she pees the blanket absorbs most of it and we are less likely to have to change her clothes. She hates changing!

Moomi - welcome! I also started TTC after 15 years on BCP. The first few months your body can do weird things, and your cycle might be off so don't be disheartened if you find AF showing up early/late because your body is still adjusting. Are you doing any tracking or OPKs or just going with the flow? Some people find ith elps to track and others find it stressful. If you have questions though, we'll be glad to help! :)

MissDoc - Oh yeah I remember the BH when walking. That sucked.... I hope they ease up some for you! That's great that you're almost done prepaying for your OB costs. I was doing the same thing and was so glad when we finally got it all paid off about a month before labor! Of course now I'm just waiting for the hospital bill to come in for the birth! :dohh:

Okay that was super long, I'm so sorry! But at least I'm caught up now. lol I'll try not to take so long to check in again. :)
Jezika thanks for the recomendations i really appreciate it. I didn't realize making the list would have me so confused and stressed. It's hard to determine what I'll need. I've read several stories of people saying they have to do cosleeping bc that's the only way the baby sleeps. So maybe getting something in advance will be helpful for me. ill check out your other recommendation too. Quick question- when you nurse in bed I see the advantage of that but I'm wondering do you still have to get up to change the diaper? Just trying to visualize. Does the diaper get changed pretty much everytime the baby feeds?

I forgot I wanted to respond to this - I originally would change baby every time she fed at night, but I've recently stopped doing that. Which might make me sound like a horrible parent but hear me out..... if she's ONLY wet, and it's not really full, I will wait until the next feeding to change her because changing her wakes her up and makes it take twice as long to get her back to sleep. In our case Dh and I have an arrangement where he's in charge of diapers and I feed - so I started having him change her every other feed just so that he can get more rest since he's back at work. During the day I'm very diligent to change her every time she waes up from a nap and right after feeding (because she usually has a wet or poopy diaper during feeding). At night if there's poopy diaper we change, but otherwise I try to wait it out if she can just so she and we get more sleep.

In my case M doesn't have any problems with diaper rash, some babies are more sensitive. Some parents have said to put on diaper cream before bed to avoid rash if doing this, others have said they never have a problem. It is a personal decision, and what works best for you and for your kid. And, if she isn't going back to sleep and is having a fussy night then I'm up already so I definitely change her. But if she's willing to eat and go right back to sleep then I take advantage of that and go for it because we all need the sleep.
Angel I hadn't thought about it being the cold wipes triggering it but that's possible. I've been trying to warm them in my hands and blowing warm air on them because I noticed he goes totally into shock over them when cold but it may not be enough. I've never heard of or seen a wipe warmer though, may have to look into it. As for the changing pad we use those pre-fold type cloth diapers to put under his behind but sometimes it'll still happen that it gets on his clothes if some of the pee lands directly from his penis on to it which it often will do to a certain extent. Also if I haven't lifted his bodystocking up enough so that it isn't touching the cloth then some pee will still soak in:dohh: As for diaper changes I will often change it before feeding him at night which isn't popular as he screams his head off since he wants to be fed but it's still generally easier to get him to sleep after a nighttime feed when I do it that way versus changing it after, I only do that if I can hear he's pooped:haha:
I'm sure it's not all the cold wipes. babies (boys especially) will pee, regardless. But a friend of mine who has 3 girls and a boy said that when they switched to a wipe warmer they had less instances of random peeing, from both her girls and boy. I don't know if they really have them in other countries but I would assume so. I was able to get one for free from a "Buy Nothing" group in my town (basically a facebook group where people post stuff they are giving away and other people request it and the person randomly picks someone to give it to, and then if you are picked you arrange a time/place for pick up). I've been able to get a TON of my baby stuff (and a whole bunch of clothes) that way, which was nice because I wasn't sure how she'd like a bouncer or wipe warmer and I didn't want to spend a ton of money on stuff that she may not use/like.

if you can find a wipe warmer it might be worth trying, just to make changes more pleasant. We use Prince Lionheart brand. Try amazon maybe?

I also will change before feeding if possible, but I have the same problem that she'll scream like crazy if she's already reached a point of being pretty hungry and now she wants to eat and I'm making it worse by changing her. Sometimes now I'll change mid-feeding. So when she starts to doze off on the one breast I'll burp her and change her, and then she's awake enough to eat a pretty good "meal" from the other side. It helps make her eat enough that she stays asleep a little longer. And M likes to poop right in the middle of the first part of her feeding. :dohh: So if I change her first, I alway have to change her after because she ALWAYS poops about 10 minutes into feeding. This kid.... :haha:
Angel I tried checking out Danish websites but they don't seem to sell wipe warmers in this country:shrug: Checked out Amazon UK and it's like £30 which DH isn't much for investing, he's "thinking about it" which means really low chance. So guess I'll have to figure something else out. As for changing mid-feed I've also tried that but Alexander goes just as nuts when I latch him off midway as he does when I change him before a feeding:dohh::nope:

AFM Alexander sleeping in his cradle that isn't going so well as he's often waking every 2 hours from around midnight and after :wacko: It's driving me batty as it may not have been the best idea to transition him to the cradle during a sleep regression :dohh:

DH and I argued again early this morning. I got him to take over so I could get some sleep and he just had to lose his temper and mutter angrily to Alexander "What's wrong with you!" which made me lose it :growlmad: He claims he never said it which made me angrier as I can't stand it when someone is basically gaslighting me, especially when I grew up in a dysfunctional family where the toxics did it to me on a routine basis. It got heated before he left and went to get ready to go to work. He then came back and said he could try getting Alexander to sleep again, like nothing had happened. I just went with it. But I don't know what to do about it when he says things like that to Alexander, I'm worried for when Alexander starts to understand what his father is saying to him and the potential damage it could cause emotionally. I don't know if DH is also resentful of not getting much fun time with him on the weekdays (since he often comes home either around Alexander's bedtime or only just in time for the last play session before which I always give to DH if he reaches to get home in time) and when he does get some it's sometimes not so fun as DH will sometimes choose to play with Alexander "wrong." Like he'll use this crazy voice that Alexander clearly doesn't find funny. I've tried gently telling DH that I think Alexander is too young to get it's supposed to be funny and try something else e.g. playing with his Lamaze dragon but DH just gets a bit mad when I suggest stuff and then insists on what he wants to do. I just don't know what to do anymore......

Oh and to make matters even more fun, there's apparently competition between his parents and my toxic mother for which family christening gown Alexander should wear :wacko: I suggested we buy something totally different so that no one "wins" but DH is against it and thinks we need to choose although I can tell he favours his family christening gown with the excuse "It has no lace!"
Ladies I need creative minds.. We are planning on gender reveal for March 4 as my anatomy scan is March 2. We originally wanted to do the chalk baseball but up here in Pennsylvania I think it'll be too cold to do it. We don't want to do the cake as that's very common.. Any other ideas on how to reveal would be appreciated!!!
Kat - wow that's really expensive! I got mine free but on Amazon (US) I can find them for anywhere from $15 - $30, but they average about $20.

I hope that Alexander starts sleeping better again soon! How long does a sleep regression usually take? I didn't realize there was a 4mo sleep regression. I hope M doesn't go through one too bady because at that point I'll be back at work and will really struggle without sleep!

I'm still working on getting Melody to sleep in her bassinet. I can get 1-2 hours, depending on the time of day, with her in the bassinet. At night when I put her down after a 9pm feeding she's up again around 10, and after that I just keep her in bed because it's so much easier to feed her. :dohh: But I am proud of myself for at least starting her in the bassinet.

I also worry about what will happen when Alexander starts to understand the things your DH is saying. I hope it's just frustration over lack of sleep and maybe not getting to spend "good" time with him, but either way it's not good for the baby. And baby's tend to pick up emotions too so he could be extra fussy or hard to get to sleep if your DH is frustrated because after working in childcare for as many years as I did (and my mom has owned and ran childcare facilities her whole life), I believe babies can sense that and it affects them.

Gagrl - I'm not very creative, but I have seen a couple ideas from friends. One friend filled a box with pink or blue balloons and so when they opened the box the balloons flew out (have to fill the balloons with helium for them to float up). Another friend filled a big black balloon with confetti and glitter and then blew it up and they popped it to see what it was going to be.
Hi ladies!!

Sorry been MIA for a bit...

I got my first ever BFP at 9dpo. :happydance: Today is 12 dpo - still positive.:happydance: I told DH yesterday and we are ecstatic! Although excited, I'm super nervous and my brain just can't seem to stop the "what if's...".

Those of you who have been there done that, please give me some reassurances. I have a doc appointment on Feb 1st (which will be 17dpo). Also I have work travel coming up starting Feb 6th. (4 hrs flying time). Will it be safe? I think I'm hitting a bout of paranoia just about now :nope:

Also is the occasional pull and pinch, stretching feeling, full/bloated, pressured feeling in the lower abdomen are normal at this time?

Any words of wisdom will be much appreciated. Sorry to be worry pot! **sigh**

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