Hi all, just catching up. been really busy with just trying to set up this apartment and looking for a car. we are renting for now, and the last thing we have felt like doing is buying a car and deciding on one. its very boring to say the least. the other thing, the baby list has been taking a very very long time to create. there is so much research that goes into it b/c i don’t want to waste money. the big headache for me lately has been do i need a bassinet, playard, swing, bouncer or rocker. i decided on getting the bassinet, playard (mostly for later) and am now deciding between the swing, bouncer and rocker, knowing that i’ll get two of them only. i live in an apt and i can’t fit this stuff in. I’m thinking of getting the playard (pack n play thing) only for later b/c if i have a bassinet and a rocker or one of the other things why would this playard need to be out? i'll already have somwhere to put the baby. i bet i’ll end up getting stuff i don’t need, but am trying to limit it as best as i can. then people talk about that mamaroo swing bouncer, but I took it off my list b/c i read so many bad reviews and its expensive. I’m going to continue trying the best that i can. figuring out what to do with the nursery has also taken a long time - coming up with an aesthetic and making decision, uggg. I think i may have figured that out. can’t wait till this list is over so i can start reading my book on newborns and learn a thing or two b/c I’m clueless.
Angel - thank you so much for the recommendations. I very much appreciate it. Wrote them all down in a list I am creating. very helpful that you gave the specific names of what you use.
also, has working on getting Melody to stay awake during feeding times helped her sleep better? You mentioned you were trying that. Also how big is your stash you are creating of breastmilk? And in terms of skipping a changing a night if Melody goes back to sleep, is the way to determine if the diaper is just wet but not poopy by smell? just wondering how i would know if it is wet or poopy and full vs. not all the way full? (though jezika answered this in her post, by saying you hear it or smell it). Glad your family visits are over! i can imagine that that was very taxing!
Kat - so sorry about DH. your fears of the effect of it all when Alexander is old enough to understand is reasonable. I’m hoping that DH will have more patience by then if Alexander is sleeping better? If not, I think it might be good to tell DH your fears. I know its a very hard thing to do and might not go well, so only try it if you think it won’t make matters worse. Maybe accepting his families christening gown would be a way to start the convo?
PSam - congrats!!!!!! i was totally nervous for the first 10 weeks, then i was still nervous but not as much. every time i had a scan and i received positive news its almost as if i was shocked. i kept thinking the worst. all i can say is that the worrying did not help me any, but i knew that at the time and kept doing it

in reality, all you can do is take good care of yourself and put your best foot forward. i am so so happy for you! just hang on to that amazing feeling of seeing the bfp
Also Psam - I am in Toronto too, moved from the states and new to Canada in general. So all the advice about finding a doc asap is b/c i learned it the hard way. i had no idea that i needed to do all this so quickly (b/c otherwise I might not get an OB and the hospital of my choice) and that it would be so time consuming. i was lucky to find a doc that accepted a referral and my medical records from my doctor in the US. MANY docs said id have to come to toronto and see a GP and get that person to send a referral and all the paper work b/c they only accepted them from Canadian docs. that was frustrating to hear especially after having found out that people were booked for June when I was calling in November. The other issue that was very difficult is that even when i found docs that would accept my referral and information from the states, they would not book an appointment UNTIL the referral was faxed and the documents received

Even when my doc's office did this within two days, it was too late, they were booked for June by that point. So it was really really frustrating. I don’t think you will have a problem if you start EARLY. So yea, i would get in to an appointment asap. find out what hospital you want to give birth at and go to the hospitals website, look at the OBs and call and book. if you do it early, you won't have a problem. In terms of insurance, I don’t even know much about it yet. it takes 3 months to get whatever the national heath card is called (i forget what its called…

. until that card comes in we are paying out of pocket, but the temporary insurance that we are getting through DH’s work will reimburse us after, you just have to hang on to all the receipts - get itemized ones, not just payment receipts b/c they need all the codes, etc (if you have some temporary insurance through work)
I’m still really behind too. i don’t have a GP and not sure if i need a referral to get a pediatrician. i still have to figure all that out.
tiki tiki - welcome! fx you get a bfp soon!
jezika - thank you again for your recommendations - much appreciated. and glad your DH realized that leaving wasn’t a good idea and he won’t do that again. I can also sympathize with yours or anyone’s frustrations about losing sleep and just being tired when there are hard weeks. i don’t have a child but understand what that feels like just by being busy and having tons of things to do and being exhausted. i can’t imagine how things will be when my LO arrives, but hearing from all of you gets be to understand it better and i appreciate it very much.
gagrl - good luck with the gender reveal. I’m sure it will be super fun whatever you choose