I survived my trip out alone! It went really well actually. Melody is doing great. At the 1 month check up she was up to 8lbs 15oz! Things are settling down pretty well, but I am still having trouble getting her to sleep anywhere by herself. At night cosleeping is best for us, she wakes up every 2-3 hours, eats and falls back asleep pretty easily. During the day is where I struggle to get her to sleep unless I'm holding her. But sometimes I can get her to sleep a few hours in the swing. Otherwise I just cuddle with her. It means nothing else gets done but I don't want to lose out on my cuddle time.
My next goal is having to go out on my own without her!

Now that we got her to take a bottle that isn't as hard. DH was so excited to be able to feed her, and he loved the experience, so I suggested we give her 1 bottle a day so he can have the experience and bonding time that comes with feeding. I'll try to pump during that one bottle time, whenever we do it, so that I don't lose any supply, but even if I do drop my supply a little I think it was the right move. He feels like there's not much he can do with her except the not fun stuff (like changing and walking her while she's screaming), so he deserves to get some time with the rewarding stuff too.
Day before yesterday we got a crazy 10+ inches of snow! Which is unheard of here. DH's work cancelled so we spent the day cuddling (and took a snow walk), it was so nice.
Jezika - Going out to dinner with her is one of my big fears because I don't want to annoy people in a restaurant with her crying or worry about the BFing in public. We took her out to the store for the first time the other day. She really doesn't like her car seat though so she screamed the whole way there and then decided she was hungry after we got there. So I took a few minutes to BF her in the backseat of the car before we went in and she ended up falling asleep, and then stayed asleep for most of the shopping trip (we put her back in the carseat but didn't strap her in while in the store because that's the part she hates). I felt like it was a huge accomplishment just getting out for that much time with her.
Star - I've seen a few people talk about a rock n play but I hadn't heard of it before. I've been wondering if that's something that Melody would sleep better in, but don't want to spend the money on it since we already have a bassinet and a crib and she might not sleep in it anyway.

Hopefully your LO will not be as cranky about sleep as Melody. I love my activity mat, it's Melody's favorite thing right now. She doesn't really like tummy time, but we will do 5-10 minutes tummy time until she gets upset and then turn over and she loves to bat at the hanging things. She can't grasp anything yet but she definitely loves that mat!

I found my mat at a garage sale for $5.
When Melody sleeps in my bed she sleeps on the side and I'm in the middle. Cosleeping is a very "iffy" decision, as a lot of doctors and professionals don't recommend it because it does increase the risk of SIDS. However my doctor said that we are low SIDS risk and as long as I follow some guidelines for "safer cosleeping" we were okay. One of those safety guidelines is that the baby isn't in the middle and is only on the side with mom. Mothers, particularly breastfeedings moms, are more in tune with the baby and tend to sleep more lightly when baby is nearby (and less likely to roll over on baby) whereas men aren't as in tune. We found this to be true of my husband who is usually a light sleeper but lately has been completely sleeping through Melody's night time fussiness without even realizing it. So I sleep in the middle and put her on the side. I'm not worried about her falling off because she can't roll over yet, and i have the bassinet on that side anyway and it creates a "wall" of sorts, so if she did roll over she would hit the edge of the bassinet and not go anywhere.
I thought about a breastfeeding cover and I might get one just for those purposes, but I also strongly feel that women shouldn't have to use one and so then I feel like I'm betraying what I think by using one myself!

I'm such a mess.
Kat - I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time. I agree with everyone else that you need someone to talk to, but I also understand that in your area that seems to be hard to find. I'm also really sorry that Alexander's weight is low, but on the positive side if you do have to add some food like rice cereal then he may sleep better and you may feel better. My sister had to start giving her daughter rice cereal in her formula at 2 months because she was a big eater and was already eating way more formula than was considered "normal". I know it's frowned upon but if Alexander is getting really fussy and not getting any sleep have you considered just sitting down and cuddling him for a nap one time to help him catch up on sleep? The more he doesn't sleep the more overtired he'll get and will fight sleep even more and it becomes a vicious cycle.