Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hoping it works too, Kat. Any more developments on the fam front?

Nope other than my cousin apologised for having mixed into me not having invited my eldest sibling but it's just that he's so nice and didn't get love from our mother and his father was barely around yada yada..... I get that although I don't think our mother gave any of us kids any genuine love. I did have my father but he started going senile when I was around 13 and was very senile by the time I was 16 before dying of cancer when I was 20. As for that rother he hadn't been in cintact with me since just before my wedding 8 years ago, he can't expect people to rush to his side even though his wife is now basically an invalid. I truely feel for him but he wasn't around for 8 years, years where I maybe needed support during my hard times.
EElse - when will you test? I'm in Oz so time is different. It's Saturday now!

Sorry for the very late reply! :blush:

January was a BFN for me. I'm at the moment 13dpo according to FF (I think it is actually 15dpo but will go with what they say). Temps are still high so that's good but I started cramping so not really getting my hopes up yet. I have a test in my drawer so if by Monday I have no sign of AF, I'll take the test.

I'm in South Africa :flower:

Good luck to you and to everyone here on this thread, whether you are TTC, a BF Mommy or a mommy-to-be, I wish you all the best!
Kat - well, I'm glad your cousin at least apologized. How's Alexander's new diet going? Any impact on the sleep?

Ginerashon - welcome! This is the first time I've come across a male on here, though I do hear you unicorns exist ;)

EElse - keeping fingers crossed that AF indeed stays away. Good for you for holding out on testing. I'd have been all over it from 10DPO onwards.
Jez- how's your beauty doing?

Kay- how's the new diet?

Gin- welcome!! Unicorn for sure...

Afm less than a week for our anatomy scan.. so ready!!
I'm finally starting to get to "know" Melody and know what her cries mean and what she needs. It feels like things are getting easier. Or at least manageable.

She is occasionally taking a pacifier, but is very picky about the type. It has the be the one the hospital gave us, which has no plastic, just completely silicone, but she'll take it on the couple occasions when she only wants to suck but not actually feed.

I've attached a pic of Melody. <3

Kat - You're probably right that they consume more when it's from a bottle because it's easier. Although, we do make sure to take a break after each ounce and burp her and give her a chance to process what she's just eaten. I think it helps.

Jezika - I know I'm a little late with with my reply but what type of bottles have you tried to get your LO to take? For us the Munchkin Latch worked the best, it seems to do a decent job of mimicking breast. I've heard that comotomo is one of the best bottle brands for getting a breastfed baby who is refusing all the other bottles to take a bottle. I made sure to give her the bottle in the same way we started breastfeeding - so I tickled her bottom lip until she opened up, and then put the nipple in, making sure to get her to take all the nipple because if she gets in the habit of takes just the tip then she might try that on my breast and that would be bad.

Kat -sorry that you have to start adding porridge for his meals, but I'm glad it seems to be helping him sleep better. In the end if he's sleeping better so will you and your husband. And, as for sleeping with props, there's a saying in my pregnancy group (which is now basically a parenting group) and that's "you do what you gotta do". If you have to use props to get Alexander to sleep so you can get some sanity...then do what you gotta do and don't let yourself feel guilty or stress about it. I keep telling myself I Have to be careful not to let Melody get too used to sleeping in her swing or our arms becuase i don't want to have to wean her off it later, but someone made a good point that if that's the only way she's getting a 2-3 hour nap during the day and giving me some much needed rest, then I should stop stressing and just go with the flow. Eventually things will work out.

Ginerasho - welcome! This is a great group for support. Many of us already had our BFP and some have had our babies, and there are others still TTC. We're happy to provide support, advice or just a sounding board. :) I don't think I've ever seen a male on here before, but you're still just as welcome. :) Hope some of our conversations aren't TMI for you. ;)

EElse - Keeping FX for this cycle! The cycle of my BFP I had a lot of period type cramping around 13-18dpo, I was sure AF was starting. Hoping you have a similar situation. :)

Gagrl - can't wait to hear how things go with your gender reveal and scan! :)


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Gag, Tilly is doing well, thanks for asking. She's been not as good at sleeping since her two-month vaccinations 1.5 weeks ago (wriggling a lot at night), but there are good nights and less good nights. Can't wait for your anatomy scan! Remind me whether you're thinking boy or girl and what (if at all) you're hoping for?

Angel - Melody is such a cutie! I love how she's coordinated with her rocker or whatever it is. Re: bottles, I've tried Avent bottles, some random brand of glass bottle, and then a new mommy friend just gave me two bottles to try (but I've yet to try them). I think one is Dr. Brown and I can't remember the other one. I've never heard of the one you suggested, but I will look into it! As of now, Tilly just lets us put it in her mouth and then just plays with it in her mouth while staring at us.

Last week I went to a local playgroup for the first time and got to meet some other mothers and their little ones. It was really, really nice (esp. since I only have one friend in this city with a baby, and she lives quite far from me) and also made me realize that I'm doing pretty well with Tilly in terms of getting out of the house, meeting new people etc. Several ladies there had 5/6-month-olds and said it was their first time out and socializing. The mum whose house it was also gave me some freezer bags for breastmilk and some bottles to try with Tilly. So nice! Tilly is about to enter her third leap, according to Wonder Weeks, so that'll be interesting. She's already doing a lot of things that are part of that leap and her neck is very strong. It's nice to not have to be sooo concerned about supporting her head. Maybe her nighttime fussiness is early leap fussiness? One can hope!
Jez in so glad you're meeting other moms and I'm sure your little one will get back in a sleeping routine soon.

I'm expecting a boy because my husband has been so adamit but it want a girl.. either way though I will be crying tears of joy!
Angel - melody is adorable! And I'm so glad things are getting easier. Must be very nice to have a fuller understanding of what she needs etc as you get closer and know her better.

Jezika - I put the avent bottles and two of the comotomo ones on my list. Not to many just a small start with the hope that he will like one of them. I hope your tilly finds a bottle she's comfortable with soon. What type of breast pump did you get?

Kat - how's Alexander sleeping now? Has the new addition to some solid food helped?

Eelse - good luck with this cycle. Hope you get your bfp!

Gagrl - hope the anatomy scan goes well and your gender reveal is lots of fun :)
Welcome ginerashon:flower: Yeah definitely not many men on this forum but so great that you're here! Hope you and your wife conceive quickly!

EElse so sorry about the BFN but FXed your BFP soon comes :dust:

Gagrlinpitt so exciting about your scan! I know how excited I was to see baby at that stage.

Angel so cute! As for using props I totally hear what you're saying but I personally want to keep it at an absolute minimum as I want to avoid a huge struggle getting him weaned off later on. Not too long before he'll need to start using his crib and that combined with him getting heavier (especially since he started eating porridges and gruels!) makes using certain props soon impossible e.g. rocking him in our arms. I've recently started to use the phrase "It's sleep time!" right before doing an absolute minimum of rocking when Alexander has to have a nap and think it's helping. I read somewhere that they around this age can recognise a phrase and when he learns that it means he needs to sleep, I'm hoping it'll make transitioning him from minumum rocking to no rocking easier. I do also think there's a difference as babies first have to be around 2-3 months before they start to need less rocking and props to sleep.

Jezika so great you're more comfortable getting out more! It's definitely a learning curve and building your confidence up gradually. Now I think nothing of going out with Alexander most of the time. Good luck with Leap 3, I don't totally remember what Alexander's was like as I've only discovered about leaps during his Leap 4 (which was sleeping hell btw so now you've gotten a heads up :wacko:).

As for Alexander's diet, that seems to be going pretty well! He actually likes his nighttime gruel best and will start complaining if a full spoon isn't given to him within 3 seconds:haha: So thinking my health care provider will soon want me to add a mashed vegetable porridge in the afternoon although I dread to think how I'll reach to make it if Alexander only sleeps for 30 minutes which he sometimes will do for his 2nd nap:wacko: His sleep is still off at around 2-3 AM but I'm starting to think it's because when we go in to sleep at around 11 PM, we gradually warm up the room and it bothers his eczema so he gets itchier and sleeps worse. So we're going to try moving his cradle into his own room today and see if he sleeps better. He does sleep better in his room when we put him in the baby carriage in there on occasions where something outside is bothering is sleep and he's getting overtired so here's hoping! It's before the 6 month mark but I'm thinking at soon 5 months it must be ok and the SIDS risk must be extremly low at this age. Going to have to contact our GP ASAP though so we can do something more about his eczema since it sucks for him if that's the big reason he's having issues sleeping! I btw tried the Aveeno Baby eczema cream (after doing my own research although had to order it from Poland as they don't sell it in this country!) and it seems to be what helps most but hasn't taken away all of the itchiness apparently. Poor little guy!

Ugh as for the Christening we're only missing one friend couple's answer. I'm FB friends with the wife so have now written to her although I'm guessing that either 1) they didn't get the invite (a couple have been lost in the mail) so probably can't come now or 2) they can't come but just haven't bothered with answering. Oh and my childish friend and her boyfriend have cancelled coming to the Christening as she apparently has had the flu and is behind on her Bachelor project so doesn't have the time now to come. Generally not many friends coming, I think it's only our single friend that's coming so poor guy is going to feel out of place being in a crowd of mostly DH's family (with only my mother coming to our house for lunch afterwards since my cousin has to head to work after the church ceremony).
Kat and star thank you!

I had a dream that we went for the anatomy scan and found out we were having twins. That's been on my mind since getting pregnant as fraternal twins run in my family. Although I don't foresee that happening as we have only heard one heartbeat this entire time but I guess we will find out in four days.

Kat Im so glad things are getting a bit easier with the porrage added in.. hopefully putting him in his own room will help. Keep us updated.
Kat and star thank you!

I had a dream that we went for the anatomy scan and found out we were having twins. That's been on my mind since getting pregnant as fraternal twins run in my family. Although I don't foresee that happening as we have only heard one heartbeat this entire time but I guess we will find out in four days.

Kat Im so glad things are getting a bit easier with the porrage added in.. hopefully putting him in his own room will help. Keep us updated.

Yeah if you haven't seen signs of another baby by now at the other scans, then it's pretty much 100% certain that you only have a singleton in there. I think twins are lovely but can imagine how much work that must be:wacko:

Here's hoping although I can't help but feel a bit sad moving him out of our room even though he'll be in the room next to ours :( Oh well, it had to happen in the very near future so here's to just ripping that band-aid off quickly now. If it means we all 3 get more sleep at night, it'll be worth it!
Kat and star thank you!

I had a dream that we went for the anatomy scan and found out we were having twins. That's been on my mind since getting pregnant as fraternal twins run in my family. Although I don't foresee that happening as we have only heard one heartbeat this entire time but I guess we will find out in four days.

Kat Im so glad things are getting a bit easier with the porrage added in.. hopefully putting him in his own room will help. Keep us updated.

Yeah if you haven't seen signs of another baby by now at the other scans, then it's pretty much 100% certain that you only have a singleton in there. I think twins are lovely but can imagine how much work that must be:wacko:

Here's hoping although I can't help but feel a bit sad moving him out of our room even though he'll be in the room next to ours :( Oh well, it had to happen in the very near future so here's to just ripping that band-aid off quickly now. If it means we all 3 get more sleep at night, it'll be worth it!

I'm sure it'll be hard but like you said.. better sleep= happy family.

By the way I just noticed the picture of him in your siggy.. he's so handsome.
Do you have any recent pics of him, Kat? I love baby pics! (Which is funny because I couldn't care less prior to getting pregnant).
Thanks Gagrlinpitt:flower:

Jezika I do have a few I took while he was waiting for his porridge a couple of days ago:



I thought you ladies would appreciate this cuteness. This is my daughter and her cousin at his 1st birthday party. He's exactly 2 months older than her.
I've recently realized that while Melody falls asleep really well when she's swaddled she doesn't STAY asleep very well swaddled. She likes to put her hands up on/near her face and so if she starts to stir in her sleep and realizes she can't move her hands she will get angry and wake herself up crying mad. But if she can move her hands a little she's fine. of course if she has no resistance her moro reflex wakes her up. :dohh: I found today that if I put her in one of the sleep sacks that I have and instead of putting her arms in the sleeve I leave them in the sack with it mostly closed but not all the way she sleeps pretty well. Then she can start out with her arms like she would swaddled, but when she wants to move them she can.

There's a product called the zippity-zip that is designed to be a transition from swaddle and it's supposed to start around 3 months but I might get it and try her with it now just to see if that does the trick for her.

Jezika - Thanks! The coordination with the rocker (it's like the cheap version of a rock'n'play that was given to us) was complete accident. :haha: Hopefully one of the bottles you have works, or you can find one that will! If those don't work, I really do like the Munchkin Latch. I've also heard that Nuk is pretty good - it has not just one hole but 2-3 in the nipple so it's supposed to be more like a breast nipple that way. Sometimes Melody just plays with the bottle in her mouth. I try to make sure we put it in her mouth in the same way we did when starting breastfeeding to teach her how to latch properly. I also "tricked" her once into thinking she was going to get breast by putting the bottle up by my breast and holding her just like I would while breastfeeding and got her to latch on that way. Not sure if any of those will work for you. :shrug: Now a days she takes it no problem but at the beginning it took a little trickery sometimes.

The playgroup sounds great. I need to look for one.I have several friends with kids only a few months older than Melody and a few others with babies due soon but none live near me. :(

Star - Thanks! <3

Kat - I've been trying to decide when to try the "put down drowsy but awake" thing and start to wean off props, but I think that M won't be able to do that until she's older and can self-soothe. She's not there yet and probably won't be for a few weeks at the least. Some literature says you can start the drowsy but awake thing as early as 6-8 weeks but I don't think that Melody can handle it yet. She gets herself too worked up, and I'm not a fan of CIO methods at this age. I'll let her cry 2-3 minutes because sometimes it's just her settling herself but more than 5 minutes and I can't do it any longer.

When do you think you'll move him to his crib? (what does he sleep in now, a bassinet?) I use her bassinet for most naps, but usually can only get a 30-45min nap in that. But in her swing she'll nap for 2-4 hours! So, while I don't want her to get used to the swing and rocking for sleep I let myself put her in the swing for 1 nap a day so I can get more things done and she gets a decent nap.

RE: Alexander's gruel - if you have to add to afternoons can you make it up in advance ? Maybe when you make the evening one make double and refrigerate it and use the left overs the next day?

I think moving Alexander to his room at 5 months shoudl be fine. I know they recommend until 6 months but the person who did our birthing class said that even though they recommend 6-12months, if you can go 3-4 months it's usually fine, especially if you have a camera or monitor or something.


drjo - So cute! Thanks for sharing!
Angel we had the same issue with Alexander so didn't even bother trying real swaddling. He did stop with the moro reflex although I don't remember exactly when, sometime around 3ish months??? Nope you will probably first be able to start trying when she's around 3 months. As for moving him to his crib that'll be once he's outgrown his cradle which is probably in a month or 2, depends on when he starts being more active with rolling and maybe even sitting up on his own. Otherwise the weight limit on the cradle is around 10 kg and he's around 7 kg now. The thing is he won't be getting gruel (which is pretty quick to make!) in the afternoon, it'll be an entirely different porridge with mashed potatoes and carrots in it. Otherwise I'll haveto do things as quickly as possible and bf'ed him and see when I can feed him the porridge, may be the first few times he'll first get it when he's soon ready for his 3rd nap. We don't have either a camera or a monitor, don't think that's much of a thing here and I would think with the 25% tax it'd be expensive to get. We're just using his regular baby alarm and hoping that's enough. Thanks:flower:
Yeah, real swaddling doesn't work anymore for Melody as she breaks out really quickly unless I'm using the swaddle sacks (I think Halo makes them). They calm her to sleep quickly, but aren't good for her staying asleep. If the velcro wasn't so loud I'd use them to put her to sleep and then undo the arm bits while she's asleep but the velcro wakes her so I can't do that.

That's so complicated that his afternoon and evening food would be different and thus harder to make in advance. I'd think though that you could at least make up some in advance and refridgerate in little containers that you can just grab. Maybe 2-3 days worth ? I think it would last that long and then just warm up in microwave or something to feed? My sister did that when she was making her own baby food. She made up a week worth, put it in individual containers and just pulled out of fridge and microwaved to warm up.

25% tax? That's crazy high. When you say the regular baby alarm, is that like a sound monitor? That should be plenty. We only have a camera monitor because a friend of mine gave her old one to us as they have a really large house with the bedrooms on a separate floor from the living area and it's set up in a way that they couldn't always hear baby and so they invested in a camera system and this one didn't have a good range so they had ot upgrade to a better one. My house is much much smaller so I can hear her all the way across the house no problem, but the camera lets me see if she's really awake or just settling back down. If I just hear her I'll often go in too early and if she's not really awake my walking in will wake her further (we have some bad squeaky floor boards at the door of our room).

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