I really thought I wrote a reply a long time ago but apparently I never did because it isn't here.... wow. Okay so I'll recap what I can.
I had a great chat with a friend of mine on Monday regarding Melody's sleeping. She’s got 4 kids (20 and 17, and two “oopsies” while TTA – 2 years and 5 months!) and she’s had great success getting all 4 to sleep well and sleep through the night (6+ hours) by 3 months old (and only the first did it on her own the others needed some “help”

. She gave me some pretty helpful advice. The most important being consistency and routine. So now I make sure to do the same thing before every nap and bedtime: swaddle, turn on the heater/fan and the shower white noise machine, bounce her on the yoga ball and sing the same lullaby. Melody falls asleep in under 5 minutes most of the time, 10 min sometimes but almost never longer. :woohoo: The hard part is getting her to stay asleep. I put her down in her bassinet and tuck an extra blanket around her because the swaddle sack we are using is too big width wise, but the size smaller is way too small length wise (tall skinny baby). Day 1 she wouldn’t say asleep more than 5 minutes once I put her down, by evening I got one 30 minute nap from her. Day 2 was 10 minutes and then in the afternoon I finally got a 30 and then later a 45 minute nap. The third day was the same 10 minute thing all morning, but I got three 45 minute naps in the afternoon/evening, AND at night time she slept 2-4 hours and after night time feeding went back in her bassinet and slept well! I’m so excited! I don’t mind cosleeping but I prefer to have my bed back.
Okay this is going to sound crazy but...my sister thinks Melody is starting teething! I know that 9 weeks is way early but my niece cut her first tooth right around 9-10 weeks, so I know it can happen. Yesterday Melody was over the top fussy, way more than normal. This wasn't just fussy, it was a painful screaming. She was absolutely refusing to eat anything. I finally got her to take a bottle but she spent most of the time chewing on the nipple instead of sucking, it took me an hour to get her to finish 2 ounces, she usually finishes 2 oz in a bottle pretty quickly. I had to pump twice yesterday because she wouldn't feed from me at all and I became really engorged (but at least I got 12 ounces stashed away in the freezer because of it). The amount of drool this kiddo was producing yesterday was insane, way more than she ever has, and she kept gnawing on anything she could get in her mouth: hands, bottle, pacifier, cold washcloth (that made her happy actually), and my nipples IF she would take them.
I don't know if it's a fluke or if she's really teething but poor baby had a really rough day yesterday. This morning she was okay but the afternoon was awful. I finally sent DH to get some infant tylonel. I know the bottle says not to use <24 lbs but our doctor gave us a sheet of how much tylonel we can give to her at various weights so I gave her a little and she finally managed to settle down and eat and then get some sleep.
Lastly – I received verbal confirmation that I will be allowed to extend my maternity leave for another month. We got some news that, in addition to my mother’s illness, my MIL was diagnosed with lung cancer last week. She was one of our back up sitters. HR emailed me the form this morning so I’ll fill it out and send it off and once my principal signs it then I’ll send to HR and then the superintendent has to sign and the board has to approve it. So much bureaucracy. But my union rep assures me that once the principal and superintendent have agreed the board part is formality. It’ll be a rough month, no pay and I’ll have to pay $1200 for my insurance that month instead of the normal $300, but without a sitter that’s the easiest option. My sister will take over full time baby-sitting May 1 and I’ll return then.
Phew. Sorry, long update.
Butterflyfrog - Welcome! This is a great group of women! I spent 14 months TTC, and then finally got our BFP. My rainbow baby was born January 6th. I stick around because these ladies and I have been through so much.
What are you using to determine your fertile window?
As for the "6 day early" it doesn't always work the way people think. It really depends on when implantation occurs. So, after you ovulate your egg has 24 hours before it is deteriorated (that's why identifying ovulation date is important). From that date, if inseminated, the egg will implant anywhere from 6-12 days later. The minute it implants, it starts to produce hormones. That hormone typically doubles every 2-3 days. The 6 days early are the most sensitive and detect the lower amounts of hpt but you can't really guarantee it'll be 6 days before your period.
Also, if you were pregnant, I don't think the rides should really affect you that early.
mzpiggy - welcome! This is a great group of women! I was with this group, TTC for 14 months. I had my rainbow baby in January, and I stick around simply because we've all been through so much!
Kat - sorry that his shots left him with a fever! Interesting that you have them at 3 and 5 months. Our doctor had us schedule vaccines for 2, 4, and 6 months.
Greensboroug - Welcome! I'm 31 now, and just had my rainbow baby in January. I started TTC at 29, and it took us 14 months to conceive but it took me awhile to regulate my cycles after i stopped bcp (I had been on it for 15 years). THis is a great group of women! We're here if you need to chat or have questions, etc.
Eelse - Good luck!!
Drjo & Eelse - Wow! I'm a July birthday too! I'll be 32 July 25th.