Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Angel yeah I'm allowed to make around 2 days worth but only up to the point before adding formula (the recipes are with formula plus don't want the extra hassle to pump all that milk every day!) but it would save time still. I don't know, I'll probably make the first serving and see exactly how time consuming it is and take it from there. Yeah the taxes here are insane, it also made buying stuff for baby really expensive. We've recently learned that there's money to be saved by buying baby carriages and strollers in Sweden so we may buy a stroller in Sweden since the carriage was bought a long time ago. Yep the monitor is sound only. I didn't even see ones with video feed and don't want to know what those must cost here:wacko: Alexander does that as well, I've learned that he has to be crying pretty badly before I can be reasonably sure he's awake and go out and get him, otherwise I just risk disturbing him.

Ugh the Christening drama continues. Turns out my toxic mother is now coming but only for the church service and then she's leaving (so not coming for first lunch then coffee and cake afterwards, all at our house). She's apparently gotten a neighbour to drive her back and forth (poor guy that'll be driving her 45 minutes each way plus be waiting for her!). My MIL seems to be giving her the attention my mother's out for but it's imposible to convince my MIL entirely how truely toxic my mother is so I just let things like that go. My DH is more wise to my mother and doesn't give her much attention when she acts like this. Yep, my mother sure knows how to make every event about her and somehow garner attention by behaving like a spoiled brat:nope:
Wow so quiet on here:wacko:

AFM still annoyed my toxic mother is only coming to the church service and is inconveniencing her neighbour. Think my MIL is still planning on trying to get her to stay for the reception at our house. My ILs are actually coming today to help us with the last of the cleaning so hopefully all will be ready by Saturday. Oh and the priest came yesterday to discuss what happens and he likes the godparents to participate so now DH's 2 brothers will have to decide amongst themselves who gets to pour the water in the baptismal font and who gets to light a candle. The priest also said normally he likes one of the older siblings of the child getting baptised to dry the baby's head afterwards but since Alexander is our first if there where any children in the family who'd like to do it. My first thought was DH's big brother's 11 year old son since he's very taken with Alexander and last time we saw him was talking a lot about how he was so looking forward to the Christening. Despite his narcissistic mother having spoiled him, he's turning out to be a very sweet young kid. Thinking also that his mother now favours his sister so may also explain the change?
Kat, I'm so sorry your mother in making this all about her.. it honestly reminds me so much of some if my family that she is acting like, I can't even say I'm shocked.

Not to try and overshadow you but just to relate to you, my oldest sister whom I get along with well was convinced by my dad and middle sister that I was horrible for not coming to her middle sons bar mitzvah. It was last year, which not only was on our anniversary, but it was three and a half weeks after we buried my father in law after a three year battle with heart failure that I mostly took care of, and I didn't want to be around my toxic dad's side of the family. I got hammered for months because I was the @$$wipe sister/aunt who didn't come... Mind you my nephew didn't even care if I was there.

I can't sleep tonight.. to excited/nervous about my anatomy scan today.. I havnt seen peanut since about 8 weeks and I am just praying that everything looks good.
Kat, I'm so sorry your mother in making this all about her.. it honestly reminds me so much of some if my family that she is acting like, I can't even say I'm shocked.

Not to try and overshadow you but just to relate to you, my oldest sister whom I get along with well was convinced by my dad and middle sister that I was horrible for not coming to her middle sons bar mitzvah. It was last year, which not only was on our anniversary, but it was three and a half weeks after we buried my father in law after a three year battle with heart failure that I mostly took care of, and I didn't want to be around my toxic dad's side of the family. I got hammered for months because I was the @$$wipe sister/aunt who didn't come... Mind you my nephew didn't even care if I was there.

I can't sleep tonight.. to excited/nervous about my anatomy scan today.. I havnt seen peanut since about 8 weeks and I am just praying that everything looks good.

Ugh so sorry your sister and dad did that but if they're anything like my toxic family members, it doesn't suprise me either:nope:

Hoping your scan goes great! I can imagine it'll be a bit of a shock seeing how much has happened in all those weeks!
Kat, I'm so sorry your mother in making this all about her.. it honestly reminds me so much of some if my family that she is acting like, I can't even say I'm shocked.

Not to try and overshadow you but just to relate to you, my oldest sister whom I get along with well was convinced by my dad and middle sister that I was horrible for not coming to her middle sons bar mitzvah. It was last year, which not only was on our anniversary, but it was three and a half weeks after we buried my father in law after a three year battle with heart failure that I mostly took care of, and I didn't want to be around my toxic dad's side of the family. I got hammered for months because I was the @$$wipe sister/aunt who didn't come... Mind you my nephew didn't even care if I was there.

I can't sleep tonight.. to excited/nervous about my anatomy scan today.. I havnt seen peanut since about 8 weeks and I am just praying that everything looks good.

Ugh so sorry your sister and dad did that but if they're anything like my toxic family members, it doesn't suprise me either:nope:

Hoping your scan goes great! I can imagine it'll be a bit of a shock seeing how much has happened in all those weeks!

It sucks when you can relate to someone because they have a toxic family huh?

Are you getting excited about the christening? I'm sure the rest of your family is..

Yeah last time we saw peanut.. They were gummy bear sized so this I'm sure will be very interesting lol...
Kat, I'm so sorry your mother in making this all about her.. it honestly reminds me so much of some if my family that she is acting like, I can't even say I'm shocked.

Not to try and overshadow you but just to relate to you, my oldest sister whom I get along with well was convinced by my dad and middle sister that I was horrible for not coming to her middle sons bar mitzvah. It was last year, which not only was on our anniversary, but it was three and a half weeks after we buried my father in law after a three year battle with heart failure that I mostly took care of, and I didn't want to be around my toxic dad's side of the family. I got hammered for months because I was the @$$wipe sister/aunt who didn't come... Mind you my nephew didn't even care if I was there.

I can't sleep tonight.. to excited/nervous about my anatomy scan today.. I havnt seen peanut since about 8 weeks and I am just praying that everything looks good.

Ugh so sorry your sister and dad did that but if they're anything like my toxic family members, it doesn't suprise me either:nope:

Hoping your scan goes great! I can imagine it'll be a bit of a shock seeing how much has happened in all those weeks!

It sucks when you can relate to someone because they have a toxic family huh?

Are you getting excited about the christening? I'm sure the rest of your family is..

Yeah last time we saw peanut.. They were gummy bear sized so this I'm sure will be very interesting lol...

Yeah it'll be a nice day :) I'm sure DH's family is excited. The only ones coming from my family are my cousin and toxic mom and both are only coming to the church ceremony (my cousin couldn't get out of work that day so she has to leave shortly after the ceremony). It'll be the first time my cousin sees him as we don't see each other all that often, partly because she hasn't shown much interest but also partly because there's an age gap of 20+ years. My toxic siblings can't come as they live in the US and can't take their kids out of school to come here.

Looking forward to seeing pics!
Yeah it'll be a nice day :) I'm sure DH's family is excited. The only ones coming from my family are my cousin and toxic mom and both are only coming to the church ceremony (my cousin couldn't get out of work that day so she has to leave shortly after the ceremony). It'll be the first time my cousin sees him as we don't see each other all that often, partly because she hasn't shown much interest but also partly because there's an age gap of 20+ years. My toxic siblings can't come as they live in the US and can't take their kids out of school to come here.

Looking forward to seeing pics!

I'm excited for you! And likewise can't wait to see pictures.
Kat - I hope it all goes well! Since is all scheduled I'm taking it that DH is satisfied with the clean house? Has alexnander been sleeping better now? those photos were precious. I liked the little seat he was in. Looks comfy.

Gagrl - have a great scan!!!!

Since moving to Canada I have noticed that some consumer things are more expensive and its been surprising to me. I just didn't know. To pay a lot more for the same product. so I've really had to be careful in deciding what to purchase and I'm not over doing it w baby stuff. Just going to figure it out along the way. I am getting a monitor though.

Does anyone have a recommendation?

Also in planning for the future what resources (books, website, sos, etcs) do you refer to when learning about babies and sleep and even babies and eating or just developmental things? I'm trying to put together references for the future.
Ahh scan went great. Now it's just waiting time. Anyone feel free to comment on the skull theory
Gagrlinpitt glad the scan went so well! I have absolutely no clue about any of the gender prediction theories so am no help:haha:

star the house is clean enough, at expense to my sanity since my ILs came yesterday and drove me nuts but more about that later:wacko: I have the Philips Avent SCD570/00. It's an ok monitor for the price, haven't had any issues with it. The only annoying thing is the baby unit has to either be plugged in or use 4 AA batteries so can't be charged up like the parent unit. But that's mostly an issue for me because he often sleeps outside and I would think for indoor use it's probably not as much of an issue. I do like that it has the talk back function and you can play lullabyes or turn on the night light function from the parent unit but those things will be more useful when he's older of course. As for websites for sleep, I've found this one useful:
There's a lot of free articles on it and I haven't felt any large need to pay for stuff on their site yet.This chart is particularly useful:
I've also been using the Wonder Weeks app (although that costs a small amount) which has been good for predicting Alexander's fussy periods and learning about the mental leaps he periodically goes through. I ended up purchasing both the audiobook and the actual book but I'd say if you're going to get only one of them, get the actual book as it has more info and helpful advice. I don't have any books on babies, just pretty much winging it and learning as I go which you probably can't avoid. Books are great but all babies are individuals so it's mostly about learning about your own baby and learning to see when he's e.g. tired (which I've gotten a great deal better at after lots of trial and error!).

AFM as said my ILs came yesterday to help clean. I've noticed this morning that my MIL threw out my orchids (including one I got from DH!) because they weren't flowering and haven't done so for a while without asking me if she could :growlmad: Also they kept questioning why Alexander can't stay awake for more than around 2 hours at a time and didn't listen when I told them that he's within the norm for his age. They also kept on saying that if he e.g. sleep for 3 hours, he should be able to stay awake for longer which I've read is not the case but whatever:dohh: Oh and at one point he woke up right when we where about finished with dinner and I was trying to determine if he was really awake or having trouble transitioning from light to deep sleep. My ILs poo pooed me totally and insisted when he makes noise, he's awake and that you can't trust the internet yada yada. Got super annoyed because I've noticed otherwise and it's saved me from going in/out to him prematurely and disturbing his nap. As a last annoyance after the tables were set up one of them is blocking the TV which I mentioned was annoying but then my FIL said "Well you don't have time for TV anyway!":growlmad: God I can't stand it when they get like that and it's impossible to tell them anything concerning Alexander because they've had 3 kids so feel they're experts. But my MIL couldn't even see Alexander was tired at one point when he clearly was since he was fussy and had droopy eyelids.
Aww Kat.. I'm sure they were just Being a bit over protective.

Well we found out last night we are expecting a little princess..A huge shock to us that's for sure.
Aww Kat.. I'm sure they were just Being a bit over protective.

Well we found out last night we are expecting a little princess..A huge shock to us that's for sure.

I didn't get much of the over protective vibe, more like "we always know better because we've had 3 kids" vibe:roll: They're definitely very opinionated, I sometimes feel like they're criticising us indirectly:nope:

Congrats on :pink::happydance:
So the Christening went pretty well yesterday:thumbup: Alexander didn't make much fuss and was really good when the priest put water on his head. I had to breastfeed him a couple of times but the priest said I was welcome to do it in the church so didn't have to go out to do that:thumbup: The only problem was I started breastfeeding Alexander and suddenly the priest started saying that now started the procession out. I couldn't get Alexander latched off and my boob back in in such a short amount of time so I walked out with Alexander still latched on:wacko: Luckily you couldn't really tell because my nursing top was barely open so it just looked like he was nested in. The little girl also getting Christened cried the entire time though, felt so bad for her family:nope: The father actually came up to me afterward to apologise for his daughter crying but I told him he didn't need to and that you can't control babies.

My mother made it about her and told me that she was glad I gave Alexander my father's name as his middle name, like I did it for her or something which wasn't the case. Then she refused to come over to our house afterwards even though my MIL offered to drive her home afterwards so my cousin drove her home (my cousin btw didn't understand why my mother refused to stay for the reception). She claimed she was sick and barely eating and wasn't feeling up to it. Her lose, she missed out on a lovely afternoon/evening:shrug: Alexander got lots of lovely gifts from our family and friends and the cake my MIL made was super tasty.

DH told me afterwards that my mother apparently complained in the church about how we didn't choose the Christening gown she made for me when I was a baby:nope:

Anyway don't have any good pics of Alexander in his gown as I was so stressed so forgot to get DH to take a pic so waiting on the pics DH's little brother's girlfriend took. In the meantime here's what I did take pics of:





Hello ladies new to the site just looking for support and maybe find some friends going through the same. Here's a little about me, wishing you all baby dust for BFP

Cycle 1 of TTC #1. Had to wait to try because of health and financial issues. Have lost nearly 6 and half stone and now we're ready to go. It's so scary and confusing but exciting too. Came off my contraceptive implant in Dec so have had 2 periods with a cycle length of 25 and 26 days so glad it's looking regular. Decided to start trying on my 3rd day of my fertile window so worried we might have missed it. So I'm now on CD 19 and itching to test!!! Anyone else think every twinge might be a EP symptom? Had a few questions, wondered if anyone could help???

Do those '6days early' hptk work? I need to know if I am before Sunday which will be 2 days before my period is due. Have to know because we booked a whole family trip to an amusement park and I need to know if I should avoid the rides....

Secondly, we are BDing every day, more than once. Lots of people saying every other day on here, is that best? I thought as much as possible would be best, lots of articles say 'as much as possible' but am I limiting the quality of sperm by having sex 2/3 times a day?

Sending best wishes to everyone here :-)
Hi Butterflyfrog! :flower: Welcome!

I'm no expert but I think if both you and DH has no fertility issues then every day or even twice a day BD can do no harm - might actually be good.

In our case, we limit it to every second day during the fertile window because DH has low sperm count.

I'm on my next cycle now, CD7 so still a while to go before I test - I usually only test if AF is a no-show.

No idea about the accuracy of those hpt's but maybe someone else on here can answer that.

Good luck and lots of baby dust to you!
Thank you for the welcome EElse! And for the advice.

As far as I know we don't have any fertility issues, it's our first time trying so fingers crossed we are ok!

It's so hard not to test straight away (I know that's ridiculous) as I have been waiting so long to even start trying!!!

Thank you for the baby dust! Receiving it with open arms and sending some right back! :-) xxx
Gag - congrats on the girl! Have you started thinking of names?

Kat - glad the Christening went well and I'm loving Alexander's stash of gifts. Looking forward to seeing photos when you have them.

Butterfly - welcome! Yes early HPTs (like First Response) should work two days before period is due. I got obsessive with testing so I boaight a bunch of cheap tests off Amazon (wondfos) and tbh they very frequently catch a pregnancy before period is due too, as early as 9 or 10 DPO. Also, don't take my word for this but I was always under the impression rollercoasters were fine? As for BDing daily versus every other day, I'm with EElse that I believe the every other day thing is best for those with sperm issues.

I had other things to say but now forgot! Must sleep.
Welcome Butterflyfrog! I hope your journey is short and sweet! As a former LTTTC'er, I always hope others don't have to go through what I did. As for sex, I think they say every 2-3 days at least. But if you're enjoying BDing so often, then by all means! Personally DH and I found BDing every day too much for us and was killing our sex life so we went back to every 2-3 days after trying the every day thing for 1 cycle. As for HPTs, I don't know much about how accurate they are 6 days before AF. I would think it also depends on how much HCG is produced in those early days as it varies from person to person. Some can get a BFP already at 8 dpo, others are closer to 14-15 dpo befor they get theirs. I'd say if those 6 days are very close to the day you're going to an amusement park, I'd just excercise caution and not go on any rides at all. Those rides are often jarring and can potentially cause an m/c although there isn't any evidence they do but there's also no evidence for they don't (see I'd personally try to re-book the trip if you really want to go on rides.
Jezika I did get 3 pics from DH's cousin although these are after Alexander's first nap which is in his Christening gown. It's a tradition, something about it bringing baby a happy, long life:shrug: Anyway, here are the pics!

In this one it's apparent who's me:haha: On my left is my DH, the guy to my right is DH's little brother and the guy to DH's left is DH's big brother. They're the godparents:
Barnedåb - 1_mindre.jpg

In this pic is the grandparents and great-grandmother of Alexander. The man that's not my DH is my FIL, the woman in orange is my MIL and the older woman is DH's grandmother (my MIL's mother):
Barendåb - 3 (1)_mindre.jpg

Here's the family and all our guests. Don't think I'll bother saying who everyone is since there are so many! I'll only mention that the tall guy all the way to the right in back is DH's cousin while the young blonde lady all the way to the left is DH's little brother's girlfriend. The little girl to my right is DH's big brother's daughter while the boy to her right is DH's big brother's son. Everyone else are divrse family members and some friends. So feel free to ask about anyone else!
Barnedåb - 2_mindre.jpg
Jezika- we do have a name picked out. Both my mom and mil have already started shopping.. my goodness this little princess is going to be so loved...

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