Gagrl - that's great your friend had a safe healthy delivery. Can't wait to hear that you have your LO!
Kat - that's so great that he's rolling! But so frustrating he did r when you weren't there! When M is on her back she pushes with her legs and will get herself about half way to her side and then give up

but she's now scooting around in circles because of it. I was making dinner and I could see her in the living room from where I was. I looked up after a few seconds of Chopping and she was turned 90 degrees from where she'd been when I started. And the next time I looked up she'd done another 90 degree turn. Lol.
Afm I took Melody to the dr today. She stopped eating lately. She went from 20-30 minute nursing sessions every 3 hours to 3-5 minutes every hour and she breaks off screaming and arching her back. Doctor checked her out and she's still gaining weight at a healthy amount and her ears and everything seem fine. She is congested though. So for now she said to give saline spray before every feeding and try to keep her upright afterward because it sounds like she's also got some possible reflux.
The last two days she's basically refused my breast completely, or only will eat a minute or two. Last night I gave her a bottle in desperation and she sucked down 3 oz in a few minutes. So I know she's hungry. I broke down crying because I felt so rejected and so awful that my baby won't eat from me.
The dr thinks it's probably because I'm keeping her more upright when feeding her the bottle and she has to be mostly laying to nurse due to her size unless we side lay. Still, made me feel awful. Today was the same, she guzzled down 3 oz of formula in the time DH was thawing a bag of breast milk (she was screaming with hunger and we had been given a few bottles of ready made formula so I used one to help satiate her) and then she drank another 2 oz of the breast milk !

poor baby is starving. But that was after the saline and bulb syringe so she could breathe better.
I'm just hoping she starts to eat again. I'm pumping 2-3 times a day (plus every time I give a bottle) to make up for every time she won't eat. She did nurse for about 10 minutes this afternoon so that was an improvement.
She stopped sleeping too but that's mostly due to a combo of huger and she can't breathe. This evening she's napped for an hour so far, huge improvement so the saline is working I think.
Thank god DH is home though. She's been needy and screaming all day. He took her and told me
To drink some wine in a hot bath.

best 45 minutes of my life. Lol