Kat, I didn’t know all the details about your job, you never stood a chance with them did you 
Nope it seems like they pretty quickly decided they didn't want me

My mom had some crazy theory that they wanted to hire someone else but they couldn't take the job until 3 months later so they hired me to fill in. But this is also coming from the same woman who when I called her crying that they fired me said "Well, it was your own fault for getting fired but we won't talk about that right now"

I can still not get over how completely rude and nasty they were about it. It was even more confusing because Friday the week before they were talking about me starting to get trained in taking blood and learning other analysis types. Then Monday I get the letter they wanted to meet with me and I believe it was on Thursday they fired me (as they knew Tuesdays were busy for me and I had Wednesdays off since it was a part-time job). It came totally out of nowhere!
Holly, I know what you mean with moms and the tww. I never tell mine where I am in my cycle. All she know is that I am ttc and honestly she doesn't even ask about it. I am not sure which is better. I feel a bit jealous of you all cause your moms at least care, but I certainly would not want anyone undermining my journey.
My mom doesn't care either

still tries to convince me that having a child will be the biggest mistake of my life as she regrets having her children - she wouldn't of had any of us if she could live her life over again

Think she's told me that a couple of hundred times over the years. Last time I mentioned TTCing and assisted conception to her, she just said in an annoyed voice "Is that
all you can talk about???" Then she wanted to only talk about things concerning or at least interesting her like politics, the economy, stocks and how there are too many foreigners and lazy, unemployed people here. Thanks mom, glad to know that's how you feel about me. So unbelievably selfish and self-absorbed

She certainely won't be babysitting or having much to do with my child with that attitude! She doesn't even want my child to be born. I don't talk about it with her anymore because I can't stand hearing her comments, they're just hurtful and evil. She doesn't care about her kids or the grandchildren she already has, this child won't be any different.
AFM TTC-wise: I'm CD9 today and am in my fertile period. This morning I went to the bathroom and when I went to wipe discovered 2 long clear threads of EWCM

I never really get it normally and
never so it hangs out like that

Must be the extra Vit C. Too bad it'll mostly go to waste as I have my HSG on Tuesday and expect to O on Thursday

But still yay I'm making EWCM