Yes it it. The worst thing is I've pretty much given up as my Masters degree is pretty much declared obsolete and no one will hire me as a Lab Tech because they consider me over qualified because of that degree (plus other Lab Techs will see me as a threat, not wanting to see me be a future boss). So I'll be applying for volunteer work at animal shelters in the future. I won't be able to pay my student loans off because of how hard it is to find employment but nothing I can do about that
That's terrible. Would it be possible, if you're looking for Lab Tech positions, to just not put your Master's degree on your CV? Maybe it would at least get your foot in the door for more interviews (since you wouldn't look overqualified on paper), and then when they talk to you in the interview and find out you do have a Master's degree, you could try to downplay its importance?
I would be so stressed if I couldn't work and make money.

Luckily for me, I am a software developer, and there are almost always jobs for software developers these days.
I think the system is a bit difficult when it comes to seeking help. Or maybe it was our GP being a jerk. But I know the rule is you need to have been
actively trying for a minimum of 12 months before your GP will refer you, no matter your age
That seems too long for +30, or especially +35.

But I stopped BCP at the end of February (and the GP knows that), so as far as the GP is concerned, we've been trying for about 9 months now (even though we couldn't do much for the first ~7,5 months because my first cycle off p-piller was 7,5 months long . . . which the GP agreed was too long, even for coming off p-pills

Ours even asked if I'd been using OPKs. When you're getting closer to the 1 year mark, your GP may take blood tests (both you and DH) to see if you have HIV or Hepatitis. If he's really nice, you can get your CD3 hormones checked as well, maybe even get your HSG done. Your DH will also have to give a SA and you will probably be asked to get a Pap smear done plus get checked for chlamydia. You then get a referral after 1 year of unsuccesful trying and are free to contact the clinic of your choice.
Our GP was a jerk so he was unwilling to help us get my CD3 hormone test and HSG done before our 1st meeting with the clinic to save time, stating it wasn't his problem. Hope your GP is more helpful then ours
Yikes! I think my GP seems a bit better than yours.
Earlier this month, I went to my GP and explained to her my concerns about the 7,5 month cycle (and 17 day AF that came after it

) and my history of really irregular cycles before I started p-pills. I didn't have any trouble getting a referral from the GP to see a gyno (my appointment is in January) to rule out PCOS or anything else that is obviously wrong . . . so far all I know (from what my GP told me) is to expect an exam and a scan of my ovaries to look for cysts. Maybe they'll do bloods as well? I have no idea. But the GP said there was no point in her doing any tests or exams because the gyno would do everything at once. I did just have a pap smear at the beginning of this year, so maybe I won't need another one of those.
It was recommended to me to pick a gyno at a clinic that also does fertility treatments, so that there are more options if I want to go further. So I did that, and at least (in theory) I won't have to move clinics if more treatments are needed.
Sorry to hear you also have mother problems. Believe me, I totally understand having issues with your mother, I have huge ones with mine and one day know I'll be going no contact with her because she just can't stop being selfish
It was a hard decision, but to be honest, it was truthfully one of the best decisions I've made. I can't handle the stress and drama she causes in my life.