Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi Ladies. I hope all is well with you :flower:

Kat - I'm so sorry to hear about your job :-( That must be super stressful. I see you are LTTTC and also live in Denmark -- I'm curious what your experience has been getting referred to a fertility specialist here? Was it a hassle? I'm just curious in case I end up having to go that route (so far I'm just waiting on an appointment with the gyno in January to rule out PCOS since my cycles are irregular).

I'm also going through TTC without my mother's support (she and I don't have any relationship -- long story), but I do find it nice to even just read and lurk here and not feel so alone :friends:

Yes it it. The worst thing is I've pretty much given up as my Masters degree is pretty much declared obsolete and no one will hire me as a Lab Tech because they consider me over qualified because of that degree (plus other Lab Techs will see me as a threat, not wanting to see me be a future boss). So I'll be applying for volunteer work at animal shelters in the future. I won't be able to pay my student loans off because of how hard it is to find employment but nothing I can do about that:nope:

I think the system is a bit difficult when it comes to seeking help. Or maybe it was our GP being a jerk. But I know the rule is you need to have been actively trying for a minimum of 12 months before your GP will refer you, no matter your age:dohh: Ours even asked if I'd been using OPKs. When you're getting closer to the 1 year mark, your GP may take blood tests (both you and DH) to see if you have HIV or Hepatitis. If he's really nice, you can get your CD3 hormones checked as well, maybe even get your HSG done. Your DH will also have to give a SA and you will probably be asked to get a Pap smear done plus get checked for chlamydia. You then get a referral after 1 year of unsuccesful trying and are free to contact the clinic of your choice.

Our GP was a jerk so he was unwilling to help us get my CD3 hormone test and HSG done before our 1st meeting with the clinic to save time, stating it wasn't his problem. Hope your GP is more helpful then ours:wacko:

Sorry to hear you also have mother problems. Believe me, I totally understand having issues with your mother, I have huge ones with mine and one day know I'll be going no contact with her because she just can't stop being selfish:nope:
Yes it it. The worst thing is I've pretty much given up as my Masters degree is pretty much declared obsolete and no one will hire me as a Lab Tech because they consider me over qualified because of that degree (plus other Lab Techs will see me as a threat, not wanting to see me be a future boss). So I'll be applying for volunteer work at animal shelters in the future. I won't be able to pay my student loans off because of how hard it is to find employment but nothing I can do about that:nope:

That's terrible. Would it be possible, if you're looking for Lab Tech positions, to just not put your Master's degree on your CV? Maybe it would at least get your foot in the door for more interviews (since you wouldn't look overqualified on paper), and then when they talk to you in the interview and find out you do have a Master's degree, you could try to downplay its importance?

I would be so stressed if I couldn't work and make money. :nope: Luckily for me, I am a software developer, and there are almost always jobs for software developers these days.

I think the system is a bit difficult when it comes to seeking help. Or maybe it was our GP being a jerk. But I know the rule is you need to have been actively trying for a minimum of 12 months before your GP will refer you, no matter your age:dohh:

That seems too long for +30, or especially +35. :dohh: But I stopped BCP at the end of February (and the GP knows that), so as far as the GP is concerned, we've been trying for about 9 months now (even though we couldn't do much for the first ~7,5 months because my first cycle off p-piller was 7,5 months long . . . which the GP agreed was too long, even for coming off p-pills :shrug:).

Ours even asked if I'd been using OPKs. When you're getting closer to the 1 year mark, your GP may take blood tests (both you and DH) to see if you have HIV or Hepatitis. If he's really nice, you can get your CD3 hormones checked as well, maybe even get your HSG done. Your DH will also have to give a SA and you will probably be asked to get a Pap smear done plus get checked for chlamydia. You then get a referral after 1 year of unsuccesful trying and are free to contact the clinic of your choice.

Our GP was a jerk so he was unwilling to help us get my CD3 hormone test and HSG done before our 1st meeting with the clinic to save time, stating it wasn't his problem. Hope your GP is more helpful then ours:wacko:

Yikes! I think my GP seems a bit better than yours.

Earlier this month, I went to my GP and explained to her my concerns about the 7,5 month cycle (and 17 day AF that came after it :wacko:) and my history of really irregular cycles before I started p-pills. I didn't have any trouble getting a referral from the GP to see a gyno (my appointment is in January) to rule out PCOS or anything else that is obviously wrong . . . so far all I know (from what my GP told me) is to expect an exam and a scan of my ovaries to look for cysts. Maybe they'll do bloods as well? I have no idea. But the GP said there was no point in her doing any tests or exams because the gyno would do everything at once. I did just have a pap smear at the beginning of this year, so maybe I won't need another one of those.

It was recommended to me to pick a gyno at a clinic that also does fertility treatments, so that there are more options if I want to go further. So I did that, and at least (in theory) I won't have to move clinics if more treatments are needed.

Sorry to hear you also have mother problems. Believe me, I totally understand having issues with your mother, I have huge ones with mine and one day know I'll be going no contact with her because she just can't stop being selfish:nope:

It was a hard decision, but to be honest, it was truthfully one of the best decisions I've made. I can't handle the stress and drama she causes in my life. :nope:
Sorry for everyone having issues with their families 

zen, did AF show up? I think my mom has just heard about miscarriages being described as a heavy period, so she can’t quite understand why I needed to have surgery since I was “only” 9 weeks.

cuteness, it would be great to get some BFPs in time for Christmas. Glad you’re feeling positive.

Hollyness, if you tell your mom you might be pregnant when you see her, she’ll probably stand outside the door while you pee on the pregnancy stick :D I hadn’t told anyone I was TTC but when I miscarried I told my mom and a few other people, so they probably know I’ll be trying again sooner or later.

drjo, I was also starving and extremely tired before I even tested when I got pregnant…

MJs, don’t give up hope, it will happen, we have to keep believing.

Kat, after the experience you’ve had, I wouldn’t even want to work in that field again (unless it was in another country).

deafgal, what are the next steps for you ? I’m sure most people still believe that infertility is the woman’s “fault”, or don’t understand all the ins and outs of infertility.

MrsTigger, fingers crossed you won’t need to keep the appointment in January but if you do, I hope it will rule out any problems.

Good luck to Hollyness, MJs, bighouse, MrsTigger, crystlmcd and everyone in the TWW!

AFM : AF finally turned up almost 5 weeks after my D&C! It’s quite heavy and a bit weird (will spare you all the details). The OB/Gyn advised me to wait till January to TTC again but said there’s no medical reason not to try after my first AF (so ovulation will be in December). I’m SO tempted to try straight away, because what are the chances I’ll fall pregnant the first time anyway… but also terrified that if I do fall pregnant, I’ll miscarry again and it will be because I didn’t wait that extra month.
Yes it it. The worst thing is I've pretty much given up as my Masters degree is pretty much declared obsolete and no one will hire me as a Lab Tech because they consider me over qualified because of that degree (plus other Lab Techs will see me as a threat, not wanting to see me be a future boss). So I'll be applying for volunteer work at animal shelters in the future. I won't be able to pay my student loans off because of how hard it is to find employment but nothing I can do about that:nope:

That's terrible. Would it be possible, if you're looking for Lab Tech positions, to just not put your Master's degree on your CV? Maybe it would at least get your foot in the door for more interviews (since you wouldn't look overqualified on paper), and then when they talk to you in the interview and find out you do have a Master's degree, you could try to downplay its importance?

I would be so stressed if I couldn't work and make money. :nope: Luckily for me, I am a software developer, and there are almost always jobs for software developers these days.

I think the system is a bit difficult when it comes to seeking help. Or maybe it was our GP being a jerk. But I know the rule is you need to have been actively trying for a minimum of 12 months before your GP will refer you, no matter your age:dohh:

That seems too long for +30, or especially +35. :dohh: But I stopped BCP at the end of February (and the GP knows that), so as far as the GP is concerned, we've been trying for about 9 months now (even though we couldn't do much for the first ~7,5 months because my first cycle off p-piller was 7,5 months long . . . which the GP agreed was too long, even for coming off p-pills :shrug:).

Ours even asked if I'd been using OPKs. When you're getting closer to the 1 year mark, your GP may take blood tests (both you and DH) to see if you have HIV or Hepatitis. If he's really nice, you can get your CD3 hormones checked as well, maybe even get your HSG done. Your DH will also have to give a SA and you will probably be asked to get a Pap smear done plus get checked for chlamydia. You then get a referral after 1 year of unsuccesful trying and are free to contact the clinic of your choice.

Our GP was a jerk so he was unwilling to help us get my CD3 hormone test and HSG done before our 1st meeting with the clinic to save time, stating it wasn't his problem. Hope your GP is more helpful then ours:wacko:

Yikes! I think my GP seems a bit better than yours.

Earlier this month, I went to my GP and explained to her my concerns about the 7,5 month cycle (and 17 day AF that came after it :wacko:) and my history of really irregular cycles before I started p-pills. I didn't have any trouble getting a referral from the GP to see a gyno (my appointment is in January) to rule out PCOS or anything else that is obviously wrong . . . so far all I know (from what my GP told me) is to expect an exam and a scan of my ovaries to look for cysts. Maybe they'll do bloods as well? I have no idea. But the GP said there was no point in her doing any tests or exams because the gyno would do everything at once. I did just have a pap smear at the beginning of this year, so maybe I won't need another one of those.

It was recommended to me to pick a gyno at a clinic that also does fertility treatments, so that there are more options if I want to go further. So I did that, and at least (in theory) I won't have to move clinics if more treatments are needed.

Sorry to hear you also have mother problems. Believe me, I totally understand having issues with your mother, I have huge ones with mine and one day know I'll be going no contact with her because she just can't stop being selfish:nope:

It was a hard decision, but to be honest, it was truthfully one of the best decisions I've made. I can't handle the stress and drama she causes in my life. :nope:

The problem with removing my Masters degree is it will look like I've been doing nothing for 6½ years:nope: That looks even worse in my opinion. I'd have to explain why I wasn't doing anything and then suddenly took a Lab Tech degree and why taking it took my ½ year less (because I didn't have to take the biotech related courses because of my Masters). It'd be a mess explaining it.

I think my major issue is no connections in the biotech world, seems to be important based on what numerous people have told me. But i can't help that when I moved to this country at age 16, of course my parents didn't have a huge network of people since that would require them having lived here for many more years before I was born. Not only that, my mother is a narcissist so she has huge problems keeping friends. I also have no experience. But how can I get the experience without a job? it's crazy how it works here:nope:

Yeah I wish the system was more like e.g. in the US so it's 1 year for under 35 and 6 months for 35 and over. Your GP sounds a lot better than ours. The one we have seems like a really arrogant, narcissitic type. His poor wife who seems nice (she works as his secretary):nope: I hope you find out what's going on with those long cycles.

I hear you on the stress and drama. My mother has Narcissitic Personality Disorder so she's often creating stress with her selfish attitude and almost constant putdowns of me:nope: Which is why the next time she screams nasty things at me over the phone the next time I set boundaries, she's out for good. She was and is a toxic mother, she'd been an equally toxic grandmother. I'm sure you did the right thing cutting yours out of your life. There's only so much abuse a person can take before needing to cut the toxic individual out of their life, even if it's their own mother:nope:

Kat, after the experience you’ve had, I wouldn’t even want to work in that field again (unless it was in another country).

This is the conclusion I've arrived at as well. I've been totally turned off the whole biotech area even though I still think it's a very exciting field. Some company is totally missing out on a great employee as I got good to great grades from both studies (very few just passing grades)plus my practical tests from my Lab Tech study are absolutely amazing. I doubt there are many who could equal or beat them. But the companies have been too busy giving me all these poor excuses for not hiring me and truth is, the whole experience has made me feel miserable for all those years. I think it's time to move on and do something that'll make me happy: working with animals. I'm assuming they won't care about my degrees when it'll be volunteer work. I just hope I can find something after my future child is a bit older.
Hi fleur, thanks for asking. Yes AF came. CD3 today. Kinda relief to hear yours came too (in a good way).

Not feeling too good emotionally. From CD1 till today, found that 2 friends got their BFP. One just got married last month. My CD3 pain is back. I think I have endo but my fertility specialist doesn't want to do a lap, instead kept on pushing for IUI, saying the only way to cure endo is to get pregnant.

I am this close to giving up. This cycle onwards we will try natural and holistic method. Fertility massage, fertility yoga, change diet, meditation. It will probably take me more months to conceive successfully. I don't know. We can't afford artificial assisted conception, guess we just have to go natural.

We may or may not be successful, only God knows. At this point of time, I can only surrender to the Divine Power.

Really hope see you ladies getting your BFP.

That is a hard decision! (whether or not to wait the extra month). I faced a similar decision in the past, and decided to wait... but waiting the recommended 3 months turned into about 6 months due to new complications (every time there was another complication, it meant "wait another month" due to necessary procedures or temporary meds that were not good for pregnancy, for both me and DH). Did I gain anything by waiting for everything to be right/perfect? I don't know. Part of me regrets waiting all that extra time because our TTC has been unsuccessful (I wonder if we had started right away, before those additional complications, would we have had a better chance?) I guess if we had not waited (and had those procedures/meds in the meantime) I would always wonder/blame myself if anything went wrong, because I didn't do everything that I could have. I guess I would rather have waited, if nothing more to know that I tried everything possible to create a healthy environment for baby. If something happened now, I can't think of anything more I could have done, so I would be less likely to blame myself.

So it's totally up to you, but a one month delay isn't that long if it gives you more long term peace of mind (and hopefully a better outcome).
Tigger & Kat- Most doctors around here say you have to be actively TTC for 12 months before seeking medical help, UNLESS you are 30+. My obgyn said that was reduced to 6 months for me due to my age (I am 30, almost 31). And our version of "actively trying" was no joke. So if we couldn't achieve a pregnancy after 6 months of BD basically every day, missionary, OPK's, lying on back afterwards for at least 40 min, etc... then that probably equals about 12 months for people who just stop using protection but don't change or add anything else, right? :shrug:

AFM this 2WW is killing me. I seriously considered testing this morning even though I am only 8 dpo. I managed to restrain myself, but I have been talking about it with DH probably too much. It doesn't help when every time we get together with friends or family, I'm surrounded by reminders that I am NOT PREGNANT and NOT A MOTHER and DO NOT HAVE A BABY. Seriously, we can't go anywhere or do anything without getting bombarded with that. Apparently I didn't drink the kool-aid that our friends and family drank this past year.

Random question, do any of you have a retroverted uterus? I wonder if that contributes to making TTC more difficult. Maybe if we use a different position for BD (and/or afterwards) it would give his swimmers more of a chance in my strangely arranged reproductive setup? :haha:
Tigger & Kat- Most doctors around here say you have to be actively TTC for 12 months before seeking medical help, UNLESS you are 30+. My obgyn said that was reduced to 6 months for me due to my age (I am 30, almost 31). And our version of "actively trying" was no joke. So if we couldn't achieve a pregnancy after 6 months of BD basically every day, missionary, OPK's, lying on back afterwards for at least 40 min, etc... then that probably equals about 12 months for people who just stop using protection but don't change or add anything else, right? :shrug:

AFM this 2WW is killing me. I seriously considered testing this morning even though I am only 8 dpo. I managed to restrain myself, but I have been talking about it with DH probably too much. It doesn't help when every time we get together with friends or family, I'm surrounded by reminders that I am NOT PREGNANT and NOT A MOTHER and DO NOT HAVE A BABY. Seriously, we can't go anywhere or do anything without getting bombarded with that. Apparently I didn't drink the kool-aid that our friends and family drank this past year.

Random question, do any of you have a retroverted uterus? I wonder if that contributes to making TTC more difficult. Maybe if we use a different position for BD (and/or afterwards) it would give his swimmers more of a chance in my strangely arranged reproductive setup? :haha:

Unfortuntely in Denmark where Mrs. Tigger and I live they don't care about your age:nope: I don't know why but they don't. I don't think they care either how actively you've been trying. If I had been doing as much as you, I doubt it'd have changed my GP's mind as he was very adamant about those 12 months. Don't know if all GPs here are like that or it's just mine. But I think it's because here it's the state that pays for your fertility treatments if you try for those 12 months and get a referral. You're free to contact a clinic before the 12 months but then you have to pay for all of it yourself without the state helping you. One IVF would cost about $3700 at the clinic I go to (plus some extra costs for appointment, blood work, US ect) while 1 IUI (including appointment, blood work, US, ect) would cost $9700. So it pays to wait those 12 months to get that referral:thumbup: The only thing that will cost us now are the hormones I'll be taking when I start but I think if the costs go over a certain amount after a while, the state helps you pay at that point.

Yeah I get bombarded in another way at the moment since most of the families that live in this area have children so I see lots and lots of strollers and children:nope:

I don't know if mine is retroverted or not but I don't think so. But I think I read once that it can make things a bit more difficult. I've read there are certain positions that are better for you and that you should lie on your stomach after BDing instead of your back. Found 1 article but you can easily Google more using "retroverted uterus" and "trying to conceive":


Just saw the price list for the examinations (this is for my clinic without a referral):

HSU (ultrasound guided passage study of the fallopian tubes) ...... $420
Semen analysis ................................................. ................................. $167
Infection Samples according to Danish Tissue Act (hepatitis B and C and HIV) .... $200
Hormone Assays apiece .............................................. ................ $35
AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) ........................................... ........... $125
Pap smear and chlamydia test a piece ............................................. . $35
Pregnancy scan 1st trimester .............................................. ... $167
Thanks bighouse. I know I'll also regret it if by some miracle I do fall pregnant and then it doesn't work out, although they haven't proven any increased risks for pregnancies occurring straight after a D&C. DH wants to try straight away, I'm wavering.

I do have a retroverted uterus and I have to admit I researched the best positions to try :D I don't think there's any significant evidence that it takes longer to conceive for women with a retroverted uterus.
Hi fleur, thanks for asking. Yes AF came. CD3 today. Kinda relief to hear yours came too (in a good way).

Not feeling too good emotionally. From CD1 till today, found that 2 friends got their BFP. One just got married last month. My CD3 pain is back. I think I have endo but my fertility specialist doesn't want to do a lap, instead kept on pushing for IUI, saying the only way to cure endo is to get pregnant.

I am this close to giving up. This cycle onwards we will try natural and holistic method. Fertility massage, fertility yoga, change diet, meditation. It will probably take me more months to conceive successfully. I don't know. We can't afford artificial assisted conception, guess we just have to go natural.

We may or may not be successful, only God knows. At this point of time, I can only surrender to the Divine Power.

Really hope see you ladies getting your BFP.

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so despondent. Can you ask for a second opinion from another fertility specialist?

I understand why you feel like giving up, I really hope that the natural approach you're taking will get you a BFP and healthy baby. As you say, it's not in our hands, but don't give up. We're all here if you need to talk. :hugs:
Bighouse-- my uterus is retroverted. Up to 30% of women have this issue. I had no trouble getting (unexpectedly) pregnant straight off the pill, and I don't think there's any hard evidence that suggests it's more difficult.
Thanks for the link, kat. When I googled it, the first site I pulled up for retroverted uterus conception said doggie style is best, lay on stomach (missionary NOT recommended). Next site I pulled up said missionary style is best, lay on back (doggie NOT recommended). LOL, so I guess there is no consensus! If we are trying again next month I will just mix it up, that way hopefully we will cover all our bases. :winkwink:
Thanks for the link, kat. When I googled it, the first site I pulled up for retroverted uterus conception said doggie style is best, lay on stomach (missionary NOT recommended). Next site I pulled up said missionary style is best, lay on back (doggie NOT recommended). LOL, so I guess there is no consensus! If we are trying again next month I will just mix it up, that way hopefully we will cover all our bases. :winkwink:

No problem:)

Sounds like a good plan to me, good luck :winkwink: :dust:
Bighouse, i read that lying on your stomach after BD helps for retroverted uterus.
Hi at 39 i forgot my pill.....was on island. Did not get pregnant. I thought the clock had ticked and stopped. I thought I was past it. Years went by contraceptive free. At 44 I did it on the island in a caravan. We were low on food.....all I ate was raw pineapple....i remember the nite I peeped at the ni t e stars thru the window. And I fantasised about JFK jnr. I stared at the stars during it. Then my period did not arrive...once.. T wice....three misses...I thought oh Im in early menopause....tthen I finally went to Dr......I was 20 weeks along....a boy. I only ate raw pineapple wheniI conceived after 6 uyears of unprotected sex.
30 is so young....enjoy. I,m trying to make the most of the last Few years til I turn 50.
The devil in me wonders ......if I eat pineapple again could I still conceive. Maybe there's one more soul I can create......
That's how I got pregnant at 44.
Hi at 39 i forgot my pill.....was on island. Did not get pregnant. I thought the clock had ticked and stopped. I thought I was past it. Years went by contraceptive free. At 44 I did it on the island in a caravan. We were low on food.....all I ate was raw pineapple....i remember the nite I peeped at the ni t e stars thru the window. And I fantasised about JFK jnr. I stared at the stars during it. Then my period did not arrive...once.. T wice....three misses...I thought oh Im in early menopause....tthen I finally went to Dr......I was 20 weeks along....a boy. I only ate raw pineapple wheniI conceived after 6 uyears of unprotected sex.
30 is so young....enjoy. I,m trying to make the most of the last Few years til I turn 50.
The devil in me wonders ......if I eat pineapple again could I still conceive. Maybe there's one more soul I can create......
That's how I got pregnant at 44.
Hi Ladies

Just checking in. I wanted to take a minute and offer encouragement to all of you. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced pregnancy or if you have experienced miscarriages (I see some of you have) or if there has just been negative after negative after negative. I don't know if any of you are believers in God, but I am and there is a verse in the bible that talks about people being beautifully and wonderfully made. As a woman we are taught our roles in life are to be our husband's supporters and the mother of our children but we are so much more than that. We are beautiful and wonderful all on our own. I would love to encourage each of you regardless of your TTC journey to look in the mirror and say to yourself I am beautiful and wonderful and I can choose to be happy and I will choose to trust a power higher than myself that there is a plan and while I may not know the outcome, I can love my husband and myself and not allow my ability or inability to conceive define who I am as a person.

Its not much but I will be thinking positive thoughts for each of you and I will pray that you will find hope and trust that things will work out. It may not be the timing or the way you think, but it will work out.....
Hi Ladies

Just checking in. I wanted to take a minute and offer encouragement to all of you. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced pregnancy or if you have experienced miscarriages (I see some of you have) or if there has just been negative after negative after negative. I don't know if any of you are believers in God, but I am and there is a verse in the bible that talks about people being beautifully and wonderfully made. As a woman we are taught our roles in life are to be our husband's supporters and the mother of our children but we are so much more than that. We are beautiful and wonderful all on our own. I would love to encourage each of you regardless of your TTC journey to look in the mirror and say to yourself I am beautiful and wonderful and I can choose to be happy and I will choose to trust a power higher than myself that there is a plan and while I may not know the outcome, I can love my husband and myself and not allow my ability or inability to conceive define who I am as a person.

Its not much but I will be thinking positive thoughts for each of you and I will pray that you will find hope and trust that things will work out. It may not be the timing or the way you think, but it will work out.....

Thanks! I really like this way of thinking. I might as well be happy with life, whether or not DH and I can have children. I'm thinking about giving it my all next cycle (assuming this current one is a bust) and then taking a break...maybe checking in with B&B once per week or something. I don't know. I just feel like 2015 is going to be my year...if we can't conceive in 2015, then we are done. DH and I just want to move on.
Hi Ladies

Just checking in. I wanted to take a minute and offer encouragement to all of you. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced pregnancy or if you have experienced miscarriages (I see some of you have) or if there has just been negative after negative after negative. I don't know if any of you are believers in God, but I am and there is a verse in the bible that talks about people being beautifully and wonderfully made. As a woman we are taught our roles in life are to be our husband's supporters and the mother of our children but we are so much more than that. We are beautiful and wonderful all on our own. I would love to encourage each of you regardless of your TTC journey to look in the mirror and say to yourself I am beautiful and wonderful and I can choose to be happy and I will choose to trust a power higher than myself that there is a plan and while I may not know the outcome, I can love my husband and myself and not allow my ability or inability to conceive define who I am as a person.

Its not much but I will be thinking positive thoughts for each of you and I will pray that you will find hope and trust that things will work out. It may not be the timing or the way you think, but it will work out.....

Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks zen for the advice, and cute for the encouragement.

MJ, I agree that it's not good to let TTC define and/or consume our lives, and we may have to just move on at some point. Personally, DH and I plan to start the adoption process sometime in 2015 if we haven't conceived by then. Part of me doesn't even want to wait that long (since adopting can take a loooong time) and I'd rather start the ball rolling now, but DH wants to wait and TTC longer. But if the new year rolls around and I'm still not pregnant, I will bring up the adoption discussion again then.

In other news, is anyone else feeling that this TWW is taking longer than usual? LOL. I am dying here wanting to know one way or the other!

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