Thank you zen, I remember you advised me some time back not to wait too long to try again. Ive got everything crossed 2015 will be your year after such a long wait.
MJs, the odds of pregnancy per cycle are so low that it is truly a miracle when it happens! I really want to get my hormone levels etc. tested but I might hold off for a while. Dont give up hope, your levels arent set in stone, you hear of so many women who have practically no chances of conceiving yet do manage to fall pregnant. Just keep trying for a few more months and then see what your options are. My OB/gyn refuses to get ANY tests done till Ive been trying for a year, he says thats perfectly normal.
Welcome Dmbaby, wishing you a short stay in TTC.
pihabella, good news about your cycle. A Christmas BFP sounds good.
bighouse, fingers still crossed for you! My DH also complains that Im too pessimistic, but whenever Ive had a little hope Ive ended up with a BFN or worse, I miscarried when I did manage to fall pregnant. Id rather hope for the best and expect the worse, so Im not too disappointed if things dont work out. Reading this back, hes right, Im so negative!
cutestuff, its good to know youll have company insurance but hopefully you wont be needing it.
Kat, no ones going to blame you for ignoring your mothers calls, I believe thats the best thing you can do. She sounds like very hard work! What a strange thing for your sister to say when she struggled for so long. Maybe they forget everything once they have the baby?
Sorry AF came drjo, hope the increased dose of Clomid will do the trick.
Welcome Dazzle Dee, dont be discouraged yet! I know they all say 35 is a critical age for fertility but on the other hand SO many women have fallen pregnant after 35, it doesnt mean that the day you turn 35 you suddenly become totally unable to conceive.
Hollyness, hope youre enjoying your weekend away and that youll have good news when you come back!
Another friend has announced her pregnancy today, Im literally surrounded by pregnant women! But Im happy for her, shes been struggling to conceive for quite a while and was following treatment (not sure which one, only know it involved injections).
Yeah I guess she forgot or doesn't empathize much with what I'm going through since I'm struggling with TTC#1 and she got pregnant very easily at 36 with #1. Her issues were with #2 when she hit 40 and had him at 42. So maybe she just doesn't get it? Her and my SIL (had her daughter at 46 after a 5 year struggle) feel I'm so young at 35 so it'll happen soon enough, they don't get my fertility has halved already

Don't think they realize that you can have issues at mid-30s (or for that sake even earlier) and think it's first when you're 40 or over that it starts getting problematic

I don't feel like discussing it with them because it'd be a waste of time
Yes she's very trying to talk to. When it's over the phone, she talks most of the time about the same issues: the economy, her stocks and how there are too many foreigners or that the unemployed are lazy (gee, thanks ma

). Her most recent trip is that the government should do away with unemployment checks so people pull themselves together and get jobs instead of sponging off of society

DH tried to tell her that jobs aren't so easy to come by anymore like when she was young (where a degree of any kind practically garanteed you a job) and people need something to live off of while they're jobhunting if they've been so unfortunate to be fired. She wouldn't budge

She's very opinionated and impossible to discuss anything with. She used to call me every day (except weekends) to talk for 1 hour each time about topics like this, very trying and I normally barely get a word in edgewise.
Not only did I have to put up with her Wednesday night but now I'll have to put up with DH's narcissistic friend almost all Saturday

He got his Masters after 18 years and fully expects to get a job handed to him and can't understand why no one is interested. Don't think he send many applications as he feels it should be easy for him to get a job. He didn't learn from my experiences apparently and I only took 6½ years to finish my degree. Every time he talks about it, he asks me how my job hunting is going and I have to keep repeating each time I see him that I'm on hiatus until DH and I have our baby but he'll ask again next time I see him. Last time he also wanted me to see his resume, as if I care about his resume

He doesn't want kids himself (he'd be a horrible, self-absorbed father so here's hoping) so I don't think it interests him the slightest, hence why he keeps forgetting DH and I are TTCing
This weekend is generally going to be bad as DH is going to a Christmas luncheon with his collegues tonight (wives and husbands are never invited to the business ones here), my Saturday in Sweden with DH's annoying friend and then Sunday we have to help DH's big brother move to his new house since him and his wife are divorcing and have sold their house. As a precaution I've told DH I won't be moving anything really heavy.
Sorry for the rant
Hope you're doing OK Fleur. I can just imagine how trying it'd be to have many friends announcing their pregnancies now

But I guess this one isn't so bad as she had issues conceiving

I would be more upset with any friend who got pregnant by accident or conceived very quickly to be honest. Here's hoping you soon get your sticky bfp