Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Welcome, Dmbaby! :flower:

Drjo- Awwwwww man, I'm so sorry :( BUT, you're not out until AF comes! :hugs:

MJ- I'm with Bighouse, I would get your bloods redrawn, if for nothing else, at least to have a comparison. :hugs:

Bighouse- I read in a science journal once that only 25% of fertilized eggs successfully implant. I wondered if this meant that conception occurs more often than we think, but it is implantation that fails. I think I had a very early loss our first cycle trying. I had tested at 6dpo, (WAY too early, I know!) and there was a definite, non-squinter, very faint line, but when I tested two days later, it was gone.

AFM: I am 7dpo, and resisted the urge to test this morning. I know its way too early, but waiting until I get home on Monday seems like torture! But, I'm going to wait :) We are off to the airport now, I'll catch up with all of you lovely ladies on Monday! <3
Welcome Newbies.

Drjo- sorry about the negative. Like others have said, you are not necessarily out until your period starts, but that doesn't make it any easier.

I would love to see a couple of bfps on here for thanksgiving or christmas. This is now my 5/6th cycle and at 30 with 5.5 years of not being on the pill before ttc, I really thought it would happen sooner. I did just find out that next spring I will get on company insurance so I will have more options if I am not pregnant by then, but it can get stressful...
I really hope each of you have a wonderful holiday and I will check in with you later....
Wishing you all (those who do celebrate it tomorrow) a happy early thanksgiving!
Hey all, AF arrived yesterday so CD2 today. Annoyed but at the same time I am stoked that my cycle seems to have been pretty close to perfect this time, exactly 28 days with OV on CD15-16. This is after a 40 day cycle and 35 before that! I think the vitex may have made a difference already. We are off on holiday for a month from 9th of December so if my cycle is the same I should be testing on Christmas Eve or Day in NZ! Sounds pretty good to me! Good luck to those still waiting this cycle, hope its your month :)
Pihabella, that's awesome news about your perfect cycle! I'm sure you are getting close to your BFP.

Praying4BB, where are youuuuu?? Been missing your posts!

All - I am going to try to stay off of B&B for a few days to just relax an enjoy the holiday and hope that this TWW passes quickly. I have found that I get really grumpy and hopeless during the TWW. Before I used to get all excited and couldn't wait to test because I just KNEW it was the month that I'd see a BFP. But the longer I go with BFN after BFN, I find myself getting very very depressed right around 6DPO...because I just know that disappointment is right around the corner.

I decided NOT to get my AMH tested. If it's good, then I'll just wonder why I can't get pregnant....if it's bad, I'll lose any shred of hope that I have left. I'm just going to keep on trying and hope that one of these months a miracle comes my way. I might even start praying again, though I'm pretty sure God hates me...and to be honest, I'm not feeling to fond of Him these days, either.

And on that depressing note...have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone in the US! I'll be back next week to cry about my BFN!!!
So I think I may have O'ed 1 day early this cycle:wacko: Was using OPKs to keep track because of my HSG and started using them CD11. It was very close to being positive yesterday and on CD11 (CD11 and CD12 test lines are as dark as each other) but negative today (CD13) so I think I missed my surge and Oed sometime yesterday:dohh: Had my HSG om the morning of CD11 (around 11 AM) if that helps.

Don't know if that means the egg is ok or not or if we got enough BDing in there:nope: We BDed CD11 and CD12, both at night. I was unsure if I'd Oed already before we BDed last night but figured it couldn't hurt to try and went ahead with the BDing.

But for some reason I'm not very hopeful for this cycle:nope:

To make things even worse, DH and I visited my narcissistic mother last night. She was her usual self and talked over 98% of what I was trying to say so I ended up just shutting up and entertaining myself with my mobile - which is what always happens when DH is there:( It's like when he's there, I don't matter at all and just end up listening to their conversation. When I'm alone with her, than she can say cruel things and dominates the conversation so it's all about her so I don't know which is worse :nope: Then she complained before I left that we don't talk enough and to call her or take her calls. I'll admit I've been ignoring most of her calls because I need to feel like I can stand her selfish ways that particular day and if I can't, just don't take her call. It's a self preservation thing.
Kat- I've been there. It sucks. I ignored my mom's calls for a while, too. I actually cut off all contact with her for about 3 years. I was hoping that would be a huge wake up call for her and lead to change, but not really. She is SLIGHTLY better now but not by much. More bearable on average, but still extremely selfish and narcissistic! I still avoid spending time with her, although she constantly complains that I don't visit her enough.

AFM I caved and tested yesterday afternoon and this morning (FMU FRER) and both were BFN :( I know I'm not out until the witch comes (due Sunday). My BBs are pretty darn sore but no other symptoms.

I'll probably skip testing tomorrow and try again on Saturday FMU.
Kat- I've been there. It sucks. I ignored my mom's calls for a while, too. I actually cut off all contact with her for about 3 years. I was hoping that would be a huge wake up call for her and lead to change, but not really. She is SLIGHTLY better now but not by much. More bearable on average, but still extremely selfish and narcissistic! I still avoid spending time with her, although she constantly complains that I don't visit her enough.

AFM I caved and tested yesterday afternoon and this morning (FMU FRER) and both were BFN :( I know I'm not out until the witch comes (due Sunday). My BBs are pretty darn sore but no other symptoms.

I'll probably skip testing tomorrow and try again on Saturday FMU.

So sorry bighouse to hear about your mother:nope: If your mother is also a narcissist, going no contact for a while isn't going to be a wake up call as narcissists believe they are ALWAYS right. Nothing budges them, they never change. They are emotionally and psychologically stuck at age 6, just not capable of growth which the vast majority of 6 year olds are. So the only options are going low contact or no contact to save our sanity.

When I go no contact next time, it'll be forever. She's impossible. She was yet again trying to get us not to have a child, stating how many marriages fall apart after having children and how she'd be so upset if my DH left me because she adores him and it'd devastate her. Of course thinking only how it'd affect her, never mind me. But yeah, still trying to get us to not have a child:nope:

Sorry about the BFN:hugs: I'd keep trying every 2nd or 3rd day with FMU until AF shows up. Here's hoping :dust:

By the way everyone, I told my half-sister in the US that I Oed 1 day early and wasn't feeling very positive about this cycle as we got in 1 try, maybe 2. Her response: "Keep trying and have fun!":dohh: This amazes me when she had issues TTC #2 (took her 2 years and she ended up needing clomid) but I guess she doesn't understand the extra stress of having issues TTC #1. I just didn't respond to her message:shrug:
Thanks for the positive words everyone, but AF showed a few hours after I tested on 14dpo (CD61). Going to start 100 mg of clomid tomorrow and have some bloodwork done in a few days to see if anything else is going on. I'll try a few cycles of clomid if it works before seeing the fertility clinic. I just need to ovulate! !
Thanks for the positive words everyone, but AF showed a few hours after I tested on 14dpo (CD61). Going to start 100 mg of clomid tomorrow and have some bloodwork done in a few days to see if anything else is going on. I'll try a few cycles of clomid if it works before seeing the fertility clinic. I just need to ovulate! !

Sorry to hear AF came, drjo.
Hi there,

I'm 35 and just began trying. I'm at 10-11 DPO and I am already feeling discouraged after 2 negative tests.

I think 30 is still very young and I know I hit my fertility peek at 31-33 years of age. Unfortunately, I was married to the worst kind of wrong man and it was a blessing we never tried.

We did make love very frequently( everyday) and that somehow triggered my fertility and at that time I would ovulate on a 22 day cycle so most of the time in the beginning and the end of the month, every month.

I thought I was infertile and went to a specialist ( although we never tried for a baby) but it turned out I was ovulating ( technically) twice in one month and I was advised to act quickly and get pregnant.

My bad luck in love didn't allow for that :( and now my biggest fear is that my time has passed.

I finally met my partner, the man that will be a great husband and father so I pray that it happens sooner than later.

This month seems it's a no go but I pray within the next few months I will have good news to share.

Don't let 30 scare you! You are still young. Have lots of great romance and love making and enjoy your partner. It'll happen.

Good luck!
Hi there,

I'm 35 and just began trying. I'm at 10-11 DPO and I am already feeling discouraged after 2 negative tests.

I think 30 is still very young and I know I hit my fertility peek at 31-33 years of age. Unfortunately, I was married to the worst kind of wrong man and it was a blessing we never tried.

We did make love very frequently( everyday) and that somehow triggered my fertility and at that time I would ovulate on a 22 day cycle so most of the time in the beginning and the end of the month, every month.

I thought I was infertile and went to a specialist ( although we never tried for a baby) but it turned out I was ovulating ( technically) twice in one month and I was advised to act quickly and get pregnant.

My bad luck in love didn't allow for that :( and now my biggest fear is that my time has passed.

I finally met my partner, the man that will be a great husband and father so I pray that it happens sooner than later.

This month seems it's a no go but I pray within the next few months I will have good news to share.

Don't let 30 scare you! You are still young. Have lots of great romance and love making and enjoy your partner. It'll happen.

Good luck!

Welcome dazzle dee. I am also worried that at 35, my fertility has hit a dead end. Hopefully not.

Are you temping? OPKs?
Thank you zen, I remember you advised me some time back not to wait too long to try again. I&#8217;ve got everything crossed 2015 will be your year after such a long wait.

MJs, the odds of pregnancy per cycle are so low that it is truly a miracle when it happens! I really want to get my hormone levels etc. tested but I might hold off for a while. Don&#8217;t give up hope, your levels aren&#8217;t set in stone, you hear of so many women who have practically no chances of conceiving yet do manage to fall pregnant. Just keep trying for a few more months and then see what your options are. My OB/gyn refuses to get ANY tests done till I&#8217;ve been trying for a year, he says that&#8217;s perfectly normal.

Welcome Dmbaby, wishing you a short stay in TTC.

pihabella, good news about your cycle. A Christmas BFP sounds good.

bighouse, fingers still crossed for you! My DH also complains that I&#8217;m too pessimistic, but whenever I&#8217;ve had a little hope I&#8217;ve ended up with a BFN or worse, I miscarried when I did manage to fall pregnant. I&#8217;d rather hope for the best and expect the worse, so I&#8217;m not too disappointed if things don&#8217;t work out. Reading this back, he&#8217;s right, I&#8217;m so negative!

cutestuff, it&#8217;s good to know you&#8217;ll have company insurance but hopefully you won&#8217;t be needing it.

Kat, no one&#8217;s going to blame you for ignoring your mother&#8217;s calls, I believe that&#8217;s the best thing you can do. She sounds like very hard work! What a strange thing for your sister to say when she struggled for so long. Maybe they forget everything once they have the baby?

Sorry AF came drjo, hope the increased dose of Clomid will do the trick.

Welcome Dazzle Dee, don&#8217;t be discouraged yet! I know they all say 35 is a critical age for fertility but on the other hand SO many women have fallen pregnant after 35, it doesn&#8217;t mean that the day you turn 35 you suddenly become totally unable to conceive.

Hollyness, hope you&#8217;re enjoying your weekend away and that you&#8217;ll have good news when you come back!

Another friend has announced her pregnancy today, I&#8217;m literally surrounded by pregnant women! But I&#8217;m happy for her, she&#8217;s been struggling to conceive for quite a while and was following treatment (not sure which one, only know it involved injections).
Thank you zen, I remember you advised me some time back not to wait too long to try again. I’ve got everything crossed 2015 will be your year after such a long wait.

MJs, the odds of pregnancy per cycle are so low that it is truly a miracle when it happens! I really want to get my hormone levels etc. tested but I might hold off for a while. Don’t give up hope, your levels aren’t set in stone, you hear of so many women who have practically no chances of conceiving yet do manage to fall pregnant. Just keep trying for a few more months and then see what your options are. My OB/gyn refuses to get ANY tests done till I’ve been trying for a year, he says that’s perfectly normal.

Welcome Dmbaby, wishing you a short stay in TTC.

pihabella, good news about your cycle. A Christmas BFP sounds good.

bighouse, fingers still crossed for you! My DH also complains that I’m too pessimistic, but whenever I’ve had a little hope I’ve ended up with a BFN or worse, I miscarried when I did manage to fall pregnant. I’d rather hope for the best and expect the worse, so I’m not too disappointed if things don’t work out. Reading this back, he’s right, I’m so negative!

cutestuff, it’s good to know you’ll have company insurance but hopefully you won’t be needing it.

Kat, no one’s going to blame you for ignoring your mother’s calls, I believe that’s the best thing you can do. She sounds like very hard work! What a strange thing for your sister to say when she struggled for so long. Maybe they forget everything once they have the baby?

Sorry AF came drjo, hope the increased dose of Clomid will do the trick.

Welcome Dazzle Dee, don’t be discouraged yet! I know they all say 35 is a critical age for fertility but on the other hand SO many women have fallen pregnant after 35, it doesn’t mean that the day you turn 35 you suddenly become totally unable to conceive.

Hollyness, hope you’re enjoying your weekend away and that you’ll have good news when you come back!

Another friend has announced her pregnancy today, I’m literally surrounded by pregnant women! But I’m happy for her, she’s been struggling to conceive for quite a while and was following treatment (not sure which one, only know it involved injections).

Yeah I guess she forgot or doesn't empathize much with what I'm going through since I'm struggling with TTC#1 and she got pregnant very easily at 36 with #1. Her issues were with #2 when she hit 40 and had him at 42. So maybe she just doesn't get it? Her and my SIL (had her daughter at 46 after a 5 year struggle) feel I'm so young at 35 so it'll happen soon enough, they don't get my fertility has halved already:dohh: Don't think they realize that you can have issues at mid-30s (or for that sake even earlier) and think it's first when you're 40 or over that it starts getting problematic:dohh: I don't feel like discussing it with them because it'd be a waste of time:shrug:

Yes she's very trying to talk to. When it's over the phone, she talks most of the time about the same issues: the economy, her stocks and how there are too many foreigners or that the unemployed are lazy (gee, thanks ma:nope:). Her most recent trip is that the government should do away with unemployment checks so people pull themselves together and get jobs instead of sponging off of society:dohh::wacko: DH tried to tell her that jobs aren't so easy to come by anymore like when she was young (where a degree of any kind practically garanteed you a job) and people need something to live off of while they're jobhunting if they've been so unfortunate to be fired. She wouldn't budge:nope: She's very opinionated and impossible to discuss anything with. She used to call me every day (except weekends) to talk for 1 hour each time about topics like this, very trying and I normally barely get a word in edgewise.

Not only did I have to put up with her Wednesday night but now I'll have to put up with DH's narcissistic friend almost all Saturday:wacko: He got his Masters after 18 years and fully expects to get a job handed to him and can't understand why no one is interested. Don't think he send many applications as he feels it should be easy for him to get a job. He didn't learn from my experiences apparently and I only took 6½ years to finish my degree. Every time he talks about it, he asks me how my job hunting is going and I have to keep repeating each time I see him that I'm on hiatus until DH and I have our baby but he'll ask again next time I see him. Last time he also wanted me to see his resume, as if I care about his resume:dohh: He doesn't want kids himself (he'd be a horrible, self-absorbed father so here's hoping) so I don't think it interests him the slightest, hence why he keeps forgetting DH and I are TTCing:growlmad:

This weekend is generally going to be bad as DH is going to a Christmas luncheon with his collegues tonight (wives and husbands are never invited to the business ones here), my Saturday in Sweden with DH's annoying friend and then Sunday we have to help DH's big brother move to his new house since him and his wife are divorcing and have sold their house. As a precaution I've told DH I won't be moving anything really heavy.

Sorry for the rant:wacko:

Hope you're doing OK Fleur. I can just imagine how trying it'd be to have many friends announcing their pregnancies now:nope: But I guess this one isn't so bad as she had issues conceiving:flower: I would be more upset with any friend who got pregnant by accident or conceived very quickly to be honest. Here's hoping you soon get your sticky bfp :dust:
Hi there,

I'm 35 and just began trying. I'm at 10-11 DPO and I am already feeling discouraged after 2 negative tests.

I think 30 is still very young and I know I hit my fertility peek at 31-33 years of age. Unfortunately, I was married to the worst kind of wrong man and it was a blessing we never tried.

We did make love very frequently( everyday) and that somehow triggered my fertility and at that time I would ovulate on a 22 day cycle so most of the time in the beginning and the end of the month, every month.

I thought I was infertile and went to a specialist ( although we never tried for a baby) but it turned out I was ovulating ( technically) twice in one month and I was advised to act quickly and get pregnant.

My bad luck in love didn't allow for that :( and now my biggest fear is that my time has passed.

I finally met my partner, the man that will be a great husband and father so I pray that it happens sooner than later.

This month seems it's a no go but I pray within the next few months I will have good news to share.

Don't let 30 scare you! You are still young. Have lots of great romance and love making and enjoy your partner. It'll happen.

Good luck!

Hey there I am in the same boat tested at 10DPO and negative but I feel so much like I am, (I am 34 yrs old I have 2 girls 7, and 9), probably going to test again tomorrow, good luck to you! And everyone else!!!:dust:
My test today was negative, not even a hint of a line. AF is due tomorrow. :( Stay away, witch!
Bighouse hoping AF stays away!!!!

I still havent started one day late now, so I will test tomorrow with FMU if AF doesnt come, still no feeling of AF coming either

Good Luck!!!!
My test today was negative, not even a hint of a line. AF is due tomorrow. :( Stay away, witch!

Oh, sorry bighouse...if AF doesn't show tomorrow, maybe test Monday morning! I thought you were on progesterone? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else....anyway, I'm 9DPO today but I'm on progesterone this cycle so any symptoms I feel are probably from the pills! I really want to test on Monday but I am going to hold off until Wednesday when I'll be 13DPO....if it's negative then I won't take my progesterone that evening and AF should start shortly thereafter. Even though I had that dream last month about my August 11th due date, I don't feel like this is my month. I was soooooo sure I was pregnant last month but I wasn't. :nope:
Thanks OneMore.

MJ- you are correct, I was on progesterone but that plan changed. I started taking 100mg when I ovulated, but only took two doses and then stopped. I realized my doc only left me with a 15-20 day supply. He is very difficult to reach via phone and doesn't have any appointment openings until February. I didn't want to get stuck without enough progesterone, because from my understanding if you get pregnant you need to stay on it until end of 1st trimester. I had a fear that I would start the progesterone, get pregnant, and then run out, not be able to get more, and miscarry because of it. So I decided to not even start the progesterone until I have a 3 month supply in hand. It's also a special formulation made at a compounding pharmacy because I'm allergic to peanuts (peanut oil is an ingredient in the normal progesterone pills) so I was also concerned if that pharmacy was out of stock, etc. So I won't start until I have enough on hand to get me through the 1st trimester if I do get a BFP.

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