Yeah I probably should but don't know how to deal with the questions if I suddenly decide I don't want to talk about it anymore

My MIL is in some ways the most annoying because she's showing the least amount of understanding (my mom is just being herself so I just try and ignore her). I find it hurtful that she thinks you just have to relax and then you get pregnant. But I think when we tell her my hormones are fine, I'm Oing and my tubes are clear that she thinks it MUST be a psychological thing

So she's not taking it seriously

It would've been better if e.g. my tubes were blocked because then she'd understand we have an actual physical problem and would understand why it wasn't happening. As it is now, there shouldn't be any problems. So guess she thinks it's silly we very well will be needing IUI and are wasting money and effort when we could just relax and do it naturally for free. We're the first she knows that hasn't gotten pregnant within 3-4 months of trying. Even her mother (DH's grandmother) is showing more understanding and she didn't have problems conceiving her 3 daughters either

I don't know why MIL will absolutely refuse to understand but there it is. Maybe I should get DH to talk to her
I wasn't much for helping her but DH let her talk him into it. I think we should tell her that we don't have the time and that she'll just have to re-take her whole semester and learn from it. I was a bit too lazy the 1st semester when I was taking my Bachelors and failed all but 1 class but I learned from it and worked my behind off next semester and ever since. But I was 21 then
Because she can't figure out how to appreciate good guys, she goes for the very hot men that treat her like garbage. Her 2 last boyfriends physically and emotionally abused her

She goes for looks. I've tried to tell her that she needs to compromise on the looks department and start finding someone with a good heart but it falls on deaf ears: "But if he's not hot, then I can't be attracted to him"

She asked us once if we knew any single guys and we knew only 1. Her first question was if he's hot and when we said no then she wasn't interested at all. She's not very good looking herself and has tons of emotional baggage. So since she'll never find anyone the way she picks them, she was thinking that in 3-4 years time, she'll use a donor but she's not entirely sure yet. As said, she'd be a bad mother. She's too focused on herself and she'd put that child in bad or wrong situaitions.
Hi cutelollie! I don't have any personal experience with those meds. You will probably get a lot of help if you create a thread in the TTC forum. We are all over 30 and trying for number 1

Best of luck to you!
Kat- I would refuse to help her if I were you! That sounds like a high-stress career choice, is she sure it's something she really wants?

I hate that dumb witch
No I don't think she'd be a good engineer and doubts she really understands what the job entails

She's too unsure of herself and too lazy. I don't think she could get a job anyway. If I couldn't get a job as an engineer, she won't either. She was also lazy when applying for jobs as well before she decided to try studying for a Bachelors degree. She claims she wants a job but I don't think she really does. She doesn't want to grow up