Kat - no, I'm not offended at all! I actually would prefer the donor egg idea vs. adoption, because at least it would be my DH's genes and I would get to experience pregnancy. But I brought it up to him over the weekend and he is against that idea. He would prefer to adopt vs. using a DE....his thought is "just because science can do these things doesn't mean we SHOULD...if we have to use a DE, we might as well adopt since there are so many unwanted babies and we could provide them a good home". So that leaves us back to....if we can't conceive on our own, we will just be childless. I guess there are worse things in the world.
I'm not too sure I follow your DH's argument. What's the difference between doing IVF with your egg or with a donor egg? Or is he against IVF totally? what about IUI, that's also science at Work in a way. Because if he's not against IVF, that's a strange way of looking at things
I'm not much for adopting myself. My childish friend is a bad "commercial" for adoption and has turned me off to the idea

I'm sure there are some lovely adopted children but there are also a lot of sad cases with kids that have emotional baggage

Don't know if I'd take the risk either
As for baby showers they don't have them in Denmark so I'm free of those

The only sad thing is that I won't be able to hold one

The only thing then is christenings but that's less painful than baby showers and I haven't been invited to one since my soon to be ex-SIL (the one divorcing DH's big brother) had her daughter 6 years ago. FB isn't much of a problem for me either as no one I know is TTCing to my knowledge.