I wonder where PrayingforBB has gone? She used to comment here quite a bit. Hope she is doing okay.
I'm here MJ, thanks for thinking of me!! I've been busy and frustrated and frustrated and busy, but mostly just busy since DH got home a few weeks ago. We've been busy making up for lost time

And it's crunch time at school with finals, papers, and projects so I've been letting that distract me from TTC. I need to catch up on everyone's updates- any good news yet??
I've had a very interesting cycle thus far... still not sure if I've O'd but the Clomid is wreaking havoc on my body. I've had horrible lower abdomen pain for the past week, almost like trapped gas or constipation, and if it's even possible, I feel like my ovaries are swollen. I had an u/s on CD 21 to see if O was going to happen this cycle. I had three follicles larger than 15mm and my RE gave me an option to take a trigger shot on CD 24, but I declined since I usually do O on my own (albeit super late). It was reassuring to see those follicles for sure! I guess they just grow slowly?

And I assume that is what is causing all the pain, yesterday it was so bad I stayed in bed most of the day, much worse than any AF.
I think I might have O'd last night- positive OPK yesterday, little temp rise this morning, and good grief, all that pain! But I am still having a few twinges today, so not sure. I'll be sure to jump on DH when he gets home tonight just in case