Kat, well be optimistic for you, I know I never am for myself. Did you manage to talk to DH? It sounds like he doesnt want to offend his mom. I hate spending time with friends like yours, no wonder you wanted to smack her with your book! Tell your DH that he shouldnt be wasting his (and your) time since her priority doesnt seem to be her studies.
Fleur - I read somewhere that drinking lots of water helps the body create more CM because if you are dehydrated the CM will dry up....I don't know if it really works, but I did notice that I hardly had any after Napa - I'm sure I wasn't as hydrated as usual with all of the wine I had! Waiting to ovulate is so boring! Are you trying this month or still preventing?
Kat - wow, that girl sounds like a total weirdo! She doesn't mind hearing you two DTD....I would have been like "yeah, well I mind!" Sheesh - talk about someone that can't take a hint! Just curious, but why bother having this "friend" if she is so annoying? Life is too short to hang around irritating people! I say let this one go.
I'm wondering if I should drop the prenatals and just take extra folic acid. I have a doctor appointment on Friday so I'll ask my OB what he thinks. I've been taking prenatals for a year now. I added the concentrated form of CoQ10 last month for good egg health, and just upped my dose to 200mg per day which is what is advised in a book a skimmed about improving egg health for fertility. That supplement is supposed to take at least 3 months to start working, though, so I've still got a few cycles to see the impact.
I am feeling really optimistic about next year...I have to keep repeating it so that I don't forget to be positive! I can't explain why, after 8 failed cycles (if you count the miscarriage), I believe any of cycle #s 9-20 could possibly work, but I think at least one of my cycles over the next year will result in my take home baby. I can't give up hope yet.
Hmm yes, it makes sense that CM would be made up of mostly water and staying hydrated would help with that. I'll up my water intake.
MJs, I guess wine doesn't help with then I wanted to start trying again this month but I'm so worried it's an annovulatory cycle. CD 16 today, OPK still negative. I was so hoping I would be one of those who fall pregnant straight after a miscarriage.
Let us know what the doctor says about the supplements. I'm so glad you're feeling optimistic about next year, I really hope you'll be getting that BFP !
Kat, I second what MJs said, I would so want to ditch that friend but I know how hard it is to meet other friends. You just need to see her in very small doses! Hopefully you'll be making mommy friends next year.
bighouse, wow, you sound so well informed, thanks for all that info. You're right, the food we eat is not as healthy as we think it is. Unfortunately my doctor won't do any tests unless I've had several miscarriages (he won't even do a blood test to check my hCG / progesterone levels next time I'm pregnant) and I'm not sure methylfolate is available in my country. I'l try to find out.
Just had to share this. I had a very close friend who I've known for 15 years. He got married last year to a girl I'd only met once for a few minutes (because she's very possessive, automatically hated all his female friends and refused to meet me). Since the wedding I've never met him (he lives about 5 minutes away) and he hasn't kept in touch but I was expecting it. Recently, right around the time I was going through my miscarriage, he texted me to inform me they are expecting a baby, I texted back and didn't hear from him again. Last Friday, he texted again to say "I dreamt of you, you had a big belly, good news for you too!!! We're having a baby boy". So weird. Texted back to say congrats and told him about the miscarriage. He's just replied saying "Sorry to hear that. These things are so volatile. X is at 6 months in a few days. How's work going? And DH?"
I'm so shocked... these things are so volatile! And then telling me his wife is at 6 months.. I don't care, I'm never going to meet that baby. I can't believe we used to be so close and now it's come to this.
Thanks for the input on the vitamins. I tend to believe that trying to eat what we need is better as our bodies are kinda designed to get nutrition that way. I wonder how much I would have to eat to get the recommended amounts though!?! Will see....looks like I have a little research to do. Good luck to all! And fingers crossed!
Hey ladies- I need to go back a few pages to catch up, but I just wanted to tell you all about my appointment today with the new gynecologist. She specializes in fertility issues, and I absolutely LOVE her!! The most important thing she told me: even though my cycles have come at regular intervals over the years, they are still not "normal", the length is a few days too long. She set my husband up to get a semen analysis, and I have a long list of blood work I will be getting done tomorrow, including a 3 hour GTT to look for any insulin issues. I was bummed to hear that what I thought were regular cycles are not actually regular, but she assured me that we will figure it out together, we will treat it together, and hopefully we will conceive in 2-3 cycles of treatment. She was so nice and wonderful, and she made me feel very confident that we're getting the best help out there
Thanks Kat. Sorry to hear the same thing happened with your cousin.
There's no way that girl will ever let go of him! Not that I have any reason to believe he's not happy (although when he texted to announce her pregnancy, he also said they were doing better after the usual up and downs - less than 6 months after the wedding). I will tell him that I found his comment hurtful, wish him all the best and then just write this "friendship" off. I'm not interested in sneaking around behind her back like we did before they got married (I was already married then but she still refused to meet me or let him see me).
Your friend will probably run away when you ask "dear Auntie" to babysit or change nappies! Anyway I'm sure she'll reduce contact when she sees you're not so available when the baby's here.
Thanks for the list. This whole vitamins / no vitamins thing is such a minefield! I think I'll stick to folic acid and do some more research. Unless anyone knows of something which can make me ovulate!
cutestuff, fingers crossed for you! I've heard of acid reflux as a symptom.
Can I join? Not quite 30 (b-day is Tuesday) and I get the wonderful gift of af on my b-day. I am so irritated because like many of you, I have been trying for 5 cycles (though good timing in only 3). I was so sure this was going to be the cycle as I typically get spotting before my period shows and I had nothing until today, which is the expected start of my period. Took 2 tests just to make sure and both were negative so I am pretty sure that is accurate since most people get positive results by 13-14 dpo (not sure entirely because I could have miscalculated). I thought our timing was perfect this month and I am so tired of hearing about pregnancies the first try when its going on the 6th month of trying (4 th month of active) and I haven't been on any type of birth control in 5.5 years (using natural planning and withdrawal- Who knew that works).......
Hey cutestuff! U sound exactly like me but I've been trying for 6 months now and no luck : ( but I was on the pill for 3 years..
I refer to myself as a lemon lol joking.. I shouldn't say that but I think joking with my husband makes it abit easier lol feel free to private msg me and we can chat. I'm also open to a good quality face book friend at the moment that can relate to me.. None of my friends are currently preggers or trying that I can open up to.
Looking forward to hearing from you 😊.