Fleur - yes, several days of faint lines is normal because we always have some lh in our systems, but when it surges, that is what counts and when the line will get really dark. I usually surge quickly so if I don't test twice per day I can miss it. You could have surged overnight?? That's why I really like temping, even better than OPKs. Last month I never quite saw a completely dark second line on my OPK but three days later I had my temp rise and my temps stayed up so I am 99% sure that I ovulated. I'm thinking that this month I'll just skip the OPKs because I have to temp anyway as part of my acu treatments and also because I'm taking progesterone...I'll just DTD at least every other day until I get my temp rise.
Good morning ladies!! I hope everyone's weekend went well! sorry I've been MIA - I tend to keep myself pretty busy throughout the weekends and keep myself phone/internet free.
Hollynesss I am so happy your apt went well!! It's refreshing to hear from a different doctors perspective how positive she is to help you achieve your BFP!! Definitely keep us in the loop & let us know how your new journey goes!
So, quick update! I had my 4th cycle appt yesterday. I had an internal scan and blood drawn. so far, so good. I started the Femara 7.5mg last night and then next Tuesday I go for my next scan to determine when I trigger. The dr thinks I will most likely trigger Friday & have the IUI Saturday. I am CD6 right now and am just waiting to start the OPK next Tuesday as I predict the dr will tell me to do.
I hope everyone has a great day, and hope to see some more positive posts!!![]()
Kat, youre totally right about my friend. Hes got loads of close guy friends now but his oldest friend (ME!) is not admitted into his inner circle anymore. Oh well, his loss. One day youre just going to snap at your friend if she continues, so lets hope she has enough sense to review her behavior before its too late. Hey, I also dont eat meat and always feel like such a pain when Im invited to dinner or something.
cutestuff, I understand not wanting to get your hopes upbut still keeping everything crossed for you!
Thanks MJs, Im definitely crossing that guy off. Sounds like you had a lovely chat with your MIL and SIL, its nice that they were supportive and get it now. I know what you mean about feeling emotional when talking about TTC, Im doing OK as long as I dont think about it, then all the dark thoughts start coming. Hope your appointment with the new OB goes well and that youll be on your way to a BFP very soon. Lol at your DH getting anxious.. it does help to have an ever-willing DH when were TTC!
For those who used OPKs, is it normal to have faint lines on it for several days? I started using them on CD13 (Im sure I didnt ovulate earlier) and 5 days letter Im still getting a faint line. It doesnt look like Im any closer to ovulating (no CM or any other signs). Im convinced I wont ovulate this month but were DTD every 36 hours or so just in case. Its SO frustrating to go through a miscarriage and then weird cycles meaning you cant even try properly.![]()
MrsTigger, did AF show up ? Glad that your cycle seems to be shorter. I used to get that brownish discharge (enough to need a panty liner) from 2 to 4 days before AF.