Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Glad your appointment went well Hollyness. Fingers crossed for you!
Holly, so great to hear that the appointment was positive! That's exactly how I felt after I met with my acupuncturist the first's so exciting to have a plan! Hopefully all your tests come back perfect and you just need a month of clomid or something to get a strong ovulation.

I have my appointment with a new OB on Friday and I'm going to have him do a follicle count, measurement, and uterine lining measurement to make sure I am actually producing some eggs. This is what my acu lady told me to do,so we will see what happens. I'm also going to get him to write me a script so that I can take progesterone every month during my luteal phase.

I sooo hope I get my BFP this month because if I don't I will have to make good on my resolution to step back from talking about TTC, including googling and researching, etc. I talked with my SIL and my MIL the other night about my struggles and they were so supportive, I felt like they really "got it" this time. I was getting upset talking about it and they said something like "you're putting too much pressure on're upsetting yourself and stressing yourself out". And I told them that I am generally in a pretty good mood and I enjoy life, but when I start talking about TTC I get really emotional...kind of like when you speak about a loved one who has passed. It's not like it makes me upset all the time...only when I think about it. So my solution is to try to do my best to just ignore it as much as possible. I think a few sessions with a therapist could really help. I'm going to look into that next month, whether I get a BFP or another bfn.

Tomorrow is cd6....waiting to ovulate is so boring. I am still spotting so plan to start BDing as soon as AF goes away completely. DH is getting anxious! He always does when we go longer than 5 days or so without DTD....his strong drive is really helpful!!

Fleur, try not to stress about this cycle - you will ovulate eventually, and it's totally normal to have weird cycles after a miscarriage. I really hope that OPK turns positive soon...until then just keep on DTD every other day to cover your bases. And sorry your "friend" is being a jackass, but he is a guy, so I'm not surprised that he wasn't more compassionate; most guys just don't get it. Even my own DH struggled with understanding just how devastating my miscarriage was to me. But I agree with Kat - his wife sounds terrible being jealous like she is, and he sounds like a crap friend. Better off leaving him behind.

Alright ladies! I'm off to bed...I'm really hoping this cycle is a good one, with ovulation on time as opposed to last month, grrrr! I gotta start meditating every morning again - seems to really help me to relax and stay positive the rest of the day!
Kat, you’re totally right about my “friend”. He’s got loads of close guy friends now but his oldest friend (ME!) is not admitted into his inner circle anymore. Oh well, his loss. One day you’re just going to snap at your friend if she continues, so let’s hope she has enough sense to review her behavior before it’s too late. Hey, I also don’t eat meat and always feel like such a pain when I’m invited to dinner or something.

cutestuff, I understand not wanting to get your hopes up :hugs: but still keeping everything crossed for you!

Thanks MJs, I’m definitely crossing that guy off. Sounds like you had a lovely chat with your MIL and SIL, it’s nice that they were supportive and get it now. I know what you mean about feeling emotional when talking about TTC, I’m doing OK as long as I don’t think about it, then all the dark thoughts start coming. Hope your appointment with the new OB goes well and that you’ll be on your way to a BFP very soon. Lol at your DH getting anxious.. it does help to have an ever-willing DH when we’re TTC!

For those who used OPKs, is it normal to have faint lines on it for several days? I started using them on CD13 (I’m sure I didn’t ovulate earlier) and 5 days letter I’m still getting a faint line. It doesn’t look like I’m any closer to ovulating (no CM or any other signs). I’m convinced I won’t ovulate this month but we’re DTD every 36 hours or so just in case. It’s SO frustrating to go through a miscarriage and then weird cycles meaning you can’t even try properly. :cry:
Fleur - yes, several days of faint lines is normal because we always have some lh in our systems, but when it surges, that is what counts and when the line will get really dark. I usually surge quickly so if I don't test twice per day I can miss it. You could have surged overnight?? That's why I really like temping, even better than OPKs. Last month I never quite saw a completely dark second line on my OPK but three days later I had my temp rise and my temps stayed up so I am 99% sure that I ovulated. I'm thinking that this month I'll just skip the OPKs because I have to temp anyway as part of my acu treatments and also because I'm taking progesterone...I'll just DTD at least every other day until I get my temp rise.
Good morning ladies!! I hope everyone's weekend went well! sorry I've been MIA - I tend to keep myself pretty busy throughout the weekends and keep myself phone/internet free.

Hollynesss I am so happy your apt went well!! It's refreshing to hear from a different doctors perspective how positive she is to help you achieve your BFP!! Definitely keep us in the loop & let us know how your new journey goes!

So, quick update! I had my 4th cycle appt yesterday. I had an internal scan and blood drawn. so far, so good. I started the Femara 7.5mg last night and then next Tuesday I go for my next scan to determine when I trigger. The dr thinks I will most likely trigger Friday & have the IUI Saturday. I am CD6 right now and am just waiting to start the OPK next Tuesday as I predict the dr will tell me to do.

I hope everyone has a great day, and hope to see some more positive posts!! :happydance:
Fleur - yes, several days of faint lines is normal because we always have some lh in our systems, but when it surges, that is what counts and when the line will get really dark. I usually surge quickly so if I don't test twice per day I can miss it. You could have surged overnight?? That's why I really like temping, even better than OPKs. Last month I never quite saw a completely dark second line on my OPK but three days later I had my temp rise and my temps stayed up so I am 99% sure that I ovulated. I'm thinking that this month I'll just skip the OPKs because I have to temp anyway as part of my acu treatments and also because I'm taking progesterone...I'll just DTD at least every other day until I get my temp rise.

I don't think I could have surge overnight, I'm not feeling it. I usually get EWCM before ovulation and sore boobs straight after, none of that this month. I might ask my friend to buy me a BBT thermometer when she comes from Europe in January.

Your acupuncturist sounds like she's giving you some great advice, good to have someone like that on your side!
Good morning ladies!! I hope everyone's weekend went well! sorry I've been MIA - I tend to keep myself pretty busy throughout the weekends and keep myself phone/internet free.

Hollynesss I am so happy your apt went well!! It's refreshing to hear from a different doctors perspective how positive she is to help you achieve your BFP!! Definitely keep us in the loop & let us know how your new journey goes!

So, quick update! I had my 4th cycle appt yesterday. I had an internal scan and blood drawn. so far, so good. I started the Femara 7.5mg last night and then next Tuesday I go for my next scan to determine when I trigger. The dr thinks I will most likely trigger Friday & have the IUI Saturday. I am CD6 right now and am just waiting to start the OPK next Tuesday as I predict the dr will tell me to do.

I hope everyone has a great day, and hope to see some more positive posts!! :happydance:

Good luck for this cycle alfi, glad to see you sounding so upbeat! Hope this will be your lucky month :flower:
I need to soak in some of everyone's optimism! Just not feeling it at the moment. :( Luck to all of us!!!
Kat, you’re totally right about my “friend”. He’s got loads of close guy friends now but his oldest friend (ME!) is not admitted into his inner circle anymore. Oh well, his loss. One day you’re just going to snap at your friend if she continues, so let’s hope she has enough sense to review her behavior before it’s too late. Hey, I also don’t eat meat and always feel like such a pain when I’m invited to dinner or something.

cutestuff, I understand not wanting to get your hopes up :hugs: but still keeping everything crossed for you!

Thanks MJs, I’m definitely crossing that guy off. Sounds like you had a lovely chat with your MIL and SIL, it’s nice that they were supportive and get it now. I know what you mean about feeling emotional when talking about TTC, I’m doing OK as long as I don’t think about it, then all the dark thoughts start coming. Hope your appointment with the new OB goes well and that you’ll be on your way to a BFP very soon. Lol at your DH getting anxious.. it does help to have an ever-willing DH when we’re TTC!

For those who used OPKs, is it normal to have faint lines on it for several days? I started using them on CD13 (I’m sure I didn’t ovulate earlier) and 5 days letter I’m still getting a faint line. It doesn’t look like I’m any closer to ovulating (no CM or any other signs). I’m convinced I won’t ovulate this month but we’re DTD every 36 hours or so just in case. It’s SO frustrating to go through a miscarriage and then weird cycles meaning you can’t even try properly. :cry:

Yeah I'm sure his wife doesn't see his male friends as threats to her marriage. One day he'll learn his mistake in marrying such a jealous woman. A relationship without trust never lasts very long:nope:

The problem is she has no sense, she's a 15 year old mentally and is the most insecure person I've ever met. No one calls her out because she act so fragile and helpless and people are afraid of hurting her feelings. I'm sure the fact that she's adopted pulls at people's heartstrings as well:dohh: Not even sure how to go about putting boundaries without upsetting her but I'll have to. Will definitely have to put a stop to her wanting to go on vacations with us:argh: It's just inappropriate and will get even weirder when we have a child. If she had a boyfriend it'd be kinda ok once in a while but her being a 3rd wheel is just weird:wacko:

Yes I always feel slightly bad if anyone makes me fish for just me as I don't insist on it and would otherwise just eat any salads or vegetables that has been made for everyone.
Thanks, girls! :hugs: I had to take a 3 hr GTT today with insulin draws to check for any insulin dysfunction, and they also drew like every hormone in the human body, a lipid panel, and a thyroid panel. I'm excited and terrified to get my results, lol! The GTT was awful :sick: The drink gave me really bad heartburn. I think this month I'm going to take a break from TTC until we get some test results and know if we're up against anything serious.

MJ- I went into my appt thinking of all the things I was going to ask her to do, but it was actually a huge relief for her to take charge and tell me what she was going to do rather than the other way around. I hope your appt goes well, too! :hugs:

Fleur- Like Mj said, there is always a little but of LH in our systems, so it is perfectly normal to always see a faint line on Opks. My fingers are crossed for you!

Dede- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: We all have our down days, and you are perfectly entitled to them! I hope you feel better :)

Alfi- Best of luck to you!

Praying and Tigger- So good to hear from you ladies! :hugs:

Anyone heard from Pihabella lately?
Nope, haven't heard from Pihabella.

Holly - glad to hear that you have an OB who takes charge - that's how my acupuncturist is. My old OB was terrible - he actually told me that "nobody takes progesterone until AFTER they get their positive pregnancy can't take it until then." That was the same guy that told me my FSH result of 15.5 was "fine" because "it can change depending on when you get the test done during your cycle." I'm like, duh, why do you think I came in on CD3 to get my CD3 blood work done. What a moron! Regarding the progesterone, my acupuncturist told me to take it during my luteal phase before I get a BFP so that the egg can implant...after researching online, guess who was right? Yup, my acu. Anyway, this new OB is someone that my friend goes to so hopefully I will have a better experience. I'm nervous, like you, to see what is going on in my reproductive parts, but I am hoping to get some good news (finally) so that I can just relax and have some patience and hope that eventually I will make a good egg which will result in my rainbow.

Fleur - you are acu lady is amazing. I will be so sad if I don't get pregnant this month because I truly believe that what she is doing is helping me....but unfortunately I cannot continue after this cycle due to finances. I technically could afford to continue, but we don't want to spend ALL of our money on something that may never work...if I don't have any good eggs left, then it's game over for me. I might see if I can talk DH into spending the money on the herbs and skip the acupuncture. But that's still $70/week. I know that there is a chance of getting pregnant this month, but for some reason I just feel in my heart that it won't work....I suppose I'm just being realistic. I probably only have a couple good eggs left so even getting pregnant was a miracle - and the fact that I miscarried so early is just confirmation that my eggs are old/bad. I might have like 1 good egg out of every 12 cycles or something....and even with a healthy egg and healthy sperm and perfect conditions the chances are still only 20%. So my chances are pretty grim. See how I did that? Just talked myself into hopelessness! I wish I was just one of those unrealistic optimists. Life would be so much happier!!
Thanks Holly. A little funny that I posted that earlier and a little while ago the GYN called to tell me that my CD3 bloodwork came back good. I started asking questions about next steps and they scheduled another appointment this week. They are talking about clomid and an hsg. I am inclined to do the hsg if we can this month because my health insurance changes in Jan. The clomid I am TOTALLY on the fence about. I don't like to take a lot of meds, and wonder how that might affect my acupuncture....but want that BFP lol.

What have your experiences on Clomid been?
I am feeling unoptomistic too. I don't know for sure when af is supposed to come but based on my last period I am at cd 22 ish with no symptoms to speak of. I guess I will have to wait till Friday or Monday to know for sure if I am out but not feeling positive right now
MrsTigger, did AF show up ? Glad that your cycle seems to be shorter. I used to get that brownish discharge (enough to need a panty liner) from 2 to 4 days before AF.

Hi! No, she did not show up. :nope: I was so hopeful; now I'm so confused :shrug:

I had the brownish discharge on Thursday (the 4th), and I thought for sure AF would come, as I've never had this discharge without AF before. I had some more on Friday (the 5th). However, it was really just a lot of discharge with some brownish tinge to it (TMI, I know -- sorry). Then nothing on Sunday. On Monday (the 8th), I had a single spot of bright red blood, which is also odd and unusual -- never had any bleeding without AF. Nothing yesterday (Tuesday) or so far today.

So, I have no idea what's going on. Overall I've had more discharge than is normal for me (usually I'm quite dry) for the last week or so.

I guess there is no choice but to :coffee:.

I was completely baffled and tried both a HPT and a OPK Sunday morning just to see if anything might give me a clue what was going on . . . HPT was def. :bfn:. OPK had a second line, but not as dark as the control line. I tried another OPK today wondering what it might show and it almost has no second line at all. I thought I ovulated 20 days ago, though, when I had sharp pain in my lower left side. Maybe not . . . so maybe it's not time for AF yet.

Oh well; I'm just trying to stay busy.

This thread moves fast; it's def. hard to keep up :haha:

Hope you are all doing well.

So unfortunately cycle #16 was a bust:nope: I started cramping this morning and there's blood at my cervix so she's coming, either will be full blown today or tomorrow. So on to cycle #17:dohh: Guess the HSG hasn't helped yet. Don't know if it was too close to my O date and that was part of the issue:shrug: We'll see.

To be honest I have almost no hope for cycle #17 and am banking all my hope on cycle #18 as it'll be that cycle I'll start my 1st IUI:happydance:

I'm becoming more and more convinced that it's my CM that's an issue. I've been using Conceive Plus for 3 cycles but to no avail. Will be trying to up the dose a little to about 4 gm since I've ordered those pre-filled applicator ones, a pack of 3, and they're filled up to 4 gm. If they don't help then I'm just hoping the IUI works and won't put any hope on any BD sessions before then.

By the way I have a question: I've noticed every cycle that from 1 DPO I start to feel like I can't breathe nearly as deeply as normal (almost like I've lost about 70 % of my full breathing capacity, as if something heavy is sitting over my lungs) and it continues until 2-3 days before AF when I gradually start feeling like I can breathe normally. Is this a sign of high progesterone levels? Does anyone else have this?
Hi all, just wanted to check in. Sorry for those of you who have been dealing with frustrations and bad news lately! AFM I am just waiting to O, but that probably won't be until next week. We are going to try BD every 1.5-2 days this cycle. Last cycle we DTD every 1-1.5 days and I'm going to stretch that out a bit hoping it will help improve DH's swimmer output. But I don't want to go too long and risk missing the egg! I'm feeling optimistic about this cycle. Although the timing isn't great (I will probably O while we have house guests here- oh well we are going to BD anyway!) I think I am due for a Christmas miracle :) I hope to hear about lots of Christmas miracles on this thread!

DH had an appt for a SA and ultrasound this week but I rescheduled it for January. Didn't want to risk getting bad news right before Christmas. So we'll give it one month trying before going down that route again. I am enjoying my "break" from doctors for the most part. Decided Nov and Dec I was going to just try and relax and not have as much medical intervention.
Hi Ladies. I am not too sure what is going on with me, but it has been a really weird night and day so far. Last night I could not sleep at all-even though I was tired- and then this morning I saw pink when I wiped, but now there is nothing....I don't want to get my hopes up especially since we dtd only 3 times during my more fertile times- cd 10, 12, and somewhere around cd 16 or 17. I don't think that is enough or close enough to my predicted ovulation but I also don't know for sure when I ovulated because I was a bit off without as much or as consistent cm. I have a feeling if it is not this month, it will definately be January or feburary because I keep having dreams of announcing my pregnancy to my work (seasonal- starting April) and that I am maybe 3 months pregnant and its warm enough that I am walking around in t shirts and capris which is like june or july so I know it will happen I just am not sure when.... how are the rest of you doing???????
Cutestuff -- Aww, I love those kinds of dreams! Makes you feel all hopeful for a day or two after. :)

Today it's 9DPO for me.

I'm waiting for AF to show this weekend (or not show). My BBT chart seems to be going triphasic? But I can't get anyone to give me any feedback on it, so I'm kinda baffled. I asked around with my Mommy friends, and none of them used BBT to track their fertility and therefore can't offer me any advice. Sadface!

My chart's attached if anyone cares to take a look and give me their two cents? :winkwink:


  • jami_BBTchart_Nov-Dec2014.jpg
    42.6 KB · Views: 3
ireadyermind- I don't temp either, but i have heard that is a good sign if its accurate but I don't know much about it.....I will probably start investing in this stuff if my period comes this month. I figure the second I have it in hand is the same month I will get my bfp cause that is how my life works... I am just waiting for some funds to come through.

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