Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Lots of hugs to you dede. I'm also going through a phase where everything seems so bleak. It's good that your bloodwork looks OK. Don't have any experience with Clomid, have you asked your acupuncturist for advice?

Kat, oh gosh, I certainly wouldn't want her tagging along on holiday! Never mention it when she's here, book your tickets and at the last minute tell her your DH booked you a surprise FAMILY getaway.
I've never heard of breathlessness related to progesterone, could you ask a doctor next time you have an appointment? Bummer about this cycle (if AF really turns up), but fingers crossed for the IUI! I'm sure it won't be long for you now.

Hollyness, the tests don't sound like fun but it's so exciting to know your doctor is actively doing something so you can get some answers.

MJs, I understand not wanting to spend all that money if you're not sure of the outcome, but don't give up, this could be your month. If not, although the chances are low, they're still there. An early miscarriage doesn't mean you've got bad eggs! It happens to so many women, even to those who are much younger. But yeah, I wish I were one of those optimistic ones like my DH, he's so confident that it WILL happen for us.

cutestuff, CD 22 is still very early for symptoms. One time is all it takes, and the sperm can live for days, so you're covered from CD 10 to 22 going by your dates! I so hope for you that your dreams are premonitory and that you'll be rocking maternity clothes soon!

MrsTigger, that sounds very strange! It couldn't even have been a light AF. It would be fab if you were pregnant and it's just too early to show up on a test. Brown discharge and spotting is not unusual in early pregnancy.

bighouse, pleased to hear at least one person is feeling upbeat. Good decision on avoiding any tests this month, it's nice to take a break and not let TTC take over everything. Just be quiet when your house guests are here ;)

Thanks for those who've mentioned the presence of LH in the body even when you're not ovulating. However, CD18 and OPK still negative, so I'm giving up on this month. It definitely looks like an anovulatory cycle but I hope AF won't take ages to show up, I'm so impatient to try properly. I will just be so miserable if I'm not pregnant again before my due date (and by that I mean past the first trimester because I don't feel confident at all I'll avoid another miscarriage).
ireadyermind- I don't temp either, but i have heard that is a good sign if its accurate but I don't know much about it.....I will probably start investing in this stuff if my period comes this month. I figure the second I have it in hand is the same month I will get my bfp cause that is how my life works... I am just waiting for some funds to come through.

LOL -- right?! It's kinda like when you lose something, buy another one, and then find the one you lost the minute you get home.

I figured I'd get my BFP this month specifically because I said I didn't want to be pregnant on my 30th birthday (Tuesday the 16th), and my body would be like, "Oh yeah!?!?! BFP!"

I suppose if I do get a BFP this month, I can rejoice that my child wouldn't have a December birthday.... lol
Fluer - thanks, I have an appointment with my acupuncturist today so I plan to talk to her about it. In looking at dates I will not be able to do an hsg before my insurance changes unless we don't ttc this month so I think I am going to I wait. I am thinking I want to get hubby sa and then consider the hsg before I try the clomid. I hate to 'waste' cycles but I also am not a fan of the maybe this plan is the happy medium. If my tubes are blocked or sa isn't promising the clomid isn't likely to help anyway. Will see if I change my mind....especially once I talk to acupuncturist and GYN. For sure open to advice! I have appreciated this forum to discuss and ask for advice! Hoping my level of optimism improves and Fingers are crossed!
ireadyermind- I don't temp either, but i have heard that is a good sign if its accurate but I don't know much about it.....I will probably start investing in this stuff if my period comes this month. I figure the second I have it in hand is the same month I will get my bfp cause that is how my life works... I am just waiting for some funds to come through.

LOL -- right?! It's kinda like when you lose something, buy another one, and then find the one you lost the minute you get home.

I figured I'd get my BFP this month specifically because I said I didn't want to be pregnant on my 30th birthday (Tuesday the 16th), and my body would be like, "Oh yeah!?!?! BFP!"

I suppose if I do get a BFP this month, I can rejoice that my child wouldn't have a December birthday.... lol

We must have crossposted. Don't know anything about temping sorry! I'd always said I wouldn't like to have a baby born between October and January, especially around Christmas time, but now I'd be SO happy to have one born a couple of months before/ around Christmas 2015! Hoping you'll get a 30th birthday gift ;)
Fluer - thanks, I have an appointment with my acupuncturist today so I plan to talk to her about it. In looking at dates I will not be able to do an hsg before my insurance changes unless we don't ttc this month so I think I am going to I wait. I am thinking I want to get hubby sa and then consider the hsg before I try the clomid. I hate to 'waste' cycles but I also am not a fan of the maybe this plan is the happy medium. If my tubes are blocked or sa isn't promising the clomid isn't likely to help anyway. Will see if I change my mind....especially once I talk to acupuncturist and GYN. For sure open to advice! I have appreciated this forum to discuss and ask for advice! Hoping my level of optimism improves and Fingers are crossed!

That sounds like a good plan :thumbup: I know what you mean about wasted cycles but I guess one month won't make that much of a difference. Yes, hoping others' optimism will rub off on us!
I love my December birthday! :blush:

Cutestuff- definitely sounds promising! Hoping for a bfp for you!!

Fleur- I hope you get your bfp before your due date :hugs:

As for me: I emailed my dr office to see if any of my lab results have come up, and the nurse told me my dr will discuss my results with me at my next appointment, and since I'm not a patient at the hospital they are affiliated with, I will not be able to see my results online :cry: Laaaaaaame! So now I have to wait until January 5th to know any of my results :( Screw it, I may just call them next week and ask! :haha:
Also, question for ladies whose husbands have had a semen analysis: did he get the results right away, or did he have to wait? Did they call him, or email him?
ireadyermind- I don't temp either, but i have heard that is a good sign if its accurate but I don't know much about it.....I will probably start investing in this stuff if my period comes this month. I figure the second I have it in hand is the same month I will get my bfp cause that is how my life works... I am just waiting for some funds to come through.

LOL -- right?! It's kinda like when you lose something, buy another one, and then find the one you lost the minute you get home.

I figured I'd get my BFP this month specifically because I said I didn't want to be pregnant on my 30th birthday (Tuesday the 16th), and my body would be like, "Oh yeah!?!?! BFP!"

I suppose if I do get a BFP this month, I can rejoice that my child wouldn't have a December birthday.... lol

I know right???? Chances are I am not, but it is fun thinking about it.
Holly, I would have the same question as you because if I am not pregnant before this time next year, I will finally have the insurance to go to an obgyn rather than the public health offices and I am sure they will want to do one on hubby.... good luck to you....
Bighouse- good call about the tests. It at least won't destroy your hopes before christmas and christmas is a time of miracles, so you never know
Fluer, dede, mrs. shaw, and tigger, just thinking good thoughts for you and hoping you each have a fantastic holiday :hugs:
That said, I have to confess, I went to a website for tarot reading, just cause it can be fun.. I use lotus and this is what it said, which really hits the nail on the head....

Card 1 (The Empress) : How you feel about yourself now »

This is a time for nurturing, material and domestic comfort, a feeling of abundance, harmony, joy and love. A time for motherhood - you may already be pregnant or thinking about motherhood, if female of course! If male, this is a period of joy and abundance for you too - the appearance of The Empress here could also indicate that your mother or mother figure could be of great significance or comfort at this time. This is also a card of creativity so it is a good omen if you are feeling creatively inspired at this time.
The Sun
Card 2 (The Sun) : What you most want at this moment »

The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is some joy and pleasure in your life, perhaps a long needed holiday in the sun to re-charge your batteries. You may have been through a period of challenges or a time of limbo and inactivity. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, a time of pleasure and good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby.
The Moon
Card 3 (The Moon) : Your fears »

Lies and insecurity are likely to be prominent in your life at the moment, you are afraid of being deceived and feel that you are being misled. Trust your instincts and let them guide you away from those who may seem charming but are only out for their own gains. Your turbulent emotions are muddying the waters - step back and try to find clarity of mind, although this may seem difficult. The Moon does help to illuminate the way and don't worry, it will turn out alright in the end.
The Chariot
Card 4 (The Chariot) : What is going for you »

Drive, drive, drive, that's what's going for you. You certainly aren't a quitter that's for sure. The appearance of The Chariot tells of conflicts ending in victory, so don't give up, battle on and you will succeed. This is a time of movement and change. Expect a journey relating to work, and if you've had you're eye on that car, it will soon be yours.
The Lovers
Card 5 (The Lovers) : What is going against you »

Are you suffering in silence in an unhappy relationship or feeling very lonely? Do you have the courage to make the decision you really know you should make? You have a great sense of duty but are you happy? A difficult decision has to be made - have courage and you will achieve emotional happiness.
Card 6 (Temperance) : Outcome »

A period of peace and harmony, life will flow and you will find a way of handling any difficult circumstances with calm confidence. This is also a time for patience, so if you are not sure quite what decision to make about any key issue, take your time you'll know what to do when the time is right.

Not sure if it is accurate or not because I don't necessarily believe in this stuff, but it is nice to have some confirmation.....:haha:
Kat, oh gosh, I certainly wouldn't want her tagging along on holiday! Never mention it when she's here, book your tickets and at the last minute tell her your DH booked you a surprise FAMILY getaway.
I've never heard of breathlessness related to progesterone, could you ask a doctor next time you have an appointment? Bummer about this cycle (if AF really turns up), but fingers crossed for the IUI! I'm sure it won't be long for you now.

Neither do I. it'd be a nightmare having her along:wacko: I can just imagine what it'd be like, no peace, no time for ourselves since she'd be coming without a boyfriend/hubby:dohh: I don't know why DH pretty much says yes when she says these things but I guess it's hard to say no. How would I do that in a nice way? "Well we decided we'd like to go on vacation by ourselves and feel it'd be awkward having you along as a 3rd wheel":shrug: Think we'd have to say it in a pretty firm way as being nice doesn't help because she'll just come with her "I don't mind":dohh: So we'd have to be more like "We don't want anyone along on our vacations as it's a family thing only, so only me and DH and our future child. So no, you can't come and we don't want to go on any vacations with you because it's too awkward":shrug:

I haven't either but haven't done much research. Just think it must have something to do with it because of the timing of when it starts and stops. There can't be a progesterone problem since I never spot in between AFs. I'll first see my RE when I start my IUI in January (I call them on CD1 of my next AF) as there's no reason to meet with her now that all results are in and there's no need to discuss my HSG results:nope:

It definitely is AF since it's right on time so I very seriously doubt it's anything else with all the bleeding and cramping.

Blah, I've already given up on cycle #17 and it's just started:sadangel:
Cutestuff -- Aww, I love those kinds of dreams! Makes you feel all hopeful for a day or two after. :)

Today it's 9DPO for me.

I'm waiting for AF to show this weekend (or not show). My BBT chart seems to be going triphasic? But I can't get anyone to give me any feedback on it, so I'm kinda baffled. I asked around with my Mommy friends, and none of them used BBT to track their fertility and therefore can't offer me any advice. Sadface!

My chart's attached if anyone cares to take a look and give me their two cents? :winkwink:

I'll get through all of the other posts later tonight, but just wanted to pop in to comment on your chart. Looks very promising that your temps keep rising, however don't get your hopes up TOO high because you are only temps always look fantastic until 12 DPO when they dive-bomb. So just keep up with the temping and hopefully they will stay up. But so far so good!!
I love my December birthday! :blush:

Oh man, not me. I suppose I've been unfortunate in that respect. I almost never had birthday parties, and when I did, friends would usually opt to go to their Christmas parties than to my birthday get together.

Then I'd get the "This is your Christmas AND Birthday present!" dealio, except it wouldn't be anything nice.. One time my grandmother gifted me a bag of beef jerky and a disposable razor?

I've kinda just learned to put up with it, but as a child it was so hurtful when my friends would pick holiday parties over my birthday, or when my sister would get $25 from grandma on her birthday, and $25 on Christmas... But I would only get $25 altogether for both events.

Then the siblings would also have a separate bday party from Christmas, they'd get separate gifts, they got to host events like BBQs, trips to the local water park, camping, etc. whereas my bday is in the dead of winter... Usually the weather was too crummy to do much.

And being gifted Christmas decorations on your bday is also not so great! lol

I always felt like I meant less or was less deserving, according to those people, for some reason. My own mother was uninterested in hosting bday parties for me, too.

That's pretty crappy to do to a little kid, you know? I always felt so left out!

When I was in elementary school, and all my friends got to host birthday parties, and I went to them and saw how fun they were, and I couldn't WAIT for my birthday... Only to have everyone tell me they couldn't come, or they couldn't afford a bday gift because they're buying Christmas presents, or that they already had plans... It was heartbreaking!

Now that I'm an adult, I can plan my own shindigs... but I still get the, "Well, I'd like to go, but so-and-so is hosting a Christmas thing and I already said I'd go to that..." and end up spending my bday by myself anyway, after weeks of planning and sending out invites in advance in the hopes of avoiding that response. Ugh.

At this point I've stopped trying, pretty much. If I don't get my BFP this month, DH and I are going to go to Vegas or something for my "Dirty 30" and we're gonna have FUN.

But if I did have a baby in December, I would always remember to make a big deal out of his/her bday separately from Christmas. Just because I can't imagine letting my little tyke think he/she was unimportant to me and that I had better things to do than notice his/her birthday.
Also, question for ladies whose husbands have had a semen analysis: did he get the results right away, or did he have to wait? Did they call him, or email him?

My DH has his done and he called them after not hearing back for a week. If you don't hear back in like 5 business days, I'd say have your DH call the usually takes a few days, but it's always good to check. In our case, the lab sent the results to my OB (the crappy OB) but my OB's office said they never received so that's why we hadn't heard back on the results! So we ended up waiting another few days before we finally got the results back and it the SA was perfect, thank goodness.
ireadyermind- I don't temp either, but i have heard that is a good sign if its accurate but I don't know much about it.....I will probably start investing in this stuff if my period comes this month. I figure the second I have it in hand is the same month I will get my bfp cause that is how my life works... I am just waiting for some funds to come through.

Cutestuff - I got my BBT thermometer from WalMart - Reli-on brand - and it was only like $8. It comes with charts that you can use pen/pencil to fill out so it's really cheap. You can also print out charts from the internet or just build your own if you are good at Excel. Also, I use the cheap Wondfo brand of OPKs - you can get like 50 of them for $20 from Amazon.
I love my December birthday! :blush:

Oh man, not me. I suppose I've been unfortunate in that respect. I almost never had birthday parties, and when I did, friends would usually opt to go to their Christmas parties than to my birthday get together.

Then I'd get the "This is your Christmas AND Birthday present!" dealio, except it wouldn't be anything nice.. One time my grandmother gifted me a bag of beef jerky and a disposable razor?

I've kinda just learned to put up with it, but as a child it was so hurtful when my friends would pick holiday parties over my birthday, or when my sister would get $25 from grandma on her birthday, and $25 on Christmas... But I would only get $25 altogether for both events.

Then the siblings would also have a separate bday party from Christmas, they'd get separate gifts, they got to host events like BBQs, trips to the local water park, camping, etc. whereas my bday is in the dead of winter... Usually the weather was too crummy to do much.

And being gifted Christmas decorations on your bday is also not so great! lol

I always felt like I meant less or was less deserving, according to those people, for some reason. My own mother was uninterested in hosting bday parties for me, too.

That's pretty crappy to do to a little kid, you know? I always felt so left out!

When I was in elementary school, and all my friends got to host birthday parties, and I went to them and saw how fun they were, and I couldn't WAIT for my birthday... Only to have everyone tell me they couldn't come, or they couldn't afford a bday gift because they're buying Christmas presents, or that they already had plans... It was heartbreaking!

Now that I'm an adult, I can plan my own shindigs... but I still get the, "Well, I'd like to go, but so-and-so is hosting a Christmas thing and I already said I'd go to that..." and end up spending my bday by myself anyway, after weeks of planning and sending out invites in advance in the hopes of avoiding that response. Ugh.

At this point I've stopped trying, pretty much. If I don't get my BFP this month, DH and I are going to go to Vegas or something for my "Dirty 30" and we're gonna have FUN.

But if I did have a baby in December, I would always remember to make a big deal out of his/her bday separately from Christmas. Just because I can't imagine letting my little tyke think he/she was unimportant to me and that I had better things to do than notice his/her birthday.

Oh wow, I'm so sorry to hear all of that! I'm December 20th, and my mom always made a point to have big birthday parties for me, and all the kids in my class usually came. She also made a point to give separate gifts for birthday and Christmas. Sometimes I'd get the "this is for your birthday and Christmas" but I usually didn't mind too much. She also gave me a small gift on my sister's August birthday. Now that I'm older I do a lot of birthday/Christmas parties, but I don't mind so much now. For my 30th my husband took me to Disney World! I had never been, and it had always been a childhood dream :haha: I hope you either get to celebrate with virgin drinks, or get to do it big and forget your name by the end of the night ;)
Also, question for ladies whose husbands have had a semen analysis: did he get the results right away, or did he have to wait? Did they call him, or email him?

The two he had done at one of the huge public labs took each about 2 weeks to come while the one he got done at our clinic (the ones he had previously done weren't giving the clinic enough info) was done the same day and they called him with the results a few hours after he'd dropped off the sample.
Talked to the acupuncturist last night and she told me that the hsg and sa are good ideas....makes sense that if our sperm isn't what it needs to be or my tubes are blocked that trying isn't going to change. She however was, as expected, not a fan of clomid. I also read that clomid can mess your cycle up and I don't want to make my cycle stop doing what it needs to and that it already is. I also want that BFP though and maybe a little boost is what I need?!? Have an appointment with GYN tomorrow so maybe she can help me make a plan. FX!
Hey dede....I have my appt with my new OB tomorrow, too! I agree with your SA for DH should be done and a hsg is a good idea for you. My DH did the SA but I haven't done an hsg, only because I got pregnant on our first month so I figure at least one tube is open. I also do not like the idea of clomid. It can thin your lining and mess up future natural ovulations. Plus it is hard on the body. That's why docs only let you do three or so rounds in a row typically. My plan is to continue to try for another 10 cycles and then as a last ditch effort do like 3 rounds of clomid. If that doesn't work then I'll just go join one of those childfree forums, LOL!
Hey everyone, just checking in. I'm on CD16 and just waiting for a (hopefully) positive opk. Took 100 mg clomid this cycle. I had flashing smileys on the clearblue advanced yesterday and today. Here is this mornings opk. 2014-12-11 08.37.17.jpg My last cycle was 61 days and the one before that was 74, so the thought of ovulating soon is amazing!
cutestuff, how are you feeling today? Funny how the tarot reading reflects your desire for a baby!

Hollyness, call them to ask for the results! Tell them you’re really stressed about it and hope you’ll talk to someone who’ll sympathise.

Kat, I think you just need to be blunt with your friend, you are totally entitled to a family holiday. There will be loads of other occasions to hang out with her. I’ve gone on holiday with friends and it was a nightmare because everyone wanted to do different things. At least when I’m only with DH I can just plan around what we want to do.
Did AF show up? Hugs to you, January is just around the corner now, you’ll be able to go over everything with the RE.

Aww ireadyermind, I’m sad that little you had such lame birthdays. I always said I wouldn’t want a December baby exactly for that reason, but I know I’d do everything for his birthday to feel special even if it fell on the 25th December! I was talking about it with my sister, saying what a pity her birthday is just a few weeks before Xmas but she says she’s never felt bad about it, we’ve always had nice celebrations so I suppose it just depends on how your family plans things when you’re small. My DH’s little brothers are born on the 26th December and I always make a point to buy separate Xmas/birthday gifts. Have you ever tried hosting a party a few weeks before / after your birthday? I hope you’ll get your BFP this month but if not, HAVE FUN in Vegas! (What’s the exact date by the way?)

dede, doing the HSG and SA can be your first steps, you don’t have to decide on the Clomid now – you might not need it. See what your GYN advises?

MJs, good luck for your appointment! Hope you’ll come away from it with a good action plan.
Hey everyone, just checking in. I'm on CD16 and just waiting for a (hopefully) positive opk. Took 100 mg clomid this cycle. I had flashing smileys on the clearblue advanced yesterday and today. Here is this mornings opk. View attachment 828779 My last cycle was 61 days and the one before that was 74, so the thought of ovulating soon is amazing!

Posted as the same time so missed your post. Flashing smileys sound good to me, you must be so relieved to be ovulating earlier this month! :happydance:

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