drjo - that's great news! Are you being monitored this cycle so that you can confirm ovulation? Grab DH and have fun BDing!! Hopefully the increased clomid does the trick!
DH and I just bought a brand new car 2 months ago (one week later DH found out he was being laid off, so that sucked). This morning when I was parking my car at work I accidentally scraped the side of a parked car! So now my car has a giant scuff on the front and I've done some paint damage to the other car. Thankfully the lady whose car I messed up was very nice and understanding. But we'll have to foot the bills, of course. Just another crappy thing to add to my list of crappy things in 2014! Sigh. Sorry for the rant.
Kat, I think you just need to be blunt with your friend, you are totally entitled to a family holiday. There will be loads of other occasions to hang out with her. Ive gone on holiday with friends and it was a nightmare because everyone wanted to do different things. At least when Im only with DH I can just plan around what we want to do.
Did AF show up? Hugs to you, January is just around the corner now, youll be able to go over everything with the RE.
Another flashing smiley and an almost positive opk for me today. Just wishing it would turn already! Of course I got hit hard with a cold or flu last night.
Oh MJ!Sorry to hear the dr screwed up (if the level is not correct). At least you'll get a work up of all the new blood work and hopefully this time will be done right so you will have the right information at the tip of your hands to make the next decision.
Why is later than CD16 a definite problem? I usually ovulate later than "average" and I haven't been told that would be an issue. I think according to a "perfect" cycle of 28 days, they want women ovulating on CD14, which doesn't happen to all of us obviously.
Try not to feel discouraged and hopeless over this appointment. Look at it this way- it's a step in the right direction, getting all the proper information to make the next move/decision, which means one step closer to a bfp and eventually a baby!
How long are your cycles on average? Mine's about around 30 days-ish...
You do realize the bfp part is harder to get than we realize? I watched a documentary on sperm meeting the egg, and omg, that was an eye opener. I hope you get the next steps figured out soon in regards in trying for a baby.