Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Soooo the past week on my BBT chart shows a large dip in temp and then a steady increase again (chart included).

I don't know what my body's doing, but it seems a little wonky! Since FF says today is 18DPO for me, I took an HPT and got a BFN, however AF still hasn't shown up either.

So confusing. :dohh:


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Hope you're right Fleur but I do worry sometimes what we'll do if IUI or IVF doesn't work:shrug: But I'm hoping you're right and I'm worrying over nothing. Here's hoping in a couple of months you can say "I told you so":haha::happydance:

Awww so sorry you might not have Oed:hugs: But I think it can take some time for the body to recuperate after a miscarriage. I hope you have a great Christmas anyway and you get your bfp soon :flower: I know I'm going to try to enjoy Christmas even though Santa wasn't very nice this year and didn't give me a Christmas bfp:haha: Maybe he'll give me a belated Christmas bfp in January:winkwink:

Thank you Kat. I understand how worried you must be but I do look forward to saying "I told you so" very soon :haha: Hope 2015 will better for us.
CD 14 and no rise in BBT yet....I tend to have temp rise on cd 13 or 14. Hoping that temp does what it is supposed to do tomorrow! I feel like I have had ovulation symptoms but of course this is also a month I took off from opks....grrr
bighouse, sorry if you've already mentioned it but does your health insurance pay for anything? Mine has a capped amount for ob/gyn appointments which I've already gone beyond with nothing but a missed miscarriage and a D&C to show for it.
Can you keep the OPKs next to the toilet so you remember to test? I've stopped now (CD 22 was still negative so I've given up), but I did mine at the same time everyday so it wasn't too hard to remember.

drjo, this was my first time using (normal) OPKs so I don't have any advice, I hope someone more helpful will be along. Can you ask your lab for their opinion about the progesterone draw?

ireadyermind, sorry to hear that your signs are so confusing. Hope you'll get an answer one way or the other soon.

dede, how frustrating about the OPKs. Cover all your bases and DTD anyway! You could still use OPKs to check if you're ovulating later?
Hope you're right Fleur but I do worry sometimes what we'll do if IUI or IVF doesn't work:shrug: But I'm hoping you're right and I'm worrying over nothing. Here's hoping in a couple of months you can say "I told you so":haha::happydance:

Awww so sorry you might not have Oed:hugs: But I think it can take some time for the body to recuperate after a miscarriage. I hope you have a great Christmas anyway and you get your bfp soon :flower: I know I'm going to try to enjoy Christmas even though Santa wasn't very nice this year and didn't give me a Christmas bfp:haha: Maybe he'll give me a belated Christmas bfp in January:winkwink:

Thank you Kat. I understand how worried you must be but I do look forward to saying "I told you so" very soon :haha: Hope 2015 will better for us.

I think I'm worried as I've heared of women where they find nothing wrong yet IUI and IVF fails to work for them. I truely hope I'm not one of them. I seriously need something to go right in my life when I've "failed" in the job department despite having worked my rear end off taking 2 educations, applying for hundreds and hundreds of jobs and then working hard but still getting fired for silly reasons, forever ruining my job chances in this country :cry: I'll feel so bad about myself if I can't have a baby either, I'll just feel like a failure :nope::cry:

Yes here's hoping 2015 will be kinder to both of us :happydance:
Throwing my hat in the ring too... I've also waited until 30s to begin thinking about conceiving. I'm in my early 30s and many (but not all) of my ducks are in a row, but I just don't want to wait any longer. So this month was my first month TTC and I'm in the waiting to test phase now.

I don't regret waiting... yet. But I'm also at the beginning of TTC journey. So if I end up having trouble, then I might start regretting having put things off.

Good luck to everyone here!
Throwing my hat in the ring too... I've also waited until 30s to begin thinking about conceiving. I'm in my early 30s and many (but not all) of my ducks are in a row, but I just don't want to wait any longer. So this month was my first month TTC and I'm in the waiting to test phase now.

I don't regret waiting... yet. But I'm also at the beginning of TTC journey. So if I end up having trouble, then I might start regretting having put things off.

Good luck to everyone here!

I'm with you. I don't regret waiting, either!

My parents got divorced when I was 9 (long story there!) and my mom had to be a single mother of 3. We were dirt poor. She worked HARD and made sure we had food, clothes, and warm beds -- but we had only the basics. I missed out on a number of things that many other kids got to take advantage of, and while I know that she didn't intentionally put herself into that position, I always told myself I wasn't going to have children until I was in a financially secure, healthy, and loving relationship with someone.

That's definitely not a bad thing! I don't regret waiting at all, and I don't think anyone should regret it, either. Choosing to provide your potential child a better life is never a bad thing.

I just hate seeing folks who didn't even want kids getting pregnant every other year, or teenagers who aren't in any way prepared for child bearing making babies (and getting reality TV shows about it!)...

Then here we are, women who have waited to get everything in line and do things in a way we feel is most appropriate, and we're struggling. UGH!

Baby dust to all of you!
Fleur---I'm assuming since this is a clomid cycle they'll want a progesterone level regardless of the opks. Last cycle I had this same blood draw done. My progesterone came back 9, so they said I ovulated. I never had a positive opk though, and then AF never came. so now I don't know if I can even trust the lab results.
Welcome, MissDoc! :flower:

How is everyone doing? I've been lurking in the background, just sort of laying low this cycle. I haven't temped or used a single opk, and its actually been kinda liberating! I just want to wait until I get my blood work results before I make the extra effort again. DH had his semen analysis today, and I'm hoping he'll at least get his results soon!

I turn 31 this Saturday. I really hope this is my lucky year for a LO! Like you all, I am so ready to say goodbye to 2014 and move on with the show.
Fleur- our insurance pays for the basics (obgyn for me and urologist for DH) and clomid, but not much beyond that. DH had surgery this year for TTC that cost us $13,000.00 out of pocket. Yep, you read that right. Took a loan out for that one. Insurance covered the office visits, medications, and ultrasounds related to his procedure, but not the surgery itself. Our insurance has changed a lot (for the worse) in the past year... another reason I regret waiting! Things that used to be covered are not covered anymore (thanks to the healthcare "reform"... which I know helped some people, but made things a lot worse for others).

I'm trying not to think too much about TTC this month. I think it might work until after Christmas. Once the new year hits, TTC is going to be forefront in my mind again. If I O when I should this month (ha-ha) then I can start testing the weekend after Christmas. I'd love, love, love to get a BFP in 2014! My birthday is in January so it feels like "impending doom"... my body is officially another year older (translation- each day that passes my body is getting less fertile!)
Well I'm 35 and will be turning 36 at the start of May:wacko: So hoping I don't have to push my limit from first 35 to now 36 to maybe 37 when I have the baby:wacko:

I'm CD7 today and just taking it easy. Have gone insane and decided to give my FertileCM pills one last try. Am still waiting for the Conceive Plus to come in the mail and it hasn't shown up as of today. So a bit worried it won't show up in time for Thursday and am asking DH if he can order Preseed from a Danish company as they have very speedy delivery.

Our Christmas luncheon is fast approaching, it's on Saturday. DH was going to drive me nuts with seeing that woman-child Wednesday, Friday and Saturday:dohh: Wednesday for studying, Friday to see the last "The Hobbit" movie and Saturday is the luncheon. I told him no to Wednesday as we can't reach to help her anyway, she's just destined to fail and will have to suffer the consequences of her actions. He agreed so will only have to suffer Friday and Saturday as I really want to see that movie before Christmas:haha: We had her along to the other two so we have to take her to the third one I guess:dohh:

As per tradition, we each have to bring to the luncheon our top 10 of the best heavy metal songs of 2014 although since our friend's new girlfriend doesn't like heavy, we've opened up for pop music as well. I was about to take 5 heavy/rock songs and 5 pop ones (as I listen to heavy metal, rock, pop and some country) but DH didn't like my pop choices, especially one of them :haha: So he quickly helped me find 5 more heavy songs.
ireadyermind-- Oh, I'm definitely with you on that one. It's hard to look around and see very young, ill-prepared people either repeatedly getting pregnant by accident or on purpose. I too come from a very poor background, and was the first woman in my family not to get pregnant in my teens (seriously, TEENS!). However, in my 30s now I'm "ancient" compared to everyone else. But I wanted to pursue my doctoral degree and have both myself and my partner be in good career placements before considering starting a family. Finished my education a couple years ago and am in a job I love, and so is DH. Still have endless amounts of student loans to pay off and plenty of saving to catch up on, which is why I say not ALL of our ducks are in a row, but close enough! Kudos to you on your good decision to not repeat your mother's struggles as well!

Holynesss-- Thanks for the warm welcome! I bet it DOES feel liberating to ditch all the measurements for a bit. FX for a good SA result for your hubby. Have a happy birthday this weekend!

Bighouse-- Whoa! 13k out of pocket? Yeah, that's quite a hit to the pocketbook. I'll keep my fingers crossed for good results after xmas for you! I know the feeling of impending doom. My bday is in early February, and I would love to concieve before then. For some reason it just feels like it would be a good milestone! GL!
Temp did what it is supposed to lol guess my 'homework' is complete now fingers are crossed!!!!
Welcome MissDoc ! Good luck to you for a BFP before February.

Kat, I’m doing OK jobwise but I’m not a career woman, so I’ll also feel like a failure if I never have babies, since that’s the thing I want most in life. We have to stay positive!

Ireadyermind, I also wanted everything to be set up so I can provide for a future baby as well as possible. I don’t even have one yet but for years it seems that I’ve been working to provide a better life for him/her!

drjo, hope you’re feeling OK today. Any change on the OPK front? Did you get the blood draw done?

Hollyness, it’s nice to take a break from all the obsessing even if it’s just for a few weeks. Hoping you and your DH’s results will be in soon. Any plans for your birthday weekend?

bighouse, wow, that’s a lot to shell out! Fingers crossed that you’ll ovulate when you should so you’re at least in with a chance for a 2014 BFP. I don’t care about growing older generally (my birthday is in February) but when TTC it makes me crazy, especially since the miscarriage, as if from one day to the next my fertility is going to fall drastically :haha: When I was younger I wanted to have 2 kids before I was 30… Only started trying at 32 so pushed that back to 35/36, now I’m just hoping I’ll have one before I’m 34!

dede, yay for the temp rise, you must be relieved.

AFM : CD 24 and nothing’s happening. I’ve been poking and prodding my boobs hoping to feel some soreness (they usually are for 7-10 days before AF) but there isn’t the slightest twinge. Ugh.
Fleur - 7th day of flashing smiley. Negative ic. I'm thinking of rescheduling my blood draw for later this week when I'm already going to be by the clinic (if they'll let me).
Fleur - 7th day of flashing smiley. Negative ic. I'm thinking of rescheduling my blood draw for later this week when I'm already going to be by the clinic (if they'll let me).

Could it be a faulty OPK stick? Call them and check if you can come in later, especially since you don't seem to have ovulated yet? :hugs:
ireadyermind-- Oh, I'm definitely with you on that one. It's hard to look around and see very young, ill-prepared people either repeatedly getting pregnant by accident or on purpose. I too come from a very poor background, and was the first woman in my family not to get pregnant in my teens (seriously, TEENS!). However, in my 30s now I'm "ancient" compared to everyone else. But I wanted to pursue my doctoral degree and have both myself and my partner be in good career placements before considering starting a family. Finished my education a couple years ago and am in a job I love, and so is DH. Still have endless amounts of student loans to pay off and plenty of saving to catch up on, which is why I say not ALL of our ducks are in a row, but close enough! Kudos to you on your good decision to not repeat your mother's struggles as well!

Ireadyermind, I also wanted everything to be set up so I can provide for a future baby as well as possible. I don’t even have one yet but for years it seems that I’ve been working to provide a better life for him/her!

I always believed that was the way to do it. :) Even if we're "Ancient" in comparison to those youngsters who had unplanned pregnancies in their late teens/early 20s, how can you raise a child when you're still a child yourself?

Bah! I could go on a rant here (and let me be honest, I DID type out a paragraph or two and then deleted it... lol) but I'm not writing a novel YOU ladies know what I'm talking about when I say that providing a good home for a child is important.

At the very least, I point out to my mother when she starts nagging about grandbabies that up until very recently, I had too much to worry about in terms of bills, school, work, moving out of the ghetto, etc. to add MORE to my "workload" by having a baby! Having most of your ducks in a row means you can focus on your child, and have a relatively stress free pregnancy instead of panicking over bills, the cost of cribs and strollers and diapers, etc.
Fleur - 7th day of flashing smiley. Negative ic. I'm thinking of rescheduling my blood draw for later this week when I'm already going to be by the clinic (if they'll let me).

Could it be a faulty OPK stick? Call them and check if you can come in later, especially since you don't seem to have ovulated yet? :hugs:

I used 2 different types of opks, so I doubt I missed it. I rescheduled for Friday. My ic darkest opks were Friday night and Sunday night, but they didn't look quite positive. I feel like I can't trust the blood result either, unless it's really high, since it said I ovulated last time when I don't think I did and never got a period. I think 9 is too low for cd21 progesterone for a medicated cycle, but my OB said it was fine.
Kat, I’m doing OK jobwise but I’m not a career woman, so I’ll also feel like a failure if I never have babies, since that’s the thing I want most in life. We have to stay positive!

It's hard to after so long:nope: The only thing keeping me going is my IUI in January. Think I'll be much more positive when I call them and can start:happydance:

DH and I won't be able to provide as much materialwise as my parents did (since my father had his own company and worked 60-70 hours a week) but our child will get a lot more unconditional love and attention than I did, especially my mother was and is incapable of this. I don't believe in only the whole money thing but also being a stable and loving parent and giving your child a solid upbringing. I had a lot in material things as a kid but was lonely and my mother, despite the fact she was a stay at home mom, barely gave me any attention (especially the positive kind) and was too busy with her little hobbies and other things to play with me or spend any kind of quality time with me for that matter:nope: Did all those toys, clothes ect. make up for my mother practically ignoring me and my father not having much time for me (albeit he was a loving father when he was with me)? No. I believe as long as the child's basic material needs are being met that the most important is how much unconditional love and attention the child gets from the parents.
I believe as long as the child's basic material needs are being met that the most important is how much unconditional love and attention the child gets from the parents.

You are so right. There are stay at home moms who don't even give their children the time of day. They're cooped up in play pens, or left to wander the house and get into stuff, while the mom is parked on the couch watching soap operas, or stuck on Facebook, or talking on the phone to her other mom friends... Those kids could have all the latest toys and gadgets but be utterly miserable.

We were poor when I was a kid, but we had the basics, and my mom did her very best to make sure we knew we were loved. She'd hand make Christmas gifts for us, we'd go to the dollar movies on weekends, we'd walk to the park or spend the day at the public pool in summertime, that sort of thing. She worked hard and wasn't home a lot, but she at least took the time to CARE for us when she was home, not just feed and clothe us.

I guess the difference is that those of us on these forums actually want a baby. We would be so happy once we had one, that we'd do everything in our power to make sure that child was spoiled rotten not just with stuff, but with love and attention.

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