Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Kat, I’m doing OK jobwise but I’m not a career woman, so I’ll also feel like a failure if I never have babies, since that’s the thing I want most in life. We have to stay positive!

Hollyness, it’s nice to take a break from all the obsessing even if it’s just for a few weeks. Hoping you and your DH’s results will be in soon. Any plans for your birthday weekend?

I was just talking to a friend about how I feel torn in so many directions, because I want a baby more than anything in the world, but I would also love to just say "eff it!" and move to Hawaii while I have no major responsibilities. My husband and I seriously talked about moving there since we loved it so much, but not seeing our families very often was hard to consider. We definitely have to be patient, and that is one of the hardest things in the world to ask of us when there is a strong biological NEED to be mothers! As for my birthday, we are going out to Cheesecake Factory with a big group of friends, then going to a christmas lights show at the zoo :D I'm super excited!

BigHouse- that is an extraordinary amount of money! That really sucks that your insurance has changed so much. I hope that you can get the help you need without having to shell out any more than necessary!

Kat- Hooray for your approaching IUI! We'll be rooting for you :D I definitely agree that what is most important is the emotional support and love you give your children. The most spoiled children tend to be the most unhappy and mean-spirited kids, and that continues into adulthood.

Drjo- that is odd about the negative opks! What brands have you used? I have used 5 different brands, and I swear by wondfos. They were the most consistently accurate for me.

Dede- Hooray for the temp rise!! :happydance:

MissDoc- I'm totally with you. I have no regrets about waiting until 30 to TTC, but I do wish that this process was a little easier! I wasn't emotionally or financially ready for a baby even 5 years ago, and I am infinitely more prepared now. I think its impossible to not worry that we've waited too long.
I previously used babi, and last cycle and this cycle I used wondfos. This cycle I added the cb advanced because I thought my cycle would be less than 2-3 months. But I've been proven wrong.
I was just talking to a friend about how I feel torn in so many directions, because I want a baby more than anything in the world, but I would also love to just say "eff it!" and move to Hawaii while I have no major responsibilities. My husband and I seriously talked about moving there since we loved it so much, but not seeing our families very often was hard to consider. We definitely have to be patient, and that is one of the hardest things in the world to ask of us when there is a strong biological NEED to be mothers! As for my birthday, we are going out to Cheesecake Factory with a big group of friends, then going to a christmas lights show at the zoo :D I'm super excited!

BigHouse- that is an extraordinary amount of money! That really sucks that your insurance has changed so much. I hope that you can get the help you need without having to shell out any more than necessary!

Kat- Hooray for your approaching IUI! We'll be rooting for you :D I definitely agree that what is most important is the emotional support and love you give your children. The most spoiled children tend to be the most unhappy and mean-spirited kids, and that continues into adulthood.

Drjo- that is odd about the negative opks! What brands have you used? I have used 5 different brands, and I swear by wondfos. They were the most consistently accurate for me.

Dede- Hooray for the temp rise!! :happydance:

MissDoc- I'm totally with you. I have no regrets about waiting until 30 to TTC, but I do wish that this process was a little easier! I wasn't emotionally or financially ready for a baby even 5 years ago, and I am infinitely more prepared now. I think its impossible to not worry that we've waited too long.

Thanks Hollynesss:hugs: I'm really hoping that IUI helps us and gives my my super sticky bfp:thumbup:

Yes it is. My eldest BIL's kids are spoiled rotten and get everything they point at. It's horrible:dohh: I think it's mostly the mother's fault as she has some idea that if they don't get everything they want that they will be upset and never recover mentally:dohh: They aren't thankful for any of the gifts either:dohh: I've tried the oldest practically ripping the gift from my hands and ripping it open, no thank you's or anything:growlmad: The youngest isn't any better. I remember that after she opened her presents, someone in the family mentioned if she wasn't going to thank people for her gifts. Her answer "No I don't feel like it!" and she just played with the gifts:wacko: I also remember an incident were the oldest wanted a coke so instead of asking my youngest BIL politely (one of the ones sitting next to him), he said "GET ME A COKE!!":wacko: I was shocked but what was worse, the youngest BIL plus the 3 cousins laughed at it plus none of his parents really said anything to let him know that it was inappropriate, rude behaviour:dohh: The mother is well, just a bad mother and should've never had kids. She either lets them do what they want or she suddenly goes into a rage and starts screaming her head off at them:nope: Then there was that time I sat next to the eldest child and his table manners were horrible. He kept letting his elbows fly into me plus numerous times he sat with the fork flailing in my direction so I was afraid he'd suddenly poke me and I didn't dare say anything as his mother would've gotten on my case:nope: Then there was the girl's birthday this year where the boy just played sick because he couldn't stand his little sister getting most of the attention. I've also seen him win at a game against one of his friends where he started gloating like crazy and his friend got sad and put his head down. My FIL tried to comfort him but no one said anything to my bratty nephew, probably out of fear that his mother would go nuts and I guess his mother condones that behaviour:nope: My BIL has never dared go against his wife so she decides how the kids are raised. Now they're divorcing so I'm sure the kids will get extra spoiled and become even more damaged:dohh:

So yes, spoiling your children ruins them:nope: I doubt that these kids will be good people when they grow up and will be intolerable, narcissitic adults:nope:

Sounds like fun, hope you have a nice birthday :happydance:
Hi Ladies! :flower:

Just checking in. It's been 9 days for me since the suspected ovulation bleeding stopped. Still no sign of anything, but I don't really understand the idea of ovulation bleeding -- in particular if actual ovulation would happen right after, right before, or during the bleeding. I took a HPT this morning, it was a :bfn: :nope: However, the timing of BD probably wasn't great, since I thought the bleeding was :witch:, so I'm not really expecting much.

I don't really have any symptoms, but today I have been super, super crabby in a PMS sort of way. I wish I would either get a :bfp: or :witch: so that I can move on to the next cycle -- the waiting is really annoying. Next cycle, I plan to use OPKs to track ovulation. If that cycle is a reasonable length, I'll start using my Clearblue Fertility Monitor after that.

ireadyermind - It's indeed true that having too much body fat can cause estrogen imbalances (because fat cells store estrogen). It's one of the reasons why I started my weight loss journey already.

Kat079 - Yeah, it's a huge fear of mine that no one will help me with my fertility issues. Luckily my current Doctor didn't have a problem giving me a referral to a gyno to be scanned for PCOS based on the irregular periods. I mentioned that I've always been overweight and I was wondering if it was related, but she didn't seem to talk about the weight as being an issue :shrug: Maybe it's not black-and-white.

drjo718 - That's so annoying to have so many days of flashing smileys. I don't know what I'd do in that situation, other than just BD every other day or so and see what happens. It's so annoying that our bodies can't just be "normal".

bighouse - That's a lot of money. It's amazing how much TTC can break the bank! :dohh:

dede3124 - Good luck! I hope :witch: stays away and you are on your way to :bfp:

I don't really regret waiting until now to TTC, to be honest. I just feel like it's unfair that I was such a good girl and waited so long and now it's hard (it probably would have also been hard if I tried 5 years ago, as I doubt my situation is related to my age . . . . but I might have felt like I had more time, or would have been less impatient back then).

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone!
Hi Ladies! :flower:

Just checking in. It's been 9 days for me since the suspected ovulation bleeding stopped. Still no sign of anything, but I don't really understand the idea of ovulation bleeding -- in particular if actual ovulation would happen right after, right before, or during the bleeding. I took a HPT this morning, it was a :bfn: :nope: However, the timing of BD probably wasn't great, since I thought the bleeding was :witch:, so I'm not really expecting much.

I don't really have any symptoms, but today I have been super, super crabby in a PMS sort of way. I wish I would either get a :bfp: or :witch: so that I can move on to the next cycle -- the waiting is really annoying. Next cycle, I plan to use OPKs to track ovulation. If that cycle is a reasonable length, I'll start using my Clearblue Fertility Monitor after that.

ireadyermind - It's indeed true that having too much body fat can cause estrogen imbalances (because fat cells store estrogen). It's one of the reasons why I started my weight loss journey already.

Kat079 - Yeah, it's a huge fear of mine that no one will help me with my fertility issues. Luckily my current Doctor didn't have a problem giving me a referral to a gyno to be scanned for PCOS based on the irregular periods. I mentioned that I've always been overweight and I was wondering if it was related, but she didn't seem to talk about the weight as being an issue :shrug: Maybe it's not black-and-white.

drjo718 - That's so annoying to have so many days of flashing smileys. I don't know what I'd do in that situation, other than just BD every other day or so and see what happens. It's so annoying that our bodies can't just be "normal".

bighouse - That's a lot of money. It's amazing how much TTC can break the bank! :dohh:

dede3124 - Good luck! I hope :witch: stays away and you are on your way to :bfp:

I don't really regret waiting until now to TTC, to be honest. I just feel like it's unfair that I was such a good girl and waited so long and now it's hard (it probably would have also been hard if I tried 5 years ago, as I doubt my situation is related to my age . . . . but I might have felt like I had more time, or would have been less impatient back then).

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone!

I wouldn't give up just yet if you're 9 DPO, there's still time for a bfp to show up:happydance: I've heard of women first getting their bfp days after AF was due so you're not out until :witch: shows up. I don't have O bleeding myself but my guess is you'd see it shortly after O has happened:shrug:

Good that your GP is willing to help, I've heard of some women where there GPs were rude to them if they were overweight and TTCing. I hope you don't have PCOS as I've heard it's harder to get pregnant with it. But who knows, I don't have it and here I am 1 year and 2½ months later and still no sticky bfp:shrug: In a few months, you can get a referral to fertility treatments if you don't get your bfp before then :happydance: That is if you want it for almost free. I know IUI's are free (although they won't give you more than 6 since if it doesn't happen after 6, you definitely need e.g. IVF) and you get 3 free IVF shots if you need it. The only cost is the hormones but the state will help if it exceeds a certain cost per year, I'm not sure where the limit is though and hoping I won't need to know:winkwink:
Ladies, I can't believe I am writing this... I haven't even been able to think about this cycle with all the stress of finals.

:bfp: THIS MORNING!!!!!!

I can't really believe it at all and I am still in shock. I know it's very early to get my hopes up too much, but I've never even had a BFP before. I haven't had any symptoms really at all so I thought I was out. Just a lot (A LOT) of bloating but I chalked that up to the progesterone since that's new this cycle. I'm going for blood work this afternoon and then again on Friday, I'll keep you posted. There were three little follicles ready for O when they did the pre-O ultrasound which makes me a little :xmas22:

Here's hoping for many for Christmas BFPs in this group!!! :xmas12:


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Congrats, Praying4BB, that is fantastic news. I'll be sending good sticky vibes your way!
Ladies, I can't believe I am writing this... I haven't even been able to think about this cycle with all the stress of finals.

:bfp: THIS MORNING!!!!!!

I can't really believe it at all and I am still in shock. I know it's very early to get my hopes up too much, but I've never even had a BFP before. I haven't had any symptoms really at all so I thought I was out. Just a lot (A LOT) of bloating but I chalked that up to the progesterone since that's new this cycle. I'm going for blood work this afternoon and then again on Friday, I'll keep you posted. There were three little follicles ready for O when they did the pre-O ultrasound which makes me a little :xmas22:

Here's hoping for many for Christmas BFPs in this group!!! :xmas12:

YAAAAAY, congrats on your first BFP! :dance:
Today is 16DPO (using my latest possible O date instead of the earliest one FF gave me). AF is now late by 3 days, but I took an HPT this morning and got a BFN. Like, a stark white, not even a hint of a line, no evap BFN.

Cervix even feels high today, and softer, but still definitely open. None of my usual PMS symptoms are showing, either.

So baffled. The waiting is killing me! I'm past the TWW. I didn't want to wait longer!
Just another update: I have had some cramps today, and mentioned that I felt grumpy in a PMS sort of way. So, I checked my cervix and it's super low. No blood yet, but I expect I am out. However, I am not really bummed because I think this is the first time I ovulated since coming off BCP early this year (assuming the doctor was right about the bleeding being ovulation bleeding).

Just looking for a fresh start in a cycle where we can *really* try. I am armed with Conceive Plus, softcups, and OPKs! This new years eve will be my and DH's 10 year anniversary of being together. It sure would be lovely to conceive baby around that time.
Praying, many congratulations! What wonderful news! I’m happy for you, wishing you a healthy pregnancy and baby. Keep us updated on your blood work results. How did you announce it to DH??

drjo, could you go back and see your OB? I would think he’d know if your levels confirm ovulation or not? You might be on the lower side of normal? Sorry, I wish I had some helpful advice.

ireadyermind, yup, I know what you’re talking about ;) I wasn’t ready a few years ago, and it was important to me to be stable first, so in that sense I don’t regret waiting.

Kat, you’re totally right about love and positive attention being as important as meeting your child’s material needs. I’m far from rich so I wasn’t talking about luxuries, but I’ve seen people struggling to buy nappies and food; I would be too scared to bring up a child in that situation. I won’t be able to buy anything my child wants but I’d like to be able to afford a few outings, music lessons, things like that. I’ve got spoilt kids like you’ve described in my family and I hate being around them, so I’ll do my best to avoid mine being like that!

Hollyness, it IS hard to be patient. I’ve also told my DH that if we don’t have kids I’ll just travel a lot because I miss that, but I’d rather have a baby :D Your birthday plans sound great !

MrsTigger, the waiting is definitely annoying! Waiting for AF to end, waiting to ovulate, waiting for a BFP or waiting for AF to start again! You’re still very early, test again in a few days.

CD24 today (or25?) and hoping AF won’t show up before Sunday because I’m going on a catamaran outing with friends on Saturday.
Just another update: I have had some cramps today, and mentioned that I felt grumpy in a PMS sort of way. So, I checked my cervix and it's super low. No blood yet, but I expect I am out. However, I am not really bummed because I think this is the first time I ovulated since coming off BCP early this year (assuming the doctor was right about the bleeding being ovulation bleeding).

Just looking for a fresh start in a cycle where we can *really* try. I am armed with Conceive Plus, softcups, and OPKs! This new years eve will be my and DH's 10 year anniversary of being together. It sure would be lovely to conceive baby around that time.

Aww sorry Mrs. Tigger but great that you're Oing:happydance:

By the way, have you also been ordering Conceive Plus and Softcups from outside Denmark? I haven't found a shop here that has them so I've been ordering Conceive Plus (plus the Softcups) off of Ebay:nope:

Hope you soon get your bfp now that you're Oing :dust:
Kat, you’re totally right about love and positive attention being as important as meeting your child’s material needs. I’m far from rich so I wasn’t talking about luxuries, but I’ve seen people struggling to buy nappies and food; I would be too scared to bring up a child in that situation. I won’t be able to buy anything my child wants but I’d like to be able to afford a few outings, music lessons, things like that. I’ve got spoilt kids like you’ve described in my family and I hate being around them, so I’ll do my best to avoid mine being like that!

Yes that's what I meant, that you can meet their basic material needs like food and diapers and clothes and buy them some toys. I was just trying to say that it isn't absolutely necessary to be so well off that you can afford designer clothes, Ipads and expensive mobile phones for children. It's so bad here that 3 year olds are wishing for Ipads here for Christmas and most of them are getting them:dohh: My nephew doesn't even want to read anymore now that he's discovered audiobooks and his mother gave him her "old" Iphone since she's into always getting the newest version - this is a 9 year old we're talking about :dohh: I like to avoid these 2 brats but it unfortunately isn't always possible. But maybe I'll be seeing less of them now that the parents are divorcing. Wondering what they'll be doing about those kids' birthdays next year:shrug:
Fleur, I'm having my progesterone drawn on Friday, so we'll see what that says. I'm not holding my breath.
By the way, have you also been ordering Conceive Plus and Softcups from outside Denmark? I haven't found a shop here that has them so I've been ordering Conceive Plus (plus the Softcups) off of Ebay:nope:

I order them from Speedy and reliable delivery, in my experience.

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