Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I thought I had updated, but might not have. AF got me this month. This past cycle of TTC was really stressful and frustrating for me, and DH and I are putting TTC on hold for a bit. Makes me nervous being in my 30s and waiting longer, but just going to focus on health and happiness and getting to an even better place for a little one.

I'll still be tracking all of my fertility signs and trying to get my body on track, just postponing TTC for a bit. I'll keep checking in on everyone though!
Well there's definitely a fibroid in there, and it needs to come out. If i don't get pregnant this month, surgery will be the beginning of the next cycle. They checked my ovaries while they were at it today, and my right one seems to be responding to the femara, so i hope I'll ovulate soon! The SA came back all good. My bloodwork confirmed pcos, and I had to have my prolactin lab repeated because it was high and I may need meds for that. At least we have a plan, and aside from the fibroid I can take meds to fix everything else!
Sorry I haven't updated, I wanted this to be the cycle I could post an update with a bfp, but instead, i had 5 days of pink spotting turning into af on Monday. According to my period predictor, it was on time for my average range of dates, but since this is the second time in less than 6 months that I have had a weird cycle, I will say that something strange is going on and so I have an appointment for a pap next week to make sure there is nothing going on inside me. Last time this happened, the chic in my office found out she was pregnant so I don't know but I am sure someone else will find out here shortly. I just hope its no one I know too well... I think I mis calculated my cycles of TTC and just finished cycle 6... This sucks..........Hope all is well for all of you, but I am going to stop posting and move on. I can't be the person I am anymore so I am making diet changes and hoping to make a career change in the next month or so. I know I will get pregnant eventually and feb. is probably going to be my month, but I cant do the research and constant bitching anymore because it is affecting my relationship.
Kat, I agree, this thread has become really quiet! I didn’t realise the needles were long :shock: Hope you’ll see 1 or 2 beautiful eggs at your U/S on Friday and that you’ll be able to trigger on Saturday. It would be fun if we had another set of twins on the way.

drjo, yay for open tubes, your ovaries’ response to Femara and the good SA but bummer about the other issues. Hope you won’t have to get surgery for the fibroid but it sounds like your doctors have a good plan in place to help with everything. Fingers crossed you’ll be getting your BFP this month or very very soon!

MissDoc, hope the break will help, TTC does get very stressful and overwhelming after a while. I know what you mean about being in your 30’s already but a few months won’t really matter in the long run, you need to be in a good place emotionally.

cutestuff, sorry to hear that you’re out this month and that you’re feeling so down. Good luck with your appointment, diet, career change and TTC journey. I understand what you said about feeling bitter and needing to distance yourself from TTC-related stuff, hope that a BFP is not a long way off now.

AFM : I’m technically in the 2WW now IF I ovulated but I don’t temp so can’t confirm it. Got a +ve OPK on CD17 and DTD on CD 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, we were worn out by the end and didn’t manage CD 21. Today is CD 22 so I don’t know whether I should get a last attempt in. I believe my body is still recovering from the D&C so I’m not banking on this month. Last month I stupidly took a pregnancy test although I knew I didn’t even ovulate so this time I’m not getting my hopes up.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Well there's definitely a fibroid in there, and it needs to come out. If i don't get pregnant this month, surgery will be the beginning of the next cycle. They checked my ovaries while they were at it today, and my right one seems to be responding to the femara, so i hope I'll ovulate soon! The SA came back all good. My bloodwork confirmed pcos, and I had to have my prolactin lab repeated because it was high and I may need meds for that. At least we have a plan, and aside from the fibroid I can take meds to fix everything else!

Aww stinks there is a fibroid but good they'll be removing it and that everything else just requires meds:happydance:

Kat, I agree, this thread has become really quiet! I didn’t realise the needles were long :shock: Hope you’ll see 1 or 2 beautiful eggs at your U/S on Friday and that you’ll be able to trigger on Saturday. It would be fun if we had another set of twins on the way.

drjo, yay for open tubes, your ovaries’ response to Femara and the good SA but bummer about the other issues. Hope you won’t have to get surgery for the fibroid but it sounds like your doctors have a good plan in place to help with everything. Fingers crossed you’ll be getting your BFP this month or very very soon!

MissDoc, hope the break will help, TTC does get very stressful and overwhelming after a while. I know what you mean about being in your 30’s already but a few months won’t really matter in the long run, you need to be in a good place emotionally.

cutestuff, sorry to hear that you’re out this month and that you’re feeling so down. Good luck with your appointment, diet, career change and TTC journey. I understand what you said about feeling bitter and needing to distance yourself from TTC-related stuff, hope that a BFP is not a long way off now.

AFM : I’m technically in the 2WW now IF I ovulated but I don’t temp so can’t confirm it. Got a +ve OPK on CD17 and DTD on CD 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, we were worn out by the end and didn’t manage CD 21. Today is CD 22 so I don’t know whether I should get a last attempt in. I believe my body is still recovering from the D&C so I’m not banking on this month. Last month I stupidly took a pregnancy test although I knew I didn’t even ovulate so this time I’m not getting my hopes up.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Thanks Fleur, it would be nice to have at least 2 eggs there, maybe 3 just to increase our odds of having 1 sticky bean:happydance: I'll be ok with whatever but if it ends up with triplets my poor DH will have a heartattack:haha: My narcissitic mother said today we can always abort any extra:wacko: I'll be grateful if we just get 1 super sticky bean after 1 year and 3 months of trying:happydance: I'll be taking my last shot of Puregon tomorrow night:thumbup:

Hope you really are Oing again, that'd be great:thumbup: Here's hoping you soon see that super sticky bfp :dust:
Hi everyone!

Kat: I keep my fx for your sticky bean! If it's multiples, just make sure DH is sitting down before telling him... :haha:

drjo: Good luck to you and I'll keep my fx.

MissDoc: Hope that a little break helps, good luck and don't give up.

cutestuff: Good luck to you and I'll keep my fx. I'm 30 (turning 31) and know what you mean about 'waiting longer making you nervous'.

Well then, since you say the thread is going quiet, I have some questions....

(I posted this yesterday but haven't received a reply. Hope you don't mind that I post it here)

I was hoping that someone could help me with my charting on FertilityFriend.

Every day I enter my data in the morning (just after I wake up and did my temp). The CM, is it alright to check my CM that early in the morning and then chart it?

If we DTD the previous night, should I enter 'yes' at the 'intercourse/insemination' area for that morning when I wake up, or should I go to the previous day's data and fill it in there?

Sometimes, in the middle of the night I would wake up for a few seconds, not do anything, not stand up or even turn around in bed, just wake up, realize it's the middle of the night and then fall right back to sleep. Does that influence my Body Temp when I wake up and take it?

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Hi everyone!

Kat: I keep my fx for your sticky bean! If it's multiples, just make sure DH is sitting down before telling him... :haha:

drjo: Good luck to you and I'll keep my fx.

MissDoc: Hope that a little break helps, good luck and don't give up.

cutestuff: Good luck to you and I'll keep my fx. I'm 30 (turning 31) and know what you mean about 'waiting longer making you nervous'.

Well then, since you say the thread is going quiet, I have some questions....

(I posted this yesterday but haven't received a reply. Hope you don't mind that I post it here)

I was hoping that someone could help me with my charting on FertilityFriend.

Every day I enter my data in the morning (just after I wake up and did my temp). The CM, is it alright to check my CM that early in the morning and then chart it?

If we DTD the previous night, should I enter 'yes' at the 'intercourse/insemination' area for that morning when I wake up, or should I go to the previous day's data and fill it in there?

Sometimes, in the middle of the night I would wake up for a few seconds, not do anything, not stand up or even turn around in bed, just wake up, realize it's the middle of the night and then fall right back to sleep. Does that influence my Body Temp when I wake up and take it?

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Thanks EElse:hugs: We'll see, I'll know how many eggs are in there tomorrow and will update so we know how many could potentially be fertilized. My biggest concern is if there are more than 3 since they'll cancel the IUI but let's hope that it's only good news tomorrow.

I've never used FF but used to chart although I don't know if my method was correct:shrug: I was using Excel to chart things as I wasn't a very serious charter:haha: I'm always a little on the dry side in the mornings (don't drink much water before bed as it just makes me have to get up and pee 2-3 times during the night due to a crappy bladder :haha:) so I would wait until early afternoon with charting CM. As to recording BDing I would record it as the previous day but don't know if that's what you should do on FF. I think the rule is as long as you've had 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep before taking your temp, it should be fine. I would think waking up during those 3 hours would perhaps influence the temp. But I hope someone who actually uses FF can help you because this is just how I did things and may not have been totally correct:haha:
Thanks Kat! I've changed my charts so that the BDing is recorded on the actual day (I thought this might be how it should be). I'm not sure how accurate my temps are, because I think I wake up about an hour before actually really waking up and taking my temps. I'll try to take my temps then and check the time (hopefully the different times wouldn't be too far apart).

I think I'll check my CM in the afternoon as well, just to be sure.

If anyone else has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it!
I think that depends on time- so before midnight I do put it in prior's day but if it happens after midnight then it goes in the am section of that day I woke up. Make sense? Not sure about that other one but I would not think it affects it as long you went back to sleep quickly and did not get up for anything.
Hi ladies I just posted in another thread but this one seems to suit me well so I hope it's ok if I join? I'm 32 and ttc really just starting this cycle. I feel as though my health has never been good enough in my life for a pregnancy up until this point.

My entire family including my mom has not ever had trouble and my mom concieved my sister when she was about my age so ....fingers crossed!
Hi Xokittycatxo:wave:

Welcome:flower: How exciting, I hope you soon see that BFP :dust: I know all about family members having an easy time of conceiving. My mother is like that although she started early at age 18 (she had 6 kids and the last one, me, at age 42) so that may have something to do with it:winkwink: I seem to be one of the very few odd ones out as DH and I have been trying for 1 year and 3 months and starting our 1st IUI this cycle (#18). Hope you are more like the rest of your family:thumbup:
EElse, I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night too but as long as it's only a few minutes, it's never affected my temps. If it's for longer than a few minutes and you're not going to get at least 3 more hours, I would just temp right away.
Kat, coming from your mother, nothing surprises me anymore. If you have triplets you’ll definitely be done with baby-making lol. I’m sure you’ll be getting your sticky bean (or beans!) very soon. Update us when you come back from your ultrasound.

EElse, I don’t know anything about charting but I’m learning from everyone’s answers to your questions. Have you just started charting?

Hi deafgal, how are you doing?

Xokittycatxo, fingers crossed you’ll also conceive as quickly as your family members !

Where is everyone else hiding? Hoping for some more BFPs in here.
Kat, coming from your mother, nothing surprises me anymore. If you have triplets you’ll definitely be done with baby-making lol. I’m sure you’ll be getting your sticky bean (or beans!) very soon. Update us when you come back from your ultrasound.

EElse, I don’t know anything about charting but I’m learning from everyone’s answers to your questions. Have you just started charting?

Hi deafgal, how are you doing?

Xokittycatxo, fingers crossed you’ll also conceive as quickly as your family members !

Where is everyone else hiding? Hoping for some more BFPs in here.

Nope, nothing suprises me from her either:dohh: Yes I think even if we get twins we're done as we were originally planning 1 child:haha: I hope you're right, it would be wonderful if our 1st IUI worked:blush: I will update as soon as I come home from the 2nd U/S:thumbup:

I think Hollynesss is on a break although I can't remember why at the moment but it's in her TTC journal. I'm guessing our pregnant ladies don't need as much support so they're just enjoying their pregnancies, lucky:flower: So think this thread will be fairly quiet from now on:wacko: Maybe others are also going on a TTC break or NTNP:shrug: We'll see if anyone else shows up soon and updates.
Thank you deafgal01, crystlmcd and Fleur828815!!

I literally just wake up and fall back to sleep immediately so I hope that it does not influence my temps - I'll keep going as I have for this cycle (on CD#8 now) but if another cycle is necessary, I'll do the temps when I wake up in the middle of the night - I just hope that I always wake up around the same time... :shrug:

I've only just started charting, although I conciser us as having TTC now for more than a year. I've been off birth control for almost three years now (April will be 3 years).

Welcome Xokittycatxo! :flower:

Good luck everyone!! :hugs:
Thanks ladies for the welcome! I'm worried because of my previous health conditions. Even though I'm pretty regular now I feel like I'm afraid missing so many periods and the depo on top of that messed something up. Right guess we will see soon enough.
Thanks ladies for the welcome! I'm worried because of my previous health conditions. Even though I'm pretty regular now I feel like I'm afraid missing so many periods and the depo on top of that messed something up. Right guess we will see soon enough.

I was on depo for almost 12 years. I came off of it almost 2 years ago. I went on BCP for about 8 months and then stopped all BC in April. My last 4 cycles have been normal length and since I started taking my BBT, I have confirmed that I'm ovulating. It does take some people a while to get back to normal after coming off depo, though. It really is different for each person. Hopefully it doesn't have any negative impact on conceiving for you. Good luck!
Oh, I didn't realise Hollyness was on a TTC break. Hollyness, if you're reading, I hope everything is OK and that you'll be checking in sometimes. We'll miss having you around, especially since it's "your" thread :hugs:
I just checked Hollynesss' journal and she's on a break because her insulin levels are 20X higher than normal and it's dangerous to be pregnant with those levels. So she's on BC until it's sorted out. You can see her explanation on page 175 of her journal.

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