Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Creepy....I was just coming to update you guys on that, lol. I've been off the radar since I went to the doctor, so sorry for not telling you ladies sooner.

Yes, I'm on a break for now. As I'm sure you also read in my journal, I've got a lot going on in my life right now with my last semester of graduate school and buying a house. So while its a bummer, and I'm still freaked out by the ridiculous insulin levels, I'm actually okay with things right now. My doctor ran some other tests to make sure that I don't have any kind of pancreatic infection causing the insulin spike. Since all of my other bloods were perfect she isn't sure what is going on. The low carb diet seems to be helping (carbs are what trigger the body to release insulin).

I'll still be lurking around every now and then, but in general I won't be on here much. I hope to see lots more BFPs in the next few months!
Hi Ladies! :flower:

I hope you are all well. :hugs: I still lurk on here, but don't post much (trying not to focus too much on TTC because I was getting really depressed). Congrats again to all of the ladies who have gotten their BFP and good luck to those who are hopefuls this cycle. :thumbup:

AFM: I am currently on CD11. I had a pretty long AF this cycle (but my previous cycle was 72 days, so I sort of expected a long AF). I am actually still having a bit of pink when I wipe (have been that way for a couple of days now).

I am using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor this cycle, and it had me testing since CD6. I've gotten a "Low" reading every day since CD6, until today when I got a "High" reading. If my body is doing what it should, I expect a "High" reading for a few more days and then a "Peak" reading for 1-2 days. Truthfully, I don't think I am ovulating correctly and I think that is the cause of my crazy cycles (I think I *might* have ovulated last cycle, as I did have 1 spot of bright red blood 2 weeks before AF came on). But it may also be sorting itself out. I will just have to wait and see.

I have an appointment Tuesday morning (the 20th) with the gyno to discuss my cycle problems and possibly have a scan of my ovaries to look for PCOS, so I'm looking forward to that. It's been 10,5 months since I went off of birth control pills, and I have had only 2 periods since then. Something is wrong and I need to get it fixed, so I hope this is the first step.

And in 1 week, we are off for a ski holiday, which I'm really looking forward to! :happydance:
Oh wow, 20x the normal insulin level, sorry to hear that Hollyness! Good luck with school and buying a house (congrats by the way). Hope the low carb diet helps and that between school and the house, time will fly by till you can TTC again.

Hi Mrs Tigger. I've also been a funk lately regarding TTC, the journey seems so hopeless sometimes. Only 2 periods in 10.5 months does sound weird. Good luck with your appointment, hope your doctor will set up a treatment plan for you and that you'll start getting normal cycles/ovulation quickly. Enjoy your ski holiday!
So just got back from the clinic and there are 2 eggs in my left ovary (no wonder that side bothered me most):happydance: I didn't ask her the sizes as she wasn't very friendly and I'm a bit shy but she said I'm ready to have my IUI on Monday and need to trigger myself late Saturday night with Ovitrelle (11:30 PM) and the IUI will be Monday morning at 11:30 AM:thumbup:

The only bummer is I think some of my shots must of gone wrong because she said I had a good amount left in the ampule:wacko: I just don't get what could've gone wrong because I followed the instructions to the letter:shrug: So I need to give myself Puregon 50 IU tonight. So strange:nope:
WOW did I miss a lot!! Hello ladies, it's been a while. I hope everyone had a great holiday and a Happy New Year so far.

I'm sorry I've been MIA the last month, I have been behind the scenes since my last IUI failed...and fell into a little bit of a rut. But I see some of you are falling behind the scenes as well which is not a bad thing. The time off has helped/helping and I highly encourage it for those of you who question it.

I vented to my doctor and the nurses and they said it is highly recommended to take a mental and physical break as it can take a toll on you...I also told the nurse to called me with my BFN blood test that she sucked and she was not my favorite person...she said she got that a lot.

Congrats to all the ladies with their BFP!! Such great news and really shows us hopefuls not to give up!! I wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months :hugs: and hello to all the new ladies here! Good luck on your journey, it is quite a ride.

I can say that the last month I have been able to focus on myself - getting back to the gym, and finding a new job (my manager left and the new one is a NIGHTMARE - not to mention very insensitive to any situations we have going on in our personal lives), so I don't need that additional stress. We also just closed on our house and are starting to draw up the prints to renovate, which will keep me plenty busy. So, I have a lot of distractions right now and just felt is necessary to let go some of the uncontrollable situations and make way for new and happy memories to come.

I do have a question, and please I would love your honest I wrong for NOT wanting to go baby showers?? I have 4 (yes, 4) in a row, starting this weekend and I just can't bring myself to go...I am going to one the first wknd in Feb as it is my BFF, but I just find myself getting into this mood...where I need my husband to literally shake me to snap out of...selfish, I know, I just can't help it.

I will check back in and hope to see more and more BFPs in the time to come!
Hi alfi924:flower:

Glad you had a nice break from TTCing:thumbup: Sounds like you've been busy with lots of other things.

As to baby showers: I don't really know what I would do as they don't have those in Denmark (thank God:winkwink:). But if they did, I'd make an effort to go if it was close/good friends or family of course. Everyone else (co-workers, acquaintances, more peripheral friends ect.) I'd probably come up with an excuse and wish them well and a great shower:flower: But that's me.
Alfi, I agree with Kat. If it was a close friend or family member, I would make an effort to go (though I know it will be hard!) but others I would make an excuse about why I can't go. It's not worth it to put yourself through torture for someone you're not close with.
Alf- I don't blame you there. I too took a break for about a year after two failed iuis and felt crazy for the better half of the year last year. As for baby showers- I avoided them for 2 years unless it was a best friend's or family's otherwise I always declined but still sent a gift card or a little something if it was someone I know for a long time.
:shrug:Hi Ladies!

CD12 here and got another "High" on the Clearblue Advanced Fertility monitor. I can see on the test sticks that the Estrogen line is fading and the LH line is starting to show up.

However, on CD12 I'm *still bleeding* :shrug: Not heavy, but still there. It's getting old fast. At the end of my first cycle (which was ~7,5 months long), I bled for 17 days. This second cycle was 72 days, and I expected to bleed for maybe 7 or so days, but nope. :nope:

Looking forward to Tuesday's appointment and hoping to start getting some answers.

Kat, good luck with the IUI this cycle; I hope it works for you and it isn't too uncomfortable.
:shrug:Hi Ladies!

CD12 here and got another "High" on the Clearblue Advanced Fertility monitor. I can see on the test sticks that the Estrogen line is fading and the LH line is starting to show up.

However, on CD12 I'm *still bleeding* :shrug: Not heavy, but still there. It's getting old fast. At the end of my first cycle (which was ~7,5 months long), I bled for 17 days. This second cycle was 72 days, and I expected to bleed for maybe 7 or so days, but nope. :nope:

Looking forward to Tuesday's appointment and hoping to start getting some answers.

Kat, good luck with the IUI this cycle; I hope it works for you and it isn't too uncomfortable.

Wow strange you're still bleeding:nope: I thought a period shouldn't last for longer than 6-7 days tops. Hope you get an answer to what's going on on Tuesday:thumbup:

Thanks Mrs. Tigger:hugs: The injections have of course not been much fun and the U/Ss have been uncomfortable. But I'm expecting Monday to be relatively pain free as my os should be open and it's just a thin tube they stick in. So don't think it'll be painful but we'll see.
Kat, 2 eggs, that’s wonderful ! I suppose it takes a bit of practice to administer the shots exactly right. Good luck for tomorrow, let us know how it goes!

alfi, sorry to hear your IUI failed but I’m glad the break helped. Congrats on the house! A friend told me that her architect has realized that loads of women fall pregnant while they’re buying / renovating a house, as if their bodies realize that a home is being prepared for the baby, so I hope it will be true for you too. Have you found a new job already? I would go to the baby showers of close relatives / friends only (because weirdly I don’t feel jealous of them) but just decline the other invitations and send a gift.

Mrs Tigger., what a pain to be bleeding for so long! Hope Tuesday’s appointment will get the ball rolling on whatever help you may need to regulate your cycles.

AFM : I’m feeling exactly the same as last month so I know AF will be here by next weekend. I was hoping so hard to be pregnant before my birthday (February), now I’m wondering if I’ll even be pregnant by my due date (May). My body hasn’t got the memo about supposedly being more fertile after a miscarriage. I’m tempted to take a step back from TTC-related stuff sometimes but these boards have been so supportive to me, I hope to continue supporting others.
Kat, 2 eggs, that’s wonderful ! I suppose it takes a bit of practice to administer the shots exactly right. Good luck for tomorrow, let us know how it goes!

alfi, sorry to hear your IUI failed but I’m glad the break helped. Congrats on the house! A friend told me that her architect has realized that loads of women fall pregnant while they’re buying / renovating a house, as if their bodies realize that a home is being prepared for the baby, so I hope it will be true for you too. Have you found a new job already? I would go to the baby showers of close relatives / friends only (because weirdly I don’t feel jealous of them) but just decline the other invitations and send a gift.

Mrs Tigger., what a pain to be bleeding for so long! Hope Tuesday’s appointment will get the ball rolling on whatever help you may need to regulate your cycles.

AFM : I’m feeling exactly the same as last month so I know AF will be here by next weekend. I was hoping so hard to be pregnant before my birthday (February), now I’m wondering if I’ll even be pregnant by my due date (May). My body hasn’t got the memo about supposedly being more fertile after a miscarriage. I’m tempted to take a step back from TTC-related stuff sometimes but these boards have been so supportive to me, I hope to continue supporting others.

I sure will:hugs: But these hormones sure have been affecting me since I've had mood swings on the Puregon:wacko: But I knew I'd be a bit of a nightmare on them. Already have prepared DH for how crazy I'll be when I'm pregnant:winkwink: Hoping that I won't be as bad as my ex-SIL when she was pregnant with #2 though, she was really horrible:argh:

I'm already thinking that I won't have time for a break if IUI doesn't work since I turn 36 in May (May 1st) and don't want to be much closer to 40 than that when I do conceive:wacko: But I might have to push it to 37 if bad should be but I really hope I don't need to:nope:

By the way, I haven't heard from my brother although he very occasionally goes in and "likes" my posts on FB:shrug: I'll just not update him and his wife anymore and only tell them anything when I do get pregnant:nope: But it stinks that they show no real interest and only create drama:nope: My sister shows more interest and I don't know her nearly as well as I know my brother:dohh:

Fleur, you could maybe try being NTNP if you haven't already and drop the OPKs for a while :flower: Maybe just log in when you feel up to it as well. I'm sure everyone here would understand:flower:
My opk is lighter today so I called the clinic and they had me come in for an ultrasound. My right ovary has a 14mm follicle, and my left ovary (which wasn't doing anything on Wednesday) has a 13.5mm and a 12mm follicle! She said they are considered mature at 16mm but they prefer them to be 18mm, and they should grow 1-2mm a day. So if I don't see a surge by Wednesday, I should call back for another ultrasound.
So had my IUI done today:flower: It went pretty well except that it hurt a bit as she put the tube in:wacko: My 2 eggs looked good:thumbup: So we'll see but I'll be extremely happy if just 1 of them turns out to be my super sticky bean:happydance: She gave me an HPT and said to use it in 16 days and call them with the answer.

If it turns out to be a BFN, they want to up my Puregon dose a bit:flower:

The only bad thing today was DH's back went out shortly after he "made" the sample so I had to hurry up and get dressed so I could deliver it myself this morning at 7:45 AM (my IUI was 11:30 AM).
drjo, that sounds promising! Grow follicles! [-o<

Kat, I've got everything crossed that this cycle works and that you'll get a BFP in a couple of weeks. Are you feeling sore? How is your DH's back?
drjo, that sounds promising! Grow follicles! [-o<

Kat, I've got everything crossed that this cycle works and that you'll get a BFP in a couple of weeks. Are you feeling sore? How is your DH's back?

Thanks Fleur:flower: Not feeling too bad. Had some slight soreness at my cervix afterwards but it's gone now. Took a little nap when I got home as I didn't get enough sleep due to my impromptu morning sperm delivery service:haha:

DH's back is a bit better and he's hoping to be able to go to work tomorrow as he had to take the day off since he could barely walk. Led to a bit of an argument since he was lying on the sofa moaning about missing his meeting this morning and wasn't very concerned about that fact I might not deliver his contribution on time if I wasn't quick enough in getting dressed and rush out the door with it:growlmad: I got mad and told him if it didn't work out it'd be his fault and stormed out:wacko: I'm a bit extra moody because of the hormones:nope:
So had my IUI done today:flower: It went pretty well except that it hurt a bit as she put the tube in:wacko: My 2 eggs looked good:thumbup: So we'll see but I'll be extremely happy if just 1 of them turns out to be my super sticky bean:happydance: She gave me an HPT and said to use it in 16 days and call them with the answer.

Yay Kat!!! Good luck! :happydance:
Hi Ladies! :flower:

So, my appointment this morning went really well. I have good news and bad news.

A scan of my ovaries shows what I've always suspected (and feared), but never had confirmed before: I have poly-cystic ovaries. It looks like I have plenty of eggs, but none are maturing and that's why I'm not ovulating (and why my cycles are so messed up).

The good news is that my gyno was really nice and friendly -- I like her a lot. She laid out a plan of action for me and was really clear about everything.

In order to qualify for fertility help, my BMI needs to be 32 or lower, so I need to lose about 28 more kilos. I thought I might have PCOS and I feared needing to lose weight to get help last year, so I started on September 1st of 2014 a strict low-GI diet (a common treatment for PCOS) with calorie counting and lost 27 kilos already since the beginning of September. So I'm halfway to where I need to go. Supposedly they sometimes do treatments on women that are over BMI than 32, if it's evident that they have tried to lose the weight and failed, but since adopting my GI diet, the doctor has no reason to think that I can't lose the weight. Fair enough -- she's probably right.

Once I get there, she thinks I probably only need some Clomid. Supposedly I have a "beautiful endometrium" :wacko:

I am going for blood work on CD3 of my next cycle -- both to check my hormone levels, and also to check my thyroid (the last time I had blood work, it was on the very high end of "normal" and she would like it to be more in the middle of normal for pregnancy, so she will probably put me on medicine for that).

Still in a bit of shock, really, but I wanted to share an update. For now I think I'll be taking a break from actively TTC and just NTNP until I get the weight sorted out.

In other news, I broke down and cried in front of DH yesterday -- I was so anxious about my appointment today and my fears of finding out something horrible was wrong combined with my frustration about not being able to get pregnant was too much. :cry: He was really supportive though.
Kat, fx'd for you!

Tigger, what kind of foods do you eat on your diet? Anything in particular you avoid?
Sorry about the PCOS diagnosis Mrs. Tigger:hugs: Good to hear that the appointment otherwise went well.

Yes I can see why they'd want you to lose weight and it sounds like your good at that. I'm sure the success rate is higher if your BMI is at 32 or lower.

Oh so they do use Clomid here! I was wondering since my RE put me on injectables but that's maybe because there's a slightly higher chance of success than Clomid? Anyway will be looking forward to hearing what your blood results will be.

I remember being nervous about our 1st appointment with the RE and hearing our results. I was so afraid something was very wrong with me and was so stressed. My DH and I even fought a bit in the car on our way there because the traffic increased our nervousness:wacko: Luckily nothing was really wrong with either of us and we pretty much forgot the episode. Good thing your DH understood and was supportive:thumbup:

Looking forward to hearing your blood test results and hoping they're good:happydance:

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