Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Yes, I'll have to to keep my sanity:wacko: I can't stand it when she whines about how her life is devoid of any meaning and she can't find a husband and starts crying, especially when it's all her own fault that she can't figure out how to attract the right guys:nope:

Xokittycatxo, sorry I don't know a thing about short cycles as mine are naturally normally 26-27 days with O happening on CD13 (and rarely CD14):shrug: Don't know if you want to try opening a new thread about this and see if anyone out there can help?
Yes Kat, looks like the only solution is seeing her as little as possible!

Xo, I hope someone who knows about short cycles will be along to help (mine are around 30 days at the moment). From what I've read online, anything from 22 to 36 days is considered a "normal" cycle, and ovulation occurs 12 to 14 days before AF.
Do you have any reason to believe you have a luteal phase defect? I used progesterone cream to relieve sore breasts before AF, and progesterone pills for just a month because I was having discharge for 2-4 days before AF (but they didn't help - my doctor just went along with it to humour me!).

No I guess not. I think I'm just obsessing over everything and anything that could be wrong or go wrong lol. It honestly feels like te whole world around me is pregnant. Everyone I know, 2 girls at school all my friends, every movie I see. Gah baby brain. Anyone else??
Fleur- yes I am a teacher.

I am of no help with short cycles. Mine averages about 30 days.
Xokittycatxo, I know the feeling, I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women and babies! I suppose we just notice them more now that we are TTC, and at my age many women are in the baby stage. How long have you been TTC? I've forgotten! It's easy to convince yourself that something is wrong but try not to stress so much (I don't even take my own advice :haha:)

deafgal, my mom is also a teacher. Which age group/subject do you teach?

Kat, how are you feeling?
Oh wow, that is really interesting! My sister works with children who have special needs and she knows a bit of sign language (not sure if it's ASL though).
It is possible she knows some ASL signs- just not able to use it fluently in ASL structure order the way I'm able.
Xokittycatxo, I know the feeling, I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women and babies! I suppose we just notice them more now that we are TTC, and at my age many women are in the baby stage. How long have you been TTC? I've forgotten! It's easy to convince yourself that something is wrong but try not to stress so much (I don't even take my own advice :haha:)

deafgal, my mom is also a teacher. Which age group/subject do you teach?

Kat, how are you feeling?

Feeling ok I guess. I'm 6 dpiui today. I'm trying not to get my hopes up much though:nope: So trying to ignore anything I feel so I don't start convincing myself it'll be a BFP and then AF shows up:wacko: The only thing I've had was a really sharp pain late last night around were my uterus is and slightly sore breasts (with occasional twinges) the last couple of days but I'm of course trying not to read too much into anything to avoid disappointment:shrug:
Oh no deafgal, she's FAR from fluent, but what I'm meant is I'm not sure if the signs she knows are ASL or BSL / another country's.

Kat, I understand not wanting to get your hopes up, I'd be the same. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
What country is she in? I can probably guess which one it is if there's a sign language there.
Xokittycatxo, I know the feeling, I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women and babies! I suppose we just notice them more now that we are TTC, and at my age many women are in the baby stage. How long have you been TTC? I've forgotten! It's easy to convince yourself that something is wrong but try not to stress so much (I don't even take my own advice :haha:)

deafgal, my mom is also a teacher. Which age group/subject do you teach?

Kat, how are you feeling?

Feeling ok I guess. I'm 6 dpiui today. I'm trying not to get my hopes up much though:nope: So trying to ignore anything I feel so I don't start convincing myself it'll be a BFP and then AF shows up:wacko: The only thing I've had was a really sharp pain late last night around were my uterus is and slightly sore breasts (with occasional twinges) the last couple of days but I'm of course trying not to read too much into anything to avoid disappointment:shrug:

Hope it is the start of your bfp. :hugs: I totally get not wanting to get hopes high in case it turns out not to be.
Oh no deafgal, she's FAR from fluent, but what I'm meant is I'm not sure if the signs she knows are ASL or BSL / another country's.

Kat, I understand not wanting to get your hopes up, I'd be the same. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks Fleur:hugs: It'd be great to get a BFP on my first try but not overly optimistic, partly due to the fact I'm 35 going on 36 so thinking it'll still be a bit harder to conceive compared to e.g. a 26 year old (generally speaking). But you never know:shrug: I'm still feeling slightly more optimistic then during my natural cycles:winkwink:

Gave my MIL the pamphlet about IUI and she said she'd read it tomorrow:haha: We got started talking a bit about it though and I think I failed to educate her on what the chances for conception are normally (around 15-20% depending on age):dohh: Because when I told her chances for conception with an IUI are around 14-16%, she thought that sounded very low so don't know if she thinks chances are normally around 40-50% naturally or what :wacko: I've now sent her an email to fix this error and educate her. So if she meets someone else having issues, maybe she'll go into a discussion with them in a more educated mindset and not say anything silly:winkwink:
deafgal, she studied in South Africa.

Kat, stats are just stats, you never know! Even if it doesn’t happen this month, I’m sure it won’t be long for you now. About your MIL, I think that most people do not realize exactly how hard it is unless they are struggling and do some research. So many women fall pregnant within a few months or even on the first try that they probably think the chances are higher than 50%! After all, in school we were lectured about the importance of using protection because it only takes one time :haha:
deafgal, she studied in South Africa.

Kat, stats are just stats, you never know! Even if it doesn’t happen this month, I’m sure it won’t be long for you now. About your MIL, I think that most people do not realize exactly how hard it is unless they are struggling and do some research. So many women fall pregnant within a few months or even on the first try that they probably think the chances are higher than 50%! After all, in school we were lectured about the importance of using protection because it only takes one time :haha:

True, but the last thing I need is her thinking the chances of anyone falling pregnant is 50-60% when it is in fact 15-20%. I'm thinking of next time she meets someone struggling to conceive so she doesn't go into a discussion with them with her naive take on conception. I'm guessing she was one of those woman who got pregnant with all 3 children within the first 3 months of trying each time. So think it's best she knows what the chances are naturally according to length of trying. So told her my chances have dropped from 12% to 6% since we started trying a little over 1 year ago so the IUI actually increases our chances since it's around 14-16%. I was afraid she didn't understand that:wacko:
Xokittycatxo, I know the feeling, I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women and babies! I suppose we just notice them more now that we are TTC, and at my age many women are in the baby stage. How long have you been TTC? I've forgotten! It's easy to convince yourself that something is wrong but try not to stress so much (I don't even take my own advice :haha:)

deafgal, my mom is also a teacher. Which age group/subject do you teach?

Kat, how are you feeling?

This will be my 1st official cycle trying but I've convinced myself that there are a million things wrong with me. lol :wacko: I definitely feel like I have baby vision on 24/7 now.

Kat I'm sending you a baby dust bomb :happydance: personally I'm the type that would never assume it would be positive and start planning my next cycle....BDing, any new things to try, calculatig my due date for that cycle. If I get my hopes up I feel a huge let down and defeat but if I assume I need to keep trying it's easier to take. Some would say I need to be more positive but in this case, each BFN would break my heart.
So I get it. You seem to be very proactive but not obsessive which is perfect IMO.

I think I'm going to try a little progesterone cream after I O this cycle, try and lengthen my LP and entire cycle just a bit. 24-25 days is really short. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work I can try something else!

I have bottle of fertilaid I may finally take. I have been taking herbs and the ingredients are good. I'm just about out of Vitex anyway so maybe I'll give it a shot....

I'm on day CD7 so my FW is right around the corner! Anyone else trying one last time in Jan?
Xokittycatxo, I know the feeling, I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women and babies! I suppose we just notice them more now that we are TTC, and at my age many women are in the baby stage. How long have you been TTC? I've forgotten! It's easy to convince yourself that something is wrong but try not to stress so much (I don't even take my own advice :haha:)

deafgal, my mom is also a teacher. Which age group/subject do you teach?

Kat, how are you feeling?

This will be my 1st official cycle trying but I've convinced myself that there are a million things wrong with me. lol :wacko: I definitely feel like I have baby vision on 24/7 now.

Kat I'm sending you a baby dust bomb :happydance: personally I'm the type that would never assume it would be positive and start planning my next cycle....BDing, any new things to try, calculatig my due date for that cycle. If I get my hopes up I feel a huge let down and defeat but if I assume I need to keep trying it's easier to take. Some would say I need to be more positive but in this case, each BFN would break my heart.
So I get it. You seem to be very proactive but not obsessive which is perfect IMO.

I think I'm going to try a little progesterone cream after I O this cycle, try and lengthen my LP and entire cycle just a bit. 24-25 days is really short. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work I can try something else!

I have bottle of fertilaid I may finally take. I have been taking herbs and the ingredients are good. I'm just about out of Vitex anyway so maybe I'll give it a shot....

I'm on day CD7 so my FW is right around the corner! Anyone else trying one last time in Jan?

Thanks Xokittycatxo:hugs: Good thing I'm not the only one like that:haha: I'm already looking forward to IUI #2 and hoping the extra Puregon they'll give me will result in 3 eggies and therefore an even higher chance of a BFP. I've already tried too many times feeling fairly confident it'll be a BFP only to have AF show up:nope: I'd rather not expect it and then it happens than expect it and then AF comes, it's just so depressing:nope:

Good luck with the progesterone and anything else you decide to try :dust:
Xokittycatxo, I was more relaxed when I started TTC and was really lucky to fall pregnant withing a couple of months, but since the miscarriage I've become crazy-obsessed! I'm also always on the lookout for what I can try to improve my chances next time; On babycenter you can calculate your due dates from conception this month to conception in the next 6 months, you can bet I've done it :haha: Don't be too stressed though, you've only just started and it can happen quickly, or it can take a few months. 24/25 days are short cycles but still within the norm. Good luck with this cycle! I'm on CD 5 so slightly behind you.

Kat, I also hate getting my hopes up every month but your chances are better now :hugs:
Xokittycatxo, I was more relaxed when I started TTC and was really lucky to fall pregnant withing a couple of months, but since the miscarriage I've become crazy-obsessed! I'm also always on the lookout for what I can try to improve my chances next time; On babycenter you can calculate your due dates from conception this month to conception in the next 6 months, you can bet I've done it :haha: Don't be too stressed though, you've only just started and it can happen quickly, or it can take a few months. 24/25 days are short cycles but still within the norm. Good luck with this cycle! I'm on CD 5 so slightly behind you.

Kat, I also hate getting my hopes up every month but your chances are better now :hugs:

True but still trying to keep them down in case AF shows up:wacko:

Had a chat with my hairdresser and she's amazingly much more understanding than anyone in my family and that's despite the fact she's mid-20s and got pregnant with her son pretty easily (and knows she was lucky):wacko: Seems she has a couple of friends that also had issues and needed assisted conception so she's knows something about what I'm going through. She was rather shocked to hear that our families aren't understanding of our situation, especially my brother. So we had a chat about how it was going, what our test results were and she asked me to call her if I get my BFP this time:haha:

But she did admit that I'm right: couples who have kids see much less (if they see them at all) of their friends that have no children. And my guess why was also correct: it's because the children can play together. She also said it's because people who have children are another place in their lives than people without children. We only got into it because I mentioned that DH's friends with kids very, very rarely, if ever, contact us. The only exception is his one friend that has 2 kids with his lovely Chinese wife whom I get along with very well. We haven't even seen one of his other friend's recent addition to the family and he's around 1½ now:wacko: So yeah, the friends with children have all pretty much dumped us except for the one whom we see maybe 2-3 times a year.
That's so sad. I'm glad we don't make any distinction between parents and non-parents when we hang out with my friends. We're all one happy group, and the kids tag along as well so I'm a lucky auntie to a few cuties :cloud9:

Hope you'll get to make more friends when you have kids Kat, if that's what it takes.
That's so sad. I'm glad we don't make any distinction between parents and non-parents when we hang out with my friends. We're all one happy group, and the kids tag along as well so I'm a lucky auntie to a few cuties :cloud9:

Hope you'll get to make more friends when you have kids Kat, if that's what it takes.

Yes I think it's very silly:nope: I had a feeling that's how it was, now she confirmed it (she was otherwise very nice and told me I don't look like I'm almost 36:winkwink:). What about people who don't want kids or can't have them (and choose not to adopt), are they dumped as well? Would love to know, probably they are because of the whole "being in another place in their lives" deal. What, so that means you're suddenly a jerk and dump people? One thing is if you tend to make new friends with people who are parents themselves after you have a child which makes a bit of sense but to actually partially or totally dump friends without kids or exclude childless people from being potential new friends, that's just crazy:wacko: Doesn't sound like most friendships here are very strong if they can do that:nope: We have no intention of dropping any childless friends we have and we have a few.

Seems at my age you either need to have kids or find others without them since the ones with kids wouldn't want to be friends with me because I'm childless:nope: I have a sneaking suspicion that once we have a baby, all DH's friends with kids will suddenly want to spend more time with us:dohh:

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