Xokittycatxo, I know the feeling, I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women and babies! I suppose we just notice them more now that we are TTC, and at my age many women are in the baby stage. How long have you been TTC? I've forgotten! It's easy to convince yourself that something is wrong but try not to stress so much (I don't even take my own advice

deafgal, my mom is also a teacher. Which age group/subject do you teach?
Kat, how are you feeling?
This will be my 1st official cycle trying but I've convinced myself that there are a million things wrong with me. lol

I definitely feel like I have baby vision on 24/7 now.
Kat I'm sending you a baby dust bomb

personally I'm the type that would never assume it would be positive and start planning my next cycle....BDing, any new things to try, calculatig my due date for
that cycle. If I get my hopes up I feel a huge let down and defeat but if I assume I need to keep trying it's easier to take. Some would say I need to be more positive but in this case, each BFN would break my heart.
So I get it. You seem to be very proactive but not obsessive which is perfect IMO.
I think I'm going to try a little progesterone cream after I O this cycle, try and lengthen my LP and entire cycle just a bit. 24-25 days is really short. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work I can try something else!
I have bottle of fertilaid I may finally take. I have been taking herbs and the ingredients are good. I'm just about out of Vitex anyway so maybe I'll give it a shot....
I'm on day CD7 so my FW is right around the corner! Anyone else trying one last time in Jan?