Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi Ladies! New to B&B. 36 yrs old tomorrow and TTC for a year. AF due today with two BFNs this week, so looking forward to next cycle and a Dr. appt to talk about next steps. So glad to read about your stories. Good luck to all!
drjo, I've never made the link before but are you in the medical field? You sound quite knowledgeable about metabolic panels etc. I hope you'll find a solution for treatment!

Haha, yes, I'm a labor and delivery nurse. I'm literally surrounded by pregnant people all day!
My progesterone just came back at 29! The highest it's ever been! So the femara definitely worked.
I'm sure not everyone is like that so I hope you'll get to meet nicer friends!

Is it only the 2 of us left here now? I know a few other ladies, including deafgal, drjo, MissDoc and MrsTigger, pop in from time to time, but we seem to be the only regular ones.

Hope all the ladies who got a BFP are having good pregnancies.

Hollyness, and all those who are taking some time off, if you're reading, hope the break is doing you good and that everything is going well.

Xokittycatxo, are you temping?

No but I unfortunately think many feel this way:nope: People don't seem to be interested in making new friends, generally, after the college years. And since most my age have kids, they're not going to feel like they have anything in common with me:wacko:

I guess so, other than Xokittycatxo. Strange, would've thought our BFPs would check in on occasion and let us know how things are going:shrug: Praying did not too long ago but nothing from bighouse or MJs:shrug:

Hi Ladies! New to B&B. 36 yrs old tomorrow and TTC for a year. AF due today with two BFNs this week, so looking forward to next cycle and a Dr. appt to talk about next steps. So glad to read about your stories. Good luck to all!

My progesterone just came back at 29! The highest it's ever been! So the femara definitely worked.

Not temping yet although I intended to my BBT is broke:growlmad: and I haven't picked up a new one yet. I may tomorrow and just start then.

Welcome Dandi :flower: and good luck at your Dr appt

Good news drjo!

I decided to forgo the progesterone for now and I'm upping my Vitex as I wasn't taking nearly enough. Still using the OPK's and lets hope I don't need to even worry about progesterone! *should be ovulating Sunday!
Kat, when we’ve been trying for a while a negative outlook is not surprising, but as you said, even if it doesn’t work this month, the IUI is improving your chances, so it WILL happen soon.

Hi MJs, good to see you. Lots of women don’t have many symptoms, try not to worry. Good luck for your scan, let us know how it goes.

Welcome and happy birthday Dandi ! :cake: Hope your appointment with the doctor goes well and that you’ll soon be on your way to a BFP.

drjo, yay for the Femara working. Are you still in pain and were you able to ask about a diagnosis? You’ve got an interesting job, but it must be very hard some days when you’re TTC.

Xokittycatxo, I know it’s easy to worry that something might be wrong but I wouldn’t take the progesterone unless the doctor prescribed it. Are you doing the SMEP plan or waiting for ovulation?

I’ve been temping for a few days but I keep getting big variations, I don’t think I’m doing it properly.
Fluer, I'm waiting until closer to ovulation although I think today or tomorrow might be the best days so, stay tuned! I haven't gotten my pos opk yet but I can feel the changes in my body and today I definitely think I'm in my fertile window if not about to ovulate. SMEP might be a little impossible with my schedule right now. I need sleep lol.
Temping I heard is very sensitive. I've heard you must do it the same time every day as soon as you wake up for it to be accurate.
Let me know if you start seeing a pattern! I may give it a try soon.
Kat, when we’ve been trying for a while a negative outlook is not surprising, but as you said, even if it doesn’t work this month, the IUI is improving your chances, so it WILL happen soon.

Hi MJs, good to see you. Lots of women don’t have many symptoms, try not to worry. Good luck for your scan, let us know how it goes.

Welcome and happy birthday Dandi ! :cake: Hope your appointment with the doctor goes well and that you’ll soon be on your way to a BFP.

drjo, yay for the Femara working. Are you still in pain and were you able to ask about a diagnosis? You’ve got an interesting job, but it must be very hard some days when you’re TTC.

Xokittycatxo, I know it’s easy to worry that something might be wrong but I wouldn’t take the progesterone unless the doctor prescribed it. Are you doing the SMEP plan or waiting for ovulation?

I’ve been temping for a few days but I keep getting big variations, I don’t think I’m doing it properly.

I hope so. I'm not much for doing IVF as it's more uncomfortable but will do it if IUI doesn't give us our BFP. But I'm nervous if we might end up needing to although I don't know what the chances are at this point.

I'm not exactly the temp master (temped for 4-5 months a long time ago) but are you using a thermometer with 4 digits (2 decimal places)? Are you temping the same time every morning after at least 3 hours of sleep? Do you sleep with your mouth open, since it can affect BBT? I know alcohol and sleep disturbances plus colds/flu can also affect your temp.
Very soon to be 31 and have been actively trying for a year and a half. I did try the OPKs and when I did get the right time we didn't dtd because we were exhausted from travelling and missed the egg.

I didn't want to spend money on anymore OPKs.
Fleur- the pain is mostly gone. Just having occasional nausea now. I almost went to the er the other night, which I've only done one other time in my life bc I hate to spend the time and money, but stayed home. If it's a stone it will probably eventually pass on its own.

My job is definitely very interesting and has its challenges, but I love it. It's hard when people who can't take care of themselves let alone children come in every single year having babies over and over when I can't seem to have one.
Hi Ladies! My appointment went well. Measuring 8w3d, all on track. Got to hear the heartbeat and also see the flutter of the heart beating. I'm very happy.
Fleur- the pain is mostly gone. Just having occasional nausea now. I almost went to the er the other night, which I've only done one other time in my life bc I hate to spend the time and money, but stayed home. If it's a stone it will probably eventually pass on its own.

My job is definitely very interesting and has its challenges, but I love it. It's hard when people who can't take care of themselves let alone children come in every single year having babies over and over when I can't seem to have one.

Your tough! I'm always in the ER :wacko:

I don't know if I would be able to do that job and have trouble ttc. I find myself jealous of every mother with a baby. There was a mom with a newborn today in the waiting area and I just couldn't help staring, green with envy!

On a more upbeat note...I got a positive OPK today!!! :happydance:
Fleur- the pain is mostly gone. Just having occasional nausea now. I almost went to the er the other night, which I've only done one other time in my life bc I hate to spend the time and money, but stayed home. If it's a stone it will probably eventually pass on its own.

My job is definitely very interesting and has its challenges, but I love it. It's hard when people who can't take care of themselves let alone children come in every single year having babies over and over when I can't seem to have one.

Your tough! I'm always in the ER :wacko:

I don't know if I would be able to do that job and have trouble ttc. I find myself jealous of every mother with a baby. There was a mom with a newborn today in the waiting area and I just couldn't help staring, green with envy!

On a more upbeat note...I got a positive OPK today!!! :happydance:

I'm horrible with seeing pregnant women as well:nope: So wouldn't be the job for me. I can't even watch a TV-show here they have about young women (most between 16-21 years old) that get pregnant. The one I have major issues with has 5 children already :wacko: I just hate that all these young women have such an easy time of getting pregnant (most of them keep getting new boyfriends). There's also one of them on another show and she had her son at 16 I think and she's horrible to him sometimes:wacko: I can't help thinking why her and not me since I'd be a way better mother than she is as she switches between ignoring him and saying mean things to him:wacko: If I see a pregnant woman in the supermarket I try to go another way so I don't have to be confronted long with something I'm struggling with. I'm sure a few of them had issues as well and needed assisted conception (think it's every 10th couple that needs fertility treatments) but still, logic flies out the window. Thank God no one in either of our families is currently pregnant although my cousin's daughter who's in her mid-20s has 2 small daughters so it can be hard to see pics on FB, reminding me we should've started sooner, like at least 4-5 years ago :cry:
Fleur- the pain is mostly gone. Just having occasional nausea now. I almost went to the er the other night, which I've only done one other time in my life bc I hate to spend the time and money, but stayed home. If it's a stone it will probably eventually pass on its own.

My job is definitely very interesting and has its challenges, but I love it. It's hard when people who can't take care of themselves let alone children come in every single year having babies over and over when I can't seem to have one.

Your tough! I'm always in the ER :wacko:

I don't know if I would be able to do that job and have trouble ttc. I find myself jealous of every mother with a baby. There was a mom with a newborn today in the waiting area and I just couldn't help staring, green with envy!

On a more upbeat note...I got a positive OPK today!!! :happydance:

I'm horrible with seeing pregnant women as well:nope: So wouldn't be the job for me. I can't even watch a TV-show here they have about young women (most between 16-21 years old) that get pregnant. The one I have major issues with has 5 children already :wacko: I just hate that all these young women have such an easy time of getting pregnant (most of them keep getting new boyfriends). There's also one of them on another show and she had her son at 16 I think and she's horrible to him sometimes:wacko: I can't help thinking why her and not me since I'd be a way better mother than she is as she switches between ignoring him and saying mean things to him:wacko: If I see a pregnant woman in the supermarket I try to go another way so I don't have to be confronted long with something I'm struggling with. I'm sure a few of them had issues as well and needed assisted conception (think it's every 10th couple that needs fertility treatments) but still, logic flies out the window. Thank God no one in either of our families is currently pregnant although my cousin's daughter who's in her mid-20s has 2 small daughters so it can be hard to see pics on FB, reminding me we should've started sooner, like at least 4-5 years ago :cry:

Right?! I feel like it's so unfair because we waited and did things right and in my case, was on bc so I wasn't a teen mom! I also get pressure from my family. I put a pic up on social media with my bff's son and myself and immediately got a message from my gmom saying something like :Oh I thought I had another great grandbaby for a second." and then she reminded me of her newest great granddaughter that belongs to my younger cousin. :growlmad::growlmad: really? err.
Fleur- the pain is mostly gone. Just having occasional nausea now. I almost went to the er the other night, which I've only done one other time in my life bc I hate to spend the time and money, but stayed home. If it's a stone it will probably eventually pass on its own.

My job is definitely very interesting and has its challenges, but I love it. It's hard when people who can't take care of themselves let alone children come in every single year having babies over and over when I can't seem to have one.

Your tough! I'm always in the ER :wacko:

I don't know if I would be able to do that job and have trouble ttc. I find myself jealous of every mother with a baby. There was a mom with a newborn today in the waiting area and I just couldn't help staring, green with envy!

On a more upbeat note...I got a positive OPK today!!! :happydance:

I'm horrible with seeing pregnant women as well:nope: So wouldn't be the job for me. I can't even watch a TV-show here they have about young women (most between 16-21 years old) that get pregnant. The one I have major issues with has 5 children already :wacko: I just hate that all these young women have such an easy time of getting pregnant (most of them keep getting new boyfriends). There's also one of them on another show and she had her son at 16 I think and she's horrible to him sometimes:wacko: I can't help thinking why her and not me since I'd be a way better mother than she is as she switches between ignoring him and saying mean things to him:wacko: If I see a pregnant woman in the supermarket I try to go another way so I don't have to be confronted long with something I'm struggling with. I'm sure a few of them had issues as well and needed assisted conception (think it's every 10th couple that needs fertility treatments) but still, logic flies out the window. Thank God no one in either of our families is currently pregnant although my cousin's daughter who's in her mid-20s has 2 small daughters so it can be hard to see pics on FB, reminding me we should've started sooner, like at least 4-5 years ago :cry:

Right?! I feel like it's so unfair because we waited and did things right and in my case, was on bc so I wasn't a teen mom! I also get pressure from my family. I put a pic up on social media with my bff's son and myself and immediately got a message from my gmom saying something like :Oh I thought I had another great grandbaby for a second." and then she reminded me of her newest great granddaughter that belongs to my younger cousin. :growlmad::growlmad: really? err.

Exactly. Although my silly issue was I was waiting until I got a steady job but since that wasn't happening anytime soon (plus I would've had to wait 1 year after I started a job to get pregnant or risk the company getting mad) decided to start TTCing before it got worse age wise:dohh: The way my life developed, I could've just as well dropped taking my Lab Tech degree and just started TTCing shortly after DH and I got married in 2009 (maybe waited until May 2010 so we'd of had at least 1 year for ourselves?):dohh:

Your grandmother probably doesn't mean it in an evil way, she probably just wants more great grandchildren but yeah, not the best way to give you the message:nope: Does she know you're trying? Of course if she doesn't and you tell her and end up taking longer than expected to conceive, you might regret telling her:shrug: I know I regret telling just about everybody we were TTCing as I think I've gotten into an altercation with just about everybody at this point except DH's grandmother who has been so lovely and wonderful about the whole thing :nope::wacko: Aaaanyway don't know if you want to tell yours or not if you haven't already, she might of course get worse:wacko: But I'm sorry she's behaving like that, I know it's hard to tell yourself she doesn't mean anything hurtful by it but still feel hurt about it.
Kat, take it one day/one month at a time. Hopefully your IUI will work and you won’t have to do IVF, but if you do, that will only increase your chances even more I believe.
I am using a 4 digit thermometer but yes, I do sleep with my mouth open. Since I started temping I don’t know why I keep waking up during the night, anytime from 2 to 6 am, when my alarm is usually set for 7.30 / 8! I’ll see how it goes, it’s interesting anyway.

drjo, you’re brave, waiting to pass the stone on your own! Glad the pain is gone though. I can imagine how hard it is seeing women who “shouldn’t” be having a baby when you’ve been trying for a while. I really hope it will be your turn soon.

MJs, congratulations! :happydance: So happy for you. Hope you’ll be able to relax a bit now. Do pop in sometimes to let us know how you’re doing.

Xokittycatxo, yay for the positive OPK! Get busy ;)

I also waited for the “right” time to have a baby. If I’d known I would probably have started earlier, but oh well, I can’t do anything about it now. I do get jealous of pregnant ladies sometimes, I think that’s normal in our positions.
Kat, take it one day/one month at a time. Hopefully your IUI will work and you won’t have to do IVF, but if you do, that will only increase your chances even more I believe.
I am using a 4 digit thermometer but yes, I do sleep with my mouth open. Since I started temping I don’t know why I keep waking up during the night, anytime from 2 to 6 am, when my alarm is usually set for 7.30 / 8! I’ll see how it goes, it’s interesting anyway.

Yes it will but it's of course more invasive. Plus I was already experiencing some discomfort in my ovaries producing just those 2 follicles in the one ovary, don't wanna know how they'll feel if they're producing those larger amounts:wacko:

I think part of the problem is sleeping with your mouth open. It'll of course not be accurate. I know this may be a bit gross but have you considered taking your temp by sticking it in your vagina? It'll be more accurate and I'm sure will fix some of the problem. The waking up at night may be an issue. Do you move around a lot when it happens? You could consider setting your alarm for an earlier time that fits in better with when you wake up during the night and then just sleep afterwards and have another alarm set for the time you need to wake up.
Let's hope you won't ever need to know, I've still got my fingers crossed for you! How are you feeling?
Thanks for the advice... I've read about testing vaginally, I'll see how it goes this month. I usually NEVER wake up during the night and sleep very soundly till my alarm goes off, but it seems that subconsciously I'm stressing about temping so keep waking up!
Let's hope you won't ever need to know, I've still got my fingers crossed for you! How are you feeling?
Thanks for the advice... I've read about testing vaginally, I'll see how it goes this month. I usually NEVER wake up during the night and sleep very soundly till my alarm goes off, but it seems that subconsciously I'm stressing about temping so keep waking up!

I'm hoping as well, my poor ovaries if I need to do IVF:wacko::haha:

Pretty much the same. Sore breasts with occasional pains in them. Occasional backache. So at least there are some "symptoms" but I'm still mentally thinking AF will come to avoid getting upset:nope: I remember many months ago I was almost convinced I was pregnant and then AF showed up and I lay in bed crying:wacko: Poor DH, it was the weekend so he was home to comfort me:nope: I just don't want to put myself through that every month because otherwise I won't last long if this journey takes longer than expected, even longer than it has until now:nope: So constantly tell myself AF will show up each and every month and waiting to be proved wrong:winkwink::haha:

I never had that issue:haha: I normally sleep pretty well. I'd try to avoid thinking so much about it but that's easier said than done:haha: What do you find so stressful about it? I found the actual results stressing sometimes hence why I dropped temping. Don't know if it's any use for me to temp anyway when my natural cycle is so super regular:shrug: But I can see it maybe being useful if your cycles are irregular.
Fleur I sleep with my mouth open, do shift work so I never temp at the same time, and sleep horribly very night, and I can still clearly see the shift in my chart. I've read that sleeping with your mouth open isn't as big of a deal if it's something you do consistently.
It's so frustrating that AF and pregnancy symptoms are pretty much the same sometimes, it's so easy to get your hopes up every month.

I'm not really stressing about temping, I'm doing it out of curiosity mostly, and to maybe see if it does confirm ovulation for me. Whenever I have a morning flight, I sleep very restlessly because I'm so scared I'll sleep through the alarm and miss the flight. Since I've started temping it's the same, hoping that I'll get used to it after a while so I can go back to my restful nights!

drjo, thanks for that, I'll keep temping and will hopefully see something!

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