MissDoc, a 10 day LP is still in the normal range I believe. Hope that next month also its at least 10 days. What a difference a single day can make when were TTC!
drjo, sending you tons of positive vibes for a BFP!
Welcome TexMel

How frustrating that youre having such a long cycle, hope AF will show up soon so you can start afresh. Ive read that most women have 1 or 2 anovulatory cycles per year without being aware of it, so maybe thats what happened?
EElse, be strong, Monday isnt that far away.
Kat, your DH couldnt have known the restaurants name was different but I can well imagine how stressed you were about missing your time slot. Was the food good after all that? Lol.
Xokittycatxo, Im not having much luck with temping either. I dont have trouble remembering to temp while my eyes are still closed but I keep waking up before the alarm and my chart looks nothing like other peoples chart. Its certainly not going to detect ovulation. DH suggested I set the alarm for 5 am next cycle, really not keen on that!
MrsTigger, where did you go on vacation? It looks like youre doing really well with the weight loss! It must be an incentive to know that you can get help if required when your BMI reaches 32 but I hope youll be pregnant before then. Keep us updated about your test results.
My OPKs are getting fainter again so that maybe positive 2 days ago was probably positive after all. I wasnt expecting it that early so weve missed most of my fertile window despite DHs good intentions. Before the miscarriage I used to be able to predict ovulation just by watching out for watery CM/ EWCM, now I hardly get any CM.