Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi EElse :wave:

Thanks:hugs: It truely does. The only remotely supportive person is my cousin but I talk to her maybe once every 2-3 months. I don't want to burden her too much as her son (he's a couple of years older than me) is having huge personal issues that I won't get into but it's really bad :nope: So it's good I can write here since I don't want to drive DH too insane either. Think it's also different for men when you're TTCing.

Here's hoping it's IB:thumbup: You should be able to test at around 14 DPO but I've also heard of women first getting a positive 1 week after AF was due. So maybe you can make a compromise between these 2 and just use your average cycle length to calculate when to test?
Thanks Kat. The decision might be out of my hands anyway because I think I might have ovulated much earlier than I expected, or I’m not ovulating at all.
How did yesterday’s scan go? It’s sad that you can’t count on your siblings, glad you’ve got your cousin to lend a listening ear . I also feel so thankful for this forum because I don’t really feel I can talk about all this in real life.

MissDoc, hope AF stays away till tomorrow at least! Do you temp? I’ve just started doing it and I’m not very good, but maybe it could help you figure out your luteal phase length?

Drjo, I’ve got everything crossed AF doesn’t turn up. I know how you feel about your due date approaching, I feel mine looming over my head as well and I’m no closer to a BFP.

EElse, hope that it was implantation bleeding. Could you wait till CD35 to test, just in case you ovulated a bit later than CD14 or so?
Fleur, Yep, I vaginally temp. I O'd on CD 15, and am currently on CD26. I'm spotting, so AF will really be here any moment now, but at least it means I at least have a 10 day luteal phase. Or at least I did this cycle.

My plan will be not to add any supplements for one more cycle just to see what my body does naturally. Then after that, decide where to go from there.
Thanks Kat. The decision might be out of my hands anyway because I think I might have ovulated much earlier than I expected, or I’m not ovulating at all.
How did yesterday’s scan go? It’s sad that you can’t count on your siblings, glad you’ve got your cousin to lend a listening ear . I also feel so thankful for this forum because I don’t really feel I can talk about all this in real life.

My next scan is on Tuesday February 10th. The scan from 2 days ago (February 3rd) was fine as there were no cysts and I was cleared to start IUI #2 with the increased dose of 66 IU from the original 50 IU. So we'll see how that works out. I'm hoping for a 3rd follie this time to increase our odds but will be fine with 2 again or even 1 really good one:thumbup:

Nope they're hopeless, especially my brother. I don't think he understands why I'm so open to just about everyone about this as it seems they kept they're journey a big secret from everybody I think (don't know if a very selected few close friends knew or not, I certainly didn't:shrug:). I don't think he understands why I'm having issues getting pregnant as I'm 6 years younger than his wife was when they started trying and 1 year younger than my sister when she got pregnant quickly with her daughter. I frankly don't feel like educating any of them much as they turn a deaf ear to what I say. As I mentioned, my brother seems to constantly be talking down to me, as if I were a child. When he didn't realize our mother is mentally ill, he'd quickly jump to her defense every time she called and cried because yet again I was being evil (which anyone is when they try and create healthy boundaries or tell her enough is enough when she's being nasty). I'd get these condescending emails from him about needing to learn to consider her feelings and be an adult:dohh: And since he found out she's mentally ill? No apology for his past behaviour, for all his put downs and accusations of me needing to learn to think about other people and not just myself. It's very annoying when he calls me childish or treats me like I am, especially when I feel I sometimes am much more mature than he his.

Yes, it's really great when you have a place to vent and talk about TTCing, especially if your circle is filled with people who don't understand:wacko:
Well I'm 15dpo and still no AF. My lp is consistently 14 days. Still bfn on wondfo. If my period doesn't show up by tomorrow I'm using a different test...but now I jinxed myself lol.
I feel like I am very late to this party, but I was still hoping to join. I just joined the forum today, so I'm not great with all the lingo just yet. I am 31, the husband is 33. I went off BC (nuvaring) 6 months ago (July 2014) after 8 years. I had 4 very regular cycles immediately after, all 30-31 days in length. In December, (the first month we actually tried, I started spotting around day 28, which I hoped was IB. I had a very light flow for 4 days, then stopped. I got 2 BFNs that week. I then started OPKs in Jan, and never received a positive after 10 days of testing. Now, is where is gets confusing. I am 46 days from the last time AF made her appearance, and I still have nothing. Several BFNs and a confirmed negative by a blood test at the doctors office. At this point, I am actually hoping AF comes just so I can start a new cycle and hope that my body gets back into regular rhythm. I have read several (not all) of the pages in this thread and I am truly sending you all the best of luck! I know this can be a long and emotional journey but I know it will be worth it!
Thanks everyone!! Yes, I think I'll wait a bit before testing. It is now CD#30 so maybe I'll wait until Monday to test... I'll see if I can hold out that long LOL!

drjo718: I'm keeping my fx for your bfp!

Kat: I'm glad that your test on Tuesday showed no cysts so good luck with #2 IUI and the scan on Tuesday.

Welcome TexMel!

Good luck and :dust: to everyone.
Thanks EElse:flower: It will be exciting to see if it's a BFP:happydance:

Welcome TexMel:flower: Hope you soon get AF but if not, maybe your GP can help you get AF started. Good luck :dust:

AFM DH drove me a bit nuts yesterday. I was at a beginner course for learning how to make earrings last night and he decided to pick me up afterwards and we could pick up some take-away on the way home. I luckily took my Puregon Pen with me because the course ended at 8:45 PM and I normally take my Puregon at around 9:00 PM (the nurse told me to pick a time where I would have peace to do it and we sometimes eat as late as 8 PM). So we went to pick up the food and couldn't find the restaurant:wacko: I was getting antsy running around so I ended up going back to the car to take my hormone:dohh: Was so not fun and DH couldn't understand that I couldn't take it later but the nurse said when I picked a time then I had a 2 hour window so earliest could take it at 8 PM and latest at 10 PM. It was a bit over 9:30 PM when I gave up and took it in the car. DH did finally find the place, it seems as the restaurant had one name on the internet but another name entirely outside the place:wacko:
Hey Hollyness, good to hear from you. Congrats on the new house, so exciting! I’ll have a look at your journal, but good luck with finishing up school. Hope your appointment goes well on the 10th and that you’ll get the go-ahead to TTC whenever you’re ready.

Kat, what did the nurse mean by IUI#1 not going to plan? Fingers crossed you’ll see 3 follicles at your scan tomorrow! Sorry to hear that your brother and sister are messing with your head again. Ignore them and concentrate on other things if you can.

dede, hope that it will be easier to get a BFP now that the growth has been removed and that the RE will be able to give you some answers.

MissDoc, how long are your cycles on average? Hope AF will stay away.

Xokittycatxo, how are you getting on with the temping? My chart is in my sig but I’m not expecting to see anything, my temps keep going up and down.

Cheekygringo, sorry about AF, good luck for next month!

AFM : CD13 today and I might have got a positive OPK but not feeling so motivated to TTC this month somehow.

So far I'm not having much luck. First day I forgot and was out of bed walking around. Second day I remembered but my thermometer would not beep! And today I just forgot again so didn't bother :blush:

14dpo and BFN. Temp dropped 0.5 degrees but is still 1 degree above coverline. AF will probably show overnight while I'm working. Feeling discouraged as I had 3 follicles this cycle and still no baby
:( it's even harder since I'm supposed to be just over 39 weeks pregnant right now. My due date will come and go with no progress

Hugs to you! I know it's hard but stay positive! I hear so many stories upon stories of trying for ages than BAM! BFP. You'll get yours :thumbup:

I usually have had PMS for a few days by now but today is the first day with symptoms. Hoping this is a sign the vitex has lengthened my cycle a little and and also my LP. I should be getting AF in 5-6 days so lets hope it's more 9 days which would give me a nice 28 days cycle. Stay tuned!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Just checking in.

Kat, sorry your IUI was a :bfn: -- fx for IUI#2 being the lucky one :thumbup:

djro, congrats on ovulating this cycle (I see you also have PCOS). Hopefully AF stays away and this is your lucky month.

TexMel, welcome! :hugs:

And finally :dust: to everyone who is hopeful!

AFM: I returned from a great vacation (where I actually managed to lose some weight over the course of the week!). Since the PCOS diagnosis a couple of weeks ago, I've been taking a step back and just focusing on my health and getting all of that in order. I had some blood drawn today to check for signs of diabetes/pre-diabetes/insulin resistance, and I am waiting for AF to come so I can go on CD3 for more bloods to be drawn for a hormone check (and they will also check my thyroid then, as the gyno said past blood work showed borderline hypothyroidism, and she would like me to most likely go on some synthetic thyroid hormones to treat that in preparation for pregnancy). I have been given the goal by the gyno of lowering my BMI to 32 in order to qualify for fertility help on the national health service, so it will take some more months to get there. She promised that if I'm not pregnant naturally by the time my BMI is 32, then she will help me :thumbup: I have been continuing to work on the weight loss; I'm now halfway to my goal (when I started on 1. September 2014, my BMI was 51,4; currently it is 41 and my goal is 32). I feel confident that I will get there, now that I understand the PCOS is making me very sensitive to carbs and that avoiding refined carbohydrates (and counting calories) makes the weight melt off. Currently on CD32; had some light spotting on CD28 and CD29, but no AF yet. My last cycle was 72 days, so it may be awhile.

I hope you are all doing well and good luck to the hopefuls this month :hugs:
MissDoc, a 10 day LP is still in the normal range I believe. Hope that next month also it’s at least 10 days. What a difference a single day can make when we’re TTC!

drjo, sending you tons of positive vibes for a BFP!

Welcome TexMel :flower: How frustrating that you’re having such a long cycle, hope AF will show up soon so you can start afresh. I’ve read that most women have 1 or 2 anovulatory cycles per year without being aware of it, so maybe that’s what happened?

EElse, be strong, Monday isn’t that far away.

Kat, your DH couldn’t have known the restaurant’s name was different but I can well imagine how stressed you were about missing your time slot. Was the food good after all that? Lol.

Xokittycatxo, I’m not having much luck with temping either. I don’t have trouble remembering to temp while my eyes are still closed but I keep waking up before the alarm and my chart looks nothing like other people’s chart. It’s certainly not going to detect ovulation. DH suggested I set the alarm for 5 am next cycle, really not keen on that!

MrsTigger, where did you go on vacation? It looks like you’re doing really well with the weight loss! It must be an incentive to know that you can get help if required when your BMI reaches 32 but I hope you’ll be pregnant before then. Keep us updated about your test results.

My OPKs are getting fainter again so that “maybe positive” 2 days ago was probably positive after all. I wasn’t expecting it that early so we’ve missed most of my fertile window despite DH’s good intentions. Before the miscarriage I used to be able to predict ovulation just by watching out for watery CM/ EWCM, now I hardly get any CM.
MissDoc, a 10 day LP is still in the normal range I believe. Hope that next month also it’s at least 10 days. What a difference a single day can make when we’re TTC!

drjo, sending you tons of positive vibes for a BFP!

Welcome TexMel :flower: How frustrating that you’re having such a long cycle, hope AF will show up soon so you can start afresh. I’ve read that most women have 1 or 2 anovulatory cycles per year without being aware of it, so maybe that’s what happened?

EElse, be strong, Monday isn’t that far away.

Kat, your DH couldn’t have known the restaurant’s name was different but I can well imagine how stressed you were about missing your time slot. Was the food good after all that? Lol.

Xokittycatxo, I’m not having much luck with temping either. I don’t have trouble remembering to temp while my eyes are still closed but I keep waking up before the alarm and my chart looks nothing like other people’s chart. It’s certainly not going to detect ovulation. DH suggested I set the alarm for 5 am next cycle, really not keen on that!

MrsTigger, where did you go on vacation? It looks like you’re doing really well with the weight loss! It must be an incentive to know that you can get help if required when your BMI reaches 32 but I hope you’ll be pregnant before then. Keep us updated about your test results.

My OPKs are getting fainter again so that “maybe positive” 2 days ago was probably positive after all. I wasn’t expecting it that early so we’ve missed most of my fertile window despite DH’s good intentions. Before the miscarriage I used to be able to predict ovulation just by watching out for watery CM/ EWCM, now I hardly get any CM.

No he couldn't but he got irritated that he couldn't find the place and when I started mentioning the time slot he snapped at me a few times:wacko: So didn't want to walk around with him in that mood anyway so quickly found the car, took the shot and waited until he came with the food. Boy was he annoyed:wacko: Then since I had the food on my lap, it was so warm I ended up needing to put it on the floor of the car and noticed the soup was leaking. Suddenly he got annoyed about the soup leaking and me putting it on the floor because now the car will get dirty:dohh: So not caring my lap was being cooked by the food plus I was getting soup stains on my pants:nope: Luckily he calmed down when we got home and we started eating. But he's a bit nuts with that car, I don't know why:shrug: We've had it for about 1½ years or so (it's a Renault Clio IV in red) The only thing I take very good care of is the paint and to a certain degree the seats but those rugs they have on the floor we can always replace easily :nope: So the food was fine (it was Thai food) and he was in a better mood after having eaten:haha: I had a scallops dish as I'm a pescetarian.

Awww too bad Fleur that you missed most of your fertile window. Next time it might be a good idea to start BDing when the OPK is close to positive so you're sure to get 1-2 sessions in there. Hope your CM comes back. Maybe your body is still recovering totally from the MC?
Just an update:

I changed one of my 'discarded' temps on FertilityFriend (I took it later than usual and after waking up in the middle of the night, that's why I discarded it) so that it counts as part of my cycle and now FF is showing that I O'd on the 29th so that puts me at 9dpo. I think I will now have to wait until Thursday to test (to avoid a false negative), never mind Monday which was my original plan...:nope:

Here's to hoping...

Good luck to you ladies!!
:hugs: Hi everyone just wanted to stop in and send some dust around. I just started cycle 2 of this journey. I'm still hoping for a 2015 baby. This month I'm trying supplements since I'm 38 and time is running out! I'll get in touch with my doctor around May if no BFPs. Still learning about all this and hoping the best for everyone here! Cheers!
:hugs: Hi everyone just wanted to stop in and send some dust around. I just started cycle 2 of this journey. I'm still hoping for a 2015 baby. This month I'm trying supplements since I'm 38 and time is running out! I'll get in touch with my doctor around May if no BFPs. Still learning about all this and hoping the best for everyone here! Cheers!

Welcome deedee and good luck with your TTC journey, fx for a 2015 baby! :flower:
Hi everyone!

Deedee I'm also taking supplements and I feel the maca and vitex really help! What are you taking?

Kat, I've hear grapefruit juice helps with cm. Did you ever consider trying preseed? I just picked some up along with soft cups! Can't hurt right?

I'm basically giving up on temping for now. My temps are all over the place and my thermometer never beeps!:shrug: Maybe I'll start again with just old fashion way (not vaginal) going back to my OPK's! AF is on her way. Just in time for Vday. :growlmad:UNLESS vitex managed to lengthen my cycle this month!:finger:
Kat, I've hear grapefruit juice helps with cm. Did you ever consider trying preseed? I just picked some up along with soft cups! Can't hurt right?

I've tried just about everything: Preseed (3-4 months), Conceive Plus (3-4 months), grapefruit juice (3-4 months), EPO (almost since the beginning of TTCing), raw garlic (3-4 months), FertileCM pills (3-4 months), SoftCups (1 month, I felt like after a while I'd leak too much CM/semen out after 30 minutes of standing up/sitting up with it in despite having put it in correctly), OPKs, CBFM, nothing resulted in a BFP for me :nope:

Although the Puregon seems to give me extra amounts of my watery CM:wacko: I've been having huge amounts recently so hoping it's a sign I soon can trigger. I'll find out tomorrow at my U/S.
Hello ladies, hope you’ve all had a good weekend !

Welcome deedee, wishing you a short journey in TTC.

Kat, yes I think that I haven’t gone back to normal since the miscarriage unfortunately. Good luck for your scan tomorrow, hoping for 2 or 3 beautiful follicles!

EElse, only a few days till you test, fingers crossed for you.

Xokittycatxo, how do you know AF is on her way? I’ve got crosshairs on my BBT chart but I’m not really convinced it’s right because I NEVER temped at the same time, it was anywhere between 3 and 8 am. Next month I'll try the almost everyday BD from CD 10 to CD 20.
Saw the RE and he recommended a bunch of antibiotics for endometriatis that was found with the polyps.

Anyone has experience or stories of women that struggled to conceive but were successful, or not, after being treated for polyps/endometriatitis?
Saw the RE and he recommended a bunch of antibiotics for endometriatis that was found with the polyps.

Anyone has experience or stories of women that struggled to conceive but were successful, or not, after being treated for polyps/endometriatitis?

Sorry dede, can't help but I'm glad the RE has recommended a course of action. How did you find him? Hope you'll see results soon.

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