Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

It's so frustrating that AF and pregnancy symptoms are pretty much the same sometimes, it's so easy to get your hopes up every month.

I'm not really stressing about temping, I'm doing it out of curiosity mostly, and to maybe see if it does confirm ovulation for me. Whenever I have a morning flight, I sleep very restlessly because I'm so scared I'll sleep through the alarm and miss the flight. Since I've started temping it's the same, hoping that I'll get used to it after a while so I can go back to my restful nights!

drjo, thanks for that, I'll keep temping and will hopefully see something!

I'm avoiding temping for exactly that reason! But my OPK's confuse me so much (multiple pos or neg when I'm almost sure I'm ovulating and different results throughout the day) that I feel I should. Gonna pick up a BBT thermometer today and join ya.
Hey girls! Just checking in with you all :) I've been meaning to check in more often, but life has been pure chaos lately!

We bought a house last weekend :happydance: it's new construction, so it won't be finished until August or September. I am absolutely elated!!

I see my doctor again on the 10th to check up on my situation. I'm going to ask her to give me an estimate for when we can get on the TTC train again. I finish graduate school this summer, so I may wait until then just so I'm not as stressed.

It sounds like most everyone is doing well! Kat, I hope your IUI took this month!

My journal is mostly rambling at this point, but as Kat shared with you all, I update it more often than I do here. Please feel free to stalk me anytime if you want to get updates from me :)
So bad news everyone, AF came today:nope: So we're heading for IUI#2. I'll be calling the clinic tomorrow as AF will be full-blown tomorrow. Oh well, didn't have high hopes anyway, partly due to my age. I'm blaming myself for my old eggs and DH is blaming himself for having spilt some of the sample:nope: Nothing to be done now other than hope #2 is our lucky number:shrug: Maybe I'll have 3 eggs instead of the 2 I had as they'll be upping my dose a bit:happydance: Think it's all chance as I've read of people having 3-4 eggs on one IUI and getting a BFN and then having 1-2 for their next IUI and getting a BFP.

Anyway told my sister and this was her reply: "Just got my period too..ughhh. Sorry...keep trying....":dohh: Like what do I care she got AF as well when she has 2 children and isn't trying for #3:nope: Geez my family is really hopeless when it comes to supporting me:dohh:
So bad news everyone, AF came today:nope: So we're heading for IUI#2. I'll be calling the clinic tomorrow as AF will be full-blown tomorrow. Oh well, didn't have high hopes anyway, partly due to my age. I'm blaming myself for my old eggs and DH is blaming himself for having spilt some of the sample:nope: Nothing to be done now other than hope #2 is our lucky number:shrug: Maybe I'll have 3 eggs instead of the 2 I had as they'll be upping my dose a bit:happydance: Think it's all chance as I've read of people having 3-4 eggs on one IUI and getting a BFN and then having 1-2 for their next IUI and getting a BFP.

Anyway told my sister and this was her reply: "Just got my period too..ughhh. Sorry...keep trying....":dohh: Like what do I care she got AF as well when she has 2 children and isn't trying for #3:nope: Geez my family is really hopeless when it comes to supporting me:dohh:

This is why I told NO ONE. Not a soul. Not my best friend and definitely not my mother who wants a grandchild more than anything.

I'm sorry they aren't as sensitive to your situation Kat :( Maybe keep the updates to yourself for a while. It may just stress you more listening to their reactions. Good luck I'm sending you lots of baby dust and here's to 3 eggies :kiss:
So bad news everyone, AF came today:nope: So we're heading for IUI#2. I'll be calling the clinic tomorrow as AF will be full-blown tomorrow. Oh well, didn't have high hopes anyway, partly due to my age. I'm blaming myself for my old eggs and DH is blaming himself for having spilt some of the sample:nope: Nothing to be done now other than hope #2 is our lucky number:shrug: Maybe I'll have 3 eggs instead of the 2 I had as they'll be upping my dose a bit:happydance: Think it's all chance as I've read of people having 3-4 eggs on one IUI and getting a BFN and then having 1-2 for their next IUI and getting a BFP.

Anyway told my sister and this was her reply: "Just got my period too..ughhh. Sorry...keep trying....":dohh: Like what do I care she got AF as well when she has 2 children and isn't trying for #3:nope: Geez my family is really hopeless when it comes to supporting me:dohh:

This is why I told NO ONE. Not a soul. Not my best friend and definitely not my mother who wants a grandchild more than anything.

I'm sorry they aren't as sensitive to your situation Kat :( Maybe keep the updates to yourself for a while. It may just stress you more listening to their reactions. Good luck I'm sending you lots of baby dust and here's to 3 eggies :kiss:

Thanks Xokittycatxo:hugs: I really regret telling people now but I didn't know it was going to be so difficult and figured it would get some people off my back in hinting when we would have children:shrug: Wise choice not to tell people, I certainly can't recommend it:thumbup:

They really aren't and this is despite the fact my sister had issues conceiving #2 at age 40. They tried for 2 years and then she went on Clomid and got pregnant although I don't know which cycle took:shrug: With her it's hard because she's constantly messaging me on FB to hear how things are going. My brother and his wife I don't talk to really anymore since FBgate:haha: But yeah both have needed help and they're totally the least supportive people I know besides my own narcissitic mother. My sister is less annoying but yeah, that message shows how much less:dohh:

UPDATE: Called the clinic today and got an appointment for U/S #1 tomorrow afternoon. Good thing I took an HPT anyway early this morning because she asked me if I had. Why did I have a sneaking suspicion they would ask :shrug: Totally crazy since I'm bleeding waaay too much (plus I'm cramping) for it to be anything but AF :dohh: They must've been busy this morning since I was on hold for like 6 minutes.

So here we go again!
Has a hysteroscopy on Fri. Was trying to not get too excited about it because they weren't sure I had polyps. Turns out I had a 'polyp-type' growth that they removed. It was a relief to finally find something. The doctor called today to follow up with me, when I asked her if she felt that was our obstacle she said 'maybe, but you should follow up with a RE because idk'. Previous to surgery she seemed more optimistic, then we 'find' something, and now she doesn't sound so confident. So ready to be off this rollercoaster but can't help wanting BFP :(
Awww sorry dede3124:hugs: I'd ask your RE as he/she probably knows a lot more than e.g. a GP about conception. I know my GP knows very little, just the basics I think. Hope you soon figure out what's going on and see those 2 lines soon :dust:

So just got back from the clinic and they've put my dose up to 66 IU this time. So we'll see. Maybe there will be 3 follies this time instead of 2 :winkwink: No cysts apparently so that's good, otherwise they wouldn't let me start IUI #2 this month.

The nurse was actually in a better mood today (was the same one I've had the last 2 times I was there) and said that IUI #1 didn't go according to plan apparently:haha: So she's hoping our luck is much better this time :thumbup:

Injection #1 starts tonight and my U/S #2 will be next Tuesday at 1 PM. This will be of course the most exciting one to see how many follies there are and if I'm ready to trigger:happydance:

Please let this IUI be the one:thumbup:
XOKitty-- I would greatly recommend vaginal temping. My OPKs and monitors were so confusing. Multiple positives, lots of blinking smileys on monitor, lots of negatives when I would have though positive. Very inconsistent and frustrating. I tried oral temping and it wasn't super consistent, but vaginal (while odd at first) isn't too much of a hassle once you get used to it, and it has shown a good pattern for me.

Kat-- So sorry AF arrived. I hope this second go round is the magic one!

Holly-- Congrats on the house! I hope all goes well with wrapping up grad school so you can get back on the TTC train.

Dede-- I'm sorry to hear that your doc isn't inspiring much confidence. Hopefully specialist appts will be more heartening.

AFM, AF is due any day now, but I'm praying that it doesn't come for at least another day or two, otherwise it will indicate I have a luteal phase defect, and I'm seriously hoping I don't. But I'm not feeling too confident with my rather short cycles.
XOKitty-- I would greatly recommend vaginal temping. My OPKs and monitors were so confusing. Multiple positives, lots of blinking smileys on monitor, lots of negatives when I would have though positive. Very inconsistent and frustrating. I tried oral temping and it wasn't super consistent, but vaginal (while odd at first) isn't too much of a hassle once you get used to it, and it has shown a good pattern for me.

Kat-- So sorry AF arrived. I hope this second go round is the magic one!

Holly-- Congrats on the house! I hope all goes well with wrapping up grad school so you can get back on the TTC train.

Dede-- I'm sorry to hear that your doc isn't inspiring much confidence. Hopefully specialist appts will be more heartening.

AFM, AF is due any day now, but I'm praying that it doesn't come for at least another day or two, otherwise it will indicate I have a luteal phase defect, and I'm seriously hoping I don't. But I'm not feeling too confident with my rather short cycles.

I just got a Basal Themometer can I use that to vaginal temp? Do you have to do it first thing in the morning just like regular temping? I agree this is all getting so frustrating and confusing I can't take it.
I am hopeful that the RE can offer more clarification and better news. I am finding myself with less hope every month wondering if rather than when we will ever get BFP. I definitely feel we are racing the clock and need to hurry! Fearful of the cost as those bills keep going too....need some inspiration!
I am hopeful that the RE can offer more clarification and better news. I am finding myself with less hope every month wondering if rather than when we will ever get BFP. I definitely feel we are racing the clock and need to hurry! Fearful of the cost as those bills keep going too....need some inspiration!

I hope your RE can help you. I've been there myself with the wondering. It's horrible:nope: Also the whole racing against the clock thing as I'm 35 going on 36 in May. But I'm a bit more hopeful after I talked with our RE back in November. I hope yours does the same for you!

AFM I forgot to mention that I ended up writing back to my sister and saying that our AFs are different as mine means my IUI failed and yet another cycle of not being pregnant while hers is just that - AF. She hasn't responded and neither has my brother to that email I sent him a few weeks ago:shrug: I'm thinking they think I'm being a total witch but whatever:shrug: I just can't let every unfeeling/cruel comment slide, it would be wrong, especially in the emotional state I'm in. I've done that too many times in my life, enough is enough:nope:

BTW: I just wish I knew what to do about my brother. I think he has a very sordid opinion of me. I don't know if it's because I was spoiled with many toys and things as a child or what. He seems to ignore the fact our mother ignored me as much as she ignored him and my father was very busy with work so didn't get huge amounts of attention from him although he was by far the most attentive parent. But he seems to constantly see me as a spoiled brat when I'm anything but. Our relationship has also been extra strained since he married his wife since she comes from a pretty well to do family and it seems to have "inflated his ego". I think in reality he has low self-esteem since he's constantly out to be right. But I don't know why he feels this way. I may have been a bit when I was in my younger early teen years but after all I've been through, I'm certainly anything but! I just don't know what to do about this :nope:

I just needed to vent!
I just got a Basal Themometer can I use that to vaginal temp? Do you have to do it first thing in the morning just like regular temping? I agree this is all getting so frustrating and confusing I can't take it.

Yes! Just a regular basal thermometer is what I use. Just keep it on the night stand, set a regular time to wake up to your alarm to, then when your alarm goes off just grab it and (TMI), while still laying in bed under the covers (don't get up), insert the tip of the thermometer into the vaginal canal and then rest until it beeps signaling it has read your temp. Then jot that down, and go back to bed if you like. I have little wipies on my night stand if I need to sanitize/clean the thermometer.

Try to insert it at the same depth each morning. For example, if you put it an inch in, try to do it the same way each time to help it get a good stable reading.

Vaginal seems to be much more stable than oral temperatures, and so it's been the only thing that has given me consistent information. I hope it works out for you!
This cycle looks like a waste, witch decided to show 2 days early, which only gives me a 24 day cycle :( will keep trying, and hopefully next month is back to normal
Hey Hollyness, good to hear from you. Congrats on the new house, so exciting! I’ll have a look at your journal, but good luck with finishing up school. Hope your appointment goes well on the 10th and that you’ll get the go-ahead to TTC whenever you’re ready.

Kat, what did the nurse mean by IUI#1 not going to plan? Fingers crossed you’ll see 3 follicles at your scan tomorrow! Sorry to hear that your brother and sister are messing with your head again. Ignore them and concentrate on other things if you can.

dede, hope that it will be easier to get a BFP now that the growth has been removed and that the RE will be able to give you some answers.

MissDoc, how long are your cycles on average? Hope AF will stay away.

Xokittycatxo, how are you getting on with the temping? My chart is in my sig but I’m not expecting to see anything, my temps keep going up and down.

Cheekygringo, sorry about AF, good luck for next month!

AFM : CD13 today and I might have got a positive OPK but not feeling so motivated to TTC this month somehow.
Hey Hollyness, good to hear from you. Congrats on the new house, so exciting! I’ll have a look at your journal, but good luck with finishing up school. Hope your appointment goes well on the 10th and that you’ll get the go-ahead to TTC whenever you’re ready.

Kat, what did the nurse mean by IUI#1 not going to plan? Fingers crossed you’ll see 3 follicles at your scan tomorrow! Sorry to hear that your brother and sister are messing with your head again. Ignore them and concentrate on other things if you can.

dede, hope that it will be easier to get a BFP now that the growth has been removed and that the RE will be able to give you some answers.

MissDoc, how long are your cycles on average? Hope AF will stay away.

Xokittycatxo, how are you getting on with the temping? My chart is in my sig but I’m not expecting to see anything, my temps keep going up and down.

Cheekygringo, sorry about AF, good luck for next month!

AFM : CD13 today and I might have got a positive OPK but not feeling so motivated to TTC this month somehow.

That I'm not pregnant as a result as that was the plan :winkwink:

My scan is next week on Tuesday (February 10th). The scan yesterday was just to confirm I don't have cysts.

It's just hard. I don't know why they're behaving this way. To a certain degree my brother is the most annoying though. He got even more arrogant and opinionated after he married his wife. I remember that the day after his wedding (in the USA), me and my cousin plus her husband (this was before my DH and I were an official couple) were invited to some brunch thing. It was a long day and afterwards my brother was going out to dinner and said it was a family dinner - but my cousin, her husband and me (who traveled all the way from Denmark to the US to be at his wedding) weren't invited to this "family" dinner, it was strictly my brother with her family. So we had to find a place to eat by ourselves:dohh: Then when I was to get married, he complained about us wanting to get married at the start of May so we pushed our wedding to the end of May as a compromise as he said it suited him better to come in June:nope: So nothing new really. He's constantly in some power struggle with me. I don't know if it's because I was spoiled with stuff as a kid or because I'm higher educated than he is or what (I have a Master's and he has a Bachelor's, two entirely different fields though):shrug: Our relationship has really deteriorated over the years. He's really become an opinionated Mr. Know-It-All:nope:

Aww Fleur :hugs: You could also just take it easy for a couple of months, go NTNP to get a break. Maybe it'd be good for you and your DH.
Fleur-- My cycles range from 24-26 days, on average. Today is CD 25 and I'm hoping and praying I don't start AF until at least tomorrow, because starting today would mean I only had a 9 day luteal phase. But my uterus is letting me know that it will probably be this evening that AF makes her appearance. If that's the case, I'm going to consider vitamins or supplements to see if I can increase my LP naturally.
14dpo and BFN. Temp dropped 0.5 degrees but is still 1 degree above coverline. AF will probably show overnight while I'm working. Feeling discouraged as I had 3 follicles this cycle and still no baby
:( it's even harder since I'm supposed to be just over 39 weeks pregnant right now. My due date will come and go with no progress
Sorry drjo718:hugs: I've been there myself. If my chemical had been a super sticky been, I would've been due around December /January. Number of follies unfortunately doesn't garantee anything. I had 2 follies for my IUI last cycle and got a BFN as well. Hope you soon find something that works and get your BFP :dust:
Hi everyone!!

Sorry I haven't checked in lately - RL is taking up a lot of time and we had a bit of a problem with our internet (which is hopefully now sorted).

Kat, I'm sorry that AF showed up but good luck with #2 of IUI. Having the support of family or friends is very important so I hope that everyone here on the forum makes up for the lack of support from your family.

Everyone else: I read through most of the posts since my last reply here and just wanted to say good luck to you all and :dust: to all the hopefuls!

AFM: AF is due today if I go according to what my cycles usually are (28 days) but after having a 41 day cycle last month, I'm not so sure...

I temped this month but FF did not detect ovulation (it could also be because I didn't temp correctly over the weekends). DH gets up at 03:45 every weekday morning to get ready for work and I usually wake up when his alarm goes off and do my temps then but over the weekends, there is no alarm and sometimes I only wake up at 06:00. Saturdays I took my temp but Sundays I forgot.

I had dark spots when checking my CM on Sunday and Monday - could this have been implantation bleeding? Tuesday I had cramps and yesterday my breasts were tender. I don't have any HPTs at the moment but if my cycle is just a long one again (According to FF, AF is supposed to come on the 18th), I don't really want to do the test only to have my hopes shattered again.

Anyway, that's my update. Good luck ladies and I hope we get lots of :bfp: soon! :hugs:

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