Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Kat- we find out for sure March 23rd... some ladies in the gender prediction forum think two girls, some think boy/girl! We'll know soon enough!
Kat- we find out for sure March 23rd... some ladies in the gender prediction forum think two girls, some think boy/girl! We'll know soon enough!

OK that'll be exciting:happydance: Let us know what you find out:flower:
Fleur, we went to Italy for ski holiday. Let me tell you, *that* is an annoying place to be on a diet that doesn't include carbs!!!

TexMel, thanks :hugs: I think the trick for me was to learn of the carb sensitivity. It has finally made the weight loss possible.

AFM: Bloods came back showing no signs of diabetes or insulin resistance :happydance: I have been on the low GI diet for 6 months now, so the doctors feel that I almost certainly have insulin resistance, but I am controlling it with diet, it seems. Still waiting for AF (CD37 now). Have had some twinges and light cramping, but no sign so far. Will have bloods drawn on CD3 for hormone and thyroid check. Otherwise just focusing on weight loss, work, and life :-)

:dust: to all!
Fleur, we went to Italy for ski holiday. Let me tell you, *that* is an annoying place to be on a diet that doesn't include carbs!!!

TexMel, thanks :hugs: I think the trick for me was to learn of the carb sensitivity. It has finally made the weight loss possible.

AFM: Bloods came back showing no signs of diabetes or insulin resistance :happydance: I have been on the low GI diet for 6 months now, so the doctors feel that I almost certainly have insulin resistance, but I am controlling it with diet, it seems. Still waiting for AF (CD37 now). Have had some twinges and light cramping, but no sign so far. Will have bloods drawn on CD3 for hormone and thyroid check. Otherwise just focusing on weight loss, work, and life :-)

:dust: to all!

Wow, where in Italy? Was it Livigno because I was there back in 2009 with DH and his family. No skiing for us, we haven't been on a ski trip since the beginning of 2013 since we didn't want to risk me getting pregnant and falling:wacko: I'm still learning although I can handle most red slopes now except some of the French ones that can be technically black slopes certain areas of the red slopes. As we speak my in-laws are in Norway on a ski trip with their eldest and youngest sons (my DH is the middle child) plus the eldest's 2 kids and the youngest's girlfriend. We passed as we're currently in treatment and didn't want to take a break. Hopefully next year we'll have a more positive reason for passing:winkwink:

Good news on the blood test:happydance: Here's hoping your CD3 test comes back good as well:thumbup:
Praying, I am having fun charting, although the restless nights are doing me in. I was telling DH it’s like I’ve got a new toy, I’m so impatient to input the new data everyday and see what happens lol. Woke up 3 times this night, ugh. My temps seem to be going back down.
Do you have a 12-week scan where you are? There’s something called the nub theory, some ladies can guess the gender pretty accurately based on that.

cutestuff, did you test?? Fingers crossed for you!

dede, glad you liked the RE, it’s so important to feel you can trust your doctor.

MrsTigger, what did you eat while you were there? I wouldn’t be able to resist all the pasta and pizzas! Great news about the insulin, hope your CD3 blood results will be good too.

Kat, I also hope next year you’ll have a good reason not to go skiing!
Tested and BFN fucking stupid. I guess I will have to wait and see. I am only a day late and could have ovulated later than I thought, but I don't know. At this point, my thought is that if I still do not have af by this time next week, I will test again because maybe it will give the levels in my blood a chance to be readable??? IDK. I used fmu and frer (first respons-right???) and that one claims to be able to detect the shit as early as five days before the missed period and as I am late, it should have turned but it didnt which leads me to believe with my lack of symptoms and such the test was correct.... will keep you updated next week.
Fleur, we went to Italy for ski holiday. Let me tell you, *that* is an annoying place to be on a diet that doesn't include carbs!!!

TexMel, thanks :hugs: I think the trick for me was to learn of the carb sensitivity. It has finally made the weight loss possible.

AFM: Bloods came back showing no signs of diabetes or insulin resistance :happydance: I have been on the low GI diet for 6 months now, so the doctors feel that I almost certainly have insulin resistance, but I am controlling it with diet, it seems. Still waiting for AF (CD37 now). Have had some twinges and light cramping, but no sign so far. Will have bloods drawn on CD3 for hormone and thyroid check. Otherwise just focusing on weight loss, work, and life :-)

:dust: to all!

Wow, where in Italy? Was it Livigno because I was there back in 2009 with DH and his family. No skiing for us, we haven't been on a ski trip since the beginning of 2013 since we didn't want to risk me getting pregnant and falling:wacko: I'm still learning although I can handle most red slopes now except some of the French ones that can be technically black slopes certain areas of the red slopes. As we speak my in-laws are in Norway on a ski trip with their eldest and youngest sons (my DH is the middle child) plus the eldest's 2 kids and the youngest's girlfriend. We passed as we're currently in treatment and didn't want to take a break. Hopefully next year we'll have a more positive reason for passing:winkwink:

Good news on the blood test:happydance: Here's hoping your CD3 test comes back good as well:thumbup:

We have been both to Canazei and Madonna di Campiglio on the past. I thought about not going on holiday this year, but when January came around and I wasn't pregnant, we decided to book something last minute.

MrsTigger, what did you eat while you were there? I wouldn’t be able to resist all the pasta and pizzas! Great news about the insulin, hope your CD3 blood results will be good too.

It seems to be a pretty common Italian thing to have some grilled meat and veggies on the side, so I basically ate that for a week. :wacko:
Do you have a 12-week scan where you are? There’s something called the nub theory, some ladies can guess the gender pretty accurately based on that.
Fleur- that was my "12-week" one... they combined it with the NT scan to check for the indicators of chromosomal issues (should hear results back on that in 1-2 more days :wacko:) Unfortunately, they didn't get a great shot of the nubs, but just based on the skulls, 3 predicted b/g and 3 for g/g right now. DH was having a little freak out when I told him that :haha:
We have been both to Canazei and Madonna di Campiglio on the past. I thought about not going on holiday this year, but when January came around and I wasn't pregnant, we decided to book something last minute.

Ok don't know those places although DH thinks the last one sounds familiar. We decided not to go last year since I was going to O around that time (at the start of the trip if we'd gone) and didn't think we'd chance it. Also if we were going to share a cabin with my in-laws, BDing during that trip would've been a bit awkward:wacko: So it was just a bad time of my cycle to go although we could've just as well:dohh: This year was of course due to IUI treatment.
Woohoo! AF is here (never thought I'd be so happy about that)! A new cycle has arrived! My last one ended up at 51 days, let's hope it was just a one time thing.
Woohoo! AF is here (never thought I'd be so happy about that)! A new cycle has arrived! My last one ended up at 51 days, let's hope it was just a one time thing.

:haha: Can't help but laugh at your post because I am in the same type of boat. My last cycle was 41 days (I had regular 28 - 30 day cycles) and at the moment I'm on CD36... :growlmad:

I did a test this morning (14dpo) and it was a bfn. I've been spotting for 3 days (brownish discoloration on TP) but no full blown AF yet. My temps are down though, so I think it will start soon.

Good luck everyone!! :dust: to you all!
Woohoo! AF is here (never thought I'd be so happy about that)! A new cycle has arrived! My last one ended up at 51 days, let's hope it was just a one time thing.

:haha: Can't help but laugh at your post because I am in the same type of boat. My last cycle was 41 days (I had regular 28 - 30 day cycles) and at the moment I'm on CD36... :growlmad:

I did a test this morning (14dpo) and it was a bfn. I've been spotting for 3 days (brownish discoloration on TP) but no full blown AF yet. My temps are down though, so I think it will start soon.

Good luck everyone!! :dust: to you all!

Aww sorry EElse:hugs: Hoping you have more luck next cycle :dust:

AFM my 3rd U/S is tomorrow morning:happydance: Will be exciting to see if I can trigger this weekend on Saturday and have my IUI on Monday (as they're closed on Sundays).
Thanks Kat! I'm officially out, :witch: got me but now at least I can start a new cycle.

Good luck with your US tomorrow and keeping my fx for your IUI! :hugs:
Thanks Kat! I'm officially out, :witch: got me but now at least I can start a new cycle.

Good luck with your US tomorrow and keeping my fx for your IUI! :hugs:

Hope your cycles get a bit shorter but it sounds like this one was shorter than the last one so that's progress:happydance:

Thanks EElse:hugs: I must admit though my hopes have gone down a bit since another member has posted a thread and mentioned that she thinks IUI is pretty much futile and is a waste of time and money for those suffering unexplained infertility:( We'll see, I'm trying to remain positive since I have seen others get their BFPs after IUIs, even women older than me:thumbup:
Oh... :hugs: Keep your positive thinking Kat! I'm keeping my fx for you and hope that you are one of those that benefit from IUI.

Yes, my cycle was a bit shorter - Dec cycle was 41 days and Jan/Feb one was 35 days. Only problem with this is I never know when to expect O... I don't use OPK's, only charting my temps and that only tells you afterwards... :dohh:

I've talked with DH and since we won't know for sure when I O, we'll take a chance and BD every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, until my temps rise and indicate that I have O'd. Hopefully it will be enough...
Oh... :hugs: Keep your positive thinking Kat! I'm keeping my fx for you and hope that you are one of those that benefit from IUI.

Yes, my cycle was a bit shorter - Dec cycle was 41 days and Jan/Feb one was 35 days. Only problem with this is I never know when to expect O... I don't use OPK's, only charting my temps and that only tells you afterwards... :dohh:

I've talked with DH and since we won't know for sure when I O, we'll take a chance and BD every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, until my temps rise and indicate that I have O'd. Hopefully it will be enough...


You could maybe trying in the future to start BDing right after your AF stops and continue every 2-3 days until you're sure you've Oed. That should give you a decent shot every month. We tried that the last 6 months or so before we started IUI. Now we're still doing that pretty much but in a much more relaxed way not caring so much about positions and just enjoying ourselves:winkwink:

There's also SMEP (Sperm Meets Sperm Plan) that some swear by:

Cycle days 1-7
◾CD1 is your first day of full flow
◾Stock up on Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)
◾Stock up on Pregnancy Tests
◾Mark start dates on your calendar: ◾CD8 = BD (“Baby Dance”/have intercourse/”try”) every other day until you receive a positive OPK (+OPK)
◾CD10 daily OPK tests

Cycle day 8
◾BD, and plan to BD every other day until +OPK

Cycle day 10
◾Start daily OPK testing until OPK turns positive

+OPK day
◾BD today, tomorrow, and the next day.
◾Skip a day and BD one more time.
◾Mark test day on your calendar: +OPK day + 15 = test day
◾If OPK never turns positive, BD every other day until your period (AF or “Aunt Flo/Flow”) arrives or until CD35

Test day (or CD35)
◾If AF has not arrived, take a home pregnancy test
◾First morning urine (FMU) does not always yield the best results, you may wish to try with your second morning urine (SMU) or an afternoon test after a 3-4 hour hold (no liquids)
Hugs to you cutestuff, hope it was just too early to test.

MrsTigger, grilled meat and veggies aren’t bad but after a week you must have been bored of the same fare.

Praying, hope the babies chromosomal tests will come back fine, it must be stressful waiting for that. It would be fab to have a boy and a girl but I’m sure DH would quickly get used to the idea of girls lol.

Yay for AF TexMel, good luck for this cycle.

Sorry you’re out EElse. Kat is right, it might be worth giving the SMEP plan a try if you’re not sure when you ovulate.

Kat, good luck for your scan. Don’t let other people’s opinions get you down. I’ve read lots of stories of successful IUIs. My friend tried on her own for years and fell pregnant after 2 or 3 IUIs when she was 36.
Kat, good luck for your scan. Don’t let other people’s opinions get you down. I’ve read lots of stories of successful IUIs. My friend tried on her own for years and fell pregnant after 2 or 3 IUIs when she was 36.

Thanks Fleur:hugs:

It was just she was so negative about IUIs and how useless they are for people with unexplained infertility. But she probably had too much hope for her 1st, got disappointed and wants something that's more of a sure thing. I don't even know why she was asking people's opinions on if she should try IUI again or go right to IVF because I was one of the few recommending another IUI partly due to her age (she's 29) and she pretty much shot me down right away :nope: Good to be reminded that IUIs really do work for people:thumbup: And your friend is even close to my age, I'll be turning 36 in May:happydance:
Thanks Kat and Fleur828815!!

I'll try to get OPK's but if not, then we'll do it every other day until O has passed. Thanks so much for your suggestions!!

Good luck and :dust: to you!!
So just got back from the clinic for my 3rd U/S and it looks like only 2 of those 3 eggs in my right ovary are going to reach to mature. But that's ok, still a slightly higher chance of it working with 2 follies than if I only had 1:happydance:

I wasn't 100% ready to trigger so will need to take Puregon tonight and Saturday night, then trigger late Sunday night and have my IUI on Tuesday morning.

Had a reassuring talk with the nurse and she said it's pretty rare for the 1st IUI to work and they're always totally surprised when it does. So there's still hope of course. And she told me I'm not the oldest woman they have as most of their clients are pushing or in their 40s. She felt bad that no one in my or DH's family (other than my cousin) was understanding and her advice was to just not discuss it with them anymore. So will do. Although that should be easy seeing as how my brother and sister seem to have gone AWOL since I politely confronted them on their poor behaviour:wacko:

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