Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi ladies! I missed a couple days here and feel like I missed so much.

Good luck Kat! FX for you :)

Congrats Praying :D Twins that so wonderful!!!! Can't wait to hear updates.

As for me....cycle day 3. Tomorrow should be last day of AF. Came right on time, no longer cycles but PMS and cramps were less so that's something. :thumbup::thumbup:
Kat, 2 follicles is great, good luck to you! Remember, positive thoughts only, don't let others affect your mood.

EElse, just noticed that you're in South Africa. Pharmacies will probably have OPKs? I ordered these and it looks like they'll deliver if you can't get them locally :

Xokittycatxo, was your cycle still in the normal range?
Kat, 2 follicles is great, good luck to you! Remember, positive thoughts only, don't let others affect your mood.

EElse, just noticed that you're in South Africa. Pharmacies will probably have OPKs? I ordered these and it looks like they'll deliver if you can't get them locally :

Xokittycatxo, was your cycle still in the normal range?

Thanks Fleur:flower: The pep talk from the nurse helped a lot so I'm just going to put the negative ideas from that person away, ignore my siblings' bad attitudes/manners and see what happens.

She also asked me, like the other nurse, how I'd feel about having twins:haha: Funny they all seem to ask people that question.
So just got back from the clinic for my 3rd U/S and it looks like only 2 of those 3 eggs in my right ovary are going to reach to mature. But that's ok, still a slightly higher chance of it working with 2 follies than if I only had 1:happydance:

I wasn't 100% ready to trigger so will need to take Puregon tonight and Saturday night, then trigger late Sunday night and have my IUI on Tuesday morning.

Had a reassuring talk with the nurse and she said it's pretty rare for the 1st IUI to work and they're always totally surprised when it does. So there's still hope of course. And she told me I'm not the oldest woman they have as most of their clients are pushing or in their 40s. She felt bad that no one in my or DH's family (other than my cousin) was understanding and her advice was to just not discuss it with them anymore. So will do. Although that should be easy seeing as how my brother and sister seem to have gone AWOL since I politely confronted them on their poor behaviour:wacko:

Glad to hear that you have 2 follies Kat! Good luck with the Puregon and triggering - and then your IUI on Tuesday. I'm praying and keeping my fx that this will be your month.

Glad that you had such a supportive nurse. Please keep us posted. Good luck!! :hugs:

Fleur: Thank you for the link!! I honestly haven't checked for OPK's here yet but they probably have them - I'll compare prices and decide which to take.

Good luck to everyone else!!!
Wow this thread has gotten extra quiet:haha:

So today was the day:thumbup:

I think it went well. DHs sperm count was 30 million and she said that was good. The only thing was I'd already Oed so she couldn't measure the 2 follies but since she could see that it had just happened, our chances aren't decreased at all and should be good.


Forgot to mention this has been a weird cycle. I didn't get my usual sore nips yesterday, like I usually do the day before I O :shrug:
Wow this thread has gotten extra quiet:haha:

So today was the day:thumbup:

I think it went well. DHs sperm count was 30 million and she said that was good. The only thing was I'd already Oed so she couldn't measure the 2 follies but since she could see that it had just happened, our chances aren't decreased at all and should be good.


Forgot to mention this has been a weird cycle. I didn't get my usual sore nips yesterday, like I usually do the day before I O :shrug:

It really has gone very quiet!!

Thanks for the update Kat! Keeping my fx for you that you get your sticky bean this time.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM: CD6 for me and AF is coming to an end so we can start our BD soon. Hoping that my cycle will return to normal now or if not then at least regulate enough that I can predict my O date easily.

Good luck everyone! :hugs:
Thanks EElse:flower:

Yes it's odd, seems we're the more active members of this thread:haha: I wonder where some of them disappeared to. I know some are pregnant and some are on a break but the others, weird:shrug: Some of them I see on other threads so know they're still around.

So will you be trying SMEP or just BDing every 2-3 days?

Good luck :dust:
I guess they're lurking... :haha:

Don't know if I'll be able to get OPK's in time so technically not SMEP but we'll BD every second day. :)

Could you maybe answer a question for me, if you know the answer...

I have been temping for one cycle and this is now my second one temping. I see that FF marks your O after there has been 3 high temps. Are your temps still low when a person O, or do they rise on the day? Is there still time to catch the surge when you first see your temps rising or does it only start to rise after the 12-36 hour window?

For example, if we BD on Wednesday, and on Friday, then skip Saturday and Sunday but on Monday my temps rise, can we still catch the surge on Monday or did it pass already? I know with OPK's they indicate before you O but with the temps I'm not sure about when actual O takes place...

Hope this made some sense... :haha:

Hope everyone is doing okay. Good luck to all those expecting and :hugs: to those taking a break. :hi: to the lurkers! :winkwink:
I guess they're lurking... :haha:

Don't know if I'll be able to get OPK's in time so technically not SMEP but we'll BD every second day. :)

Could you maybe answer a question for me, if you know the answer...

I have been temping for one cycle and this is now my second one temping. I see that FF marks your O after there has been 3 high temps. Are your temps still low when a person O, or do they rise on the day? Is there still time to catch the surge when you first see your temps rising or does it only start to rise after the 12-36 hour window?

For example, if we BD on Wednesday, and on Friday, then skip Saturday and Sunday but on Monday my temps rise, can we still catch the surge on Monday or did it pass already? I know with OPK's they indicate before you O but with the temps I'm not sure about when actual O takes place...

Hope this made some sense... :haha:

Hope everyone is doing okay. Good luck to all those expecting and :hugs: to those taking a break. :hi: to the lurkers! :winkwink:

Yes that could be, but it'd be more fun if they particpated once in a while:winkwink:

Ok that sounds like a plan. DH and I did that for most of our natural TTCing. Think we tried SMEP 2-3 times but gave up, maybe too quickly:shrug: But we felt it wasn't for us in the end. We also tried one month to BD every day of my fertile period but that was a bit overkill and definitely not for us:wacko:

I'm not an expert temper since I only did it for 4-5 months and wasn't exactly doing it 100% correct but I'll do my best:blush: I'm not farmiliar with FF since I used Excel on my computer but have read other people using it so know a little bit. Your temps are low before you O. If I remember correctly, just before you O, your temp should go down a bit more than what your temps have been (although I think this is different for everyone). Once you O, your temp should jump to higher than your pre-O temps, I think around 0.2 degrees Celsius or something like that (the effect of progesterone). This occurs right after the egg is released. (OK it seems as it occurs about 12-24 hours after you've Oed)

By surge, I'm assuming you mean your LH surge. That normally occurs 12-72 hours before O if I remember correctly. But you'd need OPKs to see that surge. Which is why many use OPKs so they can better time BDing and reach to BD as close to O as possible.

In your example, it would sound like on Monday you've Oed but most choose to BD on O day since there is still a chance. But it would be best to BD as much as possible before O so there are :spermy: ready and waiting for that egg, as an extra precaution. I don't remember exactly but I think the day before O and the day before that are your highest chance days but that's according to one graph I've seen since some include O day (and many do get pregnant from BDing on O day).

Hope I helped some:haha: Lurkers/active members are welcome to correct me if I'm not entirely correct:winkwink:

Found this that explains it a bit:
I am no expert either but my understanding is once your temps rise your window is closed, or at best limited since your egg only lasts a little while and your temp jumps when you ovulate.
Sounds about right to me Kat. (I'm still subscribed to this thread, so I lurk occasionally. ;))
Everyone's temps really are different EElse; I was always second guessing mine.

My final charts: My Ovulation Chart

I didn't start temping until after a few months of trying. Started with Excel and then moved to FF! After a year I tried an OPK, and that happened to be the cycle I got a sticky bean.
Thank you Kat, dede and treeroot!

From what you said and from what I understood from the link Kat gave, the rise in temps happens 12-24 hours after O takes place so the window of opportunity would then be closed.

Since I don't have OPK's yet but will try to get them next week, we'll BD every second day until I get the OPK's. My cycles have been long the previous 2 times so I think O would occur around CD20 (it's now CD7) but I'd feel better having the sticks to confirm it.

Thank you everyone! :hugs:
I just haven't been around much since AF came last week, sorry to leave you two alone! :hugs:
CD7 for me now. BDing every other day from now until who knows when. Starting OPKs towards the end of the week, although my window is more likely not until the end of next week (2/26-2/28) according to my app. AF was here on Valentine's still, so hubby is happy about the whole every other day thing now that that has started. It is quite a bit different from our norm (we had gotten lazy over the last 10 years together). This new schedule is fun so far!
Fx and good luck to all!
I'm a lurker! I read but I don't post much. Kat I'm glad you ovulated!

I'm on CD13 and waiting to ovulate. Took femara this cycle for the 2nd time. Last cycle it made me ovulate on cd19. I've had lots of ewcm the last day or so, so I'm hopefully gearing up. Also trying inositol this cycle and found out my prolactin meds are working. My prolactin is down to 18 from 66, so yay! This is also my last week of night shifts, so OH and I will finally have every night together (and plenty of time to bd).
I just haven't been around much since AF came last week, sorry to leave you two alone! :hugs:
CD7 for me now. BDing every other day from now until who knows when. Starting OPKs towards the end of the week, although my window is more likely not until the end of next week (2/26-2/28) according to my app. AF was here on Valentine's still, so hubby is happy about the whole every other day thing now that that has started. It is quite a bit different from our norm (we had gotten lazy over the last 10 years together). This new schedule is fun so far!
Fx and good luck to all!

That's ok TexMel:hugs: Sounds like a plan :thumbup: I think they say as long as you BD every 2-3 days, you're in with a good chance. Here's hoping it works :dust:

I'm a lurker! I read but I don't post much. Kat I'm glad you ovulated!

I'm on CD13 and waiting to ovulate. Took femara this cycle for the 2nd time. Last cycle it made me ovulate on cd19. I've had lots of ewcm the last day or so, so I'm hopefully gearing up. Also trying inositol this cycle and found out my prolactin meds are working. My prolactin is down to 18 from 66, so yay! This is also my last week of night shifts, so OH and I will finally have every night together (and plenty of time to bd).

Thanks drjo:flower: I'll admit I was a bit nervous when she said I'd already Oed, that our chances would decrease since I was afraid it had occured too early. But she said she could see it happened just then so our chances should be as good as anyone else's.

Good that your prolactin is going down:happydance: How far down does it need to be?

Good luck :dust:
Hi ladies! I've been following this thread and wanted to say hi!! And that I hope you all get your BFPs soon that are still ttc! You all sound so sweet and friendly. I'm Jamie. I'm 30 and DH is 35. We got married in oct and have been trying since then with no luck so far. Found out last week DH has significantly low T. So he's scheduled for an SA Tuesday. Fx it's normal! But if not I bought him fertilaid and count boost to start! Anyone have experience with any of this ?

Anyways, just wanted to say hi and I'm thinking positive thoughts for us all!!!
I am lurking and always sending you ladies positive baby-vibes! I just don't really post as I'm on hold from TTC. But I'm still temping and charting and actively monitoring fertility even though not trying atm, so I don't really fit in with the TTCers or the WTTers. Found out I need to go on a (not fertility related) medication for a while, and can't get pregnant while on it so I'm definitely on hold for a bit. But I still lurk!

Sending lots of baby dust everyone's way!
Welcome Twinsie:flower:

Thank you:) I have no experience with either of those, only the FertileCM pills from the same company (which didn't give me EWCM, just a bit more of my watery CM:nope:). But I hope your DH's SA shows he's normal and you won't need those pills. It might be good to get him on a normal multivitamin for adults though but I'd recommend that to anyone TTCing, even if they're assuming their DH's :spermy: is normal. My DH is on that although he isn't very good at remembering to take them:haha:

It can take up to 1 year for normal, fertile couples to conceive though (with the average being 6-8 months) so wouldn't worry too much yet. I know, easier said than done:haha: You can probably first get help after 1 year at your age. It's only if you're 35 or over that you can seek help afer 6 months. Except in this country, it's 1 year no matter your age hence why we first started IUI in January this year:dohh:

Anyway, hope you soon see your BFP as well :dust:

Nice to hear from you MissDoc:) Hope you soon can be an active TTCer again and that you see your BFP soon after :dust:
Hello ladies, I’m still here but been busy with family stuff lately.

Kat, fingers crossed that this month you’ll get a BFP… And I’m sure you wouldn’t even mind having twins :haha:

EElse, hope that you’ll find it easier to predict ovulation but BD every other day should cover your bases! I’ve only temped for a month but from what I’ve read once you see your temps rising it’s usually too late to try. I’m far from an expert though, I’m not getting along with temping at all because I keep waking up during the night so my temps aren’t reliable.

dede, hello, how are you?

treeroot, hope your pregnancy is going well !

TexMel, enjoy your new BDing schedule, hope it will end up with a BFP!

drjo, good to hear the Femara and prolactin meds seem to be helping. EWCM is a good sign, get busy ;)

MissDoc, thanks for the positive vibes. How long do you have to take a break?

As for me, AF should be here any day now. I suppose I should be happy my cycles are getting shorter. Planning to put in more of an effort next month!
Kat- prolactin should be below 25, so I'll just stay on my current dose of meds til I get pregnant. :)

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