Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Congrats Twinsie:flower:

Why do I have a feeling I'll be the last woman standing when it comes to getting a BFP, at least among us actively TTCing:dohh:

AFM my annoying friend is coming by today (the one who's 33 but acts like she's 16):wacko: I just hope she doesn't start talking about that model she was out with once that was a total narcissitic, shallow jerk... for the 100th time:nope:

By the way, does anyone know if it's bad to be out in pretty cold weather (like around 2-3 degrees Celsius) for longer than 1 hour if you might be pregnant (I'm 5 dpiui today)? I was standing out in DH's grandmother's garden for a little over an hour helping with some very minor garden stuff.

I'm praying you won't be the last one standing:hugs: you have waited long enough!

I'm not sure about the cold hurting you're potential sticky bean but I would air on the side of caution if you can. I don't know how you tolerated being out there that long!!! It's been close to 0 degrees here for the last week and windy and it's unbearable! So being 5dpiui does that mean you'll know soon? I'm not familiar with how that works? Is it less time before you can get a bfp?
Congrats Twinsie:flower:

Why do I have a feeling I'll be the last woman standing when it comes to getting a BFP, at least among us actively TTCing:dohh:

AFM my annoying friend is coming by today (the one who's 33 but acts like she's 16):wacko: I just hope she doesn't start talking about that model she was out with once that was a total narcissitic, shallow jerk... for the 100th time:nope:

By the way, does anyone know if it's bad to be out in pretty cold weather (like around 2-3 degrees Celsius) for longer than 1 hour if you might be pregnant (I'm 5 dpiui today)? I was standing out in DH's grandmother's garden for a little over an hour helping with some very minor garden stuff.

I'm praying you won't be the last one standing:hugs: you have waited long enough!

I'm not sure about the cold hurting you're potential sticky bean but I would air on the side of caution if you can. I don't know how you tolerated being out there that long!!! It's been close to 0 degrees here for the last week and windy and it's unbearable! So being 5dpiui does that mean you'll know soon? I'm not familiar with how that works? Is it less time before you can get a bfp?

Yes I think so too but it seems like it's happening for everyone else but me, you know? I keep telling my DH "Everyone can get and is getting pregnant but me":dohh: I know logically this isn't entirely true but logic seems to fly out the window when you're TTCing. I still sometimes wonder if we've waited too long and should've started when I was 31-32 so we would've had at least 1-2 years as a married couple before having the baby. But nope, I fought too long to try to get a job, which failed, and DH took a bit too long in feeling ready as it's only been in the last 2 years that he has felt entirely ready:dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

As to the cold I had my warmest/thickest coat on although I probably should've had a fleece underneath instead of a sweater that was a bit too thin for the weather:nope: But I didn't think it would take that long. Luckily my progesterone is making my body feel warmer than before I Oed/had my IUI so that helped. Plus I had problems getting to the door because there were branches (from trimming the apple tree) in front on the path to the door so for a while I couldn't get through because those branches were coming down faster than my FIL and BIL could move them.

As to being 5 dpiui it equals being 5 dpo, many say dpiui instead if they had an IUI. You O the same day of the IUI because of the trigger you take 36 hours before. The nurse said I should test at 16 dpiui since it's probably when you can see the clearest line and the HPT should be blazing positive by then. Although if AF does show up, I'll test anyway since the clinic wants to be sure it really is AF before starting the next round of IUI.

To the curious: my childish friend came by last night and she was ok until we started talking about psychopaths and narcissists. She couldn't understand the concept of someone being born without the ability to feel empathy and thought people like that could change :dohh: That narcissists don't see people as anything but tools to get what they want was also very hard for he to get and she couldn't understand why I would consider cutting my malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder mother out of my life the next time she does something really nasty. "Can't you just accept that that's who she is and ignore her?" she asks :dohh: She didn't even get it entirely after I'd told her the appalling things my mother has said and done tome over the years. Not only that but we watched the 1st episode of "The Knick" with her and she kept making these throw up noises when there was blood which was funny at first but got really annoying in the end. But she wants to keep seeing this series anyway :wacko: I was almost thankful when she left. Her childish attitude is rather annoying.
Fleur!!! Hooray!!!!

Happy happy early birthday!!! :flower: I hope it is a wonderful day and I hope the LO is still just burrowing his way into his new, comfy home and that's what's causing the bit of spotting. :hugs:

Thank you ladies! No updates here, had a big temp dip on Saturday (15DPO) so I made DH hide my thermometer and pregnancy tests. Still no symptoms so I'm really not getting my hopes up.
drjo, yay for the positive OPK! It must have been a busy weekend for you and DH :haha:

Kat, sorry to hear you’re feeling blue :hugs: I know how it feels when it seems like everyone else is pregnant but you. Your turn will come soon! Don’t worry about being out in the cold, it was only for an hour and the baby is well protected in there. Your friend sounds as charming as ever!
Kat, sorry to hear you’re feeling blue :hugs: I know how it feels when it seems like everyone else is pregnant but you. Your turn will come soon! Don’t worry about being out in the cold, it was only for an hour and the baby is well protected in there. Your friend sounds as charming as ever!

I hope so. It just feels like everyone but me can (both in my life but also on this forum although I know logically it isn't true) but I don't have any truely sympathetic ears here (other than my cousin but we never see each other and email only occasionally). Every woman I know (except my SIL and one of our friends we never see because they have kids now - of course!) had an easy time of conceiving #1. I don't even hear about anyone here that has issues, at least no one I know. Doesn't make it easier that because we have failed to conceive our friends with children have pretty much abandoned us (except the one we see 1-2 a year). No real support. My MIL couldn't understand we needed a 2nd IUI, why I didn't conceive with 2 eggs and all those :spermy: during the 1st one. Luckily we didn't get into it really. But I could hear she didn't get it. I'm sure she blames me for it, that it must be me:nope:

Yes she's truely annoying:dohh: Sometimes her extremely naive attitude annoys me like crazy:wacko: I truely wanted to find something heavy and knock her on the head and hope it'll knock something into place .... again:grr: It's a waste of time to discuss anything serious with her. I really need to stop. She doesn't keep up with current events at all and has a naive attitude to everything. The worst thing is she's so proud of people thinking she's in her early 20s although I think it's more her personality that gets people thinking that way as she doesn't look that young even though she thinks she does:wacko:

I hope your temp shoots right back up again:flower: As long as AF hasn't arrived then you're still in:happydance:
Congratulations Fleur! I am so excited for you. You were right to have DH hide your thermometer....I didn't temp after I got my BFP because I knew it would stress me out too much. Have you tested again to see if your line has gotten any darker? Mine got darker after about a week.

Good luck to you this month, Kat, and sorry to hear about DH's job loss! My DH is currently unemployed as well - his last day was Dec 26, and he's been looking since then with no luck so far. His severance pay runs out at the beginning of April, so hopefully he will find something by then.

So far, so good with my little one...I'm almost 12 weeks now. I had the genetic testing blood draw last week so I expect to hear back on that by the end of this week/early next week. My 10 week appt went very well and baby was active on the scan. I don't have another appointment until I'm 14 weeks, so I'm just waiting and hoping that everything is going well. I don't have many symptoms anymore, so I'm counting the days until I get the reassurance of hearing a heart beat in 2.5 weeks.
Thanks MJs:flower: I really hope he does too. If he doesn't find something within those first 4-5 months or so, he'll be applying to jobs overseas and that'll mean the end of fertility treatments for us I think:cry: Unless of course I get my BFP before that but I told him I wouldn't be comfortable moving away from Denmark until I'm at least 3 months pregnant and even then it's a bit of a gamble (because what if I m/c?). I told him we can't afford to put TTC on hold since I turn 36 in May and my fertility can only get worse, plus I don't want to be much older when we do have the baby:nope: His last workday will be tomorrow.

I'm sorry to hear your DH hasn't found anything yet, hope something turns up:nope: But good news about your bean:flower:
I'd feel like I was "cheating" if I posted in the 20s thread. I'm 29 and DH is 30, so I think this is where we belong.

TTCing cycle 5 for us. :(

I've still been sipping the occasional wine, but I'm not a big drinker anyway.
I'd feel like I was "cheating" if I posted in the 20s thread. I'm 29 and DH is 30, so I think this is where we belong.

TTCing cycle 5 for us. :(

I've still been sipping the occasional wine, but I'm not a big drinker anyway.

As long as you're TTCing #1, I think we'll be forgiving with your age:haha:

The occasional wine is fine. Just don't drink more than 4 units/week and you should be good:thumbup:

I think I'm on cycle #19 or 20 now, have lost count a bit. But the last 2 have been IUIs.
Thank you MJs and zen, but I’m not getting my hopes up, I don’t feel pregnant. I haven’t tested again because I’m scared of what I’ll see.

Congrats on the active baby at the 10 week scan! Hope the rest of your pregnancy progresses smoothly and that your DH will find a job quickly.

Welcome and good luck with TTC stiletto_mom :flower:

Kat, how was your DH’s last work day? And how are you feeling? How many DPIUI are you?
Thank you MJs and zen, but I’m not getting my hopes up, I don’t feel pregnant. I haven’t tested again because I’m scared of what I’ll see.

Congrats on the active baby at the 10 week scan! Hope the rest of your pregnancy progresses smoothly and that your DH will find a job quickly.

Welcome and good luck with TTC stiletto_mom :flower:

Kat, how was your DH’s last work day? And how are you feeling? How many DPIUI are you?

I hope it'll be a sticky bean Fleur but probably best not to test to much as it'll be stressful which can't be good for the pregnancy.

It's today actually but I'm assuming it'll be fine. Although I think he'll be a little sad since he was at that company for 9 years. He sent his first application last night so here's hoping. He wanted me to do grammer check since it was in English and he wanted to make sure he didn't make any big mistakes:winkwink: He's actually using my old job application, just changed it up so it suited him and the job he's applying for (since he never felt my applications were the reason for me being rejected so many times).

I'm 8 dpiui today:) Don't know if I'm having very many symptoms that are real pregnancy symptoms though:shrug: Thought I felt some ultra light cramping yesterday and have some very, very faint nausea but maybe it's all in my head:haha: I'll probably first really feel something in a couple of days if the IUI worked and if it'll be anything like my chemical last year. Trying hard to keep my hopes fairly low to avoid any disappointment....again.

UPDATE: My DH really irritated me today:growlmad: He called me earlier to tell me he was going to drop by his annoying friend's girlfriend to have a short visit with them both. I should perhaps mention that the girlfriend has 2 kids from a failed marriage, I think the boy is about 16 and the girl about 12. This was around 5:20 PM. So 8:00 PM comes and I'm wondering where he could be since she lives pretty close to us. So I call him. To my shock, he has eaten dinner with them, they had food ready and served when he came. Did he call me? No. So I first find out now and have been waiting here starving and was looking forward to having a nice dinner with him. So I flipped and told him he should've called me to let me know but he says he'll pick me something up on the way home but I'm still pissed. Am I being a total witch or am I not entirely in the wrong here:wacko: I don't get why the friend's girlfriend would serve dinner right when my DH arrives when it wasn't planned and she knows perfectly well I exist as I've met her numerous times, as if she didn't care about how I felt about it and not even being told until hours after the fact:growlmad:

I should perhaps also mention that this girlfriend is also the same one that in December insisted I wasn't pregnant because I wasn't Oing which I tried to tell her wasn't so but she wouldn't listen and insisted she was right.
That's men for you! He probably turned up at their dinner time, they politely offered him to eat with them, he refused, they insisted a bit, he said yes and totally forgot to call you. Totally something my DH would do. I can understand why you were annoyed but just let it go, you need to stay zen and focus on more important things ;)
That's men for you! He probably turned up at their dinner time, they politely offered him to eat with them, he refused, they insisted a bit, he said yes and totally forgot to call you. Totally something my DH would do. I can understand why you were annoyed but just let it go, you need to stay zen and focus on more important things ;)

Yeah I know but it was just maddening that he didn't at the very least call me when he saw that he'd be eating dinner with them so I could decide myself if I wanted to make my own dinner or he could pick something up for me:growlmad: I think it was also that he's done this many times before, not calling when plans change or he's somewhere longer than intended, and I just find it so annoying, like he doesn't respect me or think about me or something:nope:

It's forgotten now but I told him that he really needs to call me when things like that happen, especially if it means he isn't coming home for dinner and I'm sitting there not knowing what's up and hungry:nope: I get extra pissed when I'm hungry:winkwink: He made it up a bit by coming home with one of my favorite dishes and a vanilla milkshake:winkwink:

So how's it going with you:flower:
Thanks for the warm welcome!!

My body is playing games with me and I have no idea what's going on. I am about 14 dpo, AF due today. But nothing yet...

Symptoms signaling pre-AF:
- sore breasts
- light cramping
- increased libido

Symptoms that are out of the ordinary:
- fatigue/light-headedness, shaking hands
- clear mucous-y discharge
- no spotting days leading up
- no irritability/mood swings
- I usually get a bad headache the entire day before AF, but I didn't get one this time. I had a dull one a few days ago lasting maybe an hour?

Things that might be affecting these changes:
- skiing wipe out, minor whiplash last weekend
- stress from the above event resulting in delayed AF?
- symptoms look like low blood sugar, but my diet hasn't changed ... so it's strange
Stiletto mom - have you taken any HPTs yet?

Symptom hunting is the hardest part of the tww to me.
Thanks for the warm welcome!!

My body is playing games with me and I have no idea what's going on. I am about 14 dpo, AF due today. But nothing yet...

Symptoms signaling pre-AF:
- sore breasts
- light cramping
- increased libido

Symptoms that are out of the ordinary:
- fatigue/light-headedness, shaking hands
- clear mucous-y discharge
- no spotting days leading up
- no irritability/mood swings
- I usually get a bad headache the entire day before AF, but I didn't get one this time. I had a dull one a few days ago lasting maybe an hour?

Things that might be affecting these changes:
- skiing wipe out, minor whiplash last weekend
- stress from the above event resulting in delayed AF?
- symptoms look like low blood sugar, but my diet hasn't changed ... so it's strange

I caved and took a dollar store pregnancy test just now. It's BFN, but zero signs of AF.
You're not out until AF shows stiletto_ mom:flower: If she's still a no show in a couple of days then try again.

So my mother had to annoy me today :nope: She asked when we will know if the IUI worked so I told her end of next week if AF doesn't show before since I won’t test until she's late. She asked if I was experiencing any symptoms and I told her that I've dropped the symptom spotting because I've been fooled before. Then she came with the old "just relax and you'll get pregnant " mantra :dohh: It was like she didn't get what I was saying. I seriously need to keep my answers to "yes" and "no" and keep it at that:nope:
Kat, I’m very grouchy when Im hungry lol. At least DH brought your favourite dish and milkshake! You’re adopting the right attitude with your mother, just keep it to yes/no and ignore whatever she says. Don’t let her get to you. So how are you feeling?

stiletto_mom, hope AF stays away !

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Kat, I’m very grouchy when Im hungry lol. At least DH brought your favourite dish and milkshake! You’re adopting the right attitude with your mother, just keep it to yes/no and ignore whatever she says. Don’t let her get to you. So how are you feeling?

stiletto_mom, hope AF stays away !

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I was actually starting to feel a bit hopeful since I've been having slight nausea on and off the last 2-3 days (plus headaches) but now I don't know. I'm 12 dpiui today and had some light spotting that stopped. So I'm thinking with it coming that late in the game that it's starting to look like AF will arrive Tuesday or maybe even come early and we'll be needing IUI #3:cry:

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