Thank you MJs and zen, but I’m not getting my hopes up, I don’t feel pregnant. I haven’t tested again because I’m scared of what I’ll see.
Congrats on the active baby at the 10 week scan! Hope the rest of your pregnancy progresses smoothly and that your DH will find a job quickly.
Welcome and good luck with TTC stiletto_mom
Kat, how was your DH’s last work day? And how are you feeling? How many DPIUI are you?
I hope it'll be a sticky bean Fleur but probably best not to test to much as it'll be stressful which can't be good for the pregnancy.
It's today actually but I'm assuming it'll be fine. Although I think he'll be a little sad since he was at that company for 9 years. He sent his first application last night so here's hoping. He wanted me to do grammer check since it was in English and he wanted to make sure he didn't make any big mistakes

He's actually using my old job application, just changed it up so it suited him and the job he's applying for (since he never felt my applications were the reason for me being rejected so many times).
I'm 8 dpiui today

Don't know if I'm having very many symptoms that are real pregnancy symptoms though

Thought I felt some ultra light cramping yesterday and have some very, very faint nausea but maybe it's all in my head

I'll probably first really feel something in a couple of days if the IUI worked and if it'll be anything like my chemical last year. Trying hard to keep my hopes fairly low to avoid any disappointment....again.
UPDATE: My DH really irritated me today

He called me earlier to tell me he was going to drop by his annoying friend's girlfriend to have a short visit with them both. I should perhaps mention that the girlfriend has 2 kids from a failed marriage, I think the boy is about 16 and the girl about 12. This was around 5:20 PM. So 8:00 PM comes and I'm wondering where he could be since she lives pretty close to us. So I call him. To my shock,
he has eaten dinner with them, they had food ready and served when he came. Did he call me? No. So I first find out now and have been waiting here starving and was looking forward to having a nice dinner with him. So I flipped and told him he should've called me to let me know but he says he'll pick me something up on the way home but I'm still pissed. Am I being a total witch or am I not entirely in the wrong here

I don't get why the friend's girlfriend would serve dinner
right when my DH arrives when it wasn't planned and she knows perfectly well I exist as I've met her numerous times, as if she didn't care about how I felt about it and not even being told until hours after the fact
I should perhaps also mention that this girlfriend is also the same one that in December insisted I wasn't pregnant because I wasn't Oing which I tried to tell her wasn't so but she wouldn't listen and insisted she was right.