Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Fingers crossed it's just implantation bleeding! When are you expecting AF?
Fingers crossed it's just implantation bleeding! When are you expecting AF?

On Tuesday (more likely), maybe Wednesday. I thought 12 dpiui was too late for IB? I read once that IB mostly occurs between 7 and 10 dpo/dpiui and after that, it's unlikely IB and more likely just spotting before AF. Although spotting is unusual for me, I think the one time I did spot before AF was one of my first cycles off of BCP and it happened the night before AF showed up. Don't remember if I was cramping:shrug:
I'm not 100% sure of this and don't want to get your hopes up for nothing but apparently you can still have some spotting after the implantation, because the embryo is burrowing deeper into the lining so it's not unusual to get spotting around the day you expect AF. I really hope that's the case for you :hugs:
I'm not 100% sure of this and don't want to get your hopes up for nothing but apparently you can still have some spotting after the implantation, because the embryo is burrowing deeper into the lining so it's not unusual to get spotting around the day you expect AF. I really hope that's the case for you :hugs:

I just don't think it too likely when I've had zero spotting before this but it's probably not entirely impossible and I've considered that :shrug: If the spotting was coming the day before expected AF, I'd say it's definitely AF coming but who knows, maybe she's coming early and will be here tomorrow morning:dohh:

For my sanity, I'm just going to assume AF is coming and prepare myself mentally for IUI #3:wacko:
So it was a bad sign, woke up to cramps and bleeding so AF came 1 day early:cry: Tested anyway since the clinic wants me to and it was negative:nope:

So looks like we'll be doing IUI #3:dohh: But I'm starting to fear that the other member was right about IUIs:(

Got an appointment tomorrow at 11:30 AM at the clinic. Unfortunately got a hold of a new nurse that didn't seem to know much and asked when I was originally supposed to test like that matters now when AF is full blown and I have to come in the 2nd or 3rd menstrual day :dohh: Like what, she was about to make me wait a few days more to test again and miss out on starting IUI #3? Understand she's new and all but even I could've figured this out.
Oh I'm so sorry Kat :hugs: Is DH being supportive? I wonder what was going through that nurse's head. She might be new but I would think they should still know how the protocol works?
Oh I'm so sorry Kat :hugs: Is DH being supportive? I wonder what was going through that nurse's head. She might be new but I would think they should still know how the protocol works?

Thanks Fleur:hugs: Yes very. The poor guy had a very upset wife this morning telling him to divorce her and find some hot 20-something with a good job that is super fertile and can give him a child ... for the 100th time:wacko: He of course told me I was being super silly and that we shouldn't panic until we've tried all our free IUI and IVF tries first. Guess I'm also starting to debate with myself again if we've started too late and should've started back when I was 32-33 instead:nope:

I don't know either:dohh: She seemed nice but I got super annoyed with how difficult she was making things when the experienced nurses just convey their sympathies and find out when I can come in, that's it. Hope I don't have to talk to her again or she has become become more competent in the meantime:nope: I don't think she meant to come off the way she did, she's probably still a bit confused on the protocols but still, she should've been able to handle it a bit better:nope:

To cheer myself up, I've ordered a ton of supplies to make some earrings:thumbup: Think I ordered enough for 9+ earrings:haha: My narcissitic mother gave me some money a while back to buy a book with lots of earring projects so I ordered that as well so I can plan next months projects:winkwink:
I'm sorry Kat :hugs: :hugs: TTC is such an emotional roller coaster. I'm glad you found something to cheer you up! I love doing crafts!
Aww, your DH doesn't just want a baby, he wants a baby with you Kat! You've got a good one there. 35 is not too late, you need a little more help than some women but you'll get there.
Glad you've got your earrings to take your mind off things! What kind of earrings do you make? I wish I could do things with my hands, I'm hopeless with crafts etc.
Hi ladies!

I'm back - the family visited last weekend (the 20th - 22nd), it was so great to see my nephews again - as well as my sisters and parents of course... :winkwink:

Last week was just plain hectic and this past weekend we went to a 60th birthday (DH's uncle). Now we're back and things are settling down again.

Our plan of DTD every second night flew out the window though :dohh: The guesthouse we stayed in had five private rooms - all given to the brothers and sisters or kids, so we ended up sharing a family room with my inlaws... No chance of BD'ing... :nope:

Anyway, I took my temps yesterday morning and this morning and they are still low so hopefully that means we haven't missed the window! Don't have OPK's so I'm going according to my temps. Looks like it is going to be another long cycle - CD20 at the moment.

Does anyone else feel more irritable when O draws near? I know many people have an increased libido during O but for me, I just feel irritable and really not in the mood - which is really counterproductive!! :dohh: :haha:

So, that's my update. Good luck to everyone!
Aww, your DH doesn't just want a baby, he wants a baby with you Kat! You've got a good one there. 35 is not too late, you need a little more help than some women but you'll get there.
Glad you've got your earrings to take your mind off things! What kind of earrings do you make? I wish I could do things with my hands, I'm hopeless with crafts etc.

I hope your right:flower: I actually talked to the nurse today (had a 3rd nurse this time:wacko:) and based on what I told her, she said it's possible I had a fertilized egg the other times but for some reason, they just didn't stick. She said there's so much they still don't know and so much that they know can go wrong so it's impossible to say exactly why they didn't stick:nope:

BTW my dose was put up from 66 to 75 IU so here's hoping there will be a 3rd egg this time:happydance:

Just regular ones that you can make with buying the hooks, stones and stuff from a hobby store. They have a really nice one near us that specialises in stuff to make jewellery with:

I'm crazy about dangly ones so that's what I'm doing. My newest projects are using the following in a few different colors (just 1 pearl on each earring though):

and many of them are going to be something like this (see the last pic):

And I'm making these ones as well (just too cute:cloud9:):

My MIL is even more craftsy as she makes her earrings and necklaces from scratch:wacko: She actually has a small "store" on the internet where she sells them although I don't think she sells much since she's a private person and doesn't have an actual store. But it's just for fun and I don't think she wants to make a big business out of it. I've actually been gifted some of her creations:)

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that I talked to the nurse about how unsupportive my family is and she was shocked at especially my siblings' reactions. The fact that after I gently put them in their place on their insensitive comments and they've chosen to pretty much silent treatment me since seemed to especially puzzle her (my brother and sister will extremly occasionally like a post on my FB page but that's it, no apologies from either of them and they don't write me anymore although my brother was never very talkative unless he could berate me for something). She advised me that with my MIL to let DH answer any questions or have him put her in her place if she's too much while with my mother I should just tell her that I don't want to talk about it for a while (to avoid her constant "just relax and it'll happen" mantras) and we'll update her when we have positive news. I think my mother will be the hårdest since she's mentally ill and has an issue with boundaries:nope:
Oh, those earrings are really cute! Do you make them for yourself?

Looks like your nurse is a good listener, it helps to have someone external to offload to and get advice from. I believe she's right about the attitude you need to adopt with your relatives, ignore them or let DH deal with them if they're his side of the family.
Oh, those earrings are really cute! Do you make them for yourself?

Looks like your nurse is a good listener, it helps to have someone external to offload to and get advice from. I believe she's right about the attitude you need to adopt with your relatives, ignore them or let DH deal with them if they're his side of the family.

Yes I do:thumbup: When I'm feeling more confident, I'll start making them for friends and family (at first), either as gifts or just take some money for the supplies used only, depending on who and when they ask. I found out the ice cream one isn't so easy since the pins aren't long enough so my "eye" isn't very pretty but guess it'll have to do:shrug: I might have to check the store if they sell longer pins but I don't think they do:dohh:

Yeah DH said he'll also be the one to tell his mother we're going through with IUI #3 so he can handle any of her reactions. Think it's easier for him since I don't want to end in a confrontation with her. Plus he's a man, I think they don't get as upset as we do if you get me when a cycle/IUI/IVF fails and are a bit less sensitive to any insensitive comments. I have enough issues with my own annoying split family, don't need to add the in-laws to the list, especially when I have a much better relationship with them than I have with the vast majority of my own family:nope: Ignoring my siblings will be easy at this point, they don't talk to me anymore:nope: I can already forsee they'll hold my "selfish behaviour" against me and not come to the future Christening but that'll be on them. Sadly enough I don't care at this point, especially my super arrogant brother. Our relationship is probably not salvageable since I refuse to put up with everything he dishes out and that seems to be a requirement :nope:

Oh forgot to mention that the woman-child has a minor crisis. Apparantly she was at a party at the university she's attending (the same one DH and I went to) and first she kissed/made out with one guy, then she kissed/made out with a second guy and then a third that she went home with and had sex with :wacko: Apparently he was the biggest jerk of them and threw her out the morning after. Think she has classes with these people so now she doesn't know what to do :dohh: My suggestion tomorrow will be don't get drunk if it turns you into a slut :nope:
So the woman-child was here yesterday and it seems as if she apologised for her behaviour to the 2 guys she made out with and they accepted it. But she admits she has a problem and chooses the wrong men.

We started talking about how I'm starting IUI #3 when she had a "great idea" after saying she could understand my frustration with people telling me to "just relax and it'll happen." She started to compare my lack of ability to get pregnant with her choosing the wrong men. That maybe I need to think positive and believe it'll happen so I "attract" a pregnancy:wacko: She also mentioned that she thinks it can take up to 1½ years to get pregnant and didn't feel like 1 year was that long. I told her that the average is actually around 6-8 months but that it can take up to 1 year which is why you can first get a referral after 1 year of actively trying (since it should take a shorter time than if you were NTNP). Then I tried to explain to her that it doesn't work that way and that infertility is a disease and that there is something biochemically/physically (who knows when I'm unexplained, right :shrug:) making it more difficult for me to get pregnant. DH supported me and told her the same. She then sat there with that confused look on her face as if we were trying to explain some complex scientific theory:dohh: I'm just tempted not to talk to her anymore about it because she just proved she doesn't get infertility:nope: I was super frustrated, especially when she gave me that confused look:nope:
TexMel, thanks for checking in with me. I did test again last week and got a stronger positive, and I got a blood test done. My levels seems OK but I still have ZERO symptoms so I can't help having a bad feeling about this. We'll see.
How are you doing? Haven't seen you around lately.

Kat, there are no words really... I strongly believe you should distance yourselves from all these people because they just make you upset. If you can't help seeing them, don't even engage them in conversation about things they won't have a clue about, they'll just get on your nerves. Stick to neutral subjects and ignore all the rest! As for your siblings, it's their loss if they don't want to be involved in their niece's/nephew's life. You can't be dealing with all this drama.
TexMel, thanks for checking in with me. I did test again last week and got a stronger positive, and I got a blood test done. My levels seems OK but I still have ZERO symptoms so I can't help having a bad feeling about this. We'll see.
How are you doing? Haven't seen you around lately.

Kat, there are no words really... I strongly believe you should distance yourselves from all these people because they just make you upset. If you can't help seeing them, don't even engage them in conversation about things they won't have a clue about, they'll just get on your nerves. Stick to neutral subjects and ignore all the rest! As for your siblings, it's their loss if they don't want to be involved in their niece's/nephew's life. You can't be dealing with all this drama.

I hope it's a sticky bean Fleur:happydance: I think lots of women first get symptoms when they're further along.

It was her that brought it up because she started saying what a pity it was my 2nd IUI didn't take. Then she suddenly came up with her "great advice":dohh: She goes to a psychiatrist because of her self-esteem issues and how she's attracted to loser men. So I think she's taking some advice that her psychiatrist gave her about her man troubles and thinks she can apply it to pretty much everyone else's issues/problems.

I was actually considering telling people I don't want to talk about it anymore and will update when there's good news. Think I'll get DH to pass it on to his family, I'll try and make my mother understand but realize it's more likely I'll just have to avoid her as much as possible and deflect her with yes/no answers (since she has zero respect for boundaries). Will have to message this "friend" and tell her that it's just too upsetting to talk about since she doesn't seem to understand that infertility is a disease and not something you can "think positiv" your way out of. It stinks because I actually thought she understood and was otherwise being reasonably supportive until now.

My siblings I'll just let be since they don't write anymore so no problems with them asking me annoying questions. Plus I won't post anything on FB having the slightest to do with infertility so none of them start again.
Fleur, so happy for you!!! Sending happy thoughts! Please update us when you get more info!

I'm 6dpo. Just trying to be patient and not look for too many symptoms, but we all know easier said than done. Planning on testing maybe 3/11. Fx!
So how's it going for everyone?

I'm CD 7 today. Going good with the shots although I had to inject myself twice a couple of nights ago as there wasn't enough in the ampule for the whole dose so I had to switch ampules and needles and inject again :wacko: To make it worse DH was stressing me because he was hand washing some cups and dropped one on the floor and made a big deal out of it:dohh:

My next and 2nd U/S is on Thursday so still some time before I see how many follies I'll have this time.
Hi ladies, I've been mia I know. Hope everyone is well! I actually popped over into the TWW thinking I could have possibly had a chance but it turns out AF was just late :( I think I'm going to just stop trying. TThe let down is too much and I have this feeling that maybe motherhood will just never happen for me. I wish you ladies the very bet and pray you all get your BFP's ASAP!!!!! xo

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