Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

MissMetal, good luck with TTC. Have you had any tests done? Hope you won’t be waiting long for your BFP.

TexMel, I think I can barely make out a shadow of a line on the left pic. Test again in a couple of days, 11 dpo is still early!

Kat, good luck for tomorrow’s scan, fingers crossed for at least 2 beautiful follicles. Maybe DH could attend both appointments with you so he can have a better idea of what you’re going through?

Thanks Fleur:flower: But it looks like the decision was made since he has to go in for an interview tomorrow morning, which slipped my mind, so he can't make it. But he's seriously considering going with me for the IUI and he figures that might be a bit more important anyway :winkwink:

As to my selfish friend I finally got him to agree we need to take a long break from her since I can't stand her attention seeking behaviour anymore. I told him her most recent SMS was it for me with her now complaining about how upset I made her feel plus telling me I "didn't understand the depth of (her) advice" really made me saw red:growlmad: He says he thinks its because she's been on spiritual trips plus goes to a psychiatrist and thinks all the advice she gets can be transferred to other issues. But he agreed it was too much, especially that she started saying how hurt she was but he thinks it's because her psychiatrist is teaching her to tell people when she's hurt by their actions. But isn't it pretty obvious you don't do that when your friend is telling you that you hurt her feelings:dohh: I told DH that we're not responisble for her and that she needs to know when she's crossed a line plus she really needs to grow up:dohh: Anyway, I'll be enjoying my break from her, less drama :happydance:
Oh that's 2 lots of good news then, a job interview for your DH AND a break from your friend! Hope that tomorrow's scan will also bring good news.
Kat: Good luck with your U/S tomorrow (today?), hope you get a couple of good follies! :hugs:

TexMel: I don't think I see anything but I'm not very good at squinting at pics. :haha: Test again in 2 days and I'll keep my fx for your :bfp:

Fleur: How is it going?

AFM: I'm 7 dpo and flying down to Cape Town this weekend so that will at least keep me busy and reduce any symptom spotting... :haha:

Good luck everyone and may we get some more :bfp:'s soon!!
So just got back from the clinic and I have 2 follies, one on each side (first time for that). I think they measure 14 and 16 mm if I remember correctly:wacko: She says I'm ready to trigger so tonight I take one more dose of Puregon tonight so the follies grow a bit more, Friday morning I trigger and Saturday morning they do the IUI. So just about 25 hours from trigger to IUI which I didn't reach to ask about since they normally have me trigger 36 hours before the IUI:shrug: Maybe because I'd already Oed last time and they prefer to inseminate before O????

She says she has a good feeling about this time but could be wishful thinking on her part:winkwink:
TexMel-- I think I see it, but when I look again I don't. So I'm torn. Sorry I'm of no help! Have you tested again?

Fleur-- How are things progressing along? You're noticeably quiet about your little bean!

Kat-- Yay for a follicle on each side. My fingers are extra crossed that your nurse's intuition/feelings are right. That would be FANTASTIC!

EElse-- Have fun on your trip! It's nice to get away and have a distraction in the TWW. Good plan! How long will you be away. Will it be time to test when you come back?

AFM---- I am doing okay. I don't O until next week. Still just focusing on preconception health. Drinking tons of water, increasing activity level, eating more consciously... and constantly hoping that these decisions make for good conception in the near future! The DH is even noticing and makes funny comments. When I've met my water goal, he's like "plump eggs!" or if eat something like turkey jerky, he's like "oh babe, the nitrates!!" It's really endearing. So far. ;-) Oh, and I was supposed to take a medication (optional, not fertility related) for the next 6-8 months that would have meant that I couldn't get pg during that time. We decided that I just can't do it. I can't postpone TTC that long again. So now just managing health with diet and exercise in hopes that TTC can be right around the corner. :-)
MissDoc: Thank you!! :hugs: We're only going for the weekend, unfortunately :( My husband has no more leave days left (his next working year starts in April so then he will have leave days again). It is for his cousin's wedding that we are going this weekend.

Kat: I'm glad that you have 2 follies that are ready. Maybe they suggested going in on Saturday with the thought that you might trigger tonight? Don't know anything about Puregon and trigger times so I'm afraid I can't help. Good luck either way and keep us updated. :hugs:
MissDoc, I totally don't blame you! If it is something that can be managed, i would always go that route first!

Kat - great news about your 2 follies! Sending you babydust!! Fx for you!!!

Here is my test from today. I won't test tomorrow (fri the 13th, eek!) and then I'm going on a road trip fri-mon, so not sure when I'll est again. Tell me what you think!


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EElse-- Too bad it's not for longer, but it should make for a nice weekend and good diversion! I notice the temps on your chart just keep climbing... that's at least promising. :-) Does yours typically do that?

TexMel-- Okay, I TOTALLY see it now, don't even have to squint! My guess is when you return to test on Monday that line will be pretty darn clear. If I were you I would NOT be able to wait all weekend to test, LOL. I'd be packing the HPTs in the car. :-P
Kat: I'm glad that you have 2 follies that are ready. Maybe they suggested going in on Saturday with the thought that you might trigger tonight? Don't know anything about Puregon and trigger times so I'm afraid I can't help. Good luck either way and keep us updated. :hugs:

Nope she said specifically to take Puregon tonight and trigger tomorrow morning at 9 AM. The IUI is Saturday morning at 10:30 AM.

Normally they perform the IUI 36 hours after the trigger since you normally O 38-42 hours after the trigger (at least with the one I'm taking). So the IUI should preferably be happening shortly before O for it to be optimal. But I Oed before those 36 hours last time which I was thinking is perhaps partly the reason they want me to trigger 24-25 hours before?

And TexMel, I see it now too:happydance:
Kat: Ok, thanks, that actually makes sense and I think you're right, it was probably because the previous time you had already O'ed. Good luck, keeping my fx!! :hugs:

MissDoc: I've only been temping for two months now but last month my temps were not this high or climbing as much (cover line was at 36.5 degrees Celsius and it only went up to 36.8 during the LP). Both times I did vaginal temping so it should be pretty accurate. (I only do other temping around AF... LOL)

TexMel: I see it!!! Hope it gets darker for you and that it is a sticky bean :)
I forgot to mention that apparently DH's job interview today went well so they called him in for the 2nd interview:happydance: Let's hope it's a good sign for this IUI :winkwink:
Texmel, I can see a faint line, not as faint as yesterday, huge congrats! You will probably get a darker line if you wait a few more days to test again.

Kat, good news on the follicles, hope your nurse is right about having a good feeling for this month. Fingers crossed for your DH as well!

MissDoc, a healthy way of life can only help with TTC. Your DH sounds funny! Hope that the diet and exercice will make up for not taking the medication and that you’ll be in optimal health to TTC. I haven’t been talking about the baby because I still don’t have ANY symptoms except slightly sore boobs (some days), so I’m expecting the worst. I’m supposed to have a scan tomorrow but I really want to postpone it till next week at least.

EElse, enjoy the wedding!
Got all excited this morning thinking maybe I was seeing an implantation dip....scrolled through some charts and realized my temps have dipped before in cycles around mid luteal. DPO 7, no noticeable symptoms....
Dede, how long did you have to wait to Ttc after your hysteroscopy?
I am still trying to wrap my head around it!!! I worked a 12 hr shift today and had to keep quiet.
I decided to stop by on my way home and buy a card and a onesie that says "I love my daddy" to give to my husband to break the news to him and I'm so glad I did!! He was shocked and happy and excited and then turned on. Lol. It was a great reaction. It definitely makes it feel more real. So does the nausea that is slowly starting to bubble up every second throughout the day. It's just this constant low grade queasy feeling. Not too bad yet.
Oh, that's so sweet TexMel!! I'm sure he was shocked. Congratulations to you both and a H&H 9 months :flower:

dede: :hugs: Good luck and keeping my fx for you!

fleur: I think you're one of the lucky ones - having no symptoms - I know they can be a comfort but I think after a while you get tired of the nausea and aches and pains. Good luck to you and keep us updated on your progress. :hugs:

Kat: I'm glad to hear that your DH's interview went well. Keeping my fx for him and for you. Good luck!!

AFM: 8 dpo today and feeling achy, emotional (cried for no reason last night) but then got very irritated with DH who couldn't decide what to pack for the weekend - he came in with 5 different shirts, which I had to pick from, then came back with 4 different jackets (one at a time) and I told him the first one was good but he still went through the whole process and then ended up deciding on the first one in any case... and they say it is us ladies who take an hour to dress?? :haha:

Good luck everyone and :dust: to us all!
Got all excited this morning thinking maybe I was seeing an implantation dip....scrolled through some charts and realized my temps have dipped before in cycles around mid luteal. DPO 7, no noticeable symptoms....

Aww sorry dede:hugs: I've actually read that many non-pregnant women experience that dip:

A dip in temperature during the luteal phase can be caused by the surge of estrogen that happens around mid-way through the luteal phase, whether or not you get pregnant.

This luteal phase dip can happen in a chart regardless of whether or not you are trying to, or do, get pregnant.

And you can be pregnant without ever seeing a luteal phase dip on your chart.


So a dip doesn't always mean implantation, it could just be a surge of estrogen which happens to many women, pregnnat or not. She recommends looking for 18 high temperatures in a row as a more reliable indication. Although she does mention that it can be also due to Lutenized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome, where your temperature will stay high for more than 18 days, but you’re not pregnant.

So yeah I'd ignore those dips and look more for 18 days of high temps:winkwink:

AFM just took my trigger:wacko: I think the hormones are getting to me because I was totally mean to DH this morning since I suggested he come with me to the bathroom to support me while I took it but he ended up rather wanting to stay in bed and read his darn book:trouble: So I went in and took it alone and then went by the bedroom to tell him that it stinks to feel like I'm alone in all of it and I was going to write here and feel more support. Kinda feel bad about it but it's kinda true. We women going through IUI have to go through injecting ourselves for days alone, going to uncomfortable U/Ss alone, taking the trigger alone and having the IUI done alone while the men just enjoy the ride to a certain degree since all they have to do is BD and make a sample in a cup the morning of the IUI and bring it to the clinic - I totally want that job:dohh::haha: Doesn't help that when I told him the IUI was set for Saturday morning and he'd have to deliver the sample between 8:15 and 8:45 AM, he complained about having to get up on a Saturday morning :wacko: I could better get him if had to get up early for work the rest of the week but he doesn't, he normally sleeps til 8-9 AM before getting up to write job applications. So I also lost it a bit last night and told him if it was such a problem, we could just drop having a baby if it's too inconvenient :grr:

Anyway the IUI is tomorrow morning. Still not sure if DH will come after his attitude today but otherwise I'll just go....yes, you guessed it....alone:nope:
dede, sorry to hear you got your hopes up but you’re not out till AF comes :hugs :

TexMel, that’s cute! Wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

EElse, no wonder you got irritated! Your temps are looking good, hope they stay up. Thanks for the encouragement but after last time I’m really not feeling confident. The lack of symptoms was definitely a bad sign for me but at least I had some, this time I’m feeling completely normal except for slightly sore boobs sometimes, at 7 weeks. I will keep you all updated whatever happens.

Kat, I’m sorry DH is behaving like that. I know sometimes I feel I get more support from the forums than from DH, but if I was going through IUI I would expect him to be there every step of the way. I think you need to sit down and have a chat with him. He obviously wants this baby as much as you do so some extra support wouldn’t go amiss. Do not give him a choice about tomorrow, he HAS to accompany you!
Kat, I’m sorry DH is behaving like that. I know sometimes I feel I get more support from the forums than from DH, but if I was going through IUI I would expect him to be there every step of the way. I think you need to sit down and have a chat with him. He obviously wants this baby as much as you do so some extra support wouldn’t go amiss. Do not give him a choice about tomorrow, he HAS to accompany you!

I just think it can be hard to discuss things with him because sometimes when I tell him his behaviour/tone ect. upset me he doesn't always get it and he'll tell me he didn't mean it that way or I shouldn't feel upset because it wasn't his intention and he's just stressed about this or that. I don't know if it's a man thing because he's normally an empathic person, he just seems to not always deal with my hurt feelings well:shrug:

I'm also thinking that men don't and will never truely understand what it's like for us women. It's because it's happening to my body: getting AF, taking hormones, getting U/Ss, going through the actual IUI while men are more removed from it all if that makes any sense, because it's not happening to them physically so they're not going through the same emotional journey either. Don't know if that's part of the issue as well. This may also explain the lack of understanding from my brother.

I can try tonight though when DH is finished writing job applications so he's more relaxed and easier to talk to since he can sit there and be very concentrated and will get annoyed if I want to talk about something.

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