Got all excited this morning thinking maybe I was seeing an implantation dip....scrolled through some charts and realized my temps have dipped before in cycles around mid luteal. DPO 7, no noticeable symptoms....
Aww sorry dede

I've actually read that many non-pregnant women experience that dip:
A dip in temperature during the luteal phase can be caused by the surge of estrogen that happens around mid-way through the luteal phase, whether or not you get pregnant.
This luteal phase dip can happen in a chart regardless of whether or not you are trying to, or do, get pregnant.
And you can be pregnant without ever seeing a luteal phase dip on your chart.
So a dip doesn't always mean implantation, it could just be a surge of estrogen which happens to many women, pregnnat or not. She recommends looking for 18 high temperatures in a row as a more reliable indication. Although she does mention that it can be also due to Lutenized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome, where your temperature will stay high for more than 18 days, but you’re not pregnant.
So yeah I'd ignore those dips and look more for 18 days of high temps
AFM just took my trigger

I think the hormones are getting to me because I was totally mean to DH this morning since I suggested he come with me to the bathroom to support me while I took it but he ended up rather wanting to stay in bed and read his darn book

So I went in and took it alone and then went by the bedroom to tell him that it stinks to feel like I'm alone in
all of it and I was going to write here and feel more support. Kinda feel bad about it but it's kinda true. We women going through IUI have to go through injecting ourselves for days alone, going to uncomfortable U/Ss alone, taking the trigger alone and having the IUI done alone while the men just enjoy the ride to a certain degree since all they have to do is BD and make a sample in a cup the morning of the IUI and bring it to the clinic - I totally want that job

Doesn't help that when I told him the IUI was set for Saturday morning and he'd have to deliver the sample between 8:15 and 8:45 AM, he complained about having to get up on a Saturday morning

I could better get him if had to get up early for work the rest of the week but he doesn't, he normally sleeps til 8-9 AM before getting up to write job applications. So I also lost it a bit last night and told him if it was such a problem, we could just drop having a baby if it's too inconvenient
Anyway the IUI is tomorrow morning. Still not sure if DH will come after his attitude today but otherwise I'll just go....yes, you guessed it....alone