Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Thanks so much, ladies!

Kat- he's off on Saturday = he SHOULD be going with you to the iui. I'm sorry it feels like you are alone. These forums are definitely my support system right now, as my family has no idea I'm even TTC.

EElse- those symptoms sound promising! Any idea when you're going to test? Your husband's fashion show made me laugh! Men can be so dramatic sometimes!

Fleur- thanks, no symptoms doesn't always mean anything bad. My sister went through her entire first pregnancy with nothing but a little heartburn from 7 months on. When she got pregnant with the twins it was a different story!
Kat- he's off on Saturday = he SHOULD be going with you to the iui. I'm sorry it feels like you are alone. These forums are definitely my support system right now, as my family has no idea I'm even TTC.

Thanks TexMel:flower: Good to know I'm not being unreasonable here:wacko: I'll be demanding it of him tonight when he's easier to talk to and not stressing over job applications.

DH is by far the most understanding since everyone else has been horrible about all this, except maybe my cousin and DH's grandmother (none of whom had any TTCing issues BTW). Everyone else comes with stupid comments e.g. "Oh just relax and it'll happen" (MIL + my mother), "Try going on a vacation" (my brother who's been through assisted conception; been there, done that), "Have you considered adoption?" (this was before we even started IUI, asked by my childish friend), "You want it too much" (MIL + my mother), "You can't possibly be ovulating because otherwise you'd be pregnant by now" (said by DH's friend's girlfriend at Christmas time and she refused to budge even though I told her the RE confirmed I regularly Oed before starting treatment), ect. It's crazy, I'm so regretting telling people we were TTCing in the first place but I didn't think it'd take this long and felt it might prevent any questions since I was 34½ at the time and had a feeling that especially DH's family was wondering when it was gonna happen:nope: And things haven't been any better since we started IUI since no one understands how you can NOT get pregnant from an IUI when so many :spermy: are being injected directly up to the egg:dohh: All talk of egg quality and other reasons goes completely over their head:nope: :grr:

So yeah long story short, you might've made the right decision:haha: Most people don't get it if you aren't pregnant after 3-4 months (or at most after 6 months) and if you take longer .... oh boy, there's no end to the silly advice and hurtful comments people come up with:dohh: I always advise people on here to not tell anyone of their TTCing plans in case it takes longer than expected so they can avoid feeling emotionally betrayed by family and friends.

FYI I recently found out a guy I went to school with here for 4 years and whom was so good to me and supported me (had a crush on him for the first 1-2 years) died back in 2011 of liver cancer at age 29-30 :( So now I know why he didn't answer my request over LinkedIn since it was sent shortly after he passed away if I remember correctly. I knew it wasn't like him not to answer at all but didn't think about it so much at the time as I was stressed with job hunting. I recently found his profile over FB, checked it out and saw something odd about the way people were writing to him and did some research and found out. So sad:(
drjo - they said I could try the same cycle as the hysteroscopy as long as I was done bleeding before I ovulated. My cycle before the procedure was short, so I was still recovering from the procedure when I ovulated. I am supposed to go back next month for repeat biopsy to make sure the endometritis is gone. We were given the go ahead to try this month though. The dr seemed confident the antibiotics would clear it out.

Thanks all for well wishes. Working on a more positive attitude lol
Thanks dede- I have to have a hysteroscopy soon for a fibroid they say is preventing me from either getting pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy. I. Not sure if n I'll manage to have it done the 27th this month of if I have to wait til the end of april/beginning of may, but I feel like if I have to wait I won't be able to try until june. I typically need meds to ovulate. :(
TexMel, thanks, I hope I’m just having a symptomless pregnancy too. I’ll know by next week.

Kat, sorry to hear about your friend, that’s sad. About DH, I think men don’t always realize just how hard it is for us to struggle with TTC etc. I was telling DH maybe we should look into adoption if this pregnancy also fails but he said he wants to keep going. Easy for him to say, it’s not his body that’s going through all this! Hope you managed to have a good talk with your DH and that he’ll accompany you tomorrow.

dede and drjo, good luck to both of you. I hope it won’t be long till you get your BFPs.
Hi everyone. I'm on my phone so I apologize for making this short. TexMel, I'll probably test Tuesday the 17th.

Tmi ahead...I actually vomited this morning but think it was more because of an irritant in my throat than an actual symptom.

Good luck to you all! :dust:
Just got back from the clinic and had the IUI done. There were not really any follies to measure as O was just about to happen so they weren't round anymore and had changed shape. My lining looked good. I don't think DH found it particularly enjoyable but he was there and stood next to me. The funniest part was when the nurse asked him if he wanted to push on the plunger to inject the :spermy: :haha: He actually did it but was afraid of doing it wrong. So 2 follies in the process of being released:happydance: The sperm count was BTW 40 million so about 10 million more than last time:thumbup:

So now starts the waiting game:coffee:

Although I can't help but worry that the fact my body finishes the maturation process and releases the egg a bit quicker than is the norm after the trigger may mean my eggs stink:wacko:

Fleur: No I don't think they understand either since it's not there bodies. I think adoption can be a wonderful thing although I'd be afraid of getting a child that's psychologically damaged so would probably prefer to adopt a baby. I might be semi-senile but is assisted conception not an option? I know it's expensive in other countries so can understand if the cost is a problem. But I hope it won't be a problem and this one sticks :happydance:
Drjo - why might you have to wait?

For my temping friends - do you notice your coverlines changing from month to month?
Drjo - why might you have to wait?

They only do the surgery on fridays and only in day 6-13 of your cycle so the uterine lining is optimal for the removal. This cycle would make that day next Friday for me, and they happen to not be doing them that Friday due to spring break (ridiculous if you ask me). The nurse said they could see if the doc would be willing to do mine the following Friday on cd17 if I can get fmla in time, but she's not sure if he will, which means I'd have to wait til next cycle. Without femara, I probably won't ovulate, which means I won't get a period. They'll give me provera on CD 35 which will take 10-14 says to give me a period. Then I have to wait til a Friday on the proper day of my cycle, which means beginning of may. That cycle will be a bust because I won't have taken meds then either, so the whole process is repeated and that puts me trying in june.

The more I think about it, the more irritated I am that they aren't doing surgeries next Friday because if I get fmla by then, it's really their scheduling that's pushing me back 3 months ttc. I turn 31 in July and have lots of fertility issues, so I am already very nervous about time.
Hey ladies! :flower:

I am 30, husband is 33, and this is our 3rd cycle TTC #1.

TTC is hard for everyone, but being at this stage in my life, I feel an added pressure. I have zero regrets waiting this long to TTC. I am in a much better place emotionally and financially than I was in my 20s, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

However, I can't ignore that nagging fear in the back of my head that the clock is ticking. I'm hoping for a short or even average journey to motherhood!

You are my TTC twin, holly! This is our 2nd cycle TTC. I too, have no regrets about waiting, but I am getting that ticking sound that won't quit. My bff is going through ivf right now which has made me realize my own "fertility mortality."

Good luck to all!
Drjo - that sucks! Is there no one else that can do the procedure? I would also think you could approach doing it on the 'wrong day'.

I am 33 almost 34....feeling very stressed about time too!
Welcome, Molly! I am on a break from TTC right now while I get some medical things under control, but we are happy to have you in this thread! :flower: All of us here can relate to the age factor. Zero regrets doesn't mean zero anxiety! :haha: Best of luck to you!!
Drip - that sucks! Is there no one else that can do the procedure? I would also think you could approach doing it on the 'wrong day'.

I am 33 almost 34....feeling very stressed about time too!

I'm seeing a fertility specialist and there are only 2 docs in the group. They only have the surgery center on fridays, so that's where the limitations come in.
dede3124: I've only been temping for two cycles but my coverline moved down 0.1 degree Celsius on my second cycle.

Kat: I'm glad to hear that your DH went with you. Glad that the sperm count was more than last time. Keeping my fx for you! :hugs:

Welcome Molly! :flower:

AFM: I'm 11dpo today and will test tomorrow (if I can get a test this afternoon - don't have any at the moment). Symptoms have been a bit sporadic but that might be because of the altitude changes over the weekend.

The wedding was lovely, very unique - they had a marquis tent with rugs and blankets set out, a few tables with pillows around it for some. Then they had other tables scattered around the place (almost like picnic tables), no brides table and some games on the grass - jenga, naughts and crosses, etc... Really very informal. The food was excellent - Noodles, kebabs and spring rolls, then Shawarmas and for dessert, pancakes.

I had backache for a while on Friday, a little nausea on Saturday and for some or other reason my nipples are standing at attention (has been for more than 24 hours).

For those wondering, I am turning 31 this year and DH is turning 38.

Good luck to everyone and I hope we see some :bfp:'s soon! :dust:
dede3124: I've only been temping for two cycles but my coverline moved down 0.1 degree Celsius on my second cycle.

Kat: I'm glad to hear that your DH went with you. Glad that the sperm count was more than last time. Keeping my fx for you! :hugs:

Welcome Molly! :flower:

AFM: I'm 11dpo today and will test tomorrow (if I can get a test this afternoon - don't have any at the moment). Symptoms have been a bit sporadic but that might be because of the altitude changes over the weekend.

The wedding was lovely, very unique - they had a marquis tent with rugs and blankets set out, a few tables with pillows around it for some. Then they had other tables scattered around the place (almost like picnic tables), no brides table and some games on the grass - jenga, naughts and crosses, etc... Really very informal. The food was excellent - Noodles, kebabs and spring rolls, then Shawarmas and for dessert, pancakes.

I had backache for a while on Friday, a little nausea on Saturday and for some or other reason my nipples are standing at attention (has been for more than 24 hours).

For those wondering, I am turning 31 this year and DH is turning 38.

Good luck to everyone and I hope we see some :bfp:'s soon! :dust:

Thanks EElse, I'm keeping mine for you as well:flower: I'm wondering if his sperm count was higher because we'd last BDed very late Tuesday night so he had a "loading up" period of 3-3½ days instead of the 2-2½ days last time:shrug:

Glad to hear you had such a nice time at the wedding. Yes it sounds like it was pretty informal. Don't think I've been to an informal wedding for many years.

AFM there may be drama from my sister on the horizon:wacko: She wrote to me today over FB saying that a picture I put up embarrasses her and if I can take it down and what it's all about. Not sure which pic offends her so asked her which one she means. The only thing I can think of is an infertility folder I created and I put some different pics about infertility I've found through different sources over the net in there but I can't see how any of them are embarrassing to her and I've made it so only my FB friends can see them so none of them are on my time line. But there are more than one in there and I guess she can't figure out how to link the pic in her message since she just linked a pic of my cat that's my current cover pic and has been for months on end and I'm assuming it isn't the one she's referring to:shrug: BTW this is the first I've heard from her in a couple of months or so since "Periodgate" and no questions on how I'm doing, just basically "Hi Kat, this pic is embarrasing me so please take it down" :wacko:

But perhaps my brother has also been telling her lots of crap about me since they're on a joint trip to Disneyland with their kids and have been posting almost none stop pics of their kids doing different things.
Kat - that is horrible. Once again, I am sorry your family is so insensitive.

EElse - those sound very much like the "symptoms" I had before my BFP. My nipples have been at full attention since like 7dpo and haven't really stopped. Fx for you!!

I am finally headed home from my quick journey. I have also started coughing just today, so I'm hoping I'm not coming down with anything. I also lied to my sis-in-law and told her AF came while I was on my trip bc we are just not ready to share the news yet. Is that terrible?
At what point do we start telling close family??

I should be home tonight, trying to decide if I should retest tonight or just wait until tomorrow to see a much darker positive line. I have a digi I am saving until I am sure it will show positive.
Dede-- I only have 2 full temp charts so far, about half way through my third now. The last two the cover line varied by about .2 degrees farenheit, so that doesn't seem to be too much.

Kat-- Aww, what a cute picture... your hubby pushing the plunger. Hope that made it more real for him. As for your family, sheesh, you can't seem to catch a break. It seems all of your updates about your family are pretty negative so I'm guessing they are a big stressor for you. It almost makes me glad that I have no family in the picture, so no one to catch grief or stress from.

DrJo-- I'm so sorry you're having to plan this fibroid treatment around your clinic's convenience. Annoying. I hope it's all over as quick as it can be and that you're on the actively TTC train again very soon.

Eelse-- Fingers crossed for you that your nausea is a good sign!

Fleur-- I totally understand your caution this go round. I am sending lots of sticky vibes your way and can't wait for your scan!

Tex-- Can't wait for an update after your weekend trip! **Edit-- Right after I posted, so did you, so I see your update now. Can't wait for you to do the digi!

MollyFNP-- Nice to "meet" you! We're pretty similar... I'm 31, OH is 34. He and I tried for a few cycles, but are currently on a very brief pause for a couple of cycles while making some adjustments to health habits, then back to it! Sending you baby dust!

AFM, still staying the course with this getting-healthy-for-a-sticky-bean plan. My weight is average, just having some circulation/vascular issues requiring more health adjustments. I should ovulate some time this week, and can't wait to see those crosshairs. It's like a little high. LOL. I feel like a mental hoarder, hoarding every little fertility sign that suggests that I'm fertile. There truly is no crazy quite like TTC crazy. :-P
Thank you, girls! Looking forward to seeing everyone's BFPs.

MissDoc-you are so right about TTC crazy. I went from 0 to 100 in one cycle :wacko:
So heard back from her and it seems as if someone has/had hijacked/hacked her FB profile:wacko: She had no idea what I was talking about when I asked her about which pic she was referring to. So I'm assuming that that's what was going on and she's not schizo:wacko: But still, I contact her about it and give her the heads up but no "thanks" and/or "how are you doing" or anything now that we're in contact or even an update on what's the deal until I go to her FB time line page and see she's warned everybody that her FB profile has been hacked recently :nope: Og well, makes me nervous about my FB page now, maybe I should change its status from "Public" to be more "Friends only":shrug:

Yes MissDoc, I think it helped him to see what goes on although it's a pity you can't transfer sensations/feelings to another person because that would've helped even more:haha:

TexMel, if it were me, I'd wait until the 12 week mark but I might be a bit to careful. But maybe if it's really close family like parents and maybe siblings (depends on if you feel like they'd be a good support system if you, heaven forbid, m/c, FXed it won't happen!!!!) you could opt to tell now. But I'd definitely wouldn't make it news for everyone I knew if I was in your shoes until I'd passed the 12 week mark since your risk of m/c is about 1% or so after that.
drjo - that sucks :( bottom line :(

Thanks for temp answer....keep them coming :) Mine seem to be fluctuating from 98.8 to 98.5....not sure what to think of that.

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