Kat- he's off on Saturday = he SHOULD be going with you to the iui. I'm sorry it feels like you are alone. These forums are definitely my support system right now, as my family has no idea I'm even TTC.
Thanks TexMel

Good to know I'm not being unreasonable here

I'll be demanding it of him tonight when he's easier to talk to and not stressing over job applications.
DH is by far the most understanding since everyone else has been horrible about all this, except maybe my cousin and DH's grandmother (none of whom had any TTCing issues BTW). Everyone else comes with stupid comments e.g. "Oh just relax and it'll happen" (MIL + my mother), "Try going on a vacation" (my brother who's been through assisted conception; been there, done that), "Have you considered adoption?" (this was before we even started IUI, asked by my childish friend), "You want it too much" (MIL + my mother), "You can't
possibly be ovulating because otherwise you'd be pregnant by now" (said by DH's friend's girlfriend at Christmas time and she refused to budge even though I told her the RE confirmed I regularly Oed before starting treatment), ect. It's crazy, I'm
so regretting telling people we were TTCing in the first place but I didn't think it'd take this long and felt it might prevent any questions since I was 34½ at the time and had a feeling that especially DH's family was wondering when it was gonna happen

And things haven't been any better since we started IUI since no one understands how you can NOT get pregnant from an IUI when so many

are being injected directly up to the egg

All talk of egg quality and other reasons goes
completely over their head
So yeah long story short, you might've made the right decision

Most people don't get it if you aren't pregnant after 3-4 months (or at most after 6 months) and if you take longer .... oh boy, there's no end to the silly advice and hurtful comments people come up with

I always advise people on here to
not tell anyone of their TTCing plans in case it takes longer than expected so they can avoid feeling emotionally betrayed by family and friends.
FYI I recently found out a guy I went to school with here for 4 years and whom was so good to me and supported me (had a crush on him for the first 1-2 years) died back in 2011 of liver cancer at age 29-30

So now I know why he didn't answer my request over LinkedIn since it was sent shortly after he passed away if I remember correctly. I knew it wasn't like him not to answer at all but didn't think about it so much at the time as I was stressed with job hunting. I recently found his profile over FB, checked it out and saw something odd about the way people were writing to him and did some research and found out. So sad