Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Kat, how are you doing?

shortcakes, I hope the supplements you’re taking will help regulate your cycles. Good luck with the weight loss also. Apparently some women never get a clear positive on OPKs, or need to test twice a day.

drjo, any news about the fmla?

EElse, I hope it was just too early to test, especially since you tested at night. I still don’t really have symptoms except for sore boobs when I wake up, and maybe increased hunger.

TexMel, congrats, that is a very definite BFP! Wish you a wonderful pregnancy!

So I had my scan this morning and everything looks good for the moment so I’m very cautiously optimistic.

Guess I'm doing ok. I'm 4 dpiui today and just taking things as they come. After the last 2 disappointments, I don't want to get my hopes up again:dohh: I won't be fooled again. So I can only be pleasantly surprised:winkwink: Still taking my pregnancy vitamins (for about 1 year and 7-8 months now since I started takin them before starting TTCing):dohh:, 35 mcg vitamin D (extra) and about 500 mg vitamin C (extra) as recommended by the RE since November last year but nothing else. Getting tired of buying those pregnancy vitamins without being pregnant though, it's getting ridiculous:dohh:

So glad to hear your scan looks good Fleur:happydance: Maybe you're one of the lucky ones that won't experience many symptoms:winkwink: Guess you'll soon be leaving us though for the 1st trimester forum:( Still have a feeling I'll be the "last man standing" on this thread for some reason :nope:
Can't wait to hear their gender!! :D I'm going to guess two girls ;) How is your pregnancy going?
Congrats, Fleur!! I didn't have many symptoms either...just a little bit of nausea for about 3 weeks in the beginning. Mostly just fatigue and sore boobs. I was majorly worried for my 8 wk scan and for my 10 wk scan, but everything was perfect both times!

TexMel - that is a solid BFP. That's how mine looked on 14 dpo. Two solid lines. They didn't ever get much darker than that, though. I kept waiting for the test line to "steal" the dye from the control line and it never happened. I took another FRER when I got back from my 8 wk appointment, just for fun, and the test light was LIGHT (weird, right?). After that, I just stopped with any testing since it was pointless. I knew my baby was growing on track.

Praying - can't wait to find out the genders. I think boy/girl too!

I'm doing my gender reveal with a cake - just close family attending the reveal. My DH thinks boy. I really have no intuition, but I kind of think boy, too. Although I really want a boy, so that makes me think it will be a girl! Even though I would prefer a boy, I will be really happy no matter what. I'm just so excited to find out so that I can pick out some clothes!
Thanks so much ladies ! Your support means a lot to me :flower: Unfortunately I’m back into panic mode… The ONLY symptom I’ve been having is sore/heavy boobs just when I wake up, they’re just slightly tender the rest of the day. This morning I woke up and nothing, no soreness or tenderness at all. This is exactly what happened last time, at 7.5 weeks also, I woke up one morning and my boobs weren’t sore anymore so I’m freaking out. Everything I’m reading says a sudden loss of symptoms isn’t usually a good sign. DH wants to go back in for a scan tomorrow but I’m not keen.

Praying, can’t wait to find out what you’re having. So exciting either way!

Kat, I understand taking each day as it comes and not wanting to get your hopes up. It’s still too early to symptom spot anyway! I’m not planning on leaving this thread (unless everyone I know has left lol) – and wasn’t planning on joining the first trimester forum, certainly not now I’m having doubts again.

MJs, it’s reassuring to know that not everyone has a lot of symptoms but it’s worrying me that literally overnight I’ve lost the only one I did have. When are you finding out the baby’s gender? Will you find out at the scan or just give an envelope to the person making the cake? Sounds exciting, keep us updated!
Thanks so much ladies ! Your support means a lot to me :flower: Unfortunately I’m back into panic mode… The ONLY symptom I’ve been having is sore/heavy boobs just when I wake up, they’re just slightly tender the rest of the day. This morning I woke up and nothing, no soreness or tenderness at all. This is exactly what happened last time, at 7.5 weeks also, I woke up one morning and my boobs weren’t sore anymore so I’m freaking out. Everything I’m reading says a sudden loss of symptoms isn’t usually a good sign. DH wants to go back in for a scan tomorrow but I’m not keen.

Praying, can’t wait to find out what you’re having. So exciting either way!

Kat, I understand taking each day as it comes and not wanting to get your hopes up. It’s still too early to symptom spot anyway! I’m not planning on leaving this thread (unless everyone I know has left lol) – and wasn’t planning on joining the first trimester forum, certainly not now I’m having doubts again.

MJs, it’s reassuring to know that not everyone has a lot of symptoms but it’s worrying me that literally overnight I’ve lost the only one I did have. When are you finding out the baby’s gender? Will you find out at the scan or just give an envelope to the person making the cake? Sounds exciting, keep us updated!

Awww I hope it doesn't really mean anything Fleur but I understand your concerns:hugs: I'll keep my FXed that it is a sticky bean:flower:

Yes it really is too early. I'd like to avoid it all together but definitely won't be symptom spotting until around 9-10 dpiui and that might even be a bit early:winkwink:

My childish friend sent us an SMS to see if we could soon see her but I left it to DH to answer, reminding him we agreed to have a long break from her. I'm sure she'll start being a pain and wanting to discuss our last encounter but I just am not in the right emotional place for it:dohh: Especially with her "you didn't understand the depth of what I was trying to say" crap, like I'm an absolute idiot and she's a guru:growlmad:

Will unfortunately be seeing my narcissistic mother tomorrow (with DH) which isn't optimal as she's a form of stress and I'd like to avoid as much stress as possible while I'm in the 2WW:dohh: At least with DH there, she most likely won't say anything really cruel/evil, although she might slip up and say something unpleasant:wacko: I'm sure she'll again be free with her pearls of wisdom on how to get pregnant and that I just need to relax:grr::gun:


BTW my sister never did respond back but I expected as much. Think her and my brother are going to be ignoring me as much as possible. The only contact I have with him is the extremely occasional likes on FB. He recently liked a picture of some of the earrings I've made but no comment. Oh, and let's not forget the total photo bombarding of his Disney Land trip with my sister and her kids plus the extra vacation he's having with his wife and daughter afterwards. I haven't even told them that DH lost his job, just don't feel like I'm close enough to them to tell them. Both my sister and brother are probably expecting us to soon visit them in the USA, despite the fact plane tickets are very expensive here. My sister has never bothered to visit us here in Denmark, despite mentioning she planned to do so numerous times:growlmad: But my sister I guess isn't to be trusted. She told me she planned on contacting our mother a few years ago (back in 2010), then didn't and my brother made excuses for her saying she was busy with her job and being pregnant with #2 and then she just never did. I had to deal with the fallout of my mother complaining about it but do they care, nope:nope: Then DH and I were trying to already find out some months ago who could help us with paying for the 2 graves my mother is currently paying for (one has my grandparents and great-grandparents on my mother's side plus my brother that died of AIDS, the other my father) since she's not gonna live forever (she's 77). My cousin totally bailed (her husband is a cheapskatelet that won't let her spend money on herself despite the fact she earns her own money) and my brother only wants to pay for a part of 1 grave (since he's considering being buried in one of them), which will leave me and DH with almost all the expenses of the 2 graves because I definitely can't let my father's grave "go" and how can I let the grave with my brother "go":wacko: I mean we only have 1 income and hopefully will have a child so I don't see how we can afford both graves:nope:

Sorry for the family rant, they just drive me crazy with their drama and selfishness:wacko:
Having a frustrated day so warning about a vent....

My temps have been intriguing this month. My coverline was about .3 lower than my normal. I had polyps removed and was treated for endometritis so figured that might be the reason. The temps were consistently going up and way more consistent than in previous cycles. Then this morning they dropped about .4. They are now near my normal coverline, but still well above my coverline this month. I can't help but to feel hopeful and negative at the same time. I know the only answer is to wait, but you all know how frustrating that is! Hoping but fearing more failures that only further my fear that we will never get our bfp.
Holly- To be honest, it's been an emotional roller coaster. Though the babies have been healthy every time I've seen them (6 times now), I am trying not to let myself get too attached, even at almost 17 weeks. I've had unexplainable bleeding on several occasions. And way TMI, but even this morning, I woke up to wet undies very different from my usual discharge and feared I might be leaking fluid. Since my all day sickness went away about 3 weeks ago, I'm constantly searching for symptoms for reassurance and it's too early to consistently feel the babies move. I haven't felt the "flutters" in over a week now. I am sure a lot of these are typical worries for FTM, especially for a high risk FTM, but I am starting to wonder if I am going to get to enjoy this pregnancy at all. I keep telling myself, "everything will be okay if they are doing well after this appointment," and after every appt, I push my timeline back a little. So Monday's anatomy scan has been my latest target, but now I'm thinking 24 weeks and viability is that target. I just want July/August to be here already! Thank you for asking! How are you doing and how much longer will TTC be on hold for you?

Fleur- I had sporadically sore boobs for the first few weeks too, one day they would be so painful and then the next, nothing. My m/s kicked in hard for me during week 7 but my mom and sister NEVER had any nausea in their combined 5 pregnancies, so I think mine was just because of the double hormones. Everyone's experience is so different. What about fatigue? Early on, I remember getting out of breath doing the smallest tasks and wanting to sleep all day. I always forgot to pay attention to that, but it's is a symptom too! I will be praying for your little one :hugs:
Praying- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm sure its very nerve-wracking to be experiencing bleeding and weird discharge! Maybe you have a subchorionic hemorrhage? A friend of mine on here had a small one that caused some bleeding, but it resolved on its own. Fingers crossed for you for Monday for a good scan!! A friend of mine thought she was leaking fluid, but it turned out to be urine :blush: Hopefully that is the case for you! (not that that would be any more pleasant, lol!) Please let us know how it goes!

I am doing well. Just had a check-in with my doctor yesterday. She is very satisfied with the progress I have made, and technically I have already reached the mark she wanted me to, but we will be waiting until August regardless. I want to graduate and be moved into our new house before we start trying again.
Thanks Kat. Good luck with your mother tomorrow. I hope you’ll find a solution for the expenses related to the graves, it all sounds very complicated.

dede, which CD are you today? Do you have a link to your chart? It is frustrating, this endless cycle of hope and despair.

Praying, I’m sorry to hear that your pregnancy has been stressful. I believe it’s normal to get increased discharge some days but I understand how you must have freaked out. I totally get what you mean about pushing back the timeline, I keep doing that too and honestly I don’t think I’ll feel any peace till the baby is born. I do hope that you’ll start getting attached to the babies after Monday’s scan, once you know their genders, and that after 24 weeks you’ll feel more confident. :hugs: I don’t really have increased fatigue this time, so I clinging on to the sore boobs as my proof of pregnancy. It’s the overnight change that has me panicking because everything I’m reading says it’s often a sign of impending miscarriage before 9/10 weeks… and it did happen exactly like this last time, on the same day. I’ll see how I feel over the next few days.

Hollyness, congrats on reaching your doctor’s target, that’s great! August will be here before you know it, you’ll probably be very busy over the next few months. How’s the house coming along?
Massive :hugs: to you, Fleur!! Hopefully this is just an easy pregnancy and your little peanut is doing well in there :)

The house is coming along great! They started construction about two weeks ago, and its starting to look like a house! It will be done MUCH sooner than we thought, which is both awesome and annoying, lol. It was originally supposed to be done in August, but now we're looking at the end of June/beginning of July, right smack dab in the middle of my internship. Its okay,though, we'll make it work :)

Thanks, I hope so too! We'll see.

Wow, that was quick, it definitely looks like a house! This is the first time I've heard of a house being completed BEFORE schedule :haha: It's a lovely house, I bet you can already start visualising where everything will go, so much fun.
Thanks Kat. Good luck with your mother tomorrow. I hope you’ll find a solution for the expenses related to the graves, it all sounds very complicated.

Thanks Fleur:hugs: The good news is my mother cancelled on us today since she has an UTI and isn't up for us visiting:thumbup:

I just don't get why my brother and cousin are planning on saddling me and my DH with almost the whole bill. My cousin can forget about being buried in one of the plots if she isn't willing to help with the payments AT ALL, I can't see how that's fair:nope: At least my brother offered to help a bit but I don't think he'll be willing to give much, which stinks if he wants to be buried in one of them. To make it worse, I most likely won't be going into any of the plots since I married DH and we'll want to be in the same plot area.
Kat, how are you doing?

shortcakes, I hope the supplements you’re taking will help regulate your cycles. Good luck with the weight loss also. Apparently some women never get a clear positive on OPKs, or need to test twice a day.

drjo, any news about the fmla?

EElse, I hope it was just too early to test, especially since you tested at night. I still don’t really have symptoms except for sore boobs when I wake up, and maybe increased hunger.

TexMel, congrats, that is a very definite BFP! Wish you a wonderful pregnancy!

So I had my scan this morning and everything looks good for the moment so I’m very cautiously optimistic.

Yeah I noticed a couple of people say they never clearly get an positive opk. I am very hopeful these meds work. I was trying to avoid a specialist... i think i will try to wait it out a few more months.
Congrats TexMel:flower:

Texmel: congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Very exciting!! No doubt with lines like those ;)

Shortcakes: sorry to hear of your troubles. Do the holistic doc and obgyn agree on the plan of action? Is there a plan for the high testosterone? Baby dust to you!

Hey Molly... My obgyn isn't thrilled I see a holistic dr...but she just says its weight related and to join weight watchers. My holistic dr put me on vitex, inositol, and NAC. This is my first month on all three and kept getting negative opk and af came on cd25.

Are your cycles regular? Depending on how much overweight you are, it could be affecting your ability to O (from

If you get your period every 28 days or so, it's likely that your weight isn't interfering with ovulation and it won't hurt your chances of getting pregnant.

But women who are overweight or obese may experience hormonal imbalances that can affect their menstrual cycles and prevent ovulation, making it harder to conceive.

For instance, being overweight is closely linked to a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In women with PCOS, the ovaries don't produce enough of the hormones that stimulate the egg to mature and be released.

Some women with PCOS also make too much of the hormone insulin. This hormone normally helps the body use and store sugars and starches from food, but too much of it causes the body to release an excess of male hormones called androgens. High levels of androgens can interfere with ovulation and make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

So you might be helping your chances by losing weight which will also make for a healthier pregnancy when you do conceive. The high testosterone levels are probably also what's interfering with your ability to O. So yes, your OBGYN may be right and it's the weight creating most of the problems:wacko:

My cycles are not regular. Well they used to be but no more. I was seeing 22 days, 44 days, 25 days, 41 and i just had a 25 day.
Congrats TexMel:flower:

Texmel: congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Very exciting!! No doubt with lines like those ;)

Shortcakes: sorry to hear of your troubles. Do the holistic doc and obgyn agree on the plan of action? Is there a plan for the high testosterone? Baby dust to you!

Hey Molly... My obgyn isn't thrilled I see a holistic dr...but she just says its weight related and to join weight watchers. My holistic dr put me on vitex, inositol, and NAC. This is my first month on all three and kept getting negative opk and af came on cd25.

Are your cycles regular? Depending on how much overweight you are, it could be affecting your ability to O (from

If you get your period every 28 days or so, it's likely that your weight isn't interfering with ovulation and it won't hurt your chances of getting pregnant.

But women who are overweight or obese may experience hormonal imbalances that can affect their menstrual cycles and prevent ovulation, making it harder to conceive.

For instance, being overweight is closely linked to a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In women with PCOS, the ovaries don't produce enough of the hormones that stimulate the egg to mature and be released.

Some women with PCOS also make too much of the hormone insulin. This hormone normally helps the body use and store sugars and starches from food, but too much of it causes the body to release an excess of male hormones called androgens. High levels of androgens can interfere with ovulation and make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

So you might be helping your chances by losing weight which will also make for a healthier pregnancy when you do conceive. The high testosterone levels are probably also what's interfering with your ability to O. So yes, your OBGYN may be right and it's the weight creating most of the problems:wacko:

My cycles are not regular. Well they used to be but no more. I was seeing 22 days, 44 days, 25 days, 41 and i just had a 25 day.

OK that could indicate a problem, especially if they used to be regular (if I understand it correctly). You're probably not Oing regularly. But perhaps losing the weight will fix the issue, otherwise your OBGYN may have to intervene with Clomid or something like that. My sister (she lives in the USA) was having issues conceiving her 2nd child and tried for 2 years before turning to her GP. It turned out she wasn't Oing (don't know if she wasn't Oing at all or if it was happening once in a while since I didn't ask her for details). She was put on Clomid and shortly after conceived her 2nd child.
Fluer - cd 28, thanks for letting me vent lol It is frustrating. I use Kindara for my information and not sure how to link it. I am trying the 'attach' option so you will have to tell me if it works.


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Praying: Good luck to you and I hope that everything keeps going well. Keep us posted! :hugs:

Fleur: I hope your fears are laid to rest soon and that everything keeps going well. Massive :hugs: to you!

Kat: Hope you get your :bfp: soon! When will you be testing?

Shortcakes: I hope that your cycle sorts itself out soon! Good luck to you and lots of :dust:

AFM: Started spotting this morning so I'm pretty sure I'm out this month. An interesting little tidbit: I calculated that my next O date will be the 10th of April which would give me the 1st of January 2016 as due date...

Only bad thing about that is it will be the middle of summer here so not only will I be cooking from the inside but from the outside as well! :haha:

Good luck everyone and lots of :dust:!!
Praying: Good luck to you and I hope that everything keeps going well. Keep us posted! :hugs:

Fleur: I hope your fears are laid to rest soon and that everything keeps going well. Massive :hugs: to you!

Kat: Hope you get your :bfp: soon! When will you be testing?

Shortcakes: I hope that your cycle sorts itself out soon! Good luck to you and lots of :dust:

AFM: Started spotting this morning so I'm pretty sure I'm out this month. An interesting little tidbit: I calculated that my next O date will be the 10th of April which would give me the 1st of January 2016 as due date...

Only bad thing about that is it will be the middle of summer here so not only will I be cooking from the inside but from the outside as well! :haha:

Good luck everyone and lots of :dust:!!

Awww so sorry EElse, hope you have better luck in April :dust:

I'm currently 6 dpiui today and won't test until about 16 dpiui so that'd be March 30th if AF doesn't show up before that. She's otherwise expected on the 28th of March.
Hi Ladies :flower:

I have been lurking, but don't have much to report.

Congrats to all the ladies who got their :bfp: and good luck to all of the current hopefuls :thumbup:

I'm hanging in there, focusing on losing weight and work since my PCOS diagnosis. We're basically just NTNP now, since we know I don't ovulate properly, there isn't much to do until I get fertility help.

Today is CD3 for me today. My last cycle was 71 days (the one before that was 72 days, and the first cycle off of BCP was 232 days long). I went for CD3 bloods today and a thyroid check, as my gyno says my thyroid is a bit underactive as well -- if the bloods from today's check come back still showing it's a bit underactive, she wants me on thyroid medicine before getting preggo.

Other than that, not much to report. Been travelling like crazy and trying to enjoy life and not obsess.

Hi Mrs. Tigger, nice to hear from you:happydance: Good to hear that it's otherwise going well. Where have you been travelling? Looking forward to hearing what your results are and hoping they're good:thumbup: If all goes as planned, when can you start fertility treatments?

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