Thanks so much ladies ! Your support means a lot to me

Unfortunately Im back into panic mode
The ONLY symptom Ive been having is sore/heavy boobs just when I wake up, theyre just slightly tender the rest of the day. This morning I woke up and nothing, no soreness or tenderness at all. This is exactly what happened last time, at 7.5 weeks also, I woke up one morning and my boobs werent sore anymore so Im freaking out. Everything Im reading says a sudden loss of symptoms isnt usually a good sign. DH wants to go back in for a scan tomorrow but Im not keen.
Praying, cant wait to find out what youre having. So exciting either way!
Kat, I understand taking each day as it comes and not wanting to get your hopes up. Its still too early to symptom spot anyway! Im not planning on leaving this thread (unless everyone I know has left lol) and wasnt planning on joining the first trimester forum, certainly not now Im having doubts again.
MJs, its reassuring to know that not everyone has a lot of symptoms but its worrying me that literally overnight Ive lost the only one I did have. When are you finding out the babys gender? Will you find out at the scan or just give an envelope to the person making the cake? Sounds exciting, keep us updated!
Awww I hope it doesn't really mean anything Fleur but I understand your concerns

I'll keep my FXed that it
is a sticky bean
Yes it really is too early. I'd like to avoid it all together but definitely won't be symptom spotting until around 9-10 dpiui and that might even be a bit early
My childish friend sent us an SMS to see if we could soon see her but I left it to DH to answer, reminding him we agreed to have a long break from her. I'm sure she'll start being a pain and wanting to discuss our last encounter but I just am not in the right emotional place for it

Especially with her "you didn't understand the depth of what I was trying to say" crap, like I'm an absolute idiot and she's a guru
Will unfortunately be seeing my narcissistic mother tomorrow (with DH) which isn't optimal as she's a form of stress and I'd like to avoid as much stress as possible while I'm in the 2WW

At least with DH there, she most likely won't say anything really cruel/evil, although she might slip up and say something unpleasant

I'm sure she'll again be free with her pearls of wisdom on how to get pregnant and that I just need to relax

BTW my sister never did respond back but I expected as much. Think her and my brother are going to be ignoring me as much as possible. The only contact I have with him is the extremely occasional likes on FB. He recently liked a picture of some of the earrings I've made but no comment. Oh, and let's not forget the total photo bombarding of his Disney Land trip with my sister and her kids plus the extra vacation he's having with his wife and daughter afterwards. I haven't even told them that DH lost his job, just don't feel like I'm close enough to them to tell them. Both my sister and brother are probably expecting us to soon visit them in the USA, despite the fact plane tickets are very expensive here. My sister has never bothered to visit us here in Denmark, despite mentioning she planned to do so numerous times

But my sister I guess isn't to be trusted. She told me she planned on contacting our mother a few years ago (back in 2010), then didn't and my brother made excuses for her saying she was busy with her job and being pregnant with #2 and then she just never did. I had to deal with the fallout of my mother complaining about it but do they care, nope

Then DH and I were trying to already find out some months ago who could help us with paying for the 2 graves my mother is currently paying for (one has my grandparents and great-grandparents on my mother's side plus my brother that died of AIDS, the other my father) since she's not gonna live forever (she's 77). My cousin totally bailed (her husband is a cheapskatelet that won't let her spend money on herself despite the fact she earns her own money) and my brother only wants to pay for a part of 1 grave (since he's considering being buried in one of them), which will leave me and DH with almost all the expenses of the 2 graves because I
definitely can't let my father's grave "go" and how can I let the grave with my brother "go"

I mean we only have 1 income and hopefully will have a child so I don't see how we can afford both graves
Sorry for the family rant, they just drive me crazy with their drama and selfishness