Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

So my sister decided to play smart-a** today on FB:nope: She posted a pic with something I liked so I liked it on her FB. Her comment:

Wow! I finally got a like from (insert my full name here since she tagged me)...impressive

This coming from a woman who very rarely likes any of my posts herself, plus what's with the flippant way of saying it? Going to ignore it so I don't feed into the drama:nope:
Hi Mrs. Tigger, nice to hear from you:happydance: Good to hear that it's otherwise going well. Where have you been travelling? Looking forward to hearing what your results are and hoping they're good:thumbup: If all goes as planned, when can you start fertility treatments?

I was in the U.S. a couple of weeks ago, and this week I'm going to the UK. :thumbup:

I'll be able to start fertility treatments once I get my weight down to 90kg (and my thyroid tests come back showing that it's under control).
Praying, good luck for your scan! Let us know how it goes.

shortcakes, I also hope that the meds and weight loss will bring you your BFP! It must be frustrating having cycles which vary so much in length.

dede, the Kindara app is different from the Fertility Friend one (not that I’m an expert on FF) but I’d say your temps were still above the cover line when you last posted. Are they still up?

EElse, even if your due date is 1st January it’s unlikely that the baby would be born on that day… but you won’t be able to avoid being pregnant bang in the middle of summer!

MrsTigger, did you get back the results from your thyroid check? Looks like the weight loss is going really well! I hope that it won’t be long before you can TTC properly. In the meantime, you’re right to make the most of life and travelling!

Kat, good decision, just ignore your sister’s message, looks like she’s just trying to bait you.
Wow, I'd love to have been in the US. Haven't been there since summer 2010. I was in the UK the summer of 2012 with DH and my in-laws, fun trip:thumbup: We started in London for 5 days and then gradually made our way up to Scotland.

Kat, good decision, just ignore your sister’s message, looks like she’s just trying to bait you.

I just wonder why she wants to bait me:shrug: Is it because she feels I don't show enough interest in her, her children or..... ? Still, not the best way to go about getting her message through. Typical my family (except one of my cousins, the one that's supportive of my TTC journey), when they're not being aggressive, they're being passive-aggressive:dohh: It's an absolute wonder I'm not more psychologically damaged or socially more awkward than I am with this insane family:nope:
Hi ladies!

Kat: Sorry to hear about your sister's comment. Just ignore it, she just wants to get a rise out of you. Good luck and I hope that :af: stays away and you get your :bfp: soon!

Fleur: Thank you :flower: Yes, it will still be bang in the middle of summer. I really wouldn't mind if I carry full term but if I'm a week early, it would be a Christmas baby :flower: Hope everything is going well with you!?

Mrs Tigger: Good luck to you! Hope you get your weight down and that you can get your fertility treatments on the way soon :hugs:

AFM: I need some help... (sorry for the TMI!!)
AF started on Friday but it was spotting during the whole day and at night it turned into full flow (on FF I put Friday as first day of cycle even though AF only started that evening). Saturday was about light to medium flow (usually as soon as spotting turns to full flow it goes heavy - no light or medium). Sunday (yesterday) was light flow which tapered off to spotting in the evening and now this morning it is spotting once again.

A normal cycle for me would be spotting for a day, then heavy flow for one or two days, medium flow for two days, light flow for a day and spotting again making the actual 'flow' days a total of 5 (usually).

This weekend it was more like 1 and a half to 2 days of actual flow and now spotting.

Another difference is that I always pass a few clots (not big) but it is always there. This cycle.... Nothing, absolutely no clots. The color was bright red.

Any ideas on what could be happening?

Good luck everyone and I hope that we soon get some more :bfp: on this thread!!
Hi ladies!

Kat: Sorry to hear about your sister's comment. Just ignore it, she just wants to get a rise out of you. Good luck and I hope that :af: stays away and you get your :bfp: soon!

Fleur: Thank you :flower: Yes, it will still be bang in the middle of summer. I really wouldn't mind if I carry full term but if I'm a week early, it would be a Christmas baby :flower: Hope everything is going well with you!?

Mrs Tigger: Good luck to you! Hope you get your weight down and that you can get your fertility treatments on the way soon :hugs:

AFM: I need some help... (sorry for the TMI!!)
AF started on Friday but it was spotting during the whole day and at night it turned into full flow (on FF I put Friday as first day of cycle even though AF only started that evening). Saturday was about light to medium flow (usually as soon as spotting turns to full flow it goes heavy - no light or medium). Sunday (yesterday) was light flow which tapered off to spotting in the evening and now this morning it is spotting once again.

A normal cycle for me would be spotting for a day, then heavy flow for one or two days, medium flow for two days, light flow for a day and spotting again making the actual 'flow' days a total of 5 (usually).

This weekend it was more like 1 and a half to 2 days of actual flow and now spotting.

Another difference is that I always pass a few clots (not big) but it is always there. This cycle.... Nothing, absolutely no clots. The color was bright red.

Any ideas on what could be happening?

Good luck everyone and I hope that we soon get some more :bfp: on this thread!!

I just still don't understand why she wants to. We haven't talked since Period-gate/AF-gate other than when I told her someone had hacked her FB profile. She has been the one choosing not to communicate otherwise, not me. I just have been leaving it alone since I really don't need the drama when I'm going through assisted conception. If I already had a kid or 2 and/or wasn't TTCing, I'd probably have asked her what's going on (because I'm weird that way:haha:) and tried to talk about it. But now, especially in my 2WW, I just don't want the drama.

Another thing I just remembered: on my birthday in May 2012 (we were last in the US summer 2010), she wished me a Happy Birthday and ended it with "Hope we get to see you this summer..hint, nudge, hint!!!" Like she was expecting me to travel to the US again despite the fact we only have 1 income (both her and her DH work) and even though she in the beginning has talked about coming over here to see me, she hasn't done it and she hasn't been talking about it anymore. So we haven't seen each other in soon 5 years. But I don't see that as being entirely my fault since she should make the effort and travel to Denmark, it can't be me and DH doing all the travelling. DH and I can't afford to come to the US every 1-2 years, especially not with our income. Could this be part of the issue?

Thanks EElse, I'm keeping my FXed for you as well:flower:

As to that period, I don't know:shrug: Maybe a wonky month? I hope someone that knows more can help you:)
Fleur - my temps nosedived the following CD4 today. Thanks for checking! Trying to avoid thinking about it because it makes me negative. Trying for a positive frame of mind!
Ugh I'm so irritated. I was trying to get all my fmla stuff lined up and request an anesthesiologist for surgery friday, only for them to call me back and say they are booked the only day they do surgery (friday). Already missed out last friday because the doc was on vacation. Now I have to wait and wait for surgery and the next time I'll probably ovulate will be the 1st week of july! I'm very upset about all of this and feel like it's so much wasted time. :'(
That sucks there possibly someone in another place near you that could do it sooner?
DrJo-- I'm so sorry you're having to postpone all due to the schedules of doctors. So unfair when you're in the middle of TTC and it feels like every cycle missed is so agonizing. I second Dede's thought... is there another doc in a nearby area that is covered by your insurance whom they could refer you to just for the surgery?
I could probably have it done by an ob, but the specialist I see is the best at these procedures and he has been the only one involved in my care aside from the midwife. Im on the fence about it. Trying to find the positives in waiting, like not having a baby in winter when we'd be stuck inside my whole maternity leave (I'm in iowa) and not being exposed to such terrible viruses. And focusing on losing weight before being pregnant...I just wish I was 5 years younger.
EElse, a Christmas baby would be fun, lots of photo opportunities! Has your AF stopped? I suppose it could just be a weird one, or just normal change. Mine changed gradually over the years. I’m doing OK and not feeling pregnant at all so trying not to worry.

dede, sorry about AF, but yes, keep positive! It is hard to keep trying month after month… but I always think of women I know who’ve tried for 1-2 years (and sometimes more!) but still managed to fall pregnant, so it will happen.

drjo, I can’t believe they’re messing you around like that. Can you ask advice from your midwife or someone else to help you make up your mind about having it done by another specialist? I know what you mean about wishing you were younger!
The other problem is I would have to convince someone to do the surgery outside the window of cd 6-13. And since they don't knowy history of not having cycles firsthand, that could be difficult. I do work with all ob docs and one of them might do it for me, but I'm not sure if that would affect my specialist following my care.
Thanks so much ladies ! Your support means a lot to me :flower: Unfortunately I’m back into panic mode… The ONLY symptom I’ve been having is sore/heavy boobs just when I wake up, they’re just slightly tender the rest of the day. This morning I woke up and nothing, no soreness or tenderness at all. This is exactly what happened last time, at 7.5 weeks also, I woke up one morning and my boobs weren’t sore anymore so I’m freaking out. Everything I’m reading says a sudden loss of symptoms isn’t usually a good sign. DH wants to go back in for a scan tomorrow but I’m not keen.

Praying, can’t wait to find out what you’re having. So exciting either way!

Kat, I understand taking each day as it comes and not wanting to get your hopes up. It’s still too early to symptom spot anyway! I’m not planning on leaving this thread (unless everyone I know has left lol) – and wasn’t planning on joining the first trimester forum, certainly not now I’m having doubts again.

MJs, it’s reassuring to know that not everyone has a lot of symptoms but it’s worrying me that literally overnight I’ve lost the only one I did have. When are you finding out the baby’s gender? Will you find out at the scan or just give an envelope to the person making the cake? Sounds exciting, keep us updated!

I find out on Thursday (just 2 more days!)....we just gave the envelope to the baker....we didn't find out via scan, it was through a blood test (that's how we could know so early, but chose to wait a few weeks so my mom could come out and we could all do the cake reveal together). I'll be 16 weeks on Thursday...then I have another appointment at 18 weeks. I"ll keep you posted!
drjo, that sounds complicated! Could you ask your specialist if getting it done by someone else would be an option? Hope you’ll be able to sort it all out quickly :hugs:

MJs, only 2 days! You are strong, I think I wouldn’t have been able to just hand over the envelope to the baker KNOWING that the gender was written in there :haha: Do you have a gut feeling? Looking forward to hearing how the gender reveal went!
No, no gut feeling. I've always pictured myself having a boy instead of a girl (and I kind of want a boy). But since I kind of want a boy, I think it will be a girl! Either way, of course I would be happy...I'll just have to wait and see!

When is your next appointment? Don't read much into the loss of sore boobs. I lost my sore boobs at around 8 weeks and we just heard the baby's heartbeat again at my 14 wk appointment. At my 10 week appointment baby was measuring 11 weeks, so I know for sure that loss of sore boobs meant nothing in my case.
EElse, a Christmas baby would be fun, lots of photo opportunities! Has your AF stopped? I suppose it could just be a weird one, or just normal change. Mine changed gradually over the years. I’m doing OK and not feeling pregnant at all so trying not to worry.

dede, sorry about AF, but yes, keep positive! It is hard to keep trying month after month… but I always think of women I know who’ve tried for 1-2 years (and sometimes more!) but still managed to fall pregnant, so it will happen.

drjo, I can’t believe they’re messing you around like that. Can you ask advice from your midwife or someone else to help you make up your mind about having it done by another specialist? I know what you mean about wishing you were younger!

Hi Fleur: I'm thinking it was as you said, just a strange one or because I'm getting older (turning 31 this year). AF only lasted about 2 days (spotting before and after). My temps are a bit of a worry... They've been the same temp for the last three days - don't think that's normal.
Good luck to you and I hope that everything progresses well, even with no symptoms. :hugs:

drjo: Good luck to you and I hope that you can get the surgery done soon. :hugs:

dede: Sorry about AF, good luck to you! Hope you get your :bfp: this cycle.

MJs: Sounds exciting! Enjoy the reveal and spending that special day with the family. :hugs:

AFM: CD 6, nothing exciting... :haha:
So I'm 11 dpiui today. I keep thinking AF is going to be here on Saturday (or maybe even Friday if she comes early) but we'll see. I'm not going to let myself get carried away this time with a couple of symptoms only for AF to show up:nope:

Still a bit upset that my sister wrote that on FB. That plus what my brother wrote a few months ago where he argued with me and told me I was childish and not willing to hear a different opinion really is making me look bad to that headhunter. I'm pretty sure that by the time I do have a baby the headhunter will most likely not be interested in finding me something (since I'll have been without a job since August 2013) but you never know and I feel like my siblings are making me out to be this horrible person. My brother has probably also been poisoning me to her because he has all these stories of how materialistic-wise I was spoiled rotten and how it has made me into a spoiled, selfish person that is avoiding getting a job and making "excuses" to why I can't get a job because I don't really want to work when nothing could be farther from the truth:wacko: He never supported me in it, he always told me I couldn't get a job because I'm "negative" which is just bull:growlmad: DH has been having huge success with using my old job applications as his basis.

BTW DH was at an interview Monday (at the company I was a Lab Tech trainee at) and is going in for another interview today at another company so hopefully he'll soon have a new job since he's getting so many interviews:thumbup:
Hi friends!! So we found out Monday that we are Team BLUE! :twinboys: I have to go back in three weeks because they weren't able to get all the measurements because of their positioning, but they were quite obviously very immodest boys (awww, just like their dad :haha:) Everything so far looks great! I attached some of the 3D pics since they only got a good profile shot of one. The Muscle Man is Baby A and the Sweet Sleeper is Baby B. Hope everyone is doing well! :flower:

Kat, I'm praying that this is it for you! Stay positive :thumbup:


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