Hi ladies!
Kat: Sorry to hear about your sister's comment. Just ignore it, she just wants to get a rise out of you. Good luck and I hope that

stays away and you get your

Fleur: Thank you

Yes, it will still be bang in the middle of summer. I really wouldn't mind if I carry full term but if I'm a week early, it would be a Christmas baby

Hope everything is going well with you!?
Mrs Tigger: Good luck to you! Hope you get your weight down and that you can get your fertility treatments on the way soon
AFM: I need some help... (sorry for the TMI!!)
AF started on Friday but it was spotting during the whole day and at night it turned into full flow (on FF I put Friday as first day of cycle even though AF only started that evening). Saturday was about light to medium flow (usually as soon as spotting turns to full flow it goes heavy - no light or medium). Sunday (yesterday) was light flow which tapered off to spotting in the evening and now this morning it is spotting once again.
A normal cycle for me would be spotting for a day, then heavy flow for one or two days, medium flow for two days, light flow for a day and spotting again making the actual 'flow' days a total of 5 (usually).
This weekend it was more like 1 and a half to 2 days of actual flow and now spotting.
Another difference is that I always pass a few clots (not big) but it is always there. This cycle.... Nothing, absolutely no clots. The color was bright red.
Any ideas on what could be happening?
Good luck everyone and I hope that we soon get some more

on this thread!!