Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Here's the email with his remarks in quotation marks and my answer to each accusation:

Hi! I don't know if I've posted on here before but I have been lurking for a while. I have been following your issues with family. DH and I have struggled for years with his family. We are now working with a counselor to help him deal with the emotional aftermath of years of emotional and verbal abuse. We like to pretend that that's not what it is but when it comes down to it it is. From what I've read your brother is trying to control and emotionally manipulate you. IMHO he is not happy with his life right now. He is using you as a scapegoat because you make an easy target. Every time you get sucked in to another argument via email you are letting him manipulate you. I can see in the email that he is baiting you into an argument.

A few things we have learned from our counsellor:

1) You must protect yourself, self-care especially right now when you are at your most vulnerable dealing with health issues and financial issues is most important.

2) You cannot change other people. And it is not useful to spend energy getting upset trying to get them to do so. You can be honest, you can tell them clearly and directly but you must be prepared that they may not understand and may not change. You teach people how to treat you.

3) Sometimes you need to surround yourself with supportive, emotionally healthy people. Emotional abuse even from family is not okay. If you have told them how you feel (objectively, without fighting, without getting overly emotional and trust me that is HARD) and they still continue to do it then you have to spend less time with them/dealing with them.

Right now DH and I are recovering from a traumatic loss and 2 years of assisted conception. I am also undergoing surgery in April. So we do not have the energy to "manage" his family. Therefore we have set up strict boundaries emotionally. Any emails sent to us are responded to concisely, factually and we refuse to get in to arguments. We refuse to give in to manipulation or emotional blackmail. This has meant that contact has been limited via email, phone and we have not seen them very often. Their influence is generally toxic and was causing us a lot of stress. When we are through this most stressful time we will engage them again but with those emotional boundaries in place. They will either respect those boundaries or we will limit contact again.

Now your situation is different I know, but I just wanted to offer you another perspective. Self-care is most important right now. Ask yourself who's needs are being met by each encounter you have with them. The only person's who's behaviour you have control over is yours. I know society pushes women to be self sacrificing in all things but you have to take care of yourself too. :hugs:
Crystal has very good tips there. My girlfriend had to cut off ties with her family (limit contact) after years and years of emotional and verbal abuse. She has made necessary changes for her life in order to have a more positive life with less stress. She still hurts at times over that but she definitely feels better off without them adding on that stress to her life. I don't pretend to understand what you all go through since my family is far from toxic like that but it does make me sad that your families are not the supportive loving people they ought to be especially during this time of trying and struggling for a baby.
Gosh, that is hostile! It is not your fault you did not know it took them that long to get your niece.

Nope I didn't. I didn't even know they went through assisted conception although I should've thought it when his wife got pregnant at 46. But I figured it could happen at that age and didn't think anything of it. I was shocked they were having a baby because they had stated around the time of their wedding that they didn't want children.

Hi! I don't know if I've posted on here before but I have been lurking for a while. I have been following your issues with family. DH and I have struggled for years with his family. We are now working with a counselor to help him deal with the emotional aftermath of years of emotional and verbal abuse. We like to pretend that that's not what it is but when it comes down to it it is. From what I've read your brother is trying to control and emotionally manipulate you. IMHO he is not happy with his life right now. He is using you as a scapegoat because you make an easy target. Every time you get sucked in to another argument via email you are letting him manipulate you. I can see in the email that he is baiting you into an argument.

A few things we have learned from our counsellor:

1) You must protect yourself, self-care especially right now when you are at your most vulnerable dealing with health issues and financial issues is most important.

2) You cannot change other people. And it is not useful to spend energy getting upset trying to get them to do so. You can be honest, you can tell them clearly and directly but you must be prepared that they may not understand and may not change. You teach people how to treat you.

3) Sometimes you need to surround yourself with supportive, emotionally healthy people. Emotional abuse even from family is not okay. If you have told them how you feel (objectively, without fighting, without getting overly emotional and trust me that is HARD) and they still continue to do it then you have to spend less time with them/dealing with them.

Right now DH and I are recovering from a traumatic loss and 2 years of assisted conception. I am also undergoing surgery in April. So we do not have the energy to "manage" his family. Therefore we have set up strict boundaries emotionally. Any emails sent to us are responded to concisely, factually and we refuse to get in to arguments. We refuse to give in to manipulation or emotional blackmail. This has meant that contact has been limited via email, phone and we have not seen them very often. Their influence is generally toxic and was causing us a lot of stress. When we are through this most stressful time we will engage them again but with those emotional boundaries in place. They will either respect those boundaries or we will limit contact again.

Now your situation is different I know, but I just wanted to offer you another perspective. Self-care is most important right now. Ask yourself who's needs are being met by each encounter you have with them. The only person's who's behaviour you have control over is yours. I know society pushes women to be self sacrificing in all things but you have to take care of yourself too. :hugs:

First off let me start by saying I'm sorry to hear that your DH has been dealing with similar issues with his family. It's definitely not fun when your own family is abusive. I'm also very sorry to hear about your loss:(

Unfortunately, I believe abuse is handed down from generation to generation until someone says stop and refuses to keep it going. I think my brother suffered under my mother being emotionally neglectful during his childhood and then engulfing when he grew older (I did too, just have had a different reaction to it). I'm not excusing him, just what I think is causing his behaviour. I don't get why he isn't happy now though as he has a nice wife, a cute daughter, a good job, nice house ect. But you're right, I do really know that you can't change people, my father always said that. But I sometimes find it hard when I feel he's talking nonsense to just let it go completely. In this case I felt I had to put him a bit straight on what actually happened. However I didn't get anything out of it really since his sole answer to all this was "Apology accepted":dohh: I of course didn't answer that:nope: He's baited me before and I've tried telling him as factually as possible why he's wrong but it doesn't help so I think I'll just drop it. But even when I try to drop it he just tells me I'm childish and can't stand to hear a differing opinion. I seem to have issue sometimes just letting him talk to me that way. But I'll have to ignore him totally in the future. My hope for having a good relationship is over after that old email, a couple of more recent ones and his most recent baiting on FB.

I think I'll try and follow your example: deal as little with him (and my sister and mother) as possible until I've had a baby. And even then I don't think I'll put much energy into it as I feel my child will be more needing of my attention. I've succeeded in giving up on having a mother-daughter relationship with my mother, now I just need to work on giving up on this brother-sister relationship and a sister-sister relationship since she seems to side with him although I can't tell (do to limited contact with her) if she's "damaged" herself or just naive and can't see through him, either way she's under his spell and I doubt at this point I can do anything to change her mind about what's really going on.

I do have another brother but I haven't had contact with him since I invited him to my wedding and he after the RSVP date said he most likely wasn't coming due to he was set to drive some tourists to Germany (I think) and he needed the money since his son went to private school. He never gave me a definite answer, didn't come and didn't even send me a card. Now his wife is sick and he's suddenly tried to reach out by I haven't responded. I don't see the point when I haven't heard from him in 5½ years and don't want to discuss all this when his wife is ill. So just ignoring him.
Gosh, that is hostile! It is not your fault you did not know it took them that long to get your niece.

Nope I didn't. I didn't even know they went through assisted conception although I should've thought it when his wife got pregnant at 46. But I figured it could happen at that age and didn't think anything of it. I was shocked they were having a baby because they had stated around the time of their wedding that they didn't want children.

Hi! I don't know if I've posted on here before but I have been lurking for a while. I have been following your issues with family. DH and I have struggled for years with his family. We are now working with a counselor to help him deal with the emotional aftermath of years of emotional and verbal abuse. We like to pretend that that's not what it is but when it comes down to it it is. From what I've read your brother is trying to control and emotionally manipulate you. IMHO he is not happy with his life right now. He is using you as a scapegoat because you make an easy target. Every time you get sucked in to another argument via email you are letting him manipulate you. I can see in the email that he is baiting you into an argument.

A few things we have learned from our counsellor:

1) You must protect yourself, self-care especially right now when you are at your most vulnerable dealing with health issues and financial issues is most important.

2) You cannot change other people. And it is not useful to spend energy getting upset trying to get them to do so. You can be honest, you can tell them clearly and directly but you must be prepared that they may not understand and may not change. You teach people how to treat you.

3) Sometimes you need to surround yourself with supportive, emotionally healthy people. Emotional abuse even from family is not okay. If you have told them how you feel (objectively, without fighting, without getting overly emotional and trust me that is HARD) and they still continue to do it then you have to spend less time with them/dealing with them.

Right now DH and I are recovering from a traumatic loss and 2 years of assisted conception. I am also undergoing surgery in April. So we do not have the energy to "manage" his family. Therefore we have set up strict boundaries emotionally. Any emails sent to us are responded to concisely, factually and we refuse to get in to arguments. We refuse to give in to manipulation or emotional blackmail. This has meant that contact has been limited via email, phone and we have not seen them very often. Their influence is generally toxic and was causing us a lot of stress. When we are through this most stressful time we will engage them again but with those emotional boundaries in place. They will either respect those boundaries or we will limit contact again.

Now your situation is different I know, but I just wanted to offer you another perspective. Self-care is most important right now. Ask yourself who's needs are being met by each encounter you have with them. The only person's who's behaviour you have control over is yours. I know society pushes women to be self sacrificing in all things but you have to take care of yourself too. :hugs:

First off let me start by saying I'm sorry to hear that your DH has been dealing with similar issues with his family. It's definitely not fun when your own family is abusive. I'm also very sorry to hear about your loss:(

Unfortunately, I believe abuse is handed down from generation to generation until someone says stop and refuses to keep it going. I think my brother suffered under my mother being emotionally neglectful during his childhood and then engulfing when he grew older (I did too, just have had a different reaction to it). I'm not excusing him, just what I think is causing his behaviour. I don't get why he isn't happy now though as he has a nice wife, a cute daughter, a good job, nice house ect. But you're right, I do really know that you can't change people, my father always said that. But I sometimes find it hard when I feel he's talking nonsense to just let it go completely. In this case I felt I had to put him a bit straight on what actually happened. However I didn't get anything out of it really since his sole answer to all this was "Apology accepted":dohh: I of course didn't answer that:nope: He's baited me before and I've tried telling him as factually as possible why he's wrong but it doesn't help so I think I'll just drop it. But even when I try to drop it he just tells me I'm childish and can't stand to hear a differing opinion. I seem to have issue sometimes just letting him talk to me that way. But I'll have to ignore him totally in the future. My hope for having a good relationship is over after that old email, a couple of more recent ones and his most recent baiting on FB.

I think I'll try and follow your example: deal as little with him (and my sister and mother) as possible until I've had a baby. And even then I don't think I'll put much energy into it as I feel my child will be more needing of my attention. I've succeeded in giving up on having a mother-daughter relationship with my mother, now I just need to work on giving up on this brother-sister relationship and a sister-sister relationship since she seems to side with him although I can't tell (do to limited contact with her) if she's "damaged" herself or just naive and can't see through him, either way she's under his spell and I doubt at this point I can do anything to change her mind about what's really going on.

I do have another brother but I haven't had contact with him since I invited him to my wedding and he after the RSVP date said he most likely wasn't coming due to he was set to drive some tourists to Germany (I think) and he needed the money since his son went to private school. He never gave me a definite answer, didn't come and didn't even send me a card. Now his wife is sick and he's suddenly tried to reach out by I haven't responded. I don't see the point when I haven't heard from him in 5½ years and don't want to discuss all this when his wife is ill. So just ignoring him.

I'm not sure if you've said earlier. But there is a condition called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A very good friend of mine has a mother with that disorder. She has developed an anxiety disorder and depression as a result of her upbringing. She has a wonderful husband, 3 beautiful children, a nice house. Pretty much all you can ask for. But she's rarely happy. And you're right in that you just perpetuate through the family until someone stops it. Because of the emotional abuse she struggles to hug her children, she has a skewed vision of parenting and needs other people to let her know if she is within "normal" parameters. It is a constant struggle for her. So your brother can have everything, but that won't make him happy unless he is emotionally healthy.

I know the temptation is to try to "fix" the situation and get the other person to admit they are "wrong". But it's wasted energy and you have so much more important stuff to focus on. They either want a relationship with you or they don't. My friend has not spoken to her sister in 2 years. She sent a card at Christmas with an invitation and got no response. It's sad but it's the way things are right now. Even though we want the disney version of a family, it's not always possible. And we have to choose to find happiness regardless. Easier said than done I know!
Gosh, that is hostile! It is not your fault you did not know it took them that long to get your niece.

Nope I didn't. I didn't even know they went through assisted conception although I should've thought it when his wife got pregnant at 46. But I figured it could happen at that age and didn't think anything of it. I was shocked they were having a baby because they had stated around the time of their wedding that they didn't want children.

Hi! I don't know if I've posted on here before but I have been lurking for a while. I have been following your issues with family. DH and I have struggled for years with his family. We are now working with a counselor to help him deal with the emotional aftermath of years of emotional and verbal abuse. We like to pretend that that's not what it is but when it comes down to it it is. From what I've read your brother is trying to control and emotionally manipulate you. IMHO he is not happy with his life right now. He is using you as a scapegoat because you make an easy target. Every time you get sucked in to another argument via email you are letting him manipulate you. I can see in the email that he is baiting you into an argument.

A few things we have learned from our counsellor:

1) You must protect yourself, self-care especially right now when you are at your most vulnerable dealing with health issues and financial issues is most important.

2) You cannot change other people. And it is not useful to spend energy getting upset trying to get them to do so. You can be honest, you can tell them clearly and directly but you must be prepared that they may not understand and may not change. You teach people how to treat you.

3) Sometimes you need to surround yourself with supportive, emotionally healthy people. Emotional abuse even from family is not okay. If you have told them how you feel (objectively, without fighting, without getting overly emotional and trust me that is HARD) and they still continue to do it then you have to spend less time with them/dealing with them.

Right now DH and I are recovering from a traumatic loss and 2 years of assisted conception. I am also undergoing surgery in April. So we do not have the energy to "manage" his family. Therefore we have set up strict boundaries emotionally. Any emails sent to us are responded to concisely, factually and we refuse to get in to arguments. We refuse to give in to manipulation or emotional blackmail. This has meant that contact has been limited via email, phone and we have not seen them very often. Their influence is generally toxic and was causing us a lot of stress. When we are through this most stressful time we will engage them again but with those emotional boundaries in place. They will either respect those boundaries or we will limit contact again.

Now your situation is different I know, but I just wanted to offer you another perspective. Self-care is most important right now. Ask yourself who's needs are being met by each encounter you have with them. The only person's who's behaviour you have control over is yours. I know society pushes women to be self sacrificing in all things but you have to take care of yourself too. :hugs:

First off let me start by saying I'm sorry to hear that your DH has been dealing with similar issues with his family. It's definitely not fun when your own family is abusive. I'm also very sorry to hear about your loss:(

Unfortunately, I believe abuse is handed down from generation to generation until someone says stop and refuses to keep it going. I think my brother suffered under my mother being emotionally neglectful during his childhood and then engulfing when he grew older (I did too, just have had a different reaction to it). I'm not excusing him, just what I think is causing his behaviour. I don't get why he isn't happy now though as he has a nice wife, a cute daughter, a good job, nice house ect. But you're right, I do really know that you can't change people, my father always said that. But I sometimes find it hard when I feel he's talking nonsense to just let it go completely. In this case I felt I had to put him a bit straight on what actually happened. However I didn't get anything out of it really since his sole answer to all this was "Apology accepted":dohh: I of course didn't answer that:nope: He's baited me before and I've tried telling him as factually as possible why he's wrong but it doesn't help so I think I'll just drop it. But even when I try to drop it he just tells me I'm childish and can't stand to hear a differing opinion. I seem to have issue sometimes just letting him talk to me that way. But I'll have to ignore him totally in the future. My hope for having a good relationship is over after that old email, a couple of more recent ones and his most recent baiting on FB.

I think I'll try and follow your example: deal as little with him (and my sister and mother) as possible until I've had a baby. And even then I don't think I'll put much energy into it as I feel my child will be more needing of my attention. I've succeeded in giving up on having a mother-daughter relationship with my mother, now I just need to work on giving up on this brother-sister relationship and a sister-sister relationship since she seems to side with him although I can't tell (do to limited contact with her) if she's "damaged" herself or just naive and can't see through him, either way she's under his spell and I doubt at this point I can do anything to change her mind about what's really going on.

I do have another brother but I haven't had contact with him since I invited him to my wedding and he after the RSVP date said he most likely wasn't coming due to he was set to drive some tourists to Germany (I think) and he needed the money since his son went to private school. He never gave me a definite answer, didn't come and didn't even send me a card. Now his wife is sick and he's suddenly tried to reach out by I haven't responded. I don't see the point when I haven't heard from him in 5½ years and don't want to discuss all this when his wife is ill. So just ignoring him.

I'm not sure if you've said earlier. But there is a condition called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A very good friend of mine has a mother with that disorder. She has developed an anxiety disorder and depression as a result of her upbringing. She has a wonderful husband, 3 beautiful children, a nice house. Pretty much all you can ask for. But she's rarely happy. And you're right in that you just perpetuate through the family until someone stops it. Because of the emotional abuse she struggles to hug her children, she has a skewed vision of parenting and needs other people to let her know if she is within "normal" parameters. It is a constant struggle for her. So your brother can have everything, but that won't make him happy unless he is emotionally healthy.

I know the temptation is to try to "fix" the situation and get the other person to admit they are "wrong". But it's wasted energy and you have so much more important stuff to focus on. They either want a relationship with you or they don't. My friend has not spoken to her sister in 2 years. She sent a card at Christmas with an invitation and got no response. It's sad but it's the way things are right now. Even though we want the disney version of a family, it's not always possible. And we have to choose to find happiness regardless. Easier said than done I know!

Actually I'm 100% sure my mother suffers from NPD so yes, been mentioned:winkwink: Only recently have I been thinking my brother might very well have it as well. It never occured to me until some of what he's been writing to me in emails hit me as sounding like someone with NPD now that I look in retrospect. I was dealing with my mother's NPD so wasn't thinking about my siblings until now. My sister I don't know well enough though to know if she has it or not. Her saving grace may have been she was raised by her father and stepmother so she might not have it. But she definitely seems to be on my brother's side in all this but he has the advantage in that they live in the same country and close to each other (him in Maryland, her in New York).

So sorry to hear about your friend, I know what it's like. I can see how she may have a hard time showing affection having had a NPD parent. My mother was never particularly affectionate toward me so it wasn't "learned" behavior for me either. I am affectionate with my husband though and am hoping that since I can hug and kiss him so much, that I'll be able to do the same for our child.

I know, I think next time I won't even respond or just come with facts and leave it at that. My brother acts like he wants a relationship to a degree but I don't know if it's because he feels it's expected of him or what's behind it. But he's not all that interested in me basically. He never writes to me or anything like that to let me know how he's doing and ask how things are going with me and I've stopped doing it because he very rarely writes me back unless he can come with his nasty comments and act like Mr. Know-It-All. Especially since our last altercation where he went after me on FB because I posted an article saying that the "Just relax and it'll happen" thing is a myth. He denied it and told me that stress definitely effects fertility and that I should go on a vacation and otherwise be happy with my life as it is:wacko: As you can see, I couldn't even end that debate politely without him getting personal and nasty about it:nope:

So does her sister also have NPD?

My DH is having a tough time understanding it though. I’ve gotten him to see my mother is toxic but he’s having a harder time understanding that my brother is also mentally ill. I think he’s very family orientated and doesn’t want me to go NC (no contact) with family members without thinking it carefully (although with my mother it’s agreed that next time she’s cruel, she’s out!). But he hasn’t had any mentally ill parents or siblings so it’s not easy for him to understand. I told him just yesterday that apparently my family is a real nest full of NPD cases (my mother, her sister, my brother and possibly 1-2 more) and he looked at me a bit funny and felt I was probably exaggerating. I think he can wrap his head around 1 person being mentally ill, more than that he doesn’t understand:nope:

Here's another correspondance I had with him about 3 months before my wedding if you're interested:

Okay, so I hear you and mom had another falling out.

She tells me she told you that she was sick and instead of offering to come over and help her, you asked "What about my dress?"
I gather your version is that she just says things to upset you.

Frankly, the truth of the matter is that she is your mother and sometimes you just have to put up with the craziness and try to be a good daughter to her, keeping in mind her age and that she isn't going to be around for ever.
I realize that you are preparing for a wedding, but you need to put some time aside every week to visit her, help her out, go shopping for or with her etc. If I were there, that is what I would do (despite my other obligations), and that is what I expect you to do. If you do this, there will be less drama coming out of (my mother's adresse) - she feels ignored and unappreciated and is lashing out.

For all her drama and the crazy things she says sometimes, she is still your mother, loves you and does a lot of things for you. fexs, as you read this you probably have her car parked outside your apartment. That is a huge favor to you and I'm not so sure you always appreciate that fact.

I don't want to scold you and I apologize ahead of time if you think that is what I am doing. But these are the facts: You are almost Thirty years old and have to begin looking beyond yourself at the bigger picture - life isn't all about buying CDs, eatting out, buying clothing and going to concerts. Family must always take precedence over material things.

This situation is not all your fault, there is enough blame to go around, but perhaps you need to swallow some pride and stop being so sensitive, so we can move beyond this drama and all look forward to your wedding. I have already gotten on Mom's case about making that foolish comment about not coming to your wedding - ignore it and don't feed into the drama. But make more of an effort to show her that you care about her too, and not just your wedding and things that are important to you.

That's my two-cents.

Hope things are going smoothly in preparation. We will be flying in two days before the wedding and probably staying for three weeks. Looking forward to meeting (my DH) and giving a very embarrassing speech about you at the Reception! :-)

Mom is, frankly, not telling the whole truth. (My DH) and I do visit and buy her food, once a week. When we show up, we stay for 4-5 hours 90% of the time.

The conversation went something like this. She called asking me what I was doing. I said that I was writing adresses on the envelopes and signing invitations. She says (for the 100th time) that we should cancel the wedding because of the financial crisis, this time mentioning people are being fired from (DH’s company). She has said this numerous times, asking us if the reception place still is in business, telling us people can't afford gifts ect ect. I politely asked her to quite it, I don't feel like hearing it and feel that it takes away from the joy I should be feeling when preparing for my wedding. She starts sounding angry and discusses her sickness. I, stupidly, thought maybe if she isn't feeling well that my mother-in-law could work on the dress in the meantime. Not too smart, maybe, but she totally flew off the handle and hanged up. (My DH) witnessed this conversation and heard what she said. He then leaves to buy some breakfast while I continue to work on the invitations. She then calls me back 5 minutes later and tells me she will finish the dress but won't come to my wedding. She goes on, despite me trying to calm her down, that she won't come to the wedding, she disowns me and hopes that (My DH) and I "have a horrible life together". This pissed me off and I hung up on her. She's hung up on me 100 times before during other fights so I was faster this time. I frankly felt she crossed the line in this nasty comment.

She doesn't allow me to set a line, I'm not allowed to tell her to stop if I feel she's gone over the line. She's told me before, numerous times, that I just should shut up and take her crap, she's entitled to say nasty things to me, even when unprovoked! I'm 30 and refuse to do so, I'm in my full right to let her know enough is enough.

Mom, in my opinion, is not very stable mentally, she's almost as bad as (my mother’s sister) and gets worse and worse. No matter how much she receives help, it's never enough. I don't mind coming out to her with (My DH) 1 a week to buy food ect ect but I simply don't have the time to go out more than 1 a week. I'm taking a job course, if I don't come I will lose my unemployment checks and I first am free 2 PM. No excuses are accepted. Then I need some time to write job applications, finding a job is also a job in case people forget that! I have to use the time I would otherwise be using having a job, looking for a job.

No she got her car back many days ago and frankly we won't be needing her car anymore because (My DH)'s mother is giving us her old lemon for free.

I'm frankly amazed at how quick you are to defend her side, not having heard what I have to say on the matter. Especially since you've had your own problems with her, a major one being the whole drama around her fight with you about (his wife). It would have been mature of you to reserve judgement in light of this until you had heard both versions. (My cousin) has been more understanding but she knows what I'm going through, her mom is also crazy.

So don't lecture me. You have no idea what really goes on since you don't live here. Mom is good at playing the victim and making people feel sorry for her. She should have been an actress. I wish people would defend me once in a while instead of constantly taking her side, no questions asked. Maybe people should start asking questions instead of making me feel like a lying, egotistical b****, which is absolutely not the case. But that suites Mom so no one tells her to quit her s*** and behave. She obviously has full licence to treat me how she wishes and expects me to help her constantly anyway.

So open your eyes!

As usual, you take out of my comments what suits you and ignore the rest.

In my email I wrote that I understand that Mom can be unreasonable and difficult. This however does not give you free license to play the aggrived party either.
As I said, there is plenty of blame to go around - so you can stop feeling sorry for yourself because I never said it was all your fault. As you pointed out, I've had my run-ins with her as well, so I know how volatile she can be. I also realize that you are unable to see your actions clearly - and how anyone, not just Mom, might interpret your attitude.

Your "poor-me" attitude, along with that of Mom, simply shows that neither of you is adult enough to realize how you contribute to this drama - and why these dramas continue to occur.

The two of you have a negative co-dependent relationship which is very unhealthy.

You are welcome to get angry with me for pointing out the negative dynamic that exists between you and Mom, but this does not alter the facts.

I am glad that you are getting a car of your own for free - how fortunate. This will of course reduce your dependency on Mom and give her less to complain about. I suspect, it will also give you less reason to visit her - which may, in the end, be a good thing as your relationship seems to be mutually destructive.

As to choosing sides, I'll let you judge if I have done so or not. Both you and Mom seem to find it impossible to admit any fault in any of the situations that you find yourselves in - I find this very sad. As to checking with you first, I find your arguments just as laughable as I find Mom's - it would serve no purpose to "check with" you first - in my previous experience, I've found both of your "facts" equally twisted and laden with emotional baggage.

However, I am beginning to realize that what I think about this situation is largely irrelevant, because the two of you have not, and probably never will, address the problems in your relationship - but will continue to complain to others about the predictable consequences of your actions. So I will end this exercise in futility by encouraging you to do what you believe is best and hope that you make a wiser choice than has hitherto been the case.

I don't get were you get we're co-dependant. What a silly and totally unfounded idea. I have my own life, my own money albeit not very much and am definitely not dependant on Mom in any financial way or other. The car she kept saying we should borrow, also so we could buy her food and come by. I can perfectly well get by without her car. I don't know were you get that from. I just want a friendly relationship with her.

I have tried talking to her about any fights we've had in the past but she just gets very angry, she refuses to talk things out. I don't see what I can do about that, I can't force her to talk it out. I try to be an adult but it's useless when Mom acts like a child and just refuses to discuss it, it's all my fault according to her. She has suggested that everything that goes and has gone wrong in her life is my fault.

As I said, it may not have been to bright a comment when I mentioned the dress. I've admitted it, but feel that she overreacted. The whole wedding thing combined with my other problems has made me stressed, I wasn't thinking straight. I don't see her comments as being any more productive, actually she talks to me in a much worse manner than I've ever talked to her. You don't find any of what she said to me as being vindictive or totally out of order? Don't I have any right to let her know when she's crossed the line? Don't you see anything sick and wrong in saying I should just accept all the nasty things she says and keep my mouth shut, that she has a right to say what she wants without concern for my feelings or consequences? What about the whole constant "cancel the wedding because of the crisis" thing? Wishing me a "horrible life"? Very maternal of her. I don't care what you say, I don't feel as I've been so terrible that her comments are acceptable.

It's never enough, I could be out there every 2nd day and she'd complain i don't come everyday to help her. She'll always find fault with me to warrent her reactions and nasty comments.

I don't feel as you fully understand the problem because you are a man and she, like (my mother’s sister), treats her sons differently. Try talking to (my cousin) about how it is with her mother, the problems they have/had, maybe she can better explain the dynamics than I can. I'm sure there is some reason why they act the way they do, probably having to do with (my mother’s mother).

I feel that I'm an honest person, to suggest I lie or somehow twist things is rather insulting. As to complaining to everyone, I haven't discussed it with other than (my DH) (which is rather natural) and in this case with (my cousin) whom asked me if I had talked to Mom. It's Mom who blabs to you, my mother-in-law and anyone else she can, so she can get approval for her actions. I was perfectly willing to leave everyone else out of this since it doesn't concern anyone and I don't see how mixing EVERYONE into it makes the situation any better or will better result in a patching up.

So I don't know what you want me to do about it, I've tried and gave up years ago because it is useless. Mom insists in continuing this evil circle which seems to never end. Her and (my mother’s sister) aren't so different.

But now she got all the drama she wanted and now we're arguing.
Her sister cut off contact years ago. They were set against each other by their mother from an early age and there's a lot of bad blood between them. Her sister wants nothing to do with any member of the family atm.
Her sister cut off contact years ago. They were set against each other by their mother from an early age and there's a lot of bad blood between them. Her sister wants nothing to do with any member of the family atm.

Oh how sad:( I've read about NPD parents doing that, setting the children up against each other. As you can see, my mother has also done that although with slightly differing results.
So TTC-wise my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:
So TTC-wise my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:

Thanks for well wishes. The dr that did the biopsy had her nurse call me and tell me that I had abnormal cells and needed another DNC. The nurse however had no additional information and the dr wasn't available for a week. I then called the office and had a complete fit that I would not wait a week, so they sent me to another dr. That dr couldn't figure out what the DNC would be for....and all the labs weren't even back yet! I am now waiting for all of the labs to be back to know if I still have endometritis.

I also called the RE to explain the situation with the possible polyp and they told not to go for another DNC and to have a repeat ultra sound because it could have been a blood clot from my biopsy.

Can't say I am feeling any more positive.... The RE did say that they anticipate I have few, if any, issues once we can get the whole endometritis and polyp issue handled. Sounds good but hard to internalize.
So TTC-wise my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:

Good luck Kat -- I am a bit envious ;-) I have a good feeling about this one. :hugs:
Dede - I am so sorry. That must be so frustrating! How do you know which medical professional to listen to when they all seem to contradict each other? Just do what seems like the most logical plan to you! I'm still sorry you are going through that!

Kat - those numbers seem great!! Fingers crossed for you! This could be the one!
Thanks guys:hugs:

I'll admit I was hoping DH's count would be up at 40 million like last time but got to thinking there were 20 million :spermy: for each egg (since I had 2) but this time there's all 30 million for that one egg so perhaps those are better odds and there's a better chance the egg is better quality than when I was making 2.

If this one doesn't work though I think I'll mentally start giving up hope to a certain degree for IUI and start looking forward to starting IVF. I still occasionally have my fears that I'll never get pregnant. Hit the 1½ year mark of TTC a few days ago and with my age (turning 36 in May) is making me slightly nervous.

But we'll see. I'm just so happy that I have all you lovely ladies to talk to about all this since my siblings don't care about me (my brother seeming to have NPD as well and my sister, well not sure but she's not writing to me anymore:shrug:) and my mother(NPD case), although interested to a certain degree (when she's in a "good mood" that is), is definitely not the right person to talk to other than giving her a monthly update and keeping it very short (that is if I don't want to hear how super fertile she was:nope:).
cutestuff, DTD every after day after 12 years sounds pretty good to me! What’s happening with your cycle? Sorry to hear about DH being laid out, that must be tough, hope he finds another job soon. Good luck with your boss, is there any way you can start applying for another job?

MJs, the clothes are one of the best things about having a little girl, they’re so cute!

EElse, did you confirm ovulation?

TexMel, congrats on the great appointment! How are you feeling?

crystal, sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: Best of luck with TTC and your surgery.

Kat, fingers crossed that the timing was better this month and that this will be your golden egg!

dede, sorry to hear they’re making you run around without giving any definite answers. Hope the RE is right and that you won’t have any issues once it’s all been sorted out.

AFM : I had a scan yesterday and I’m so relieved that everything’s looking good. I know I’m not out of the woods yet but I’m finally more relaxed now that I’ve passed the point at which I miscarried last time.
Oh Fleur, so glad to hear everything is looking good:happydance: Maybe you're just lucky that you haven't really had any symptoms? I think some don't experience anything until they're in their 2nd trimester. Really hoping this is it for you:thumbup:
I'm so glad to hear that your scan went well Fleur! That is great news!
How far along are you now?

I am still feeling pretty good most of the time. Every 4 or 5 days I'll kind of feel like I'm in a boat that is rocking back and forth. I get dizzy and nauseous but haven't gotten sick yet. And the rest of the days it is like nothing Is different at all. I do get hungry every couple hours and I could go to sleep at any point in the day and stay asleep for 12 hours. But, I feel blessed to have it so easy this far. I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow! I can't believe it!
Dede-- Ugh. I'm so sorry that you're experiencing all of these confusing messages right now. I really hope it gets worked out sooner rather than later for you. But I do think it's very good news that they don't suspect any problems once this one finally gets resolved. Hope the rest of the journey to resolution is an easier one for you.

MJ-- Your reveal sounds lovely. I bet the clothes shopping was so much fun! Girls have it so much cuter than boys in terms of options!

EElse-- How's your cycle coming along this go round? Hopefully less odd than the last one!

Kat-- Here's to hoping all of those sperm bombard that little egg and give it its very best chance of "hatching". I'm keeping my hopes up for you and your husband that IUI works out before needing to shift gears!

MrsTigger-- So glad that health is looking better than you initially thought it was! That's good news, less challenges to battle. And wow, you're really trucking along with your weight loss. I have no doubt you'll get exactly where you want to go, you've got some good determination! You may have mentioned, but what does your time line look like in terms of plans for the next step?

Fleur-- I'm so thrilled to hear that your scan went well. It seems very promising that you've crossed the threshold of where problems occurred last time. I hope it brings some peace and comfort and you can just enjoy knowing there's a tiny little seedling growing safely in there. :-)

Tex-- Wow, 8 weeks! How exciting. I hope the unpleasant symptoms stay at bay and you can focus on how awesomely amazing it is that that little life is sprouting well without giving you too much grief along the way!

As for me, I feel silly giving an update as nothing much has changed. Still trucking along. Last cycle went a bit wonky-- FF thinks I ovulated later than usual but still had my normal cycle length, which means a short luteal phase. That may be the case but it seems weird to all of a sudden have a short LP when it's been normal the past few cycles. So I think I either didn't ovulate (I only have the dotted O lines anyway, so FF isn't too sure) or I ovulated around my more typical time, but the temp shift wasn't drastic enough (it did inch up, just not as clearly) for FF to count it. I'm hoping for the best and that everything's okay. I didn't OPK last cycle so that's no help.

Currently on CD 6 or 7 (had a weird period start, so not as clear which day was actually Day 1) and planning for one more purely tracking cycle before actively trying in May. I'll use the digi opk this month as I need more clarity (but not that damned advanced digi as it gives me blinking smileys all month and wacky results), so hopefully the regular digi will be helpful. I want to focus on a very good health routine this month to make for a nice healthy environment in there that a bean would want to stick in. :-)
Thanks MissDoc:flower:

Don't feel silly for updating, it's nice to hear how things are going for you during this break. Sorry to hear you've had a wonky cycle. I think that can happen for anyone occasionally so as long as it isn't the norm, it shouldn't signify anything. I hope this cycle is more normal and that it gives you no worries before actively TTCing again in May. Looking forward to having you active again:thumbup:
Kat-that sounds hopeful so FX for you....
Fleur- thats great news for you and I hope things continue going well...

AFM: I am cautiously optomistic... I think...... I was sporadically spotting all weekend starting Friday. It was weird in that I would spot for a couple hours then stop, then spot some more. The spotting stopped yesterday, which in previous months would have meant my af should have started today and it didnt- which is good because it would have been way too early... I never got a true positive on the opks so I am not sure when I ovulated but I only got faint lines Wednesday thru Friday with the strongest line Thursday which means I should still be spotting. My normal cycle ranges from 27 days - 32 days with the 27 and 32 being rare and more consistently ranging from 28-30- which would be friday thru sunday for a start day of my af. I have noticed my boobs are a bit more sore, though i do go to zumba and it means my boobs get flounced around and I lift weights in that class, so when I do my chest, that might cause it as well... I do on occation feel a bit nauseaus but I think that is irrelevant and I look super bloated also consistent with this being the week my period should start. I dont really know what to think so I guess it is just wait and see....

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