Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

There's no "norm" about Facebook replies. He was probably happy enough to reconnect but not willing to have conversations as such? I've had people I haven't met in years add me on Facebook, just message hi, what's up etc, but then never write again when I reply. Don't worry about it, and don't message back if he doesn't!
There's no "norm" about Facebook replies. He was probably happy enough to reconnect but not willing to have conversations as such? I've had people I haven't met in years add me on Facebook, just message hi, what's up etc, but then never write again when I reply. Don't worry about it, and don't message back if he doesn't!

OK I just find it odd to ask someone how they're doing and then not reply back when they answer. Should I not have answered his question then? But if he hasn't answered by now then he definitely won't or....? Sorry, I don't have many FB friends so not sure how it works:blush: I was hoping we could at least communicate once in a while though, like every few months:wacko: Oh well:shrug:

Have BTW unfollowed my toxic brother, his wife (under his spell) and my sister (under his spell as well, possibly also a bit toxic?) on FB. They don't communicate with me at all anymore (plus I'm sick of their constant kids pics) and it'll be my first step towards going no contact on them. I'm sure my cousin will follow them since she's very much enmeshed with them and doesn't show much interest in communicating with me anymore. Using all my energy now on TTCing so will first deal with them after baby is conceived/born if at all possible unless my brother says something really cruel in the meantime, then I'll call him out and tell him to f*** off:winkwink:

Hope your doing well Fleur, how's it going:flower:
Thanks Fleur! I'm keeping positive :thumbup:

Hope you're doing well.

Good luck everyone and I hope we see some more :bfp:s this month!!

Kat, I don’t even try to understand people’s motivations on Facebook! I’m happy enough to reconnect but won’t force it if they don't keep in touch. My cousin has over 4000 friends, I’d be surprised he chats to all of them often. I do a cull regularly to delete people I haven’t talked to in a long time. Good job on unfollowing your relatives, less stress to deal with!

Things are going well, I have my 12 week scan on Friday so starting to stress about that.

EElse, good luck to you too! How are you feeling?
I'm doing well Fleur, thank you!

Trying not to read too much into any symptoms I spot but it's hard... :haha:

This morning I woke up with a sore throat and just plain feeling sick so I think DH passed his flu onto me (he had it since Saturday).

Good luck with your scan tomorrow, I'm sure everything will be 100%. A friend of mine went in this week for a scan to find out the gender (she's approximately 23 weeks) but I'll only find out when I see her again (probably Sunday). She works at a local convenience store along with her husband (they really don't earn much and their hours are killer) so I volunteered to babysit for her once the little one arrives. They agreed but only if I accept payment... which is good but I really love children and I know their situation so I would have done it for free as well.

I'm getting so excited for her but also really hope that this is our cycle.

Good luck everyone!! Lots of :dust:!!
Kat, I don’t even try to understand people’s motivations on Facebook! I’m happy enough to reconnect but won’t force it if they don't keep in touch. My cousin has over 4000 friends, I’d be surprised he chats to all of them often. I do a cull regularly to delete people I haven’t talked to in a long time. Good job on unfollowing your relatives, less stress to deal with!

Things are going well, I have my 12 week scan on Friday so starting to stress about that.

Ok I now have 24 friends on FB and some of them I never hear from. I don't get people that go much over 100 friends, totally silly. I don't know why people can't keep it to friends, family and people they truely want to reconnect with (someone they at least want to talk to every couple of months). They should have an option that's called "acquaintances" because really, who truely has hundreds or even thousands of real friends??!! I just checked and I'm thinking I may never hear from him as he has 1,015 friends although I'm sure it's not entirely implausible he'd answer a message but I'm not holding my breathe:wacko: Can see my brother has 167, my sister 615, and someone else I know has over 900 friends. It's crazy! Makes my 24 look really, really sad:nope: DH isn't much better off with his 47 although he admits many of them (the ones he's not good friends with) he either never hears from or it's extremly sporadic (includes people from High School). I'm sure my narcissistic brother and sister see it as a confirmation that I'm a horrible person when I have so few:( I could reconnect with more from High School (I think the vast majority would say yes). But I'd only connect with people I had a pretty good relationship with so maybe not my entire High School.

Good luck with that scan! Let us know how it goes:happydance:
EElse, however much we try to be strong and not symptom spot, I think it’s impossible once you’re actively TTC! That’s sweet of you to want to babysit for free for your friends, maybe you could give them babysitting “vouchers” sometimes so they can have date nights. Hope you won’t come down with the flu!

Kat, I’m very private online so don’t have hundreds of friends on Facebook either but each to his own. Thanks, I’ll update after the scan, hopefully with good news. How many days post IUI are you now?
EElse, however much we try to be strong and not symptom spot, I think it’s impossible once you’re actively TTC! That’s sweet of you to want to babysit for free for your friends, maybe you could give them babysitting “vouchers” sometimes so they can have date nights. Hope you won’t come down with the flu!

Kat, I’m very private online so don’t have hundreds of friends on Facebook either but each to his own. Thanks, I’ll update after the scan, hopefully with good news. How many days post IUI are you now?

I'm 10 dpiui and not feeling too hopeful but we'll see:shrug: Have had some cramping, gassy, back pain and sore boobs but have had those things on BFN cycles as well so not reading into them. Keeping myself distracted with BnB and Reddit raisedbynarcissists:winkwink: I'm actually learning just how toxic my family really is and that I really need to go no contact in the near future.
Yeah, it sucks that PMS and pregnancy symptoms are so similar! Going no contact sounds like a very good idea, at least for some time, take a step back from it all.
Yeah, it sucks that PMS and pregnancy symptoms are so similar! Going no contact sounds like a very good idea, at least for some time, take a step back from it all.

I'm in a way no contact already since they don't talk to me anymore although I'm sure they'll write on my timeline on FB "Happy Birthday" since I turn 36 on May 1st. Because it looks good, not because they really care:nope: Will be making it more official when I have the emotional surplus to do so and can better handle the backfire it'll create. Need to get preggo first and have that baby:winkwink: Then I can tell my brother and sister to take their toxic behavior and stuff it. It's sickening to think how much they've been invalidating me, my feelings, trying to control me and my feelings and trying to convince me that I'm a selfish, horrible individual that's as bad and sick as our narcissistic mother:wacko:
It must be hard living with such stress from family... definitely keep away for your sanity :hugs:

So I had my scan and everything looks good, phew. Will try not to stress so much now (who am I kidding!).
It must be hard living with such stress from family... definitely keep away for your sanity :hugs:

So I had my scan and everything looks good, phew. Will try not to stress so much now (who am I kidding!).

Yay Fleur:happydance: What great news:thumbup:

As for family stress: Yes, it's totally not fun. I've come to the conclusion that I'm the chosen scapegoat for this family's sick and toxic behavior. It's definitely going to stop and if my brother decides to verbally abuse me again (which he will) I'll tell him to either start talking to me in a respectful manner or he can just not talk to me at all. I'm sure it'll end in him and his wife (total enabler of his behavior and blames me) and our sister supporting him and going nuts. Which is why I'm waiting, I don't need the drama rigth now. So just going to avoid as much contact as possible. I don't consider them family anymore, they're blood relatives. Family doesn't treat you like dog poop under their shoes:nope:
Yay fleur! So glad your scan went well. :)

Afm, I'm on CD 38 with no ovulation, so I started provera last night to induce a period. Then I can schedule surgery and eventually start taking femara again so I'll actually have a decent chance ttc. Yesterday was the one year mark. :(
I just had a positive opk. Started provera last night. Wondering if I'll still ovulate now? Figures this would happen.
So looks like it's bad news guys:nope: I have red blood at my cervix and am cramping so yet another failed IUI, AF will be full flow by early tomorrow morning. Will be calling the clinic tomorrow morning to start IUI #5 but honestly, I've mentally given up on IUI ever working for us and just wish we could start IVF:cry: Worst part is I'm starting to fear like it'll never happen for us and that my eggs are to blame:cry: I just felt like everything looked so good with 1 egg and the timing felt pretty good.

Sorry to be so negative, I'm just feeling extra crap since I'll be turning 36 and really feel like I'm racing against my biological clock:(
So called the clinic this morning and got an appointment for CD3 on Wednesday at 11 AM. They didn't have any time before so hoping it really doesn't matter if it's CD2 or CD3 I come in as they claim it is.
Hi Ladies :flower:

Congrats to Fleur and the other ladies with good news.

:hugs: to those who don't yet have good news to share.

So I had an appointment with the gyno today about my blood results. She said my thyroid was technically in the normal range, but would like it to be a bit more regulated since I have trouble with my weight and infertility. So I have a doctor's appointment May 5th to talk to my GP about it. The gyno was happy with my weight loss (I lost 10kg since the last time I saw her). She wants me to continue the weight loss and get my BMI down to 32 (as well as start the thyroid medication). She explained that based on my blood results, when it comes time to start the fertility treatments, I will be starting off by taking FSH injections and a trigger to make me ovulate.

Meanwhile, she did a scan and my endometrium was too thick (because I don't have proper cycles where the lining is properly shed), so I started provera today to induce a proper bleed. I can't say I'm looking forward to that :nope:

Well, that's about it from me. I still lurk on this thread, even if I don't have anything to say.

:hugs: and :dust: to you all!
Fleur- glad things went well at your scan. I will say that you and I are in a very similar headspace right now...
Kat- I am so sorry that you did not get your BFP... I will keep you in my thoughts
Mrs Tigger- that does not sound fun at all....

AFM: 5 +4 today and feeling pretty good. I do have some bloating in my lower abdomen, my boobs feel like someone tried to hacksaw them off, and I am pretty sure I pee every half hour or so on the nose. Some of that is because I really cannot believe I finally got a positive test so I keep drinking water to make sure I really am not starting my period. I ended up testing again Friday just because and I think it was about 30 seconds flat before the test line was darker than the control, so I am trying really hard to be in that mindset that if I am not cramping or bleeding all is well... I will say that I am having more instances of EWCM that kind of freaks me out, but I dont know I guess as long as I am not bleeding or cramping all is well with mini lovebug....
Fleur-- Yay for a great scan. Each new mini-milestone keeps bringing more comforting updates. :-)

DrJo-- Oh my goodness, how immensely annoying is that? I wonder if you did end up ovulating or if the provera headed it off. At least you know your body was gearing up to do so finally!

Kat-- I'm so so sorry hon. I know it must be frustrating as you've been at this for so long, but it will happen for you. Hopefully with the next iui, but if not, I will be wishing for great IVF cycles for you.

Cutestuff-- Things sound like they're coming along swimmingly. :-) Except for the boobs being sawed off part, that does NOT sound fun. I hear everyone's CM is different during pregnancy and it's really not helpful to read into it much. 30 second darkening seems like a really good sign to me.

Tigger-- I think it's great that everything is starting to come together and all of these smaller issues are being taken care of well, and a plan is in place. That must feel pretty good, to know that you're on the right path. Keep trucking along my dear, and you'll just keep bringing yourself to a better and better place. :-)

AFM--- UUUUUGH. I am so annoyed with my cycles right now. I'm beginning to think that Fertility Friend doesn't know how to accurately pin my O date because my temps do not spike up in the traditional way after O, or at least not every time.

So I'm curious what you all think. This cycle I used strip OPKs (2x a day), digi OPKs (2x a day), charting CM, and vaginal temping. Trying to bring out the big guns! So on CD14 morning OPKs were negative, but night time strip OPK was pretty much positive (probably would have been super positive a few hours later) though digi was still not picking up surge. By the morning of CD15, digi picked up the surge but strip OPK was lightening slightly. This to me suggested that I had my LH surge in the night of CD14 or wee hours of CD 15 while asleep, indicating that at some point throughout the day or night of CD15 I would probably ovulate. I also had EWCM both CD 14 and 15. So all signs point to CD15 (or maybe 16 at the latest, but my CM was becoming more sticky on this day) being "the" date. But these damn temps. I only got a small spike on CD16 (.18 degrees), then another .10 climb on CD17. And it's been hovering in that range-ish since. I can see that every temp after CD 15 is higher (so far) than every temp before CD 15, which I would think is indicative of ovulation (biphasic pattern). But I guess the rise/shift is too subtle for FF to pick up on, so it did not identify ovulation, and I'm on CD20 now.

I was so excited to get positive opks for once and to have most of my signs align, but then for FF to think I haven't ovulated, I'm becoming concerned. Has anyone else had problems with FF not being sensitive enough to detect changes if the temp rise isn't stark? I think this happened to me last cycle too. I thought I o'd on CD14, but it labeled it as CD16 bc it took a couple days for my temp to get high enough. But then it said I had a shorter than normal LP, and gave me an alert that it might not have my O date right, as it was unlikely for my LP to vary that much from previous cycles.

Sooooo, I'm thinking with my subtle/slow rise pattern I might not be able to trust FF. :-( Sorry for the long rant. It's just annoying to be doing EVERYTHING under the sun and still not have a clear picture.

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