Fleur-- Yay for a great scan. Each new mini-milestone keeps bringing more comforting updates.
DrJo-- Oh my goodness, how immensely annoying is that? I wonder if you did end up ovulating or if the provera headed it off. At least you know your body was gearing up to do so finally!
Kat-- I'm so so sorry hon. I know it must be frustrating as you've been at this for so long, but it will happen for you. Hopefully with the next iui, but if not, I will be wishing for great IVF cycles for you.
Cutestuff-- Things sound like they're coming along swimmingly.

Except for the boobs being sawed off part, that does NOT sound fun. I hear everyone's CM is different during pregnancy and it's really not helpful to read into it much. 30 second darkening seems like a really good sign to me.
Tigger-- I think it's great that everything is starting to come together and all of these smaller issues are being taken care of well, and a plan is in place. That must feel pretty good, to know that you're on the right path. Keep trucking along my dear, and you'll just keep bringing yourself to a better and better place.
AFM--- UUUUUGH. I am so annoyed with my cycles right now. I'm beginning to think that Fertility Friend doesn't know how to accurately pin my O date because my temps do not spike up in the traditional way after O, or at least not every time.
So I'm curious what you all think. This cycle I used strip OPKs (2x a day), digi OPKs (2x a day), charting CM, and vaginal temping. Trying to bring out the big guns! So on CD14 morning OPKs were negative, but night time strip OPK was pretty much positive (probably would have been super positive a few hours later) though digi was still not picking up surge. By the morning of CD15, digi picked up the surge but strip OPK was lightening slightly. This to me suggested that I had my LH surge in the night of CD14 or wee hours of CD 15 while asleep, indicating that at some point throughout the day or night of CD15 I would probably ovulate. I also had EWCM both CD 14 and 15. So all signs point to CD15 (or maybe 16 at the latest, but my CM was becoming more sticky on this day) being "the" date. But these damn temps. I only got a small spike on CD16 (.18 degrees), then another .10 climb on CD17. And it's been hovering in that range-ish since. I can see that every temp after CD 15 is higher (so far) than every temp before CD 15, which I would think is indicative of ovulation (biphasic pattern). But I guess the rise/shift is too subtle for FF to pick up on, so it did not identify ovulation, and I'm on CD20 now.
I was so excited to get positive opks for once and to have most of my signs align, but then for FF to think I haven't ovulated, I'm becoming concerned. Has anyone else had problems with FF not being sensitive enough to detect changes if the temp rise isn't stark? I think this happened to me last cycle too. I thought I o'd on CD14, but it labeled it as CD16 bc it took a couple days for my temp to get high enough. But then it said I had a shorter than normal LP, and gave me an alert that it might not have my O date right, as it was unlikely for my LP to vary that much from previous cycles.
Sooooo, I'm thinking with my subtle/slow rise pattern I might not be able to trust FF.

Sorry for the long rant. It's just annoying to be doing EVERYTHING under the sun and still not have a clear picture.