Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi ladies!!

Fleur: Glad that everything looks good on your scan. :thumbup: Good luck and keep us posted.

Kat: Sorry to hear that but I'll keep my fx for you this cycle and really hope that you catch your sticky bean very soon. I hope that going on CD3 won't make much of a difference. Good luck!!

drjo: Good luck! :hugs:

Mrs Tigger: Good luck to you with the provera and massive :hugs:

cutestuff: I'm glad to hear that everything is going well for you. Good luck and may you have a wonderful time of it!

MissDoc: Unfortunately, I can't be of any help with your question as my temps usually have a significant difference between pre-O and post-O degrees. Good luck to you though and I hope that your OPKs were right and that you got enough BD in!... :haha:

AFM: 13dpo today. I've had spotting on and off since 9dpo and held out hope until yesterday when my temps suddenly dropped to just above cover line. Today they are up again (not much, granted) but I took a test and it was a :bfn:

I'll see what tomorrow brings - either AF or another high temp, who knows... :shrug:

Good luck everyone and lots of :dust:!!!
drjo, hugs to you, the one year mark is hard. Sorry I didn’t see this message earlier but what did you do after you got your positive OPK? I would have just stopped the Provera hoping it hadn’t had time to work yet.

Kat, did AF really come? Sorry you’re feeling so bad, especially with your birthday coming up soon. Good luck for your appointment tomorrow. Hope better luck will be coming your way soon.

Mrs. Tigger, hope the bleeding isn’t as bad / painful as you were fearing. Sounds like the gyno has got a plan in place for you, hope your appointment with your GP goes well.
Cutestuff, don’t worry about the EWCM, increased discharge is normal in pregnancy. Last time I kept checking my panties all the time because I felt so “wet” down there, I was convinced it was AF. My tests didn’t come up positive straight away either. When is your first appointment?

MissDoc, sorry to hear you’re getting so confused between the OPKs and FF! I only temped for one month but it was really frustrating for me too because I didn’t manage to temp at the same time every day and FF kept saying it couldn’t confirm ovulation. Are you temping at the same time every day and in the same conditions? Go by the OPKs and keep BDing even if FF doesn’t seem to show a temp shift! Good luck to you.

EElse, sorry to hear it was a BFN today, hope your temps go up again! Keep us posted.

Thanks for the comments about my scan everyone. I still can't believe it's true...! I think it'll finally feel real after my next scan if things are still going well. We could hardly make out anything at the 12 week scan.
Hello, just thought I'd drop back in and say hi, I do lurk around on here, though normally don't say much, and don't really get on bnb too often.

We have finally been reccommended to the public system for ?? Not sure, but am sure they don't do ivf, which we just can't afford privately.
I am another year older, and am certainly feeling down about it, along with the fact that we are still trying. I will be able to join the older group on bnb soon!

DH had a test, where they were all dead, however we think they stuffed the sample up, and even the doctor said to ignore the results, so not sure what's going on there, I have a couple of tests to get done, once af is out of the way. Hopefully someone can find out what's wrong before I get much older :(
Hi Ladies

Kat, I am sorry :( EElse, that sucks. It is really hard going month to month seeing a period rather than a positive. Cheeky- I would say that from what I have read, the level of sperm a guy produces can change month to month simply from diet. Maybe cut back on the coffee, the red meat, and see what happens..

Fleur- When I test, which is whenever I feel like I am not really pregnant, the lines have come up very quickly and very clearly. In fact from two weeks ago to the last time I tested (Friday) the test line was the first line to show, so I think thats all good. My first appointment is May 11 but it is really hard to not worry knowing a lot of people have had miscarriages and such. I am not having any pain or bleeding, which is good but there are days when I do not have many symptoms so it is an interesting journey. I have started peeing every 30 minutes or so and am coming up on 6 weeks this Thursday....
Cute stuff, I am 10 weeks tomorrow and I have had about 4 days in a row now with pretty much no symptoms at all. And that's after 3 weeks of nonstop queasiness and exhaustion. I feel like a new woman, but I'm hoping it's not a sign of something bad. I haven't had cramping or spotting, so I'm assuming with out those, all is good.

I go back to the dr Apr 30, so not too far away.

Still lurking on here, just not much to update most days! Fx for all of you!
Kat-- I'm so so sorry hon. I know it must be frustrating as you've been at this for so long, but it will happen for you. Hopefully with the next iui, but if not, I will be wishing for great IVF cycles for you.

Thanks MissDoc. Yes after 1½ years and over 20 cycles (lost count at the moment), it's starting to get a bit depressing:( It's making me wonder if it'll ever happen at this rate. Doesn't help things that my siblings that have been through this, especially my brother, could've been supportive people but they're too busy ignoring me. I'm pretty sure they're phasing me out but they're welcome to it, I was planning on going NC in due time anyway after the awful behavior they've had over the years.

Kat, did AF really come? Sorry you’re feeling so bad, especially with your birthday coming up soon. Good luck for your appointment tomorrow. Hope better luck will be coming your way soon.

Yep it's definitely AF:cry: Thanks Fleur. It's all a bit depressing at the moment with my fertility issues, my 36th birthday coming up and my siblings being their narcissistic selves. Luckily, I don't hear from them and I'm almost hoping not to hear from them on my birthday but I'm pretty sure they'll post on my FB page anyway (because it looks good, not because they really care about me). My cousin seems to have abandoned me as well since she didn't really comment my last email to her (not even about DH losing his job) and she doesn't like my stuff on FB anymore. My narcissistic mother is as hopeless as ever with my fertility issues so trying not to talk to her anymore about it and have dropped talking to my childish friend about it because she doesn't truely get it either. She has BTW gotten a new boyfriend who's like 12-13 years younger than her (she met him at the university):dohh:

Here's hoping but for some reason I'm afraid it may never happen for us. Think I'll be more positive when we can start IVF but that could be many months from now:(

We have finally been reccommended to the public system for ?? Not sure, but am sure they don't do ivf, which we just can't afford privately.
I am another year older, and am certainly feeling down about it, along with the fact that we are still trying. I will be able to join the older group on bnb soon!

Sorry things aren't going so well for you either Cheeky, I feel your pain:hugs: Could you swing IUI?

If you mean the 35 and older group I started there but many of them have 1 or more kids already which is why I've been sticking around the LTTTC and TTCing #1 groups (plus the assisted conception group). I wish they had a group for us TTCing #1 that are over 35, that'd be perfect.

Update, April 22nd: BTW DH won't be coming to the appointment today because he's taken up running and couldn't wait until after the appointment to do his run. I'm ticked off about it. Don't know if I'm being unreasonable:(
I kept taking the provera....this was the 2nd time I had a positive opk this cycle, and this time had them 3 days in a row which has never happened. But, I didn't get a normal consistent temp rise so I have no idea if I ovulated or not. Even the provera hasn't raised my temps.
When you thought it couldn't get worse... I have a HUGE cyst in one ovary so the IUI is cancelled:cry::cry::cry::cry: Have a smaller one as well and if it had only been that one, they would've given the green light. So it'll be NTNP this month and you probably won't see me very much this month. They said to call next time AF showed up.

Maybe this is nature's way of telling me to give it up:cry::cry:
Lurking and checking in. Congrats the good news and booo the bad. :) Nothing new here....CD 7. Trying to be more positive lol
Kat, so so sorry that you’ve encountered yet another hindrance in your TTC journey :hugs: You definitely shouldn’t give up. Take this month off to relax a bit and take a break from active TTC, and call them back as soon as AF is here.

Cheekygringo, sorry to hear you’ve been struggling. Was this the first time your DH had a sperm analysis done? Hope it was just a one-off and that the next one will have good results. When will you have those tests you mentioned?

Cutestuff, I’ve learned that symptoms don’t mean much one way or another so don’t worry! You have much higher chances of everything going well than having a miscarriage. By the way, peeing so often IS a symptom!

TexMel, the placenta starts to take over from around 10 weeks so your symptoms also start to diminish. Some women’s symptoms disappear literally overnight.

drjo, I don’t know what 3 days of positive OPKs could mean… When can you schedule your surgery?

EElse, any news?

dede, good luck to you!

Hoping for some good news for you ladies soon :flower:
Kat, so so sorry that you’ve encountered yet another hindrance in your TTC journey :hugs: You definitely shouldn’t give up. Take this month off to relax a bit and take a break from active TTC, and call them back as soon as AF is here.

Thanks Fleur:hugs: It's truely frustrating. I feel like my birthday the last 2 years has been cursed. Last year for my 35th, I had my chemical about 1-1½ weeks before. This year, I have that darn cyst and the IUI is cancelled. I don't want to know what's in store for me next year 1-1½ weeks before my 37th birthday, a m/c or what??? Sorry, still upset, I'll be more over it in a few days, just need to vent and be negative and ticked off:nope: DH is taking it pretty well (he feels really bad he didn't come since he handles news like that better than I do) and says we'll just have to try naturally this month since the nurse didn't say anything about it meaning it would be impossible to conceive (she led me to believe it was possible for me to still O and get pregnant although I'm sure the odds suck). But we won't be thinking much about it, just BDing when we feel like it.
Just dropping in to check up on everyone! :flower: Congrats to everyone who has gotten their :bfp:! To the rest of us still hanging in there, this complicated pathway to motherhood will only make us more grateful for our LOs <3

I'm about 3 months away from resuming our TTC journey. Our house is about 6 weeks from completion, and I graduate in July. Other than that, I have nothing to report in the baby making department! My insulin issues are pretty much resolved, which is a relief. I'm hoping that our second round of TTC will be short and sweet :)
Fleur- I have to wait for my period to show before I can schedule surgery.
Fleur: Spotting turned to full flow this morning but it is not as heavy as usual and a bright red (which is actually strange for me, mine used to be a dark red but this is the same as it was last cycle). I'm starting to worry that there might be bigger issues, I'll keep an eye on how long this one lasts (feels like it is drying up already) but a one/two day flow really isn't normal for me.

Hollyness: Good luck to you and I hope right along with you that your second TTC journey is short and sweet. :flower:

drjo: Massive :hugs: and good luck to you!!

Kat: Good luck and as you said, just don't think about it and BD whenever you feel like it. :hugs:

Lots of :dust: to all of you and may we all get our :bfp: soon!
Kat, it&#8217;s a good idea not to overthink it and just BD when you feel like it for a change, instead of planning it for the &#8220;right&#8221; date. I hope that for your 37th birthday you&#8217;ll be holding your little one in your arms.

Hollyness, everything seems to be falling into place nicely. Also hoping for a much shorter round of TTC for you in 3 months!

drjo, how long does it usually take for AF to turn up after taking Provera? Or does it vary?

EElse, my doctor told me that cycles change as you age, but could you go in for a check-up just in case?
Thanks Fleur :hugs:. I've heard that cycles change with age but I'll feel better if they do a check-up. I'll see if I can get it done next month or at the latest in June - if there is a problem, the sooner it gets sorted, the sooner we'll get our :bfp:.

Good luck everyone and all of the mothers-to-be, please keep us posted on your progress and the LO's. :hugs:
Kat, it’s a good idea not to overthink it and just BD when you feel like it for a change, instead of planning it for the “right” date. I hope that for your 37th birthday you’ll be holding your little one in your arms.

Thanks Fleur, I hope you're right:flower: I was otherwise telling DH that my birthday has been cursed these 2 years so here's hoping the curse lifts very soon.

I'm trying to distract myself with Reddit raisedbynarcissists and learning how to use non-defensive communication (currently trying to memorize some phrases so I have them ready). I'm sure it's useful in other situations than talking to my narcissistic brother and mother:winkwink: Think I'll be buying a book I found on Amazon about it when I get some money again from DH around the 1st of May. I'm currently waiting on a book DH ordered for me called "Victory Over Verbal Abuse" by Patricia Evans so hopefully that'll come soon. Soon I'll be distracted with planning what I'll be serving my guests for my birthday party on May 9th (DH's parents are going on a trip after this weekend and his little brother's band is playing at a festival so couldn't have it on May 2nd). I'm pescetarian and have 1 lactose intolerant guest so need to plan a bit.
Kat I am sorry you are having a hard time. It sounds hard, but like Fleur said, don't over think it and it is best for the baby to be if the mommy is super duper healthy and all that fun stuff so maybe this is a time you can just focus on your marriage and not be so focused on TTC???

AFM: I have a cold which sucks balls for free cause I cant take anything... My mom doesnt know yet and she offered to get me meds and it was hard to refuse without telling her why... I had to tell her i was just going to hydrate for now.... Oh and to make things better, I did not realize that open enrollment for the insurance shit changed and I may not qualify for Medicade or whatever it is so it looks like I get to pay out of pocket for my first appointment. I know I know, i should have thought about it but my husband and I made too much and not enough to qualify and now that that has changed, I am not sure how it works....this country is stupid. :(

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