Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Fleur, they definitely would have told you if they didn't see what they expected! I would not worry about it!

The office I go to is just really scan-happy. It's usually the dr herself doing the scans, but this time our schedules didn't match up for the NT scan, so I got a radiology tech, who took even more time. She got all of her measurements then asked if we had anything we wanted to see. We told her we were just so happy to see the baby again, so she kind of took us on a guided tour of my uterus. It was awesome, but I am positive that is not a normal experience in most offices.

Kat - your dinner sounds lovely! I am very hungry now, although I'm certain I have never eaten half of those foods!
Kat, the menu sounds yum. I’ve never cleaned a fish nor am I likely to lol. I’m glad the party went well.

TexMel, sounds like you had a great scan experience!
Fleur- I am 9 weeks on friday. Here, they schedule an early scan around your 8th week. They also gave me a pap smear and they told me to expect some spotting but it was weird yesterday. I ended up calling the doctor and asking if it was normal and they said it was fine especially since everything was healthy on the scan. That said, I am still just trying to take it easy and not stress. I go for my next scan in about 3.5 weeks when I will be 12 weeks three days....

I will update then unless something changes in the next couple of weeks or if the spotting persists... It seems to have stopped now, though I did experience some after a bowel movement this morning.... (sorry TMI)
Congrats on the positive scans ladies!

Nothing to report here. Just waiting for Friday to have surgery. They still haven't called me with a time though. ..
Oh TexMel, you really should try cod if you can find it! It's a lovely white fish, very delicate. Here people even will eat it for New Year's with a mild mustard dressing! Although I do think this fresh cod is the best I've had. Mussels are also lovely, you can make them with different kinds of sauces although ours were cooked with a little white wine at the bottom before being thrown in the sauce. Since you're preggo, you may want to be careful with tiramisu since it has alcohol in it but I would think a small portion would be fine (unless you're staying 100% away from alcohol but there might be some non-alcoholic versions to be made).
cutestuff, it is stressful when you spot but trust the doctors, it's just because of the pap smear.

drjo, good luck for your surgery tomorrow, hope it all goes well. :hugs:
Fleur - still waiting for the dr to call me back. Left another message today. I lurk but struggle to say anything positive lol This month my tempts were looking good, triphastic even, but then they dipped. DPO 13 today and bfn....struggling with some depression and anger. I know I should try to be more optimistic, however it is hard with so many failed cycles and what feels like a perpetual cycle that ends in fear.
Lots of hugs to you dede, depression and anger are more than justified with what you're going through. Hope the doctor won't keep you waiting long.
Yes, lots of hugs to you, Dede. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It can definitely be a rough road, this ttc journey. Just know we are here for you!
So my childish friend came by today, she needed yet again help in a couple of subjects:wacko: I don't get why she's studying Engineering, she doesn't have the leadership type skills to be in such a position:dohh: Not only that, she doesn't seem to be taking it seriously. Especially now that she's dating one her her fellow students, a 21 year old (she's 33 BTW).

Anyway, I know this may seem like small stuff, but yet again she didn't drink up her drink. It happens so many times, she'll take a cup of tea and either not drink any of it or only a few sips, once she wanted to try cherry coke and she drank a couple of sips and left the can basically full by the time she left, 4 hours later. Tonight, she drank only 1/3 of her beer during a period of 3-4 hours. I don't know what to tell people that do things like this. It annoys me to no end we have to throw out all these drinks out because she half the time doesn't drink up. Whenever I visit someone I either drink up before I leave or I say no thanks to having anything if I don't think I'm gonna drink up. Ugghh:grr::gun:
Drojo and dede- I hope all is well for you two lovely ladies. I know it has to be hard, but am hoping positive things for you two.

Kat- that chic sounds psycho. Can you let her know that unless she can finish her drinks you will not be providing them anymore??? Thats what I would do. Yea, I know I am a bitch and that may be why I do not have many female friends but the thing is that its super disrespectful to go to someones house, take their food or drink and then not finish. I personally think that it is well within your rights as the wife and hostess to draw some boundaries and then let DH know if doesnt support you on it, he can kiss the bed goodbye.....
The fibroid in my uterine cavity is gone! Yay! And I'm actually feeling pretty good. He prescribed me narcotic pain meds but I haven't needed them. So glad this is behind me, one step closer to ttc!
Kat- that chic sounds psycho. Can you let her know that unless she can finish her drinks you will not be providing them anymore??? Thats what I would do. Yea, I know I am a bitch and that may be why I do not have many female friends but the thing is that its super disrespectful to go to someones house, take their food or drink and then not finish. I personally think that it is well within your rights as the wife and hostess to draw some boundaries and then let DH know if doesnt support you on it, he can kiss the bed goodbye.....

I don't know if I'd call her psycho, she just has lots of issues, among other things she has very very low self-esteem (her 2 previous boyfriends both verballly/emotionally and physically abused her, the last one broke up with her because she was too in love to do it). Her biological parents abandoned her when she was 3 (she's from India). I think she still has issues because of this plus every psychiatrist she's had doesn't really help her. I don't know why they can't see it. Maybe it's too much of the Danish "let's coddle people that are damaged because it's such a pity for them" mentality. I don't know. My therapist wasn't like that, she was just nice, but she made sure to work through my issues.

Anyway I don't think DH would go for that. He'd see it as being a bad host and it's not like I want to screw around too much with our marriage right now (my dysfunctional, evil narcissistic family and our infertility issues are strain enough so don't want to tempt faith). Not only that, I fear she'll make a big deal of it. Like the time I wrote her an SMS and told her that her "think positive and you'll get pregnant" crap doesn't work in my case and that infertility is a disease. She took offence to what I said, said I obviously didn't get what she was trying to say (she apparently thinks she's some misunderstood guru) and that it hurt her feelings. So we went from my hurt feelings to her being the victim:dohh: You can see what I'm dealing with:nope: Uggh :trouble:

Not only that, her fawning gets to me. She over does her compliments sometimes. Like last night, it was burgers (I had a fish burger, being pescetarian and all) and DH had baked some buns. She ate one, then made another and ate half. She had been saying what amazing burgers they were and they were the best in the entire world ect. She then packed her half burger to take home because it was "so amazing", then forgot to take it with her when she left :dohh: It sat there next to her unfinished beer.
Yay drojo. That's great news.

Kat that makes sense. I have had a similar experience and I didn't handle it well. That said I still think that you should tell your husband how frustrated you are with this person. She should probably see a professional because everything you describe sounds like a mental health disorder around attachments and healthy interactions. Individuals with this diagnosis need strong consistent boundaries for a sense of normality. Granted I cannot advise or even diagnose but I think if you and your husband can be on the same page regarding her it will be easier for you if that makes sense.
Kat that makes sense. I have had a similar experience and I didn't handle it well. That said I still think that you should tell your husband how frustrated you are with this person. She should probably see a professional because everything you describe sounds like a mental health disorder around attachments and healthy interactions. Individuals with this diagnosis need strong consistent boundaries for a sense of normality. Granted I cannot advise or even diagnose but I think if you and your husband can be on the same page regarding her it will be easier for you if that makes sense.

I already have and he feels I'm being harsh, he refuses to totally get it :dohh: She does already see a professional but as said, none of them have been helping her. The only thing they have told her is that she shouldn't take things personally because the issue is with her and not everyone else. But she isn't doing this. And when you just set a boundary in a nice way, she gets upset. She is mentally like a 16 year old, to the point she's completely unaware of what's going on in the world because she doesn't follow current events (so more like a 6 year old). I remember at the Christmas luncheon we had last year, she started rambling about her man issues and wasn't interested in people advising her to change her tactics (she goes for looks), she keeps on doing what she does. I told her months before this to change her criteria and her answer was: "But I can't be turned on if he isn't hot":dohh: Now she's dating some 21 year old that's 12 years her junior. At the same luncheon, we were all having fun talking and she suggested we play a game:dohh: She annoyed the 2 girlfriends of our friends like crazy, to the point one of them gave me this weird look.

AFM TTC wise, we got a letter from the hospital and our info meeting with them is at the very end of September:wacko: So we won't be able to start IVF until after this meeting and the whole thing depends on my cycle as I'm guessing I have to call on the first CD1 after this meeting. I was hoping it'd be August but guess we'll have to deal. Assuming I can do my last 2 IUIs right after each other, that'll mean we'll have at least a 2 month break, maybe 3:dohh:
drjo, I’m happy things are FINALLY looking up for you! Hope your BFP is just around the corner now.

dede, hope you’re feeling better :hugs:

Kat, sorry that you didn’t get a meeting before the end of September but I hope that the IUIs will work !

Hope you don&#8217;t mind me updating here, I had my 16 week scan on Friday and found out we&#8217;re having a little boy :blue: <3 I thought it would be a girl so it feels a bit weird but we&#8217;re THRILLED! More importantly, baby was doing well so I&#8217;m finally starting to hope that everything will be OK this time.
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on. Lots of catching up to do it seems!

Dedee-- I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think it's completely fair to be disappointed. I hope this rollercoaster evens out soon and things start looking up.

CuteStuff-- I wouldn't stress too much over the spotting-- it doesn't seem it's persisting... more like it's trailing off. That's good! Keep taking it easy.

Tex-- Oh I just love your scans and your FB reveal. Congrats on getting to this point. How cool to see all of those bits and get the guided "tour." :-)

Fleur-- Oh my goodness, congratulations on your little boy! How exciting!! 16 weeks... wow!

Kat-- Your dinner sounds lovely. I'm impressed by your cooking! It's making me hungry just reading it. I'm very sorry to hear that things are going to be postponed more than you had hoped. The idea of taking a break is pretty crummy. But you know what... you've waited this long and have been in the trenches this long... a couple extra months are nothing in the grand scheme of things. Especially after this is all over and you look back on it. As usual though, keeping my fingers crossed that an iui happens to take in the mean time!

DrJo-- Congrats on that fibroid being out of there... what a relief! Enjoy the meds... small comfort that you've earned. :-P How long before you can ease back into things with TTC?

AFM-- I think I O'd earlier than I usually do this month, and BD timing was totally off because my OH was miserably ill during my most likely fertile window so nada. I think I'm 6 dpo but I am 98% certain that no bd fell within a good timeframe to be useful, so just waiting for next cycle to get here to try again. Fingers crossed for next time. Next fertile window not for another 3ish weeks. Just going to try to stay healthy and hydrated in the mean time.
Thanks MissDoc. I think the fact I'm now 36 is really making me feel like I have no time to waste on all this waiting. The more I have to wait, the more I feel like time may be running out for me fertility wise. Also, I really want to conceive before I hit 37-38 as I've already been forced to push my limit from 35 to 36 and now to 37. I want to be as young and as active as possible to better be able to care for my child, especially during those early years. I'm already fearful my "advanced" age is soon going to be a bit of an embarrassment for my child since I started TTCing 4-5 years later than most (at least) and problems conceiving and all these delays are going to make that gap even further.

I hope you have better luck next cycle :dust:
Thanks Miss Doc! Sorry to hear you think you didn't BD at the right time this month.. How are you tracking ovulation?

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