Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

EElse, sorry, I don't know a lot about temping but it's true that your chart is confusing. I guess the best option is to continue BDing every 2-3 days just in case. I ordered these OPKs and they'll deliver to South Africa but I don't know how much the shipping costs are :
You can also get cheaper ones (but you have to pee in a cup and dip the stick in) :

Oh Kat, good luck, hope that your wedding anniversary will bring you the best gift!
Thanks Fleur!

So DH has managed to annoy me. We're not allowed to BD the 2 days before the IUI (as it takes men 36-48 hours to replenish completely) and I remember something about the sample not being allowed to be more than 5 days old. Our last time will have been 4 days before the IUI:growlmad: He's adamant that it'll give a better sample but I fear it will lower our chances in the end because I will have no :spermy: up there:wacko: Plus I've been, well, having explicit dreams about BDing the last 2 nights and now I'm going to go around sexually frustrated these next few days:dohh: Sorry, don't know if it's TMI but there you have it:haha: I can't even do much about it because he's still job hunting so he's at home and it'd be a bit embarrassing to "take things into my own hands" when he's in the next room:dohh:
Mitzy-- Welcome! I can't be any help about the meds as we've only tried 4 cycles so far, off and on, and are still trying naturally at this point. But good luck!

Kat-- I don't think I'm understanding... why can't you guys have intercourse 2 days before the iui instead of the 4 you described it will be this time? Sorry if I'm being dense.

EElse-- What a bummer. Based on your chart, looks like you started your period and the previous cycle was annovulatory. I'm sorry. :-( I started full force yesterday too, so we'll sort of be cycle buddies this go round. Wishing you luck this time!
Kat-- I don't think I'm understanding... why can't you guys have intercourse 2 days before the iui instead of the 4 you described it will be this time? Sorry if I'm being dense.

We can't have sex the 2 days before the IUI since it takes 36-48 hours for a man to replenish his sperm supply. That's why the clinic says not to BD the 2 days before the IUI. It's so we have max amount of good :spermy:

But DH felt his sample will be even better by refraining for 4 days since he remembers having a sample with high count for a SA and we hadn't BDed in 4 days. The 4 days is DH's idea. But this is going to lead to sexual frustration on my part:dohh:
So the IUI went well and I had 2 follies with a potential for a 3rd if I understood him correctly:happydance: The fun thing was it wasn't one of the 3 nurses I'm used to, it was the one male RE they have that did it. So here's hoping it makes a difference:thumbup: The only thing he did weird was he didn't tip me a bit so my head was a bit down but you don't dare say anything, especially when it's an RE doing it:wacko:

DH's count was it's highest: at 50 million:wacko: So of course he's gloating that he was right we shouldn't BD those 4 days before:roll:
Sounds good Kat ! Lol at your DH gloating... he must be pretty pleased with himself. Hoping for great news from you soon. Belated happy wedding anniversary by the way, hope you had a nice weekend.
Sounds good Kat ! Lol at your DH gloating... he must be pretty pleased with himself. Hoping for great news from you soon. Belated happy wedding anniversary by the way, hope you had a nice weekend.

The only thing with DH gloating is he can become insufferable:wacko: Luckily it wasn't too bad this time. He did lose in a way since he lost out on some BDing:winkwink:

Thanks, we went out to a great fish restaurant (since I'm a pescetarian) and had a lovely hake with horse radish sauce, asparagus, cucumbers and potatoes. Treated myself to some white wine since it was our anniversaty after all:winkwink: DH had an apple dessert and I went with the licorice dessert which was very good.
It all sounds yum Kat! How are things?

How is everyone else doing?

Well, I'm only 4 dpiui so nothing to report. I think with my chemical last year in April, I first started having symptoms around 9-10 dpo. So don't think anything will happen before that.

BTW can anyone tell me if I'm over analyzing my sister's message on FB? I didn't grow up with her (our mother and her dad had a messy divorce and her father got custody) and I have a narcissistic family that's really into passive-aggressive messages, something my sister has done on occasion. On my anniversary, I set a pic up of DH and I from our wedding on FB. She wrote: " look stunning! (insert narcissistic big brother's name here) was right, I should've crashed your wedding!! Happy Anniversary!" She lives in the US and I live in Denmark and at the time of our wedding, wasn't in contact with her but my brother was. So is this an odd thing to write or is it just me?
That does sound like an odd thing to write.

OMG so it's not just me thinking that! DH was thinking I'm reading too much into it. But he comes from a healthy family so doesn't get it:nope:

Considering the fact my narcissistic family is into passive-aggressive communication, does anyone know what her motives are here, what she's trying to say?

BTW everyone, that childish friend of mine is now AWOL after she got tons of help from DH for 2 of her exams and hasn't answered an SMS he sent her about finding something here she couldn't find (she normally is quick to answer). Also, she borrowed a jacket, a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants one day because she fell into a man made river close to the apartment and was soaked and couldn't go home in those wet clothes. She was here 2-3 times after and hasn't brought my clothes back yet, she keeps "forgetting". I think she's going to half disappear because now she has a boyfriend (the guy that's 12 years younger), she always does that. I don't know, I feel like she's using us but DH doesn't see it :(
Hey everyone- I'm cutting and pasting my post from other boards (so apologies in advance if you see this multiple times) because I'd love to have as many buddies as possible- hoping I can join you guys and we can all support each other

A little on me- I'm almost 31 (a teacher who works in baby central with people who seem to get pregnant on "their first tries" or "by accident" around the clock), husband and I have been TTC since December, off BCP since September and periods never came back regularly. They were very irregular from September-Jan (between 24-42 days, but light and short) Had a super stressful life event in Jan where periods disappeared for 3 months and they never came back, so I had to go to an RE. I've also used the Wonflo ovulation strips for about 6 months straight and only ever saw one double line the day before I had my AF for my 24 day cycle (which made no sense), so we are pretty sure I wasn't ovulating on my own. All of my bloodwork has come back normal (and my husband's SA, as well) and I am on the slim side (I eat pretty clean and exercise a lot), but she diagnosed me with pco due to my terrible acne breakouts (the worst), super irregular periods, and my ultrasounds.

This month is my first on Clomid. I took Provera for 10 days to induce a period, took 50 mg of Clomid and then had to take another dose (100 mg this time) because my follicles were not maturing. I had AWFUL side effects on the 100 mg and none on the 50 mg, which was interesting. As of yesterday morning, I had one at 18 and one at 19 with good lining (yay!) and I took my trigger shot this morning. Really nervous, really excited, and wishing for a great month for everyone here- baby dust to all
Kat, hmm I think your sister might mean that looking back on it, she regrets not attending your wedding and made a lame joke about gate-crashing? Well if your friend disappears for a while, it’s worth losing a few clothes to get some peace :D

RayinNY, sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with TTC but good luck with the Clomid, hope it will work its magic very soon, if not this month.
Kat, hmm I think your sister might mean that looking back on it, she regrets not attending your wedding and made a lame joke about gate-crashing? Well if your friend disappears for a while, it’s worth losing a few clothes to get some peace :D

I just find it odd to write because we weren't in contact with each other at the time, I got married May 2009 and we first got into contact the year after. So of course she wasn't invited. But I find it odd my narcissistic brother even suggested she should've just come anyway plus that she's even mentioning it. I mean seriously? It'd have been crazy because she lives in the US so I don't even know where she expected to stay for the wedding if she did crash it plus there wasn't any food for her as we'd ordered for each guest, it wasn't a buffet.

In that case, I should also make jokes about how I wasn't invited to her son's Christening back in 2012 which was after we were in contact. She'd probably go nuts over that one plus my brother would start going passive-aggressive about it as well. So I don't get what she's on about.

As to that silly friend, she recently contacted hubby about seeing each other but I think we'll be too busy. I'd say we'd definitely want the jacket back as it was a name brand, slightly pricey wind breaker (it's DH's) so will need it back.
Hi ladies. Welcome newbies. I hope all is well. Kat regarding the comment it is a bit unrealistic based on your side of events but maybe ur brother said she should come.... that said maybe just let it be as they are looking for a reaction that will justify their feelings abduction comments about you.....

Afm 12 weeks and 3 days today. Got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby. Everything looks good. I really hope some more peeps get their bfps on this thread. Lots of baby dust and love to you all
Hi ladies. Welcome newbies. I hope all is well. Kat regarding the comment it is a bit unrealistic based on your side of events but maybe ur brother said she should come.... that said maybe just let it be as they are looking for a reaction that will justify their feelings abduction comments about you.....

Afm 12 weeks and 3 days today. Got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby. Everything looks good. I really hope some more peeps get their bfps on this thread. Lots of baby dust and love to you all

I just find it odd he'd encourage her to crash it, especially when we're talking about her needing to fly overseas to be at the wedding. I was planning on ignoring it, just was trying to figure out if it's just me or if it really is a weird comment. Having grown up with a narcissistic mother and brother that have tried to drum into me I'm "too sensitive" it can make me doubt my reactions sometimes:nope: I wasn't exactly raised in a family of normal, mentally healthy people...... Although it does tempt me to make a comment about how I wasn't invited to the Christening but I'm sure that that's what her and my brother are after so not gonna happen! I think this may very wll be a case of "baiting and bashing" (where abusers provoke their target for a reaction and then claim it's a sign of e.g. mental instability that implies it's the victim at fault. The abuser seeks support from others and turn them against the target/victim). Yup, my family is that messed up, they resort to tactics like this:nope: I think my brother and sister have been actively doing this for a while now that I think about it.

So good to hear all is well:thumbup: Thanks:flower:
I think this may very wll be a case of "baiting and bashing" (where abusers provoke their target for a reaction and then claim it's a sign of e.g. mental instability that implies it's the victim at fault. The abuser seeks support from others and turn them against the target/victim). Yup, my family is that messed up, they resort to tactics like this:nope: I think my brother and sister have been actively doing this for a while now that I think about it.

So good to hear all is well:thumbup: Thanks:flower:


I have a family JUST like that -- my dad's side of the family, primarily. I lived with them for a while right after high school, until I could afford my own place... I tell you, it was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. I was sick all the time from the stress of living with people like that, I became severely depressed...

The only thing I could do was to cut them off entirely. I told them exactly why I was doing it, and then I moved out, changed my number, didn't provide them with my address, and that was that. That sort of twisted behavior was so damaging to me! Years later, I'm only just now re-establishing contact at the urging of my mother, who has kept in touch with Dad and says he's really trying to turn over a new leaf.

But I can totally relate to that! And it's good that you know it's a problem and you're trying the best you can to stay out of the vortex they're trying to pull you back into.

I'm excited to report that I finally got a positive OPK on my wondfo strip just a few minutes ago! Today's CD35 and I feel like I've been waiting for YEARS just for this one +OPK.

DH and I BD'd this morning so I'm covered for today, but we'll BD again tomorrow and probably the day after just to make sure we catch that egg. I'm so excited about that dumb +OPK! lol :doh: Fingers crossed!
So exciting! I have long cycles, too, and that wait is frustrating. Fingers crossed!
I think this may very wll be a case of "baiting and bashing" (where abusers provoke their target for a reaction and then claim it's a sign of e.g. mental instability that implies it's the victim at fault. The abuser seeks support from others and turn them against the target/victim). Yup, my family is that messed up, they resort to tactics like this:nope: I think my brother and sister have been actively doing this for a while now that I think about it.

So good to hear all is well:thumbup: Thanks:flower:


I have a family JUST like that -- my dad's side of the family, primarily. I lived with them for a while right after high school, until I could afford my own place... I tell you, it was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. I was sick all the time from the stress of living with people like that, I became severely depressed...

The only thing I could do was to cut them off entirely. I told them exactly why I was doing it, and then I moved out, changed my number, didn't provide them with my address, and that was that. That sort of twisted behavior was so damaging to me! Years later, I'm only just now re-establishing contact at the urging of my mother, who has kept in touch with Dad and says he's really trying to turn over a new leaf.

But I can totally relate to that! And it's good that you know it's a problem and you're trying the best you can to stay out of the vortex they're trying to pull you back into.

Hi ireadyermind, nice to see you again here:happydance:

Sorry to hear that your dad's side of the family does this as well. It really is emotionally exhausting! I think it was a good thing you got away from your father. If he's suffering from a personality disorder, it might be a good idea to keep contact as low as possible. If he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), those people don't change! But I don't know if he does, only you can judge that based on his behavior.

This seems to be a tactic on my mother's side of the family as my mother and her sister both have NPD (I highly suspect their mother had it as well) and I know my 2 brothers have it as well while I highly suspect my sister has it too. I'm the family scapegoat (so the most mentally healthy member of the family) and I'm not putting up with it so now they're going for character damage at this point, they just need me to react to their BS which I refuse to do. My cousin seems to be siding with them as they treat her better since she's much more tolerant of abuse although I don't think they're nasty to her, they have me for that. I never hear from any of them, only my one brother and the sister and my cousin on my birthdays and anniversary. To show you how bad it has become with my cousin, she used to answer my monthly TTC updates with more interest, now she doesn't really respond (I've stopped sending them now) and has never once asked how it's going with DH's job hunting (he has been unemployed since March)! She only wrote to me over FB recently to complain about how badly my NPD mother treated her husband a couple of years ago and now refuses to see him, as if I could do anything about that! I can't even get her to treat me decent, her own daughter, never mind cousin's hubby.

Anyway, I'll be going no contact with my siblings first chance I get plus my mother. I just want to wait until I'm pregnant and preferably had my baby so I don't have to go through the stress and craziness that'll come when they know their punching bag will no longer be available.

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