Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

So I called the clinic today since it's CD1 and got a cyst check appointment for tomorrow at 10:45 AM. So here's hoping there aren't any new cysts:wacko:

Childish friend is here again. She's driving me nuts (partly with her childish, helpless voice she loves to use when she's kissing our behinds; I'm thinking she does this because she thinks people will like her more), probably not the best idea to have her here when I have AF as I'm extra hormonal and easier to annoy:wacko: She's having issues with her subjects and I doubt she'll pass many of them, she has done nothing all semester and now is cramming to try and pass her tests anyway. She's too lazy for this field, she apparently doesn't really study during the semester, she puts it off and just enjoys all the social aspects of going to college. To make things extra annoying, she kept bothering me for a list with birthday wishes last week and I gave them to her last week (had to delete all the tings I did get) but nope, she hasn't bought a thing for me. If she wasn't planning on getting me anything then she shouldn't have driven me crazy for that list. I'm gonna have to get DH to suddenly be super busy after today and not have time for her antics.
Fleur-- This past month I just tracked with digital OPK and I (sort of) tracked CM (TMI- But I get stretchy/fertile-like CM lots throughout the month so I can't really trust that sign... I think I have wonky estrogen patterns). Most months I track bbt too, but didn't this month as I was going to be away and have a weird schedule. This next cycle I'll be back on track with charting bbt though. :-)

Kat-- I'll keep my fingers crossed that your scan reveals all clear with no cysts in sight. Good luck!
Thanks for the support! Called the doctor....again....hopefully they will call me back.
So happy to hear about your great scan fleur!

As for ttc, I'm currently on CD 16, and in pelvic rest until cd 26. I probably won't ovulate before cd 35 since I'm not on meds, so that's when I'll take provera, and then just wait for a period. Then I can start femara again. So that puts me ovulating in early to mid july.
Congrats on team blue, Fleur! I have a very strong feeling I will be on the same team in a few weeks. I have a dr apt next week, but I don't think my dh will make it to that one, so if they decide to do a scan, I will ask them not to say anything. Then I guess we'll go again 4 weeks after that.
Hi there. I'm new to this forum and also new to TTC. This is the first cycle I've been off birth control in 5 years. I'm also 30 years old and hubby is 29. No reason to be worried about age, 30 is still young to have a baby!
Welcome chrissytina:flower: Hope you soon get that BFP :dust:

AFM it went well and had no cysts so going to start on 75 IU Puregon. The nurse doesn't get why I'm not pregnant yet since she looked over my CD3 hormone results again and said they were really good plus I'm 36 years young (don't agree much with the "young" part:haha::winkwink:).

So here's hoping 5th time's the charm:thumbup:
MissDoc, I can see why you can’t track ovulation by CM. Best of luck for next month, no falling ill for DH!

dede, any news yet from the doctor?

drjo, hope the time will just fly till you can try again in July… and that you’ll ovulate earlier!

TexMel, looking forward to finding out if your instinct is right about the baby’s sex. I wouldn’t have wanted to find out without DH either.

chrissytina, welcome and good luck!

Kat, fingers crossed that the 5th IUI will work! The nurse sounds very positive, that’s great.
Yep, she does, but you'd think I'd have gotten my BFP by now if everything is as stellar as she thinks:nope: I try to remind myself though that 2 of those 4 IUIs were a bit crap since for IUI#1 DH's count was crappy (since his back went out and he'd spilt some of it) and IUI#3 I'd already Oed when they did the actual IUI. So I'm trying to convince myself they don't really count and that, in a way, this is my 3rd IUI to make myself feel more positive about our chances this time. Hey, if it helps me feel more positive, right:winkwink:
You're right, I wouldn't count the cycles which had no chances of working in any case ! Fingers crossed for this cycle.
Heard back from the doctor and he agrees that he thinks I have small polyps again, but says they are small. I have the option of having them removed again or moving forward. He did say not to try for more than 6 months without seeking some assistance.
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum so I apologise if I'm posting to the wrong thread etc!

I'm 32 years old and have been trying to conceive for almost 18 months now. About 6 months ago I visited the doctor as was becoming concerned that nothing had happened and he referred me to a fertility specialist. After, many appointments, a cervical cancer scare and being put on Clomid and Metformin I am still waiting to "fall". This is my first month of being on both Clomid and Metformin and at the moment I am 3 days late on my period, however the 2 pregnancy tests I have done have been negative.

I'm really just interested to see if anyone has experienced similar issues and how you kept a cool head about it all?! I'm trying my best not to get stressed out but it's hard when you want something so much!

A :flower:
dede, seems like it's one thing after another :hugs: Have you decided whether to get them removed? I hope you'll be pregnant well before 6 months!

Mitzy, welcome! Sorry about the cervical cancer care and the struggles with TTC. I don't know about Clomid/Metformin, I hope someone else will be able to help. Best of luck to you!
You're right, I wouldn't count the cycles which had no chances of working in any case ! Fingers crossed for this cycle.

Good thing to know I'm not being "crazy TTC lady" by not really counting those 2 IUIs:winkwink: Yep, here's hoping:happydance:

Wlcome Mitzy:flower: I have no Clomid or Metformin experience since I was put on injectables from the get go. Here's hopig someone else can help.
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around in a while.

Congrats on team blue Fleur!
texmel, any idea on gender yet?
Cute stuff, good luck and keep us posted.
kat: good luck to you and lots of :dust:
Drjo: good luck to you!
dede: good luck and hugs to you!

AFM: it seems I haven't O'ed yet, according to my temps... :(
I started taking prenatal and vitamin c along with the folic acid and epo that I have already been taking since January. Can the new supplements influence my cycle in such a drastic way? Since I started charting I've never missed ovulation...
AFM: it seems I haven't O'ed yet, according to my temps... :(
I started taking prenatal and vitamin c along with the folic acid and epo that I have already been taking since January. Can the new supplements influence my cycle in such a drastic way? Since I started charting I've never missed ovulation...

How much Vitamin C are you taking? I think taking too much can delay O. You shouldn't be taking much more than 1000 mg a day.

I've also heard Vitamins B can delay O as well but not sure what dose.
Fluer - has been one thing after another. I currently don't plan to have them said they are small and if they just keep coming back I think a lot of d&cs just add risk to me.
EElse, thank you ! I really have no idea if prenatals / vit C would affect ovulation by so much… Worth asking Dr. Google about what Kat said about vit C delaying ovulation! My prenatals didn’t delay ovulation but I wasn’t taking vit C separately. Are you using OPKs?

dede, if they’re small it doesn’t seem worth the risk to get operation after operation done, you’re right. I really hope things will become easier for you :hugs:
Thanks Kat and Fleur.
Yes, I've also read on google about Vit C delaying O but there are such contradicting information that I just had to ask here as well. I was only taking one tablet of 250mg a day (I think I get enough naturally to make up the rest). I took it because I thought - oh, vitamins, that can only help, right...
Now, with O so late (my temp this morning was very high but I think I'm coming down with something), I did some research and found that some people take vit C to induce a period (if they had a neverending cycle) but for others, it delayed O, so I wasn't sure what to believe.

If my temps stay up and I really did O, my chances this month are probably not so good considering our BD timings...

I stopped taking vit C on Sunday after researching but still take the prenatal.

Thank you and good luck to everyone! :dust: to all the hopefuls.

Fleur: no, I'm not using OPKs, they are a little expensive here but as soon as we can, I will buy some over the internet.
So it went well and I have at least 1 follie ready to pop:happydance: Had a few smaller ones but not sure how many of them will mature in time and didn't ask the nurse. My IUI will be on Saturday morning so on our 6th wedding anniversary:thumbup:

Here's hoping it's lucky #5:happydance:

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