Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I'm in a similar boat. I feel like there's extra pressure, but as long as you live a healthy lifestyle, your chances are fine. I'm in my early 30s, and we're coming up to our 10th or 11th cycle... almost a year basically. Trying to keep a positive attitude but I'm a worrier by nature.

I wish you lots of luck. Don't stress and feel pressurd as that can make it harder. Keep trying and have fun doing it!! :)
I am 31 in September and hubby just turned 42. All of our fertility tests came back great. We have been ttc since we got married 4/14. One m/c last Oct. :( Hoping for BFP on July 4th!
Welcome to everyone new:flower:

Congrats ireadyermind, had a feeling this was it for you:happydance:

Had my IUI done this morning. DH's count hit a personal record: 60 million (10 million more than last time):thumbup::wacko: I have 2 follies (one in each ovary) and the nurse is almost 100% sure both follies will be released so here's hoping. If it's a bust, we're on forced break until October when we will first be able to start IVF at the hospital (we'll be NTNP in the meantime to load up mentally for IVF). DH will try calling them next week to schedule his SA (they want to do their own) and ask them if they can move us up if they get a cancellation (our nurse recommended us to do this). Here's hoping it won't be necessary but with my track record.......:nope:

So now all there is to do is wait:coffee:
Welcome to everyone new:flower:

Congrats ireadyermind, had a feeling this was it for you:happydance:

Had my IUI done this morning. DH's count hit a personal record: 60 million (10 million more than last time):thumbup::wacko: I have 2 follies (one in each ovary) and the nurse is almost 100% sure both follies will be released so here's hoping. If it's a bust, we're on forced break until October when we will first be able to start IVF at the hospital (we'll be NTNP in the meantime to load up mentally for IVF). DH will try calling them next week to schedule his SA (they want to do their own) and ask them if they can move us up if they get a cancellation (our nurse recommended us to do this). Here's hoping it won't be necessary but with my track record.......:nope:

So now all there is to do is wait:coffee:

Many thanks!

I hope this IUI does it for you! :hugs: GL GL GL!

Scheduled my first prenatal appt for Monday. I was surprised they're getting me in so early, but happy about it because I'm worried about this little bean! I have been told that, thanks to my surgery, I have a higher risk of miscarriage. Stick, little bean - stick!
So I'm 4 dpiui today and was at my in-laws' today and the discussion fell on when we had our last insemination. So we also got into when we can start IVF and then they start saying we just need to "think positive" and it'll surely happen. When I asked them why I didn't get pregnant the first 6 months in that case, they didn't really have an answer other than we weren't relaxed. But when I mentioned other people having gotten pregnant after giving up and being very negative then they said it was because those people had relaxed and that's why. They refuse to understand the concept of "unexplained infertility" because they think that means that there's absolutely nothing wrong with us and it should happen. I tried giving it one last go but they don't get it and are incapable of getting it:dohh:

I give up.....will be avoiding talking about our journey with them at all costs because I just end up frustrated and a bit angry in the end and I'm sure that's not conductive to getting pregnant either:nope:

Hope everyone else is doing better than me:flower:
Hello all. I'm new to BnB.

A little background on me: TTC since 2012. After months of BFN, saw an RE. Found a polyp during HSG. Had hysteroscopy to remove polyp and mild endometriosis. Back to TI and OPKs. Turned 35 this April and decided it was time to get back on the horse suck up my pride and get some serious help. Started Femara (5 mg) June 25 (CD3) and will be doing ovidrel trigger and IUI.

I've been lurking for a while, but decided to register and share/rant/cry/celebrate with women who understand the exhausting process. All my friends either have several "accident" babies or aren't trying.

So I'm hoping to get some insight/motivation/etc. while I go thru this IUI process. Of course with my luck CD10 falls during the holiday weekend, so I can't have the U/S to check follicles (or whatever it is they do on CD10) until Monday July 6.

Any hoot, congrats to all the BFPs and baby dust to all of us still TTC.
So bad news everyone, I started bleeding red and cramping today so AF will be here tomorrow:nope:

Luckily both DH and I weren't very hopeful so no huge shock:shrug:

We can first start IVF around October since our first meeting at the hospital is September 29th and we can first start after it. We'll try calling them around August 3rd to see if they have had any cancellations for the August meeting but not holding our breathes:shrug: In the meantime, we'll be enjoying a NTNP break and just having fun so I won't be keeping track of O. But I'll still be checking in to update and hear how everyone else is doing.

Here's hoping IVF will give us that extremely elusive BFP:thumbup:
Bad news here, too.

HCG levels started dropping over the Independence Day weekend and miscarried shortly thereafter. :( We don't really know what caused it, as we were never able to see anything via ultrasound.

I've been instructed to wait two months before going back to TTC, so in the meantime DH and I are going to get back to our diets and hope we can get in better shape for the next BFP. We might take a vacation between now and then too, who knows.

So I'm back on the TTC boards with you ladies. :|
Bad news here, too.

HCG levels started dropping over the Independence Day weekend and miscarried shortly thereafter. :( We don't really know what caused it, as we were never able to see anything via ultrasound.

I've been instructed to wait two months before going back to TTC, so in the meantime DH and I are going to get back to our diets and hope we can get in better shape for the next BFP. We might take a vacation between now and then too, who knows.

So I'm back on the TTC boards with you ladies. :|

Awww so sorry to hear that:( Hope you soon get your rainbow <3

DH and I are thinking of going on vacation as well for 1-2 weeks, just need to be back very start of August so he can start his new job. Might be a good idea with a vacation - for us both.
Vacations are good -- I know that it always helps ME to get away and do something new every once in a while, even if I don't go far. I live close enough to San Francisco, CA that I could make a day trip there, for example. Go, wander around the tourist attractions, have a nice dinner with DH and come home.

It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but I know that it always helps me feel refreshed.

What were you thinking of doing for a vacation?
Vacations are good -- I know that it always helps ME to get away and do something new every once in a while, even if I don't go far. I live close enough to San Francisco, CA that I could make a day trip there, for example. Go, wander around the tourist attractions, have a nice dinner with DH and come home.

It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but I know that it always helps me feel refreshed.

What were you thinking of doing for a vacation?

Lucky, I'd love to see California one day, I've never been:flower: My parents always ended up taking me to Europe every year which is nice but I've never seen the US, that is until DH and I took a trip along the East coast 5 years ago. We might take a trip out West a few years after we have the baby since he'd like to see it as well.

We ended up with Toscana for 1 week. We'll leave the 25th (the day after a friend's wedding) and be back I think 2 days before DH starts his new job (so we can pick up the cat from my in-laws').

What were you guys planning?
We haven't decided yet. DH and I never got to take a honeymoon (long story there, but the gist of it is that when we got married, we set up a 'honeymoon' registry and people could contribute toward honeymoon expenses there. As few as $5, and as high as several hundred could be contributed, and we didn't ask for any other types gifts at all -- but NO ONE gifted us anything for our wedding except DH's grandmother.) so we were considering maybe taking a belated honeymoon trip somewhere. Generally, though, we vacation in the off season so that we're not stuck in long lines, crowded rooms and noisy restaurants -- plus the weather is much cooler if you wait until Fall.

Soooooo who knows where we'll end up!
We haven't decided yet. DH and I never got to take a honeymoon (long story there, but the gist of it is that when we got married, we set up a 'honeymoon' registry and people could contribute toward honeymoon expenses there. As few as $5, and as high as several hundred could be contributed, and we didn't ask for any other types gifts at all -- but NO ONE gifted us anything for our wedding except DH's grandmother.) so we were considering maybe taking a belated honeymoon trip somewhere. Generally, though, we vacation in the off season so that we're not stuck in long lines, crowded rooms and noisy restaurants -- plus the weather is much cooler if you wait until Fall.

Soooooo who knows where we'll end up!

Wow, how odd no one gave you any money:wacko: I can understand that, it's crazy going on vacation during the high season if it can be avoided. Have you had any destinations in mind whenever you've talked about it?

AFM my in-laws are driving me nuts:wacko: I sent them a couple of articles as my absolute last ditch effort and to get the to stop saying "just relax" and "think positive." I got an email from my MIL that's saying they're confused and almost saying they never said those things but if anything they said hurt me then they're sorry and were only trying to be helpful/supportive:wacko::wacko: Needless to say I had a mini anxiety attack (since she's almost gaslighting me) and talked to DH about it. He thinks that they've written it poorly and it's not what they meant because he heard them say those things. So I told him I refuse to talk to them anymore about TTC and am going to ask DH to relay to them that their son will keep them updated and I won't talk about it anymore. He will first be able to talk to them tomorrow since he's out to a bachelor party today and won't be back until very late.

Needless to say, this would make having MIL as a back-up for DH to drive me home after egg collection in October even more uncomfortable than it is already:wacko: So going to get DH to take a day off that day if necessary. Worst case, I'd rather have my childish friend babysit me but it would still require DH to wait and drive me home since she doesn't have a driver's license.
No $$, no other gifts (we didn't have any additional registries. We wanted to be able to take the trip more than we wanted to have stuff), AND none of them even gave us greeting cards. They barely signed the guestbook we had set out.

I was pretty miffed -- it felt like none of them cared enough or thought we were good enough to even sign a 99 cent greeting card with "Congratulations!" on either side of the family.

Even when we were flat broke college students, if we got invited to and attended a wedding, we scraped together $20 to put on a gift card for the couple's use and put it inside a thoughtful greeting card. I mean honestly, people! >.> You're attending a festive event where they're serving you food, providing music and dancing space, and the opportunity for you to socialize and enjoy yourself. I always feel like the least I could do is help them toward purchasing something new for their home, or what-have-you. They didn't have to invite me and pay for my meal/drinks/entertainment, after all.

As for the MIL thing.... I think having DH deal with her is the best bet. That's how I had to handle my MIL. Anything I said to them was automatically taken the wrong way, or skewed to sound like I was a bitch. I remember one time I had purchased a jug of liquid plant food for the ONE potted plant I was trying to grow, and there was far too much of it for me to use by myself, so I told my MIL that I had plenty if she ever needed any and that I'd be happy to share -- which she turned into me insulting her gardening skills and acting like I was better than she was by offering her this plant food. UGH.

When I got laid off from a management job due to the economic downturn, and I was struggling to find more work, my MIL told all her family members that I was a gold digging so-and-so, and that I refused to get a job and was just making DH support me while I sat on my butt all day.

His female relatives (sister, aunt, grandma) would call him and tell him to MAKE me get a job. As if I hadn't spent most of every day calling around, emailing resumes, checking job sites and walking around town looking for 'help wanted' signs in windows. And he'd let them talk about me that way, and never say a word about it because "that's just how they are", and it took me blowing up over it and telling him how insulted/offended I was that he'd let them trash talk about me behind my back before he stood up to them. And it had to be him that did it, because if I had given them a piece of my mind, it'd have been even worse. They'd have called me a bitch, or worse, and it wouldn't have helped at all.

SO -- I came to the conclusion that since they thought DH was perfect and I was the home wrecker, then DH was going to have to be the one to tell them how things really were. And he'd have to STOP letting them trash talk me, because keeping silent on that subject was just as good as agreeing with them on their thoughts.

It sounds like it might have to work the same way with your family. They're going to trust/like your husband more than they trust/like you, just because he's their blood and you're married into the family. He might have to be the middle man for all future communications and will just have to work on shutting down the comments that he knows are offensive, invasive or otherwise unpleasant for you.
No $$, no other gifts (we didn't have any additional registries. We wanted to be able to take the trip more than we wanted to have stuff), AND none of them even gave us greeting cards. They barely signed the guestbook we had set out.

I was pretty miffed -- it felt like none of them cared enough or thought we were good enough to even sign a 99 cent greeting card with "Congratulations!" on either side of the family.

Even when we were flat broke college students, if we got invited to and attended a wedding, we scraped together $20 to put on a gift card for the couple's use and put it inside a thoughtful greeting card. I mean honestly, people! >.> You're attending a festive event where they're serving you food, providing music and dancing space, and the opportunity for you to socialize and enjoy yourself. I always feel like the least I could do is help them toward purchasing something new for their home, or what-have-you. They didn't have to invite me and pay for my meal/drinks/entertainment, after all.

Wow that's just plain rude:nope: I understand you being pissed, I'd have been annoyed myself. Wow, I thought I had rude family, that's just totally crazy!

DH and I haven't been to many weddings but we also try and pay as much as we can towards a gift for the couple or whatever they want. E.g. the wedding we're going to Saturday we'll be giving the couple 500 kr which is about $73 as the couple will be flying back to Spain where they live and don't want gifts, just money (since they don't have room in their suitcases to pack lots of stuff). Can't afford to give more with me being a housewife/unemployed and all:nope: But yeah, people need to give what they can comfortably afford, it's just plain rude to come and not bother to give anything:growlmad: So sorry that your families did that:nope: I was more fortunate in people bought the gifts they could afford and we got a card with every gift.

As for the MIL thing.... I think having DH deal with her is the best bet. That's how I had to handle my MIL. Anything I said to them was automatically taken the wrong way, or skewed to sound like I was a bitch. I remember one time I had purchased a jug of liquid plant food for the ONE potted plant I was trying to grow, and there was far too much of it for me to use by myself, so I told my MIL that I had plenty if she ever needed any and that I'd be happy to share -- which she turned into me insulting her gardening skills and acting like I was better than she was by offering her this plant food. UGH.

When I got laid off from a management job due to the economic downturn, and I was struggling to find more work, my MIL told all her family members that I was a gold digging so-and-so, and that I refused to get a job and was just making DH support me while I sat on my butt all day.

His female relatives (sister, aunt, grandma) would call him and tell him to MAKE me get a job. As if I hadn't spent most of every day calling around, emailing resumes, checking job sites and walking around town looking for 'help wanted' signs in windows. And he'd let them talk about me that way, and never say a word about it because "that's just how they are", and it took me blowing up over it and telling him how insulted/offended I was that he'd let them trash talk about me behind my back before he stood up to them. And it had to be him that did it, because if I had given them a piece of my mind, it'd have been even worse. They'd have called me a bitch, or worse, and it wouldn't have helped at all.

SO -- I came to the conclusion that since they thought DH was perfect and I was the home wrecker, then DH was going to have to be the one to tell them how things really were. And he'd have to STOP letting them trash talk me, because keeping silent on that subject was just as good as agreeing with them on their thoughts.

It sounds like it might have to work the same way with your family. They're going to trust/like your husband more than they trust/like you, just because he's their blood and you're married into the family. He might have to be the middle man for all future communications and will just have to work on shutting down the comments that he knows are offensive, invasive or otherwise unpleasant for you.

Wow, your MIL was really out to misunderstand you:wacko: And what's with making you out to be a lazy person that doesn't want to work:dohh: My in-laws only ever said I was constantly "unlucky" since they'd have no issues hiring a newly educated if they worked in HR at a company. Yep, they're so naive they believe everyone thinks the way they do:dohh: That's just unbelievable that they'd say you don't want to work:nope: Sounds like they've never had problems finding a job and didn't get it so decided to understand it in the worst possible way. I sometimes Wonder if my DH's parents are thinking somewhat the same thing about me, especially now that I've given up finding a job because really, who's gonna hire a woman over 35 with almost no job experience and no connections to recommend her?

I can relate to blowing up to making DH talk sense into insane in-laws, I have almost the same issue with mine. I had to remind him today in my most serious "I mean business" voice that he's married to me, not his parents and his loyalties should be with me, especially when he knows I'm right and am not making things up. So I'm pretty sure he's gonna talk to them tomorrow. He kept saying though that she didn't mean to be hurtful and I told him it doesn't matter, if someone is being hurtful, no matter if it's the intention or not, they need to be told and that the behaviour needs to stop. I reminded him to let her know that it's not just me and that many women going through infertility would find those comments hurtful, don't want her thinking I'm some super sensitive person that's behaving irrationally or anything. I think men find it daunting to confront their mothers because they always find their mothers so nice and don't have as many issues with them as us DILs do. Luckily I don't have issues with any of his other female relatives. His grandmother has been wonderful through all this and hasn't been coming with the stupid comments her daughter has, despite the fact she's 94 and you'd think she'd understand it even less.
She seemed to think I wasn't looking for work at all. Like I was just sitting at home watching soap operas and eating bon-bons. Hence the "MAKE her get a job!" comments. Sigh.

And you're right, just because someone doesn't INTEND to be hurtful, doesn't mean that it isn't hurtful. And if they're not made aware that something is hurtful they're just going to keep doing it, causing further problems.

I hope DH sticks to his guns and stands up for you! It was the only way I was able to get any peace about the job hunt and many other subjects, too.

They used to invite DH places (even pay for his ticket/admission/food), but not invite me -- or tell me that if I wanted to go, I had to pay for everything myself -- while paying for all the other spouses' fares. His sister came to town to spend the weekend at our house once, and had the nerve to tell me, "I came up here to visit my BROTHER, so if you don't mind, I'm going to take HIM to lunch. Alone." I bet there was smoke coming out of my ears!
She seemed to think I wasn't looking for work at all. Like I was just sitting at home watching soap operas and eating bon-bons. Hence the "MAKE her get a job!" comments. Sigh.

And you're right, just because someone doesn't INTEND to be hurtful, doesn't mean that it isn't hurtful. And if they're not made aware that something is hurtful they're just going to keep doing it, causing further problems.

I hope DH sticks to his guns and stands up for you! It was the only way I was able to get any peace about the job hunt and many other subjects, too.

They used to invite DH places (even pay for his ticket/admission/food), but not invite me -- or tell me that if I wanted to go, I had to pay for everything myself -- while paying for all the other spouses' fares. His sister came to town to spend the weekend at our house once, and had the nerve to tell me, "I came up here to visit my BROTHER, so if you don't mind, I'm going to take HIM to lunch. Alone." I bet there was smoke coming out of my ears!

Geez, that seems to be how some people like to see the unemployed - as lazy bums sitting on the couch not doing a thing. I know I used all the hours I would've had doing a job looking for one. Know how frustrating it is when people think you're doing otherwise. I got so many comments from total to almost strangers about not being able to get a job, it's so not funny, some of them were even hostile about it:wacko:

I hope so as well. But I don't think he dares not saying something to her as he knows I'm not kidding. The only awkward thing is we already arranged to meet with the cat sitter at his parents' house on Monday since she'll be looking after our cat there and the in-laws need to meet her since she'll be coming to their house those days. Don't want the cat sitter picking up bad vibes so DH will need to talk with them the day before so things aren't awkward on Monday.

Wow, what's with their hostility towards you:wacko: That's just so uncalled for, all of it. Ok so she wanted to have a couple of hours alone with him for sibling time but she didn't have to say it like that:wacko: So bizarre that they're so nasty towards you. I mean really. Especially when you do have a child, how is that gonna work, that they're hostile towards you in front of your own kid? That should really be nipped in the bud:nope:
Well, thankfully they live about 5hrs away from us now, so it's a lot less stress than when we lived in the same town.

They had problems with me right off the bat because I do not share their religion. They asked if I was 'converting' their son, to which DH replied, "You can't convert me from nothing" because he's an Atheist. lol. My MIL accused me of being a Satan worshiper and would make nasty comments about any books or other paraphernalia for my religion that I had on hand.

Then they blamed it on me when their son wanted to go to college out of town, since the college in town didn't offer a good program in his major of choice (computer programming). Clearly I was trying to 'steal him away' from them and I had something to do with their local college not offering the courses he wanted to take.. lol

They were even rude about the fact that DH and I went on diets and lost a bunch of weight. Then it was, "Doesn't your wife know how to make enough food for you?" And they'd play it off as a joke, but their tones of voice were really just unpleasant.

So right off the bat they were determined to be nasty toward me. Blech!

But since DH has been standing up for me, they've been a lot less blatantly nasty. I'm sure the snide comments continue to take place when they're not standing right in front of us, but at least I don't have to deal with it.

And my FIL really likes me, and has from the start. And that was another thing that my MIL hated. She hated if I cooked a meal for them and he liked it, she hated if I told a joke and he liked it, etc.

I really do not understand that mentality. If there is a woman taking care of your son, and keeping him happy... and she's educated, has a job (or is trying to get one) and in all ways behaves as a partner in the relationship and not a dependent, isn't that something to be HAPPY about?

I'd understand if I was a drug addict, or I did nothing but party all the time and spend 50% of my days inebriated... Or if I was a thug (lol), or I spent every penny of his paycheck on frivolous things, or if I was being unfaithful or something, but I was/did none of those things.
Hi Kat and Ireadyermind.

I am so sorry Ireadyer mind. I saw your news and I hope that the next few months fly by for you and that you get another BFP soon and it sticks.

Kat your family is so beyond weird that I do not blame you for wanting to separate yourself. It is a difficult position to be in when you cannot conceive and everyone around you has stories of it just happened or I was on birth control or whatever and try to tell you relaxation is the key. Its not. It is luck, timing, and sometimes not even then and no one can predict what your fertility holds especially when there are so many more chemicals we are exposed to and our cycles start so much younger these days than our parents did that it all affects it.

AFM: I am currently 18 weeks and will find out the gender in two weeks. I am starting to feel movement, which is a surreal and strange experience. It almost feels like I swallowed a live goldfish and it somehow survived all the gasses and whatever and is just doing its thing in my weird.

I really hope you all get to join me soon and I want you both to know that I think you are brave and amazing women for going through what you have gone through and still continued to try. Hope you have an amazing weekend.
Well, thankfully they live about 5hrs away from us now, so it's a lot less stress than when we lived in the same town.

They had problems with me right off the bat because I do not share their religion. They asked if I was 'converting' their son, to which DH replied, "You can't convert me from nothing" because he's an Atheist. lol. My MIL accused me of being a Satan worshiper and would make nasty comments about any books or other paraphernalia for my religion that I had on hand.

Then they blamed it on me when their son wanted to go to college out of town, since the college in town didn't offer a good program in his major of choice (computer programming). Clearly I was trying to 'steal him away' from them and I had something to do with their local college not offering the courses he wanted to take.. lol

They were even rude about the fact that DH and I went on diets and lost a bunch of weight. Then it was, "Doesn't your wife know how to make enough food for you?" And they'd play it off as a joke, but their tones of voice were really just unpleasant.

So right off the bat they were determined to be nasty toward me. Blech!

But since DH has been standing up for me, they've been a lot less blatantly nasty. I'm sure the snide comments continue to take place when they're not standing right in front of us, but at least I don't have to deal with it.

And my FIL really likes me, and has from the start. And that was another thing that my MIL hated. She hated if I cooked a meal for them and he liked it, she hated if I told a joke and he liked it, etc.

I really do not understand that mentality. If there is a woman taking care of your son, and keeping him happy... and she's educated, has a job (or is trying to get one) and in all ways behaves as a partner in the relationship and not a dependent, isn't that something to be HAPPY about?

I'd understand if I was a drug addict, or I did nothing but party all the time and spend 50% of my days inebriated... Or if I was a thug (lol), or I spent every penny of his paycheck on frivolous things, or if I was being unfaithful or something, but I was/did none of those things.

Wow it just sounds like they were determined to not like you right off the bat and are just finding things to criticize. It's interesting to see that it's the women in the family you're having problems with while your FIL has been fine. Sounds like your MIL + SIL has some sort of issue and your FIL is just an enabler of their bad behaviour.

I don't think you should take their bad behaviour personally, they'd probably find fault with just about anyone he brought home and was serious about. They probably find it threatning. If I've learned anything from having a mother and at least one brother with NPD (I highly suspect my other brother, the eldest, has it and my sister may very well have it to a lesser degree), it's that it has nothing to do with you and everything is on them: they choose to behave this way and it's only a reflection of them. As one of my favorite quotes says "Don't let someone's bad behaviour define your self-worth, let it define theirs."

Have you looked into non-defensive communication? I'm trying to learn it to handle the narcs in my family. Here's some lines to use:

• Really?
• I see.
• I understand.
• That’s interesting.
• That’s your choice.
• I’m sure you see it that way.
• You’re entitled to your opinion.
• I’m sorry you’re upset.
• Let’s talk about this when you’re calmer.
• Yelling and threatening aren’t going to solve anything.
• This subject is off-limits.
• I don’t choose to have this conversation.
• I know you’re upset.
• This is non-negotiable.
• I don’t accept your definition of me.
• No, I’m not going to do what you ask just because you insist.
• I need to go now.

• I am no longer willing to…
• I am willing to…
• It is no longer acceptable for you to…
• I need you to…

You can of course change these statements around to better fit your situation though.

AFM the thing with my in-laws is I never have had any serious issues with them before this. I know they're probably not too happy that I never could get a job and that I have a huge student loan debt (that DH is now starting to pay off since his new job is paying more than the old one but we're not telling them that, it'll just drive them nuts and give them more reasons to not like me). But I guess being a housewife and now suffering from infertility is bringing out their bad sides since I know they want more grandchildren and aren't getting more from the eldest, especially since he's recently divorced, and the youngest isn't interested any time soon, if ever and parties almost every weekend like he's 23 and not 33 (although he does have a live-in girlfriend). They probably also think that since they were succesful in having 3 kids easily that they know it all when it comes to making babies:dohh: I just don't get why they'd say they never said those things when DH is my witness (I did also go after him at home about not sticking up enough for me during that discussion).

Kat your family is so beyond weird that I do not blame you for wanting to separate yourself. It is a difficult position to be in when you cannot conceive and everyone around you has stories of it just happened or I was on birth control or whatever and try to tell you relaxation is the key. Its not. It is luck, timing, and sometimes not even then and no one can predict what your fertility holds especially when there are so many more chemicals we are exposed to and our cycles start so much younger these days than our parents did that it all affects it.

Hey cutestuff:flower:

Yep, none of them get it. Neither my narcissistic family members or my in-laws that are actually causing the most grief at the moment since my narcissistic brother and sister are at the moment not talking to me which I prefer a great deal over their unhelpful comments and making my struggle about their own previous struggles. My MIL being the most vocal of the 2 of course and she's always found a way to sneak it in that I should just relax. I actually wonder if she doesn't believe in infertility or it's because they aren't able to find the cause in my case, probably mostly the latter. She (nor my FIL for that matter) doesn't understand that "unexplained infertility" doesn't mean there's nothing wrong, despite my best efforts to explain it.

The weird email where they apologise "...if it hurt my feelings " is also a red flag at the moment plus they're pretty much denying they said any of it although I can't fathom why. Why they can't just say we're sorry we said those Things and won't be saying them anymore, I don't understand. I think the best thing to do now is just for DH to tell them that we won't be talking about our journey anymore together with them but he'll update them or answer in private any questions they may have during this time.

Glad to hear things are going well with your pregnancy:flower: Please let us know when you find out the gender:thumbup: I'm thinking I'll first get that BFP in October at my 1st IVF, at least that's what I'm hoping:winkwink:

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