Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

How's everyone doing?

Just got back from a 1 week trip to Italy. We were in Venice and then went to Toscana/Florence. It was a really nice trip:thumbup:

I think I may be 1-2 days late but we'll see. My hopes are of course pretty darn low after having TTCed for so long. Planning on testing Tuesday morning if AF doesn't show up by then.
You are so lucky Kat.... I wish I had the time/money to travel.... fx for you. Hopefully af stays away. I have heard a lot of stories where they went away and came back pregnant, so you never know.
afm: I am slowly starting to look as though I decided to swallow an entire watermelon without chewing or stopping. I may have even put it up my shirt and decided to walk around with it... Baby is getting more and more active and the kicks are getting stronger so they sometimes catch me by surprise causing my husband to think something is wrong... I have decided this baby is a zombie ninja baby as it eats by brain cells and kicks the crap out of me.... I find out Tuesday if it is a boy or girl...I hope......I just want it to be healthy and to arrive safe and on time....
Wow, Kat! So lucky! I've always wanted to visit Venice. I'm jealous!

DH and I started our new diet plan a couple of weeks ago and I've lost about three pounds on it so far. I'm hoping that I can stick to this current rate of loss so that I'm down by at least 10-15 pounds by the time we start TTC again.

My cycle is looking a lot like it did for my BFP -- which is bad. My BFP cycle was one where I didn't O until CD33, and I really don't want to have to wait 47 - 48 days for a single cycle!

I'm hoping that this month it's just because I miscarried and my hormones are trying to find balance again. It sure is a downer, though. :(
You are so lucky Kat.... I wish I had the time/money to travel.... fx for you. Hopefully af stays away. I have heard a lot of stories where they went away and came back pregnant, so you never know.
afm: I am slowly starting to look as though I decided to swallow an entire watermelon without chewing or stopping. I may have even put it up my shirt and decided to walk around with it... Baby is getting more and more active and the kicks are getting stronger so they sometimes catch me by surprise causing my husband to think something is wrong... I have decided this baby is a zombie ninja baby as it eats by brain cells and kicks the crap out of me.... I find out Tuesday if it is a boy or girl...I hope......I just want it to be healthy and to arrive safe and on time....

Yes here's hoping. I just hope it isn't going to be like my cycle last year where I was 5 days late and got a BFN when I tested after being 3-4 days late. That just was torture:nope: So if AF is going to come, hoping it happens soon before my hopes begin to rise. Although they aren't very high because I'm not really experiencing any symptoms but of course you never know.....

Hope it continues to go well for you:flower:

Wow, Kat! So lucky! I've always wanted to visit Venice. I'm jealous!

DH and I started our new diet plan a couple of weeks ago and I've lost about three pounds on it so far. I'm hoping that I can stick to this current rate of loss so that I'm down by at least 10-15 pounds by the time we start TTC again.

My cycle is looking a lot like it did for my BFP -- which is bad. My BFP cycle was one where I didn't O until CD33, and I really don't want to have to wait 47 - 48 days for a single cycle!

I'm hoping that this month it's just because I miscarried and my hormones are trying to find balance again. It sure is a downer, though. :(

Yeah Venice was nice, wish we could've stayed a couple more days but we could only get away for 1 week since DH starts his new job today. Florence was very nice too but I think I slightly preferred Venice. We tried on the way to the airport to see "The Last Supper" but it seems you have to book those tickets months in advance, especially if you're going to Italy for the summer:nope: Oh well, we'll probably be going to Italy again sometime in the future (I want to see Rome) so we can always do it next time. So if anyone's planning on going to Italy and wants to see it, book those tickets ASAP:winkwink:

Wow congrats on your weight loss:happydance: I know how hard it is, lost about 10 kg a few years ago and it was tough:nope: Wonder if I should try and go on a TTC safe diet and try and lose the last 5 kg or so?

Oy that's late to O:nope: I think I read that you shouldn't O much later than CD16 or so. Totally get that, I'd hate to have to have such long cycles. It could also be that your hormones are a bit nuts this cycle. Hopefully you'll get your rainbow soon. I'm hoping for all of us ladies that are still TTC.

BTW I've been thinking about it and have been thinking that my ex-SIL (the one who divorced DH's older brother) has NPD (with her little sister being the scapegoat and her mother having NPD while the father is an enabler) but DH didn't totally buy it although he admitted she did seem to have a couple of symptoms. Typical, he never wants to see the bad in people:nope: Talked with my in-laws yesterday when we picked up our cat from them (we stayed for dinner) and after what they told me about her I was brave and told them my theory and they totally agree! Although they think she may have some Borderline mixed in which is totally possible since I think my NPD mother may have some Borderline in her as well. They tried asking my MIL's sister (she's a psychiatrist) but she didn't want to say yes since she hasn't had the ex-SIL in for any sessions and doesn't want to brand her without having tried to diagnose her in a professional setting (which we all know will never happen). Seems the ex-SIL has been a total nightmare and making things difficult, totally not caring about the kids and making everything about her and her needs, being super controlling, creating drama in front of them (e.g. screaming at their father in front of them) ect. Which I told them just confirms she's a narc. She doesn't care about the kids, it's all about her. I truely feel for them, I know what it's like. I just hope none of them are going to end up being narcs as well but if it's going to be any of them, it'll be the son since she seems to favour him more over her daughter (despite the fact she was adamant about having a girl and was willing to keep trying until it happened).

Unfortunately his brother can't do anything since she's the one that has the most custody (the kids have their adresse with her and live with her 9 days out of the 14 days). He didn't think to try and get them plus I think the system favours the mother. The system won't be much help since it's all based on the fact that they assume all parents are reasonable people that will prioritize the kids, which is so wrong! So she's holding all the cards:nope:
So I used one of my specially imported FRERs to get a BFN:nope: Not even the slightest hint of a line. So I doubt at this point I'm pregnant, AF is just being evil again. She's still not in sight but I was 5 days late once last year. Now that I think about it, it was about the same time, end July-start August :shrug: So sure she'll make her appearance soon.

Anyway forgot to remind hubby to call the hospital to ask if anyone's cancelled so just sent him an SMS. I seriously doubt it but we can just try asking and not have to wonder "what if?"
Aww that's a shame. I hate it when AF decides to be late, on a whim!

I'm currently CD 29 and no sign of ovulation yet. I've been patient because DH and I are doing this diet, and the more weight I lose before my next BFP, the better off both baby and I will be throughout a pregnancy. So since my time is currently taken up with calorie counting, exercise, scheduled meals, and drinking at least 3 liters of water a DAY... The time has been passing relatively smoothly for me. Not like the last few months where every day without O was agony. >.>

Have you tried Vitex/Chasteberry, or Maca Root or Soy supplements?
Aww that's a shame. I hate it when AF decides to be late, on a whim!

I'm currently CD 29 and no sign of ovulation yet. I've been patient because DH and I are doing this diet, and the more weight I lose before my next BFP, the better off both baby and I will be throughout a pregnancy. So since my time is currently taken up with calorie counting, exercise, scheduled meals, and drinking at least 3 liters of water a DAY... The time has been passing relatively smoothly for me. Not like the last few months where every day without O was agony. >.>

Have you tried Vitex/Chasteberry, or Maca Root or Soy supplements?

Yeah me too:nope: Having some wine as my booby prize so that's always good:haha: Plus I've ordered a couple of more nail polishes than I should've:winkwink: I'm thinking AF will come in the next 2-3 days.

I get that. Think it might be good to concentrate on the diet and getting in shape to take your mind off Things. That's what I'm trying to do with other things like having stopped my nail biting habit and shopping for nail polishes or looking for tips to strengthen them since they're pretty weak at the moment after about 30 years of biting them:nope:

I've tried none of those things. Maca root I think is illegal here so can't buy it anyway. Not sure about the other things but I've tried so much else that I'm thinking it's a "lost cause" and just dropping the experimentation and trying to get somewhat back to how life was before the TTC craze until we can start IVF:nope: That way, I'm hoping that I'll be more mentally and emotionally ready for going through the iVF process. I just hope IVF will help us avoid whatever the problem is and will give me my rainbow.
Maca root I think is illegal here so can't buy it anyway.

Wow, illegal? I wonder why...

The Vitex is what I took last cycle in the hopes of it helping me ovulate. I don't know if it did or not, but I did get a BFP that cycle, after almost a year of trying.

It could have been coincidence, but then again.. maybe not! :headspin:
Maca root I think is illegal here so can't buy it anyway.

Wow, illegal? I wonder why...

The Vitex is what I took last cycle in the hopes of it helping me ovulate. I don't know if it did or not, but I did get a BFP that cycle, after almost a year of trying.

It could have been coincidence, but then again.. maybe not! :headspin:

Must be because there's a health risk in taking it:shrug: There must be some sort of risk if it's not legal here.

I don't have Oing issues since I'm regular with my cycles mostly being in the 26-27 day range so guess Vitex won't help me.

So DH called and no cancellations so we're still first on for October :nope:
Must be because there's a health risk in taking it:shrug: There must be some sort of risk if it's not legal here.

I don't have Oing issues since I'm regular with my cycles mostly being in the 26-27 day range so guess Vitex won't help me.

So DH called and no cancellations so we're still first on for October :nope:

It's not just for ovulation, it helps balance out hormones which may be off. For example, my testosterone levels are too high. I still ovulate every month and I used to have pretty regular cycles, but the testosterone messes with my skin, hair, moods, length of period, etc. and correcting those issues will bring me health benefits. :)

I was only curious. -shrug- I hear a lot of mixed results about it and I was wondering if you'd tried it at all.
Must be because there's a health risk in taking it:shrug: There must be some sort of risk if it's not legal here.

I don't have Oing issues since I'm regular with my cycles mostly being in the 26-27 day range so guess Vitex won't help me.

So DH called and no cancellations so we're still first on for October :nope:

It's not just for ovulation, it helps balance out hormones which may be off. For example, my testosterone levels are too high. I still ovulate every month and I used to have pretty regular cycles, but the testosterone messes with my skin, hair, moods, length of period, etc. and correcting those issues will bring me health benefits. :)

I was only curious. -shrug- I hear a lot of mixed results about it and I was wondering if you'd tried it at all.

I don't think my hormones are off, at least not according to my RE. So don't think I want to mess anything up as I've heard of women trying stuff and messing their cycles up for months. I tried royal jelly, started taking it shortly after O, and stopped because I think it was delaying AF. So no more:nope:

I think at this point I've pretty much given up on the natural method and am trying to look forward to IVF.
Hi all! I hope it's ok if I jump in. I'm 31, DH is 32, and we're TTC #1.

I'm very, very new to TTC. I've been researching for a year, and this is our second month of trying, though I can't really count last month because we were so all over the place with BD because of friends and family visiting. (That's what happens when you live in southern California in the summer!)

We're both very physically fit, healthy eaters. I eat an all organic, vegetarian diet, and we both surf, run, and spend most of our evening and weekends being active, though we both love beer a bit too much! There are so many good local breweries around us, so we've been trying to cut that down. Most of my life has always been food and health conscious, so I'm fortunate to be ahead of my health on that front.

I'm due for AF 8/27, and we've been BDing every other day since 8/3. Yesterday started my fertile window, and I should O on 8/12.

I've just started temping this week, so I'm new to that, but I have been tracking my periods for over a year, and I have a 28-29 day cycle with nothing unusual thus far, so here's hoping things are operating as they should.

I've loved reading this thread so far, what an amazing, positive, supportive group this is!
Wow Rexmom2b3,
Our stories are SO similiar!!!! I am also BRAND new to anything like this. I am also 31, my DH is 34. We're TTC #1 for the past 2 months, and weirdly my AF and O days are almost identical to yours!! I should O tomorrow the next day. We BD yesterday, told DH we should tonight and tomorrow, too. We actually just moved from San Diego a bit over a year ago, now we live on a military base in the Middle East. I am also super health conscious and an extremely clean eater, which I'm hoping will help. For a myriad of reasons, conceiving now would be by far the most ideal for us, so I am praying SO hard it happens this month!! I will look forward to keeping up with your journey as we support each other through this crazy ride!
*baby dust and prayers!*
Welcome RexMom2Be and W8ting4baby1:flower: I hope your journeys are short and you get your BFPs soon. I've been TTC #1 for 1 year and going on 11 months (I'm 36, DH is now 38) and am waiting to start IVF in October (6 failed IUIs behind me) and can tell you it really stinks to be a LTTTCer. So here's hoping for you 2 :dust:

AFM I'm debating on whether I should start trying Royal Jelly again (it's supposed to improve egg quality for those that haven't heard of it). I tried last cycle taking it about 1 week after O and I think it delayed AF, which first came about 2-3 days after I stopped taking it. I'm around CD6 now and normally O around CD13, occasionally CD14, so don't think it'd be good for me to O much later than that as I've heard it can lead to a lower quality egg:shrug: Anyone have any advice?
Hi all!

I'm new to this site, I'm 36 and ttc#1. In general good health etc but am getting impatient lol! Been about a year but have recently started the relaxed approach. What supplements does everyone take? I tried royal jelly and co-enzymeq10, think it helped so want to start it again. I also need help with timings on that!

T x
Hi all!

I'm new to this site, I'm 36 and ttc#1. In general good health etc but am getting impatient lol! Been about a year but have recently started the relaxed approach. What supplements does everyone take? I tried royal jelly and co-enzymeq10, think it helped so want to start it again. I also need help with timings on that!

T x

Welcome Tiny W:flower:

If you aren't already doing so, it's always good to take a pre-natal or pregnancy vitamin (if you live in a country that doesn't sell pre-natals) that contains Folic Acid to prevent Spina Bifida in the baby. They actually recommend taking it around 3 months before TTCing.

I'm taking pregnancy vitamins (since you can't get pre-natals in Denmark) and tried taking Royal Jelly last cycle but am considering trying again. Have also tried the co-enzym 10 but it wasn't really helping and they're so super expensive here that I stopped after about 4 months.

BTW if it's been a year, you're eligible for getting tested if you're interested (your CD3 and evt. CD21 hormones, your DHs/OHs sperm ect.). I think in most countries it's after 6 months when you're 35 or over (except in e.g. Denmark, here it's 1 year actively TTCing no matter your age:dohh:).

Tried being relaxed myself and it didn't work and now I'm waiting to start IVF in October (after 6 failed IUIs). Hope it works better for you :dust:
Thank you for the warm welcomes!

W8ting, we're cycle twins! When are you testing? I'm hoping my health habits contribute to a quick BFP, and being vegetarian has made me REALLY focus on getting lots of protein while TTC. I packed a HUGE salad for work today, full of tomatoes and chick peas and lots of mixed greens with lemon for dressing (vitamin C!). Have you changed your diet at all for TTC?

Kat: I'm so sorry your journey has been so long, I'm sure you are beyond ready for October to get here! It seems you've got a great support system here in this thread, and I'm so happy to join in.

Tiny: I'm new to the supplements too! I eat lots of healthy foods, but I'm going to be adding some daily vitamins and folic acid to my diet for TTC. If you've been trying nearly a year, I'm sure there are some here who have great advice on what you can add in!

AFM: I hope I O'd already, because we did sooooo good timing-wise if I did. BD Sunday and last night, 2 nights in a row. We're going to tonight and tomorrow as well, and then Friday. We BD almost every night anyway, so it's nice to not have to stress about protection. ;) :blush:
Kat: I'm so sorry your journey has been so long, I'm sure you are beyond ready for October to get here! It seems you've got a great support system here in this thread, and I'm so happy to join in.

Yep, I'm practically counting the days:haha: Thanks, yeah it's been a real emotional rollercoaster, TTCing for 1 year before being able to get a referral, going through 6 IUIs and injecting myself with hormones and AF showing up every single time:nope: I wouldn't wish this on anybody

AFM: I hope I O'd already, because we did sooooo good timing-wise if I did. BD Sunday and last night, 2 nights in a row. We're going to tonight and tomorrow as well, and then Friday. We BD almost every night anyway, so it's nice to not have to stress about protection. ;) :blush:

FXed that this will give you your BFP :dust: Otherwise feel free to come on here and rant, I've done that a lot myself since I joined BnB :winkwink:

AFM I've decided to try the Royal Jelly one more time. Can just as well now that we bought it. If it delays anything for too long (like O or AF), I might stop taking it though but lets see if I started taking it at a better time in my cycle. But I'll have to keep track of my cycle to know this which kinda stinks but better do it this first almost full month on them so I know.

DH goes in tomorrow for his SA at the hospital we'll be doing IVF at but we won't get the results until the 1st meeting on September 28th:shrug: I'm assuming it'll be pretty much the same results as the clinic got so probably not too exciting (normal but on the pretty low side of normal). He's horrible about taking his vitamins so don't think they've had much affect:dohh: But I'm thinking it's probably more likely my eggs that are the issue even though my FSH and AMH were deemed "normal for (my) age" by the RE at the clinic we had the IUIs done. Don't know if my CM could be an issue as well since I only get watery, although it'll have patches of EWCM in it close to O:shrug:

Anyway on a totally unrelated TTC note, it's been 2 months since I stopped my nail biting so at least I have something to celebrate:happydance: Been going a bit nuts buying nail polish so am starting to get a small collection :blush:
Hey, Rex! Good to see another Californian around here! ^^

I'm in Central CA, myself. Been loving the mild weather we've been having but I really REALLY hope we end the drought this winter! D'you live on the coast at all, or is it more inland?
Kat: Good on the nailbiting! I'm a polish-addict myself, it keeps my nails longer and stronger. I used to bite them, but now I love having them all long and painted! I hope the clinic visits go well, I know it must be frustrating having no "real" answers to go off of. Starts to feel like a big experiment! I'm hoping by October you'll have a plan made and ready for action, I'm sure it will at least feel better to get there!

ireadyermind: yay California! We're on the coast. I work in film so we stay around the Los Angeles area mostly. It's fine by me, I love it here, and have most of my family nearby! We also LOVE central CA though, hubs lived in San Fran (and also down in San Diego) for years. We have plans to go camp in the redwoods in NorCal as soon as we get some time off here! Do you ever go to Mammoth?

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