You are so lucky Kat.... I wish I had the time/money to travel.... fx for you. Hopefully af stays away. I have heard a lot of stories where they went away and came back pregnant, so you never know.
afm: I am slowly starting to look as though I decided to swallow an entire watermelon without chewing or stopping. I may have even put it up my shirt and decided to walk around with it... Baby is getting more and more active and the kicks are getting stronger so they sometimes catch me by surprise causing my husband to think something is wrong... I have decided this baby is a zombie ninja baby as it eats by brain cells and kicks the crap out of me.... I find out Tuesday if it is a boy or girl...I hope......I just want it to be healthy and to arrive safe and on time....
Yes here's hoping. I just hope it isn't going to be like my cycle last year where I was 5 days late and got a BFN when I tested after being 3-4 days late. That just was torture

So if AF is going to come, hoping it happens soon before my hopes begin to rise. Although they aren't very high because I'm not really experiencing any symptoms but of course you never know.....
Hope it continues to go well for you
Wow, Kat! So lucky! I've always wanted to visit Venice. I'm jealous!
DH and I started our new diet plan a couple of weeks ago and I've lost about three pounds on it so far. I'm hoping that I can stick to this current rate of loss so that I'm down by at least 10-15 pounds by the time we start TTC again.
My cycle is looking a lot like it did for my BFP -- which is bad. My BFP cycle was one where I didn't O until CD33, and I really don't want to have to wait 47 - 48 days for a single cycle!
I'm hoping that this month it's just because I miscarried and my hormones are trying to find balance again. It sure is a downer, though.
Yeah Venice was nice, wish we could've stayed a couple more days but we could only get away for 1 week since DH starts his new job today. Florence was very nice too but I think I slightly preferred Venice. We tried on the way to the airport to see "The Last Supper" but it seems you have to book those tickets
months in advance, especially if you're going to Italy for the summer

Oh well, we'll probably be going to Italy again sometime in the future (I want to see Rome) so we can always do it next time. So if anyone's planning on going to Italy and wants to see it, book those tickets ASAP
Wow congrats on your weight loss

I know how hard it is, lost about 10 kg a few years ago and it was tough

Wonder if I should try and go on a TTC safe diet and try and lose the last 5 kg or so?
Oy that's late to O

I think I read that you shouldn't O much later than CD16 or so. Totally get that, I'd hate to have to have such long cycles. It could also be that your hormones are a bit nuts this cycle. Hopefully you'll get your rainbow soon. I'm hoping for all of us ladies that are still TTC.
BTW I've been thinking about it and have been thinking that my ex-SIL (the one who divorced DH's older brother) has NPD (with her little sister being the scapegoat and her mother having NPD while the father is an enabler) but DH didn't totally buy it although he admitted she did seem to have a couple of symptoms. Typical, he never wants to see the bad in people

Talked with my in-laws yesterday when we picked up our cat from them (we stayed for dinner) and after what they told me about her I was brave and told them my theory and they totally agree! Although they think she may have some Borderline mixed in which is totally possible since I think my NPD mother may have some Borderline in her as well. They tried asking my MIL's sister (she's a psychiatrist) but she didn't want to say yes since she hasn't had the ex-SIL in for any sessions and doesn't want to brand her without having tried to diagnose her in a professional setting (which we all know will never happen). Seems the ex-SIL has been a total nightmare and making things difficult, totally not caring about the kids and making everything about her and her needs, being super controlling, creating drama in front of them (e.g. screaming at their father in front of them) ect. Which I told them just confirms she's a narc. She doesn't care about the kids, it's all about her. I truely feel for them, I know what it's like. I just hope none of them are going to end up being narcs as well but if it's going to be any of them, it'll be the son since she seems to favour him more over her daughter (despite the fact she was adamant about having a girl and was willing to keep trying until it happened).
Unfortunately his brother can't do anything since she's the one that has the most custody (the kids have their adresse with her and live with her 9 days out of the 14 days). He didn't think to try and get them plus I think the system favours the mother. The system won't be much help since it's all based on the fact that they assume all parents are reasonable people that will prioritize the kids, which is so wrong! So she's holding all the cards