Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Ugh I'm frustrated. I'm cd 18 and haven't had a clearly positive opk. I took 10mg femara this cycle too. I've had 3 successful ovulation cycles on 5mg Femara varying from days 17-21 but my cm is no longer ewcm, it's turned sticky. And no temp rise so I don't think I missed the surge. I don't know what else to do.
Kat: Good on the nailbiting! I'm a polish-addict myself, it keeps my nails longer and stronger. I used to bite them, but now I love having them all long and painted! I hope the clinic visits go well, I know it must be frustrating having no "real" answers to go off of. Starts to feel like a big experiment! I'm hoping by October you'll have a plan made and ready for action, I'm sure it will at least feel better to get there!

ireadyermind: yay California! We're on the coast. I work in film so we stay around the Los Angeles area mostly. It's fine by me, I love it here, and have most of my family nearby! We also LOVE central CA though, hubs lived in San Fran (and also down in San Diego) for years. We have plans to go camp in the redwoods in NorCal as soon as we get some time off here! Do you ever go to Mammoth?

I think I may become a nail polish addict as well, DH isn't too happy about that but I'm sure he thinks it's at least better than me biting them:haha: It drove him nuts sometimes and he'd scold me:blush: I had them semi-long but noticed some of them were growing crooked, like scooping upward if you get me (think the nail beds are too short at this time to have them very long). Then I noticed the one I broke and had to cut down very short was getting a slightly longer nail bed so figured it'd help to cut the others short as well and see if it helps my nail beds grow a bit longer so they can better stick to the nails...or something:shrug: I'm using cuticle/nail oil twice a day. Don't know if you have any tips for helping my nail bed recover and grow a bit longer?

Well the one today we won't get any answers until that meeting at the end of September but I doubt it'll be a different one. I'm thinking the problem is definitely me since DH's sperm isn't bad, perhaps my eggs even though my AMH and FSH were "normal." I don't know why the hospital wants to do it's own since I think our clinic did a pretty extensive test last year:shrug: Being unexplained really stinks but as another member told me, perhaps they'll figure something out once they've taken my eggs for my first IVF, like they'll see something wrong with them. We'll see.

Oh California, so always wanted to see it:happydance: But never did as my parents always wanted to vacation in Europe (I lived in the US from age 0-16 on Long Island, NY if you know it?) so never been there:nope: DH is talking about taking a West coast trip in a few years (probably first some years after we have a baby since we don't want to fly all those hours with a small baby or even a very young child:wacko:) since we had an East coast trip back in 2010 so will have to be patient:haha: Really want to go to Hawaii one day as well but fat chance of that happening:haha:

drjo718: Uggh, have you tried calling your GP/RE and asking them? I unfortunately have no experience in the Clomid/Femara area so am not much help, only have tried injectables :nope:
Kat- I haven't called yet but thinking about calling tomorrow. Im concerned the next step is injectables which I have to pay for out of pocket. Way to $$$$
Hi ladies! Hope you don't mind if I join in! I've been a pretty quiet poster on the forums this summer, but I find myself in need of a support group, and you guys seem like a great thread!!

I'm 33, DH is 37 and we're on cycle 10. Sadly. I just found out on Tuesday that I have hypothyroidism, and I'm waiting to hear on blood test results for progesterone from last cycle. I pretty much know that it's too low, since my LP is about 10 days. It's also almost 100% connected to an underactive thyroid! I find myself gearing up for what will probably become medical help, and its a very lonely place to be.

I love everything about being in my thirties except the havoc it seems to wreak on reproduction!
ireadyermind: yay California! We're on the coast. I work in film so we stay around the Los Angeles area mostly. It's fine by me, I love it here, and have most of my family nearby! We also LOVE central CA though, hubs lived in San Fran (and also down in San Diego) for years. We have plans to go camp in the redwoods in NorCal as soon as we get some time off here! Do you ever go to Mammoth?

Oo, I have family in LA! My cousin and his wife are actors making their way up the ladder out there in Hollywood. ^^

I've never been to Mammoth. It's a good 4 to 5 hours away, so it generally doesn't make our Weekend Road Trip list. Haha

We live in Sacramento, so we've been to SF and the surrounding area many times. One of my favorite places to visit in the Fall is Apple Hill out in Placerville, which is in the opposite direction. Lots of charming farms, craft faires, super fresh fruit and veggie products, Christmas tree farms, Pick-your-own-fruit farms... I go every year at least once, just so I can buy a few gallons of fresh apple cider. It's amazing!
Kat- I haven't called yet but thinking about calling tomorrow. Im concerned the next step is injectables which I have to pay for out of pocket. Way to $$$$

Yeah I feel your pain:nope: We had to pay for injectables and they're gonna be even more expensive when we start IVF as I'll be taking more to produce more eggs:dohh::wacko: I hope you get some good advice from your GP/RE on what you should do.

Hi ladies! Hope you don't mind if I join in! I've been a pretty quiet poster on the forums this summer, but I find myself in need of a support group, and you guys seem like a great thread!!

I'm 33, DH is 37 and we're on cycle 10. Sadly. I just found out on Tuesday that I have hypothyroidism, and I'm waiting to hear on blood test results for progesterone from last cycle. I pretty much know that it's too low, since my LP is about 10 days. It's also almost 100% connected to an underactive thyroid! I find myself gearing up for what will probably become medical help, and its a very lonely place to be.

I love everything about being in my thirties except the havoc it seems to wreak on reproduction!

Welcome KatieMK, think I've seen you around before:flower:

Yeah totally feel you, once you need to go the assisted conception route, it can be very lonely because so few understand it:nope: Luckily the ladies here are so very understanding and helpful so it's a great place to come for advice and to rant and find the support you might not be able to find elsewhere.

Yeah, totally feel you on that one:flower: Would be nice if you could have the fertility of someone in their mid- to late-20s well into your 30s:winkwink::haha: Too bad it isn't reality but it would be nice:nope:
Hi ladies! Hope you don't mind if I join in! I've been a pretty quiet poster on the forums this summer, but I find myself in need of a support group, and you guys seem like a great thread!!

I'm 33, DH is 37 and we're on cycle 10. Sadly. I just found out on Tuesday that I have hypothyroidism, and I'm waiting to hear on blood test results for progesterone from last cycle. I pretty much know that it's too low, since my LP is about 10 days. It's also almost 100% connected to an underactive thyroid! I find myself gearing up for what will probably become medical help, and its a very lonely place to be.

I love everything about being in my thirties except the havoc it seems to wreak on reproduction!


Try not to think of the hypothyroidism diagnoses as a bad thing. Instead, think about how much better you will feel when you get proper treatment to correct the problem! :hugs:

It may be a bit of a bummer learning that something is 'broken' -- I know that I felt the same way when I was diagnosed with cervical carcinoma-in-situ -- but with proper treatment, I bet you'll get your BFP!

And we'll all be here to cheer you on and help you when you're feeling blue.
Thanks, ladies! I know I should look at this whole hypothyroid situation as positive... at least I'm getting some answers, and at least there's a pill for it, right?? I think I'm just in the doldrums, especially because I've got 8 pregnant friends in my close circle right now. It's all a little overwhelming! And lonely.

I saw my GP today and my OB/Gyn. The OB gave me the stuff for DH to turn in a semen sample (it's finally his turn to get in on the action!! And not the GOOD kind of action!) and after that, we'll decide what to do next. She's referring me to an endocrinologist who specializes in reproduction, because neither she nor my GP could really answer my indepth questions about thyroids and medication. We're probably talking two or so months down the road though, because she wants me to have the results of DH's analysis first so the Endo can really focus on what might be going on with me. After that, I'll probably have that thing done where they spray the dye into your fallopian tubes. :wacko: And then Clomid or somesuch. HOPEFULLY THOUGH the synthroid I'm taking will have an affect and I'll be pregnant soon without all of this!

I DO have to say that I really appreciate that my doctor was willing to go over all of this and give me a timeframe for everything. I do SO MUCH better when I have a plan! Like, "ok. This is what we're doing, and there's not much more you can do so you can stop worrying"... you know??
I am 31 (almost 32) and DH is 34 (almost 35), and we are also TTC #1. I totally hear you, so glad we waited but at the same time, a bit nervous moreso not thinking of baby #1, but for subsequent babies, so hoping to conceive SOON! Like, this month! I'm in my TWW so....trying not to obsess and monitor every tiny potential 'symptom' is hard! Prayers and baby dust to all!
Argghhhh, wrote a huge reply that didn't post b/c I posted websites and I can't until I get to 10 posts so it deleted it all!! :(
Ok, cliff notes:
-In preparation, I've been taking prenatals and recently completed Whole30.I eat 90% Paleo (exceptions quinoa, ezekiel bread, lentils, etc).
-I went off BC in March, and gained 25 lbs!!! I have never fluctuated beyond 5, so that has been soooo frustrating. Didn't even drop a pound during Whole30!! Had tons of bloodwork done, only thing they found was Vit. D deficient which I'm taking supplements for. Just praying my hormones equalize as the weight isn't falling off even though I eat so clean and exercise regularly.
-If this isn't the month, I have been reading (which again I tried to include the links but can't) that eating pineapple CORE, taking Robitusson and Evening Primrose all help with CM, uterus preparation, etc. It sounds cray and I'm not usually into such 'methods' haha...but they have all actually proven to be legit during my extensive research. Oh! and PreSeeed.
-AF is due about 8/ I will probably wait to test til then (if i can!!) How about you?
I am now 5/6 dpo and when I wiped, there was super light pink!! Also tested CM to make sure (as it's been way more copious/creamy/lumpy than normal) and sure enough, PINK! Could this be IB?! My period is due in roughly a week. I NEVER ever spot outside AF....*hopeful!!*
Hi Ladies

Welcome newbies... Kat good luck for an October BFP...
Drojo and Iread--- hope you ladies get sticky BFPs soon

W8ting--It certainly could be IB. It happened to me... I started spotting on and off for almost an entire week with very light pink blood every couple of hours or so. The reason I knew something was different and it was not my normal mid cycle spotting or the normal spotting I would get before my period is that it would make my cycle a good 3-4 days shorter than any previous cycle I had ever experienced. So when I went a day or two without spotting and my period had not started, I took a test (or ten) and got a BFP on each one.....

Now... I am 22 weeks pregnant with a little girl and she will certainly be a handful if her constant stream of activity is any indication....

Good luck to each of you and please feel free to ask questions if you have them.. I still browse on occasion....
FXed W8ting:flower:

AFM nothing much. Getting increased CM so thinking O must be happening in the next couple of days. We BDed yesterday morning so we'll see, don't know if we'll get anymore BDing in there since we're only doing it when we're in the mood.

On the family front I suddenly heard from my possibly narcissistic sister that is apparently at some amusement park with my narcissistic brother and wrote this to me over FB:

Hi! Just checking in... How are you and (my DH's name) doing? I'm with (Golden child narcissist brother), (his enabler wife) and (their daughter). We're doing the amusement park thing.... How's Mom?

Ugghh like she even cares:dohh: Don't want to discuss my journey with her as she's constantly made it about her and what her journey to baby #2 was like (after 2 years trying she got her BFP at age 42 on one of her first rounds of Clomid) or agreeing with my narcissistic brother about everything and that I just need to relax and go on a vacation:growlmad: She's not even in contact with our narcissistic mother (whom I'm also trying to avoid as much as possible because she's so toxic) so don't want to know why she's asking about her:nope: Wish I could ask my former therapist what to tell her (she did advise me though to avoid my siblings as much as possible while I'm trying to get pregnant, especially now that I'll be going through IVF), I just don't want to deal with my narcissistic siblings the rest of this year, maybe even longer if I get my BFP in October/November :nope:
Hi Ladies
Drojo and Iread--- hope you ladies get sticky BFPs soon

Thanks! Soon as AF shows up this month, DH and I can start TTC again. She's due any day now, and since we were preventing this month I haven't bothered keeping track of symptoms this 2WW or anything.

I'm just hoping that this coming cycle goes back to my 'normal' 35 days, instead of these outrageous 50+ day cycles (that my OB/GYN seems to think I'm lying about, or something...!), because having to wait almost two months for ONE cycle drives me batty.
I hope everyone is doing well! I've caught up on what I missed over the weekend.

I'm still in the TWW, earliest I could test would be Friday, so I'm holding out!
My husband and I are both 31 (he in a few days, me in a month), and we have just started ttc out first. I am a little worried reading this forum that we will find it hard, seems everyone finds it hard to conceive and it seems to take so long! 😣
Hi everyone!

Well, my period of last week turned out to NOT be a period! And hypothyroid and all, I got my BFP on Sunday morning, on cycle #9. I had my first infertility appointment on Friday, so I can still hardly believe it.

I am CHEERING EVERYONE ON HERE!! It was a hard road, and my fingers are crossed that this little bean sticks!
Katie YAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! Congrats!!! So dang exciting.
Thanks for all of the finger crossing and well wishes and prayers everyone on my possible IB! It has NOT returned, which I've heard can be a good sign it really was IB but I also know everyone's BFP journey is very different. Since then, I have had a really dull ache in my lower abdomen. Not sharp or painful, just low, dull achiness. Any other BFP's have this??? Broke down and took a test this morning (Generic military brand, not a lot of choices here in Turkey!) and BFN but I KNOW it was still too early. I am going to hold out to test again til Friday like RexMom!
Congrats Katie, healthy and happy 9 months to you:flower:

FXed W8ting! Have never actually had a BFP (although I'm 98% sure I experienced a chemical in April 2014) so can't help you with the IB thing since any bleeding I've ever had has been a precursor to or is AF:nope:
Congrats Katie, healthy and happy 9 months to you:flower:

FXed W8ting! Have never actually had a BFP (although I'm 98% sure I experienced a chemical in April 2014) so can't help you with the IB thing since any bleeding I've ever had has been a precursor to or is AF:nope:

No! Just got off BC in March after 14 years, was gone for 2 months (trip to the USA w/out hubby), this month was our first 'real' try TTC, BD every day for 3 days leading up to O day. Never any bleeding outside of AF ever before. But, like I said was on BC forever, so also getting used to what O feels like since I didn't for 14 years! Thankfully I know I have been O'ing due to symptoms and last month OPK confirmed I O on day 14. I am also a religious CM checker and this month on day 14, EW :)

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