Speak for yourself, psycho... I've been trying for years and still haven't had any luck. Then again we have a male infertility issue that is preventing any pregnancy from ever happening so I've been "out" before we even bothered to start trying anyways.
I don't think people get pregnant easily in their 30s just because they can. I don't mean to bring the balloons down and be a party pooper but I'm just trying to be realistic.
awn- my piece of advice, if after 6 months of seriously trying (with use of opk and everything) nothing happens, get to a dr to be checked out (both of you). I know when people are over the age of 30, the drs will take a look after 6 months if nothing happens.
Totally agree with deafgal

I started trying at age almost 34½ and here I am 2 years and 6 failed IUIs later going to soon start IVF (hopefully October, otherwise November). My hormones and tubes are fine, my DHs SA showed normal although on the low end of normal. It's a myth that you will first have issues when you're close to 40. I've seen people here that had problems in their early/mid-20s and some at age mid-30s that conceive after 2-3 months. Infertility can hit at any age! Although chances for conceiving do decrease in your 30s and once you're about 35, your fertility has halved!
Another thing psychochick, REs can't
always determine the reason for infertility. My DH and I are considered "unexplained infertility" because they can't find the exact reason, partially because you can't test the woman for every reason and they don't know
everything about the process (the fertilized egg implanting or not). If you have at least one tube open, they'll often try IUI (unless you have a severe male infertility issue) but if IUIs don't work then they move you on to IVF/ICSI.
AFM I'm pretty sure I Oed really late Monday or very early Tuesday so it's a waiting game again

Although we last BDed late Saturday night so not too hopeful but the again, I never am

Otherwise looking forward to that IVF start meeting and only about 1½ weeks to go

Still trying to come up with more questions and otherwise prodding DH to read about IVF so he can see if he has any questions for the RE

Worst case I'll take some paper and pens with me so he can write down any questions while hearing about IVF from whoever is going to be holding the presentation before the individual meeting with the RE.