Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi ladies - I'm new to this post and relatively new to the site. I'm 32 TTC#1, been married just over a year and debated after last Christmas whether we should wait for me to go of bcps or just take the plunge...glad we did since no luck conceiving. After friends started trying, I realized just how HARD it can be for many to get pregnant...and many of us spend so much time preventing it, only to find it may not happen in the blink of an eye. Other woman in my family (mom and sister) got pregnant at the snap of a finger, though in their 20s. Looking at the overall family history though, my grandmothers on both sides and great grandmothers on both sides conceived late into their 30s, so feeling hopeful!

Thankfully I have regular cycles, and OPKs and temping have been indicating O'ing so, guess we just wait for the right time.

Glad that there are these forums so we can find support with ladies in a similar situation.

Welcome, welcome!

After starting TTC I became a little resentful of the way people always used pregnancy scare tactics on young women to force them into using birth control. They always made it sound like we would all instantly get pregnant on the first time, and then every time thereafter... lol.

If I had known it'd take this long, I'd have stopped my BC earlier!

Good luck and baby dust to you. :)

So got back from the meeting and there's bad news: we can't start until the individual phone call from the RE and they'll first call somewhere between 2-3 weeks:cry: AF starts tomorrow since I'm spotting today:dohh:

The meeting was semi-pointless. They used the full 1½ hours to talk about IVF, ICSI and a bunch of other stuff that I already mostly knew about.

I'll be CD1 tomorrow so will be going through 1 more pointless natural cycle:cry: The only silver linning is some of those other couples may be delayed even more if they have had AF fairly recently and reach to have CD1 before they get that phone call:dohh:

How I'm going to get through 1 more natural cycle, I just don't know:nope:
:hugs: KatO. I know, sometimes it feels like to medical professional, a couple of weeks is nothing. But to people in need of those services, a couple of weeks is an eternity! Esp in the TTC world, a couple of weeks is nerve wracking. I guess you can use this forum to help you pass the time waiting :)
:hugs: KatO. I know, sometimes it feels like to medical professional, a couple of weeks is nothing. But to people in need of those services, a couple of weeks is an eternity! Esp in the TTC world, a couple of weeks is nerve wracking. I guess you can use this forum to help you pass the time waiting :)

Yeah, she said we'd all be started within 1-2 months, like it was nothing those 1-2 months waiting time, on top of the 3-4 months we've all been waiting, at least (those that couldn't do IUI had a 6-7 month wait):wacko: You'd think she'd be slightly more sensitive about it but nope:nope: She must've had an easy time having kids or something, i don't know:shrug: Here's hoping she's at least really good so I get my BFP on the first round of IVF. It sounds like they have really good results with IVF/ICSI.

Thanks psychochick:hugs: I'll be doing that :) So great to come here and find support and understanding. I'm sure most people would think me nuts/spoiled for thinking 1 more cycle waiting sucks this much, but not here :)
Ok I'm officially doing cartwheels and a happy dance over here:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::headspin::headspin:

The hospital just called me and told me they think my journal looks fine, they're not missing anything and would recommend starting with the long protocol so I'd need to go in for a scan between CD19 and 20 (they know my cycles are mostly 26-27 days) and start downregulation. She then asked when I was expecting AF and I told her I was spotting yesterday so should come today or at the very latest tomorrow. She told me to call the secretary when AF shows up for sure (within 2-3 days of it starting) to schedule my scan.

So excited:happydance: Was hoping to start with the short protocol but at least something will be happening this cycle!
Ooo that's great!!! :happydance: Here's to a month of progress :dance:

AFM I think all signs are pointing to AF so I'm also starting to look for the next month.
Ooo that's great!!! :happydance: Here's to a month of progress :dance:

AFM I think all signs are pointing to AF so I'm also starting to look for the next month.

Awww sorry it's AF psychochick, here's hoping next cycle :dust:

UPDATE: Going in for my scan and starting downregulation on October 17th :happydance:
Wow this thread has really gone silent:wacko:

Hope everyone is doing well.

AFM I'm very much looking forward to my appointment and starting downregulation on Saturday:happydance: So thrilled to be doing something proactive although I would've preferred doing the short protocol:winkwink:
I'm just waiting for AF, she's due any day now for me. I'm hoping to start the insemination process next cycle perhaps. Depends on a lot of stuff really. Least I have my opk ready and it looks like my cycle's not changed at all - I tend to ovulate late (around 16 cd) with my cycles being about 30 cd.

Good luck to you Kat.

Psycho - that's frustrating... Sorry you feel like AF is on her way in.
It did get really quiet in this thread.

I'm just waiting to O. The unfortunate thing is that even though I had some fertile signs immediately after a +OPK, they're already disappearing and I still haven't gotten my temp spike. I feel like I did not successfully ovulate this cycle. Hopefully I'm wrong about that though!
Hi guys :wave: Hopefully the quietness means that people have gotten their BFPs and are moving onto the pregnancy forums :)

ireadyermind: I think you may be O'ing today. I also usually O the day after +opk but you never know, the official window is 24-72hrs.

KatyO: :happydance: woohoo! It always feels good to be doing something rather than just waiting around. That's why I enjoy before-O weeks and loathe TWW :P Good luck on the downregulation.

AFM pretty sure today is 1DPO! Got temp spike right on time with the +opk 2 days ago. It is a day later this cycle than previous cycles though, which is probably not a bad thing. I did have ovulation spotting this time around, which I know is normal, but rarely happens to me. It happened maybe once or twice many years ago. So something was different this cycle, hopefully it was good different, not bad different.

Also I started taking royal jelly, in actual liquid form. I take a teaspoon with hot water every morning, it's supposed to help with a variety of things including fertility and it tastes pretty yummy. So I am happy with it so far.

Hoping to keep myself distracted during this TWW, it's out of my hands anyways!
Hi guys :wave: Hopefully the quietness means that people have gotten their BFPs and are moving onto the pregnancy forums :)

ireadyermind: I think you may be O'ing today. I also usually O the day after +opk but you never know, the official window is 24-72hrs.

Hmmm. You think so? I hope you're right! This cycle's been different for me in a few ways, so I'm hoping the same thing you are: good-different, not bad-different. lol One thing I noticed was that I usually get 2 days of +OPKs, and instead I only got 1 this time around. I'm thinking it was a really quick surge. I bet if I wasn't testing 2x a day, I'd have missed it!

There have been two or three cycles where I O'd as late as a week after a +OPK, like my body just couldn't make it happen the first time and had to try again.

Then there are a few where my chart seems to indicate ovulation BEFORE the +OPK... Ugh. I wish my body would make up its mind how it's going to do things, and stick to it! lol
psychochick: Wow you can get royal jelly in liquid? I'm taking capsules, have been for 3-4 months I think. I think it takes up to 3-4 months before you get the full affect so don't give up too quickly with taking it.

I'm just waiting for AF, she's due any day now for me. I'm hoping to start the insemination process next cycle perhaps. Depends on a lot of stuff really. Least I have my opk ready and it looks like my cycle's not changed at all - I tend to ovulate late (around 16 cd) with my cycles being about 30 cd.

Good luck to you Kat.

Here's hoping you get to do an insemination next cycle, FXed:thumbup:

Thanks:flower: Feeling both nervous and excited:happydance:

It did get really quiet in this thread.

I'm just waiting to O. The unfortunate thing is that even though I had some fertile signs immediately after a +OPK, they're already disappearing and I still haven't gotten my temp spike. I feel like I did not successfully ovulate this cycle. Hopefully I'm wrong about that though!

Sorry that you may not O this cycle, I hope it's just a little late or you did and just haven't had the clear temp shift yet:flower:

BTW everyone I was planning on updating about my appointment tomorrow afteroon when I got home but it turns out we'll be going to visit my narcissistic mother afterwards for a quick coffee and cake and will have to rush home after that, get some dinner and go out to a concert:wacko: So I might first update sometime on Sunday.
So forgot to mention that the hospital called yesterday and moved our appointment from 12:00 to 2:15 so first have gotten home now.

We arrived a bit earlier and hadn't been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 minutes before being called in. Apparently they were ahead of schedule. So they scanned me and found an approx. 30 mm cyst in my left ovary:wacko: But apparently she wasn't worried because she was sure that the downregulation would get rid of it. She checked my lining and said I'd definitely Oed some days ago (which I knew). She asked if I would prefer taking the Synarela nasal spray 3 times a day or injecting 0.5 ml Suprefact once a day. I was nuts and asked for the injections :haha: She then sent us on to another nurse that instructed me on how to get the medicine out of the vial and inject (since there is no pen) and gave me needles for it. We got prescriptions for everything and had to find a phramacy with the Suprefact in store. Went to the closest but they didn't have anymore and she called another, larger one to see if they had any which they did so drove there and got it. I asked about the hormones I'll be taking when stimming and he said they had a number of them but to call maybe 2-3 days before I'm planning on picking them up to be sure so they can order it if need be.

For stimming I'll be on 225 IU of Bemfola. Never heard of it but it will require me to buy a new pen:wacko::dohh:
ireadyermind: looks like FF found your ovulation :) Weird that it seemed to take a while before putting in the crosshairs

KatO: sounds like you are on your way :) What's the next step in the protocol? You know I think I would opt for injections rather than nasal spray as well. Once a day probably beats 3 times a day. Tracking something once a day is much easier than 3 times imo. I guess we're both nuts :)

deafgal did AF arrive for you?

I'm 7DPO, only interesting thing to report is vivid dreams last night, where I was diagnosed with terminal cancer with months to live. In my dreams my DH was super calm and took me onto trips, then when we got back I saw my parents who looked calm too. Then I asked my mom if she was scared about me passing and she started breaking down and I woke up crying. I actually cried again telling DH about the dream in the morning. So uh yeah vivid dreams + crying, guess the hormones are starting to act up. Also funny, I told a friend about this dream, and his first reaction is "hm I wonder what this means. OMG maybe you're pregnant and so your brain thinks you only have 9 months to 'live'!!" He's the father of 3 kids so that's probably how he made the leap LOL. I thought that was funny and a little sad.

Also yesterday my best friend who just turned 30 told me she's planning on freezing some eggs. She's buying a house with her fiance but I don't think they're agreed about children. He has said he doesn't want any and she's said she's unsure but wants to keep the option open. I told her if she was willing to go as far as freezing her eggs, she should probably talk to her fiance about it being an option in the future, given his stance. Sigh I dunno what's going on with those two. Her fiance didn't want a house either but he's going along with it because she really wants it. Their relationship is just full of obvious problems but somehow they seem happy for now. But I guess given the situation, her freezing eggs is actually a good idea.
AF did finally show yesterday... After I had completed the stupid video blog assignment for a class the prior day (It was due Sunday but I waited til Monday to do it and submit it).
Hi! I'm TTC#1, and I am 30, DH is 31. I've been off bc and trying for 8 months, although I've only been seriously trying (checking CM and using OPKs and making sure to DTD during fertile window etc) for the last 3-4 months.

I usually hang out in the general ttc forums but was browsing today and saw this thread and thought I'd stop in.

Mind if I join?

I'm a teacher, high school math. Was going to do NTNP this cycle and the next couple because getting pregnant right now would make me end up with a due that has me missing the first month of school but decided I like to POAS too much to stop trying :haha: So I'm just going to do what I have been doing and we will see what happens. I can't keep trying to plan a baby around my career. :)
Welcome Angel. I hear ya on the school schedule. I go back to school before August rolls around so it's not quite an ideal time to have a baby but I'll take what life throws at me if I ever get there.
ireadyermind: looks like FF found your ovulation :) Weird that it seemed to take a while before putting in the crosshairs

KatO: sounds like you are on your way :) What's the next step in the protocol? You know I think I would opt for injections rather than nasal spray as well. Once a day probably beats 3 times a day. Tracking something once a day is much easier than 3 times imo. I guess we're both nuts :)

deafgal did AF arrive for you?

I'm 7DPO, only interesting thing to report is vivid dreams last night, where I was diagnosed with terminal cancer with months to live. In my dreams my DH was super calm and took me onto trips, then when we got back I saw my parents who looked calm too. Then I asked my mom if she was scared about me passing and she started breaking down and I woke up crying. I actually cried again telling DH about the dream in the morning. So uh yeah vivid dreams + crying, guess the hormones are starting to act up. Also funny, I told a friend about this dream, and his first reaction is "hm I wonder what this means. OMG maybe you're pregnant and so your brain thinks you only have 9 months to 'live'!!" He's the father of 3 kids so that's probably how he made the leap LOL. I thought that was funny and a little sad.

Also yesterday my best friend who just turned 30 told me she's planning on freezing some eggs. She's buying a house with her fiance but I don't think they're agreed about children. He has said he doesn't want any and she's said she's unsure but wants to keep the option open. I told her if she was willing to go as far as freezing her eggs, she should probably talk to her fiance about it being an option in the future, given his stance. Sigh I dunno what's going on with those two. Her fiance didn't want a house either but he's going along with it because she really wants it. Their relationship is just full of obvious problems but somehow they seem happy for now. But I guess given the situation, her freezing eggs is actually a good idea.

The next step is to start stimming (taking FSH to make eggies):happydance: The hospital says they always aim for 8-12 so here's hoping I'll be closer to 12:haha: I find out on the 2nd if I'm downregulated enough to start or if I need a few extra days. I'm of course hoping everything looks good and I can start stimming of course:winkwink:

Wow that's strange about your friend and her fiance. You'd think she'd discuss is more with him but maybe she feels that if she's unsure, she doesn't want to destroy the relationship if in a couple of years she decides she doesn't want kids anyway so why rock the boat:shrug: I would think though that he can't object to her freezing eggs. Maybe she feels that it's none of his business until she decides to have kids and when to start?

Hi! I'm TTC#1, and I am 30, DH is 31. I've been off bc and trying for 8 months, although I've only been seriously trying (checking CM and using OPKs and making sure to DTD during fertile window etc) for the last 3-4 months.

I usually hang out in the general ttc forums but was browsing today and saw this thread and thought I'd stop in.

Mind if I join?

I'm a teacher, high school math. Was going to do NTNP this cycle and the next couple because getting pregnant right now would make me end up with a due that has me missing the first month of school but decided I like to POAS too much to stop trying :haha: So I'm just going to do what I have been doing and we will see what happens. I can't keep trying to plan a baby around my career. :)

Welcome Angel:flower:

Totally feel you on not being able to wait. I fear DH and I may have waited too long while I was using years to get a job in this country (which never worked out as I lack connections). We should've just started 1-2 years after our wedding in 2009, regret that now but nothing to be done:shrug:

I hope you have an easy time conceiving :dust: If you still don't have a BFP after about 1 year, you may want to get you and your DH tested though. But I hope you won't need to :)
So today is CD15 and since starting vitex I have always O'd around CD15-17 but I have no signs of O yet. :( Last cycle it was late, but last cycle was the cycle after a chemical, so I expected a messed up cycle. This cycle I am weaning myself off vitex because I wanted to see if my body has started to regulate itself (15 years of bc = long abnormal cycles when I quit) and I'm not as worried about not conceiving for the next few months because of the school thing. I'm wondering if stopping the vitex is doing it. :/ Or stress..... I've been under some insane stress lately so that is actually a good possibility.

deafgal Are you a teacher or a student? I'm working on my MS in addition to the teaching bit, so it's doubly hard but if all goes well I'll be done in June, so any delivery after that would at least be after I finish my program!

kat Thanks for the welcome! :) Yeah, we got married in June 2014 and all my friends were able to get pregnant as soon as they came off bc so I didn't get off bc until Feb, thinking it would be easy. :/ I guess 15 years of bc screws with the system. I tried to get my dr to talk to me about my short LP but he brushed me aside and said it has nothing to do with conception and he won't even talk to me until I was trying for a year. So I got vitex and b6 and decided to fix it myself (it was 8 days, with vitex and b6 it went to 11 days so I'm happier). Then my dr retired a couple months ago. Blah. So if in Jan we are still not pregnant I'm going to try to get someone to start the testing process. I did, however, get a BFP in August but it ended up being a chemical. :cry: The benefit was at least I know we can get pregnant. :)

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