Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

So today is CD15 and since starting vitex I have always O'd around CD15-17 but I have no signs of O yet. :( Last cycle it was late, but last cycle was the cycle after a chemical, so I expected a messed up cycle. This cycle I am weaning myself off vitex because I wanted to see if my body has started to regulate itself (15 years of bc = long abnormal cycles when I quit) and I'm not as worried about not conceiving for the next few months because of the school thing. I'm wondering if stopping the vitex is doing it. :/ Or stress..... I've been under some insane stress lately so that is actually a good possibility.

deafgal Are you a teacher or a student? I'm working on my MS in addition to the teaching bit, so it's doubly hard but if all goes well I'll be done in June, so any delivery after that would at least be after I finish my program!

kat Thanks for the welcome! :) Yeah, we got married in June 2014 and all my friends were able to get pregnant as soon as they came off bc so I didn't get off bc until Feb, thinking it would be easy. :/ I guess 15 years of bc screws with the system. I tried to get my dr to talk to me about my short LP but he brushed me aside and said it has nothing to do with conception and he won't even talk to me until I was trying for a year. So I got vitex and b6 and decided to fix it myself (it was 8 days, with vitex and b6 it went to 11 days so I'm happier). Then my dr retired a couple months ago. Blah. So if in Jan we are still not pregnant I'm going to try to get someone to start the testing process. I did, however, get a BFP in August but it ended up being a chemical. :cry: The benefit was at least I know we can get pregnant. :)

Yeah guess I was lucky - when I stopped BCP in the end of September 2013, I went right to having regular cycles. Although I hear it can take up to 1 year for your body to get back to normal.

Yeah not everyone is so fertile as your friends:nope: I was so sure I'd be pregnant within the first 4-6 months and nope:nope: I did have a CP on my 7th cycle but absolutely nothing since:dohh: Not to scare you or anything but having a CP doesn't always mean you'll get pregnant quickly afterwards (I certainly didn't). I do think a short LP can make getting pregnant more difficult although (since it gives a fertlised egg a shorter time to implant). I don't remember what the lowest your LP can be without it affecting things - around 10-11 days I think but I'm not totally sure:wacko: Sounds like it's best your dr retired, hopefully you'll get someone more understanding this time that will take your concerns seriously. Sounds like hewas from an older generation and unfortunately many of them think all women can get pregnant and it's just a matter of time - I wish that were true!

Know all about annoying GPs though. My own GP was a bit of a jerk - first he said he could refer us after 9 months and when I asked him 1 month later if he would do it, he suddenly claimed he said no such thing (DH is a witness, he did say it!). Although he did refer me a couple of months later once we'd been officially trying for 12 months. But he was a total jerk last time I saw him because I'd confronted him a bit on his lie. We'll be applying for a new GP soon. He's always such an arrogant jerk every time, he was also bad before.
deafgal Are you a teacher or a student? I'm working on my MS in addition to the teaching bit, so it's doubly hard but if all goes well I'll be done in June, so any delivery after that would at least be after I finish my program!

Oh, yes I'm a high school teacher too. I teach American Sign Language and I'm working on my masters too (graduate school program for teaching ASL) so that should be done December 2016 provided I pass all my classes between now and then. So at this time, if I do get knocked up, I'd have to deliver fall 2016. Maybe I'll get lucky and no pregnancy happens until spring/summer 2016, in which case I'll be delivering by winter 2016 (towards end of program).
Kat I really hate it when doctors are jerks! It's just WRONG! Ugh. I have an appointment with my new doctor next Friday to talk about some other stuff. It's not the doctor I wanted to see but the one I wanted is over booked and I needed o see someone soonish so I went with someone else in the clinic and once I'm established I can move around among doctors if I need to.

Oh, yes I'm a high school teacher too. I teach American Sign Language and I'm working on my masters too (graduate school program for teaching ASL) so that should be done December 2016 provided I pass all my classes between now and then. So at this time, if I do get knocked up, I'd have to deliver fall 2016. Maybe I'll get lucky and no pregnancy happens until spring/summer 2016, in which case I'll be delivering by winter 2016 (towards end of program).

So excited to find another HS teacher here!! I don't find very many in the TTC forums! I took ASL as my foreign language in HS, LOVED it and had considered pursuing it further but both the universities I attended did not offer it. :(

I keep thinking that the best option for me would be to get pregnant toward the end of the school year so that when I deliver it is spring, and I can take the last 3 months off of the year, and then have the summer, and not have to go back to work until the baby is much older. If it happens now I am worried about missing that first month, but as DH said, we're already 30 and this is our's time to stop worrying about how to fit a baby into my career and look at how to make my career fit my family :)
I am also a high school teacher (I teach science). I'm in Ontario.

I started out trying to time things, but after 3 years I said screw it. I did however do my ivf over the summer months so as to make it more convenient to get to appts, etc.
I am also a high school teacher (I teach science). I'm in Ontario.

I started out trying to time things, but after 3 years I said screw it. I did however do my ivf over the summer months so as to make it more convenient to get to appts, etc.

Hi! We could start practically start a teacher group. ;) I'm at the "screw it" stage too. :haha: right now I just want my baby. :kiss:
I know what you ladies mean! I planned it around that before but it never panned out to anything and I already have so many odds against me so I am at the point where I'm like screw it. Whatever life gives me I will take it like a champ!

Such a bummer ur college didn't offer anything in ASL!
Hi ladies, so you mind if I join in too? I'm 33 and hubby is 36, been married two and a half years and ttc since June.

Currently on cycle 5 but we've had one dodgy post iud removal cycle and last cycle hubby was ill so no bding. Literally throwing everything at conceiving this month - soft cups, conceive plus, more sex than ever before and I've also been having reflexology. Currently cd14 with o expected somewhere in next few days, its usually between 16 and 18 :thumbup:

We've decided that if no luck by new year we will have an initial fertility assessment just to see if any obvious issues, I'm having a pelvic scan tomorrow to check for fibroids too so will see what that shows.

At that age where waste seeing lots of announcements now and I particularly struggle with jealousy :blush:
Hi ladies, so you mind if I join in too? I'm 33 and hubby is 36, been married two and a half years and ttc since June.

Currently on cycle 5 but we've had one dodgy post iud removal cycle and last cycle hubby was ill so no bding. Literally throwing everything at conceiving this month - soft cups, conceive plus, more sex than ever before and I've also been having reflexology. Currently cd14 with o expected somewhere in next few days, its usually between 16 and 18 :thumbup:

We've decided that if no luck by new year we will have an initial fertility assessment just to see if any obvious issues, I'm having a pelvic scan tomorrow to check for fibroids too so will see what that shows.

At that age where waste seeing lots of announcements now and I particularly struggle with jealousy :blush:

Welcome jtr2803:flower:

Good luck this cycle :dust: I think that sounds like a good plan. Although I think the norm is if you're under 35 that it's first after a year they recommend you to seek help/testing. It can take up to 1 year to conceive and you have a 20% chance each month.

Yeah it's hard seeing others succeed more easily at conceiving:nope: Hopefully it'll happen soon for you though!

AFM AF is on her way. Been cramping and bleeding so we'll see if it's going to be my usual spotting before CD1 or what. It's coming a bit earlier than usual but the RE did say it could also come earlier and not later. My next appointment is November 2nd so eagerly looking forward to that:happydance:
Welcome jtr.

Might I suggest checking with your doctor. I thought it was 6 months for anyone over age of 30 but 35 seems late to start checking things out if Drs really follow that. I know for sure one year if the person is under 30 years old.
Thanks for the welcome, in the UK they generally say to try for a year under 35 but we won't get any fertility treatment help anyway so we will be funding it ourselves, hence or decision to start the testing earlier, hopefully we won't need it of course!

Good luck for your next appointment kat, that's not far away!
Interesting. I wonder if they changed that since I started my journey in TTC couple years ago. I recall it used to be a year for under 30 and 6 months for over 30 years old. :shrug: no biggie. Makes sense you'd want to start sooner to rule out stuff. It sucks to pay out of pocket but if you can afford it, there's no harm in that.
My temps look like they might finally be starting to drop! Hope that means O is coming!! This has been an odd cycle, my temps have been very high (for me) all cycle. I temped a little early today but only by 30 minutes so it shouldn't have made a big difference.

Made sure to BD yesterday because I started to get what looks like a mix of creamy and EW cm and I figured it means O might be coming soon. I ordered some preseed from Amazon (shoudl be here tomorrow), and hoping that will help. I have a trouble with being dry, even when I really want to do it, and that makes things difficult (both for the act of sex and probably for the spermys).

Has anyone used preseed before? any advice?

Welcome jtr! I completely understand the jealousy!! Every single time I see an announcement I find myself jealous and a little sick about it.

Interesting. I wonder if they changed that since I started my journey in TTC couple years ago. I recall it used to be a year for under 30 and 6 months for over 30 years old. :shrug: no biggie. Makes sense you'd want to start sooner to rule out stuff. It sucks to pay out of pocket but if you can afford it, there's no harm in that.

I think it varies country to country, and sometimes even doctor to doctor. When I started trying I was 29, but I was 30 when I went to see my doctor about other things (thyroid and vit D testing I wanted done) and he still told me I had to wait the full year. Maybe because I started at 29? When he retired, I was going to see a different OBGYN and when I did my initial conversation with them on the phone they sounded like they were going to be willing to do some initial tests (the basic ones, checking DH's sperm count, and looking at my hormones because my LP was only 8 days) but then we found out my new insurance wasn't going to cover them even though my current one did but I would be changing insurance companies about 2 weeks later due to a job change and they wouldn't start the process. Blah.
Whoa, so much happened. Welcome Angel and jtr. Angel I remember you from another thread. :flower: Glad to see you're doing well!

jtr I've also been TTC since June :) I actually do have two small fibroids but the doc said those types do not interfere with TTC, and Google seems to agree with her. I got a scan for different reasons though so we didn't evaluate for anything else pertaining to TTC. So you know, don't panic if scan does show fibroids.
Has anyone used preseed before? any advice?

I have but it didn't help DH and I at all so maybe I'm not the best to advise:nope: I used it as instructed and it worked in the sense it gave me more CM but I never got a BFP with it. I've also tried that Conceive Plus stuff and it didn't help either although I slightly preferred it. But I'm thinking it's because there are the unknown issues with me that is the problem. But I've heard it does work for some. Just don't expect it to be the miracle product people are making it out to be. I'd think it'd only be helpful if one of your biggest issues is your CM and you have nothing else going on with you fertility wise.

Be careful with dosage. I remember using a tad too much at first and DH told me to use a bit less next time because I was a bit too slippery:haha: I also read somewhere about a couple where the woman used way too much and her DH had an accident and injured his babymaker so they couldn't BD any more that cycle:wacko:

AFM still spotting so guess tomorrow will be CD1:shrug:
Just to confuse matters even more I think it varies between ccgs in the UK too! We are fortunate that it won't be easy, but with planning we can afford to go private.

Thanks for the reassurance on fibroids psycho chick, I had pelvic inflammatory disease about ten years ago too which can result in scarring so worth getting checked.

We just started with conceive plus angel, you definitely don't need much! I'm not sure we will use it all the time but I got it for the times where we are in a rush :haha:
:wave: Hi Psychochick!! Good to see you! :)

Kat Thanks for the advice. I am looking at using preseed because I don't produce a lot of lubrication naturally, even if I am excited and willing and want it I am usually on the dry side, which makes it hard for DH and I. I assume it probably doesn't help the sperm either. My ultimate goal is to have a lubricant that is sperm friendly, and will maybe help the little guys get up there. :) We are thinking about doing SMEP but I keep wondering what the point is of keeping with the every other day thing if I have creamy or non-fertile fluid because that would stop the sperm anyway, and some people recommended I try preseed during non-fertile time.

The dosage is exactly what I wanted to know though. I was unsure if a whole application was necessary.

jtr Thanks! I was wondering how much I would need! I don't want to use so much he's experiencing a slip-n-slide ride! :haha:
:wave: Hi Psychochick!! Good to see you! :)

Kat Thanks for the advice. I am looking at using preseed because I don't produce a lot of lubrication naturally, even if I am excited and willing and want it I am usually on the dry side, which makes it hard for DH and I. I assume it probably doesn't help the sperm either. My ultimate goal is to have a lubricant that is sperm friendly, and will maybe help the little guys get up there. :) We are thinking about doing SMEP but I keep wondering what the point is of keeping with the every other day thing if I have creamy or non-fertile fluid because that would stop the sperm anyway, and some people recommended I try preseed during non-fertile time.

The dosage is exactly what I wanted to know though. I was unsure if a whole application was necessary.

jtr Thanks! I was wondering how much I would need! I don't want to use so much he's experiencing a slip-n-slide ride! :haha:

I think I used around 1½ g but I think it's a bit trial and error since it varies how much each person needs. Maybe try 1-1½ g and see how it goes? Better to have a bit too little than too much. You wouldn't want DH to slip and hurt himself:winkwink: Maybe try experimenting the BD before your fertile time just to find out what you need? Remember to apply it about 15 minutes before BD so it works best (per the instructions).

AFM AF is here full force today:nope: Hoping she doesn't come next cycle since it'll be after our IVF transfer:winkwink: Still 1 week to go before we hopefully start stimming:happydance:

Oh forgot to mention. I very recently entered a competition on the Danish OPI Facebook page to win a shopping spree that I'm planning on sharing with my MIL (since my childish friend doesn't wear nail polish plus has been selfish, especially these past few months). Anyway I got annoyed because this one woman and her friend said they needed to be pampered with new nail polish because they're due dates are soon here :wacko: I so wanted to write to them and tell them how super lucky they are since they're pregnant and I've been battling infertility for 2 years. Since so many were playing cards like that I mentioned I was going through infertility with baby #1 and have started IVF after 6 failed IUIs. But wow, they need pampering because they're about to have their babies? What's up with that :growlmad:
KatO: :hugs: Heh I'm guessing they mean that after babies they won't have the opportunity to get their nails done anymore? I get that though, it's like 0th world problems. At the same time, who knows maybe they didn't have a super easy time of it either and pregnancy itself for some can be rather hard as well. I think we all deserve pampering and no one deserves it anymore than anyone else; everyone's struggles are different and no one can say what is worse or better.

It reminds me of this weekend my hairdresser was talking about her 7 mo. old daughter and how much work it is and I was thinking well at least you have a daughter. But then I realized that a lot of things can happen to kids and it will be a new kind of struggle by then.

I trust it'll happen for you KatO, and it will be so worth it when it does. Good luck for the stimming this cycle :thumbup:

Angel: I just saw your question about preseed. We use it and really like it! Haven't gotten a BFP yet but it's a great lubricant. I also agree that you don't need that much otherwise it gets slippery real fast. I use probably 1g at the most. I also don't often use the applicator. Sometimes I put them on DH directly. I also don't use it if I'm already well lubricated.
Angel - I've used Preseed too. I like it, but I'd agree start small and add if you need to. I used 2g the first time and it was definitely too much for me. Typically I don't use anything and produce enough on my own, but with the week of O sometimes we squeeze in some time before work and don't have time to really enjoy it, so it helps. Can't say that it has helped us catch the egg, but time will tell!
I've used Preseed also. It's not a product that guarantees you'll get pregnant, it's just less likely to kill sperm in comparison to other lubes that aren't designed for folks who are TTC.

It's just for when you need to BD but can't build up enough 'wet' for things to run smoothly and need a little help.

DH and I use it from time to time, but not EVERY time.

Some news for me: Saw my GYN today and she said that now that DH and I are TTC for a year+, she's referring us to a specialist. I'm half excited, half sad about that.

Excited because I hear good things about metformin, clomid, etc. -- in fact, my SIL got pregnant with triplets after seeing a specialist (yikes!) -- but sad because it means it could be years and years more before DH and I get our sticky BFP. :(

I suppose we'll see how things pan out.

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